Table S6. Taxa, accession numbers and chromosome location ... - PLOS

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X. Yes. The first ENSEMBL identifiers match the N-terminal region of DIA1R and the second identifiers match the C- terminal region (both on X chromosome ...
Table S6. Taxa, accession numbers and chromosome location of partial DIA1R orthologues. Speciesa

METAZOA Chordata Vertebrata Cephalaspidomorphi Petromyzon marinus Chondrichthyes Leucoraja erinacea Squalus acanthias Actinopterygii Ictalurus punctatus Tetrapoda Aves Taeniopygia guttata

Amphibia Ambystoma tigrinum Mammalia Canis familiaris

Cavia porcellus Dasypus novemcinctus Echinops telfairi Erinaceus europaeus Felis catus Loxodonta africana Felis catus Microcebus murinus

Protein accession number or identifier

mRNA (or EST ) accession number or identifier

Genomic DNA accession number or identifier











EE990465 CX663166
















ENSEMBL identifiers First exon appears incorrect on current draft.






EST sequence

ENSCAFP00000031380 and ENSCAFP00000021608

ENSCAFT00000036049 and ENSCAFT00000023268

ENSCAFG00000023457 and ENSCAFG00000014656



ENSCPO00000008663 ENSDNOP00000013850 ENSETEP00000015464 ENSEEUP00000000288 ENSFCAP00000008763 ENSLAFP00000005064 ENSFCAP00000008763 ENSMICP00000013720

ENSCPOT00000009737 ENSDNOT00000017850 ENSETET00000019037 ENSEEUT00000000324 ENSFCAT00000009451 ENSLAFT00000006035 ENSFCAT00000009451 ENSMICT00000015048

ENSCPOG00000009650 ENSDNOG00000017852 ENSETEG00000019037 ENSEEUG00000000323 ENSFCAG00000009449 ENSLAFG00000006035 ENSFCAG00000009449 ENSMICG00000015058


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The first ENSEMBL identifiers match the N-terminal region of DIA1R and the second identifiers match the Cterminal region (both on X chromosome scaffold). Gaps in genomic sequence have led to gene modelling errors. ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers


Myotis lucifugus Ochotona princeps Oryctolagus cuniculus Otelemur garnettii Pan troglodytes

ENSMLUP00000001597 ENSOPRP00000008092 ENSOCUP00000012696 ENSOGAP00000001890 ENSPTRP00000055446

ENSMLUT00000001744 ENSOPRT00000008840 ENSOCUT00000014763 ENSOGAT00000002117 ENSPTRT00000063901

ENSMLUG00000001741 ENSOPRG00000008844 ENSOCUG00000014763 ENSOGAG00000002115 ENSPTRG00000034190


Yes Yes Yes Yes

Pongo pygmaeus Pteropus vampyrus Rattus norvegicus

ENSPPYP00000022690 ENSPVAP00000004149 XP_576913

ENSPPYT00000023651 ENSPVAT00000004383 XM_576913

ENSPPYG00000029273 ENSPVAG00000004383 NW_048034


Yes Yes Yes

Sorex araneus Spermophilus tridecemlineatus

ENSSARP00000004306 ENSSTOP00000002079

ENSSART00000004738 ENSSTOT00000002324

ENSSARG0000004729 ENSSTOG00000002326


Yes Yes

Tarsius syrichta Tupaia belangeri Tursiops truncatus

ENSTSYP00000012353 ENSTBEP00000005669 ENSTTRP00000006398

ENSTSYT00000013464 ENSTBET00000006583 ENSTTRT00000006766

ENSTSYG00000013470 ENSTBEG00000006593 ENSTTRG00000006768


Yes Yes Yes

Orthologues are only present in the phylum Metazoa. Chromosome location, if available. c Intron(s) disrupting coding sequence, if genomic sequence was available. b

ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers On the reference database the equivalent sequence is currently annotated as a pseudogene (Accession number XR_020904). ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers A large gap in the current genomic sequence, means the reference database sequence does not correspond to the expected full length protein/mRNA/gene sequence and is incorrect. ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers Current mRNA is predicted from 8 exons, rather than the expected 5 exons (as for most vertebrate DIA1R sequences). The most likely scenario is that there are several base mis-calls in the genomic sequence, which has led to prediction of 3 incorrect introns, which currently consist of 1, 2, or 2 bp only. This sequence has therefore not been used in our analyses. ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers ENSEMBL identifiers