Table S1. Quantification results of the samples tested

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Samples grave 2. mtGE 143bp/μl. Qty AluYb8 (pg/μl). 146.1 (bone). 9,707. 16. 147 (bone). 4,934 / 4,239. 37/ 29. Samples grave 1. 3.46 (bone). 60,291. 186.
Table S1. Quantification results of the samples tested at GMI. Samples grave 2 146.1 (bone) 147 (bone) Samples grave 1 3.46 (bone) 4a (tooth) 4.44 (bone) 4.51 (bone) 5.21 (bone) 6.14 (bone) 6.16 (bone) 7.4 (bone) 7.49 (bone)

mtGE 143bp/µl 9,707 4,934 / 4,239

Qty AluYb8 (pg/µl) 16 37/ 29

60,291 11,279