... yield for the photocatalytic conversion of 3 to 4................................ 63. Absorption spectra of Ni(Mabiq)OTf (1) in the presence of Et3N (6a) or Cy2NCH2Mes (6f) .
This information is used to provide additional information about the ... Fig. S12. Absorbance spectra of nitrite Griess reagent complex at different ... structure no.
technique (CP-QM/MM)[1, 2, 3] to obtain the finite temperature structures of stil- bazolium merocyanine (SM) in trichloromethane and water solutions.
k (1/sec). Temp. Ea/R. lnA. Ea (kJ/mol). Predicted half-life at. 25oC (days). 1. 7.4
.... Supplementary Material (ESI) for Medicinal Chemistry Communications.
Seth A. Sharber,a Kuo-Chih Shih,b Arielle Mann,a Fanny Frausto,a Terry E. Haas,a Mu-Ping ... High Resolution Mass Spectrometry . .... molecular ion.
Table SI.1(a). The correspondence between the elastic constant computed using the monoclinic unit cell orientation in Quantum ESPRESSO and the elastic constants associated with the ‘standard’ monoclinic unit cell orientation
Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) crystallographic convention
Standard crystallographic (SC) convention (Cambridge Crystallographic Database)
Special axis: c
Special axis: b
Axis vectors for the monoclinic lattice: a 0 0 R QE bx b y 0 0 0 c
Axis vectors for the monoclinic lattice: ax 0 az R SC 0 b 0 0 0 c
Transformation from the crystallographic convention used in Quantum ESPRESSO for monoclinic lattices to the standard crystallographic convention: a → c´ (x → z´) b → a´ (y → x´) c → b´ (z → x´) Correspondence between the elastic constant computed using the monoclinic unit cell orientation used in Quantum ESPRESSO with the elastic constants associated with the standard monoclinic unit cell orientation. SC C33 C11QE QE C 22 QE C33
Table SI.1(b). The calculated single crystal elastic constants (in GPa) of COA and COM computed using the monoclinic unit cell orientation in Quantum ESPRESSO. For DFT-D calculations, the term ‘unrelaxed’ refers to single point calculations of the deformed unit cell where the atomic coordinates followed linearly the linear elastic deformation imposed.
Table SI.2. The value of CijQE as a function of Np, the number of energy points and P, the order of the polynomial fit (μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation).