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Abdul Mahmoud, Pattabiraman. Sathyamoorthy, Jayashri. Mahalingam, Paranji R . Narayanan,. Vadakkuppattu D. Ramanathan,. Josephine H. Cox, Len Dally,.

February 2009

No. 2

VACCINE RESEARCH Concordant Proficiency in Measurement of T-Cell Immunity in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccine Clinical Trials by Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell and Enzyme-Linked Immunospot Assays in Laboratories from Three Continents

Mark J. Boaz, Peter Hayes, Tony Tarragona, Laura Seamons, Andrew Cooper, Josephine Birungi, Paul Kitandwe, Aloysius Semaganda, Pontiano Kaleebu, Gwynneth Stevens, Omu Anzala, Bashir Farah, Simon Ogola, Jackton Indangasi, Patrick Mhlanga, Melanie Van Eeden, Madhuri Thakar, Ashwini Pujari, Shadri Mishra, Nilu Goonetilleke, Stephen Moore, Abdul Mahmoud, Pattabiraman Sathyamoorthy, Jayashri Mahalingam, Paranji R. Narayanan, Vadakkuppattu D. Ramanathan, Josephine H. Cox, Len Dally, Dilbinder K. Gill, and Jill Gilmour


Meningococcal Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccines Derived from Mutant Strains Engineered To Express Factor H Binding Proteins from Antigenic Variant Groups 1 and 2

Oliver Koeberling, Serena Giuntini, Anja Seubert, and Dan M. Granoff


Generation of Immune Responses against Hepatitis C Virus by Dendritic Cells Containing NS5 Protein-Coated Microparticles

Stephan Gehring, Stephen H. Gregory, Philip Wintermeyer, Costica Aloman, and Jack R. Wands


Immunogenicity of a Reduced Schedule of Meningococcal Group C Conjugate Vaccine Given Concomitantly with the Prevenar and Pediacel Vaccines in Healthy Infants in the United Kingdom

Jo Southern, Ray Borrow, Nick Andrews, Rhonwen Morris, Pauline Waight, Michael Hudson, Paul Balmer, Helen Findlow, Jamie Findlow, and Elizabeth Miller


Streptococcus suis Bacterin and Subunit Vaccine Immunogenicities and Protective Efficacies against Serotypes 2 and 9

Christoph Georg Baums, Christoph Kock, Andreas Beineke, Katharina Bennecke, Ralph Goethe, Charlotte Schro ¨der, Karl-Heinz Waldmann, and Peter Valentin-Weigand


Age-Specific Cluster of Cases of Serotype 1 Streptococcus pneumoniae Carriage in Remote Indigenous Communities in Australia

H. Smith-Vaughan, R. Marsh, G. Mackenzie, J. Fisher, P. S. Morris, K. Hare, G. McCallum, M. Binks, D. Murphy, G. Lum, H. Cook, V. Krause, S. Jacups, and A. J. Leach


Protection against Asiatic Taenia solium Induced by a Recombinant 45W-4B Protein

Xuenong Luo, Yadong Zheng, Junling Hou, Shaohua Zhang, and Xuepeng Cai


Production of a Dendritic Cell-Based Vaccine Containing Inactivated Autologous Virus for Therapy of Patients with Chronic Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection

Theresa L. Whiteside, Paolo Piazza, Amanda Reiter, Joanna Stanson, Nancy C. Connolly, Charles R. Rinaldo, Jr., and Sharon A. Riddler


Anti-Polyribosylribitol Phosphate Antibody Concentrations and Avidities in Children since the Start of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Immunization of Infants in the United Kingdom

Dominic F. Kelly, E. Richard Moxon, Ly-Mee Yu, and Andrew J. Pollard


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W. W. I. S. Rodrigo, D. C. Alcena, Z. Kou, T. J. Kochel, K. R. Porter, G. Comach, R. C. Rose, X. Jin, and J. J. Schlesinger


Heightened Cytotoxic Responses and Impaired Biogenesis Contribute to Early Pathogenesis in the Oral Mucosa of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Rhesus Macaques

Michael D. George, David Verhoeven, Sumathi Sankaran, Tiffany Glavan, Elizabeth Reay, and Satya Dandekar


Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Method for Detection of Cytomegalovirus Strain-Specific Antibody Responses

Zdenek Novak, Shannon A. Ross, Raj Kumar Patro, Sunil Kumar Pati, Meera K. Reddy, Misty Purser, William J. Britt, and Suresh B. Boppana


Foal Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Become Activated upon Rhodococcus equi Infection

M. Julia B. F. Flaminio, Daryl V. Nydam, He´le`ne Marquis, Mary Beth Matychak, and Steeve Gigue`re


Revaccination with Marek’s Disease Vaccines Induces Productive Infection and Superior Immunity

Changxin Wu, Junji Gan, Qiao Jin, Chuangfu Chen, Ping Liang, Yantao Wu, Xuefen Liu, Li Ma, and Fred Davison


Association of Escherichia coli J5-Specific Serum Antibody Responses with Clinical Mastitis Outcome for J5 Vaccinate and Control Dairy Cattle

David J. Wilson, Bonnie A. Mallard, Jeanne L. Burton, Ynte H. Schukken, and Yrjo T. Grohn


Bacterin That Induces Anti-OspA and Anti-OspC Borreliacidal Antibodies Provides a High Level of Protection against Canine Lyme Disease

Rhonda L. LaFleur, Jennifer C. Dant, Terri L. Wasmoen, Steven M. Callister, Dean A. Jobe, Steven D. Lovrich, Thomas F. Warner, O. Abdelmagid, and Ronald F. Schell


Normal Ranges of Streptococcal Antibody Titers Are Similar Whether Streptococci Are Endemic to the Setting or Not

Andrew C. Steer, Suzanna Vidmar, Roselyn Ritika, Joseph Kado, Michael Batzloff, Adam W. J. Jenney, John B. Carlin, and Jonathan R. Carapetis


Competitive Inhibition Flow Analysis Assay for the NonCulture-Based Detection and Serotyping of Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharide

H. Findlow, G. Laher, P. Balmer, C. Broughton, E. D. Carrol, and R. Borrow


Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayBased Test with a Cocktail of Nucleocapsid and Spike Proteins for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus-Specific Antibody

Luis G. Gime´nez, Jose Rojas, Almudena Rojas, Joaquín Mendoza, and Ana G. Camacho


Performance of Purified Antigens for Serodiagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: a Meta-Analysis

Karen R. Steingart, Nandini Dendukuri, Megan Henry, Ian Schiller, Payam Nahid, Philip C. Hopewell, Andrew Ramsay, Madhukar Pai, and Suman Laal


Development of an Immunoglobulin M Capture-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Diagnosis of Acute Infections with Bartonella henselae

John G. Hoey, Fernando ValoisCruz, Hannah Goldenberg, Yekaterina Voskoboynik, Jenna Pfiffner, Richard C. Tilton, Eli Mordechai, and Martin E. Adelson


Difference between the Abilities of Human Fc␥ ReceptorExpressing CV-1 Cells To Neutralize American and Asian Genotypes of Dengue Virus 2




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AUTHORS’ CORRECTIONS Effect of Oral Administration of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens MDT-1 on Experimental Enterocolitis in Mice

Sou Ohkawara, Hideki Furuya, Kousuke Nagashima, Narito Asanuma, and Tsuneo Hino


Innate Immune Response to Anaplasma phagocytophilum Contributes to Hepatic Injury

Diana G. Scorpio, Friederike D. von Loewenich, Heike Go ¨bel, Christian Bogdan, and J. Stephen Dumler