Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero Brownfields 4th International Conference on Managing Urban Land In association with the Final Conference of the EU FP7 Project "HOMBRE" and in cooperation with the EU FP7 Projects "GLOCOM", “Greenland” and “TIMBRE” th
14 – 16 October 2014 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Call for papers The text of maximum one page, including figures and references, should explicitly state the objectives, new results and the conclusions or significance of the work. When submitting an abstract, please provide the following information:
Name and address (postal and e-mail) of corresponding author (not necessarily the presenting author) Title of your paper Abstract in electronic form (please use the template enclosed) Preferred type of presentation (oral or poster) Indicate which of the conference “key topics” your paper belongs to (please use the table enclosed)
Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for oral or poster presentation. Please send your abstract to Ms. Corinna Brückmann:
[email protected] Deadline for submission of your abstract is 4th April 2014. Full paper submission deadline to be included in the conference proceedings is 5th September 2014.
Key Dates: 4th April 2014 - Deadline for the submission of abstracts 13th May 2014 - Letter of acceptance to the presenters 17th June 2014 – 2nd Announcement (incl. programme) 5th September 2014 – Submission of full paper for conference proceedings 18th September 2014 – 3rd Announcement
Call for papers “CABERNET 2014: Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero Brownfields”
Re-use of land: possibilities, decision making and stakeholders Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology ltd, UK; Andy Cundy, University of Brighton, UK; Linda Maring, Deltares, The Netherlands; and Paul Nathanail, University of Nottingham, UK
[email protected]
The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe suggests that by 2050 there should be no net land take sealed by built development. This will only be possible with effective “recycling” of formerly used land for buildings and infrastructure (“hard development”) and unsealed uses (“soft development”). Of course across Europe a large amount of land recycling already takes place under the influence or normal market forces. However, in some cases the recycling of formerly used land is stalled for a variety of environmental, economic and/or social reasons, and these “Brownfield” sites are often in or near urban areas.
The dynamics of land use are cyclic, where site developments are planned, realised and then utilised and maintained until the site is decommissioned or simply abandoned, after which a new cycle for site re-development starts. The land use cycle basically consists of periods of beneficial use alternated by periods of transition. Brownfields reflect periods of stagnation and partial transition of land use, and typically require some form of intervention (usually public) to complete a process of transition. In practice the costs of transition for many Brownfield sites have remained a major barrier to action; and the robustness of transition achieved – in particular its longer term economic sustainability – have been insufficient to support durable reuse of some sites. HOMBRE’s hypothesis is that these barriers and failures result from an incomplete understanding of the range of potential services a site could provide, and hence a sub-optimal overall value for the completed regeneration.
Sustainability and wider stakeholder participation are seen as important tools in achieving more services and hence higher overall value in regeneration and hence more cost-effective and durable solutions. This presentation will describe ways to improve value propositions and broaden stakeholder engagement, based on work carried out by the HOMBRE and Greenland FP7 projects.
Call for papers “CABERNET 2014: Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero Brownfields”
Please indicate the conference “key topic” that your paper belongs to: A. Integrated urban land management and policies A.1 Solutions to bring state-of-the-art knowledge and information into application A.2 Development of decision support tools and their integration into existing systems A.3 International and European policies, programmes and regulation A.4 Research perspectives in Horizon 2020
B. Economic, social and environmental instruments for land use management B.1 Integrated planning and assessment of revitalization options for brownfields B.2 Prioritisation of action needs B.3 Early warning measurements B.4 Drivers for brownfield regeneration B.5 Stakeholder involvement B.6 Biomass production on marginal soils: carbon sequestration and energy yield B.7 Valorisation options for biomass produced on marginal or contaminated land C. Innovative technologies and management tools for land revitalization C.1 Decision support tools on technologies for land revitalization C.2 Emerging strategies and technologies for effective site characterisation and remediation C.3 Strategies for the environmentally friendly destruction of buildings and re-use of infrastructures and materials C.4 Strategies for the environmentally friendly management of industrial landscapes and buildings C.5 Gentle soil remediation using amendments, plants and microbes C.6 Service and sustainability based framework for restoration value assessment C.7 Technology trains to offer an enhanced benefit
D. Best practice and case studies D.1 Good cases and bad cases - learning from the past for the future D.2 Success factors and prioritisation - Identification of best potentials D.4 Long-term efficiency and risk management using gentle soil remediation options D.5 Interim land use cases D.6 Decision structures and local culture: administrative possibilities and site specific stakeholder engagement and empowerment D.7 Challenges of interdisciplinary research D.8 Awareness raising: Communication, training and dissemination in land use management
Call for papers “CABERNET 2014: Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero Brownfields”