Table of Contents - Market Leader Elementary 3rd Edition

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CONTENTS. Contents writing file page 126 activity file page 130 grammar reference page 145 audio scripts page 158. Glossary page 168 discussion texts.
Contents discussion

unit 1 introductions

Introduce yourself

page 6

unit 2 work and leisure

Discuss what people want from work

Talk about problems at work


Reading: From small town to global leader

a/an with jobs

Reading: Business diary: Eugene Kaspersky – Financial Times

Days, months, dates

Listening: An interview with a specialist in change leadership Reading: call-centre interviews

page 22

language work

Listening: An interview with a consultant

Listening: An interview with Ros Pomeroy

page 14

unit 3 problems



to be

skills Introducing yourself and others

Present simple

Talking about Hudson Design Inc.: work and leisure Resolve issues with unhappy staff Writing: e-mail

Adverbs and expressions of frequency

Adjectives too/enough Present simple: negatives and questions

A job fair in Singapore: Decide on the successful candidate for a job Writing: e-mail

wh- questions

Leisure activities

case study

Telephoning: solving problems

High-Style Business Rentals: Respond to negative customer feedback Writing: e-mail



unit 7 people

Talk about how you like to work

Listening: Interview with a management consultant

Describing people Past simple: negatives and questions

Do a companies quiz

Listening: An interview with an organisation development consultant

much / a lot, a little / a bit

Listening: An interview with a specialist in change leadership

Describing companies

Reading: New markets for Gamesa

page 82

skills Dealing with problems

Present continuous

case study Tell us about it: Give advice on problems at work Writing: reply to a problem message

Question forms

Do an advertising Reading: Volkswagen’s Advertising and markets quiz Black Beetle ad – Financial Comparatives and Times superlatives

page 74

unit 9 companies

language work

Reading: Women at the top: Andrea Jung – Financial Times

page 66

unit 8 advertising


Participating in discussions

Excelsior Chocolate Products: Devise an advertising campaign Writing: product launch plan

Starting a presentation

Present simple or present continuous

Presenting your company: Prepare a short presentation Writing: company profile

some and any

working across cultures: 1 eating out

page 30

revision unit A

page 32

working across cultures: 3 doing business internationally

page 90

revision unit c

page 92

discussion discussion

unit 4 travel

Talk about business travel

page 36

unit 5 food and entertaining page 44

unit 6 buying and selling page 52


language work

Listening: An interview with a business traveller

Travel details

Reading: Hilton Tokyo – hotel description

there is / there are


skills Making bookings and checking arrangements

case study The Gustav Conference Centre: Coordinate the needs of three different companies

unit 10 communication

Do a communications quiz

Writing: e-mail

Discuss food from different countries

Reading: India likes fast-food chains – Financial Times Listening: An interview with a specialist in change leadership

Talk about buying Reading: Uniqlo: a global different products success story Listening: An interview with a management consultant

Eating out some/any

Making decisions

Countable and uncountable nouns

Which restaurant? Choose the right place to eat for some important clients

page 104

Choosing a service Past simple

Describing a product

NP Innovations: Decide on a new product Writing: e-mail

Past time references

unit 12 jobs

Listening: An interview with a management consultant

Internal communication Talking about future plans

Look at some tips for doing business in another country

Listening: Three people talk about cultural mistakes

Discuss jobs

Listening: An interview with an organisation development consultant

Writing: e-mail

Choosing a product

language work

skills Making arrangements

page 112

Company cultures should/shouldn’t could/would

case study Blakelock Engineering: Decide who should leave a company Writing: e-mail

Reading: I’m a fan of will Facebook, but not of video calls – Financial Times

page 96

unit 11 cultures


Identifying problems and agreeing action

The wind of change: Assess ideas for changing a company culture Writing: action minutes

Reading: Lessons in cultural difference – Financial Times

Reading: profile on a professional networking site

Skills and abilities Present perfect Past simple and present perfect

Interview skills

Nelson & Harper Inc.: Interview candidates for a job Writing: letter

working across cultures: 2 communication styles

page 60

working across cultures: 4 team working

page 120

revision unit b

page 62

revision unit d

page 122

writing file page 126

activity file page 130

grammar reference page 145

audio scripts page 158

Glossary page 168