Johannes Hirche, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Chapter 13 ... Deborah C. Beidel, University of Central Florida, USA. Clint A. Bowers, University of ...
Table of Contents
Foreword............................................................................................................................................xxiii Preface................................................................................................................................................. xxv Acknowledgment............................................................................................................................... xxix Section 1 Patient Adherence: Theoretical and Practical Aspects Chapter 1 Ethical Challenges in Online Health Games............................................................................................ 1 Matthieu J. Guitton, Laval University, Canada Chapter 2 Change through Experience: How Experiential Play and Emotional Engagement Drive Health Game Success........................................................................................................................................ 10 Georges Elias Khalil, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, USA & The University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA Chapter 3 Gamification and Health Literacy.......................................................................................................... 35 Badia Faddoul, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA Chapter 4 Gamification to Improve Adherence to Clinical Treatment Advice: Improving Adherence to Clinical Treatment................................................................................................................................. 47 Deborah Richards, Macquarie University, Australia Patrina H.Y. Caldwell, University of Sydney, Australia Chapter 5 Gamification: Applications for Health Promotion and Health Information Technology Engagement.. 78 Hannah R Marston, German Sport University, Germany Amanda K Hall, University of Washington, USA
Chapter 6 Guidelines for Designing Effective Games as Clinical Interventions: Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics, and Outcomes (MDAO) Framework................................................................................. 105 Heather Browning, Agnitus, USA Section 2 Gamification in Rehabilitation Healthcare Chapter 7 Gamification in Rehabilitation: Finding the “Just-Right-Challenge”.................................................. 132 Rachel Proffitt, University of Southern California, USA Chapter 8 The Role of Gamification and Evolutionary Computation in the Provision of Self-Guided Speech Therapy................................................................................................................................................ 158 Conor Higgins, University of Limerick, Ireland Áine Kearns, University of Limerick, Ireland Conor Ryan, University of Limerick, Ireland Mikael Fernstrom, University of Limerick, Ireland Chapter 9 Using Leap Motion and Gamification to Facilitate and Encourage Rehabilitation for Hand Injuries: Leap Motion for Rehabilitation............................................................................................. 183 Jamie Taylor, University of Kent, UK Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, UK Chapter 10 Gamified Cognitive Training to Prevent Cognitive Decline................................................................ 193 Musian Daniele, SI4Life, Italy Antonio Ascolese, imaginary srl, Italy Section 3 Application of Exergames Chapter 11 Buddy Up for Exergames: How Group Dynamics Principles Can Be Applied to Active Health Games.................................................................................................................................................. 222 Alison Ede, Michigan State University, USA Samuel Thomas Forlenza, Shippensburg University, USA Deborah L. Feltz, Michigan State University, USA
Chapter 12 Online Social Exergames for Seniors: A Pillar of Gamification for Clinical Practice......................... 245 Stathis Th. Konstantinidis, NORUT, Norway Ellen Brox, NORUT, Norway Per Egil Kummervold, NORUT, Norway Josef Hallberg, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Gunn Evertsen, NORUT, Norway Johannes Hirche, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Chapter 13 The Effects of Active Videogames on BMI among Young People: A Meta-Analysis........................ 277 Jonathan van ‘t Riet, Radboud University, The Netherlands Eva Alblas, Radboud University, The Netherlands Rik Crutzen, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Amy Shirong Lu, Northeastern University, USA Chapter 14 Making Exergames Appealing: An Assessment of Commercial Exergames...................................... 293 Emmanuel Agu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Bengisu Tulu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Amorn Chokchaisiripakdee, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Nuttaworn Sujumnong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Latthapol Khachonkitkosol, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Chapter 15 Muscle Activation during Exergame Playing...................................................................................... 312 Pooya Soltani, University of Porto, Portugal João Paulo Vilas-Boas, University of Porto, Portugal Section 4 Serious Games in Psychiatry Chapter 16 Choices in Gamification of Therapy for PTSD.................................................................................... 343 Dan Thomsen, SIFT, LLC, USA Jeffrey M. Rye, SIFT, LLC, USA Tammy Ott, SIFT, LLC, USA Chapter 17 Online Prevention and Early Intervention in the Field of Psychiatry Using Gamification in Internet Interventions: Practical Experience with a Program Targeting Eating Disorders in Czech Republic............................................................................................................................................... 358 Jana Hanusová, Charles University, Czech Republic Tereza Štěpánková, Charles University, Czech Republic Jana Tomanová, Charles University, Czech Republic Simona Dočkalová, Charles University, Czech Republic Hana Papežová, Charles University, Czech Republic
Chapter 18 Gamificiation of Therapy: Treating Selective Mutism........................................................................ 390 Brian E. Bunnell, University of Central Florida, USA Katelyn Procci, University of Central Florida, USA Deborah C. Beidel, University of Central Florida, USA Clint A. Bowers, University of Central Florida, USA Section 5 Promoting Healthy Dietary Habits Chapter 19 Review of Serious Games for People with Diabetes........................................................................... 412 Alexandra Makhlysheva, University Hospital of North Norway, Norway Eirik Årsand, University Hospital of North Norway, Norway Gunnar Hartvigsen, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway Chapter 20 Integration of Communication in a Game to Reflect and Discuss Dietary Habits among School Aged Children...................................................................................................................................... 448 Mikio Kamada, ACORDO Corporation, Japan Masaki Moriyama, Fukuoka University, Japan Chapter 21 Interactive Digital Mobile Gaming as a Strategic Tool in the Fight against Childhood Obesity........ 475 Carminda Goersch Lamboglia, Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil Lucas de Moura Carvalho, Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil Jose Eurico de Vasconcelos Filho, Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil Francisco Cristiano Lopes de Sousa, Universidade de Fortaleza Carlos Bruno Silva, Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil Section 6 Various Applications of Serious Games Chapter 22 Game Aspects in Collaborative Navigation of Blind Travelers........................................................... 497 Jan Balata, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Zdenek Mikovec, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Pavel Slavik, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Miroslav Macik, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Chapter 23 Design of a Multi-Modal Dexterity Training Interface for Medical and Biological Sciences............ 524 Shahram Payandeh, Simon Fraser University, Canada Compilation of References................................................................................................................ 552 About the Contributors..................................................................................................................... 622 Index.................................................................................................................................................... 633