find the career interviews of each employees, their follow-up, their strengths and weaknesses, their experiences, their
User Guide
Talent Management Module
© 2017 by BrioLab
User Guide - Talent Management Module
Table of contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 3 2 Landing page .............................................................................. 4 3 Talent Management ...................................................................... 6 3.1 Strengths and Weaknesses ..................................................... 7 3.1.1 Unit 1 - Summary ............................................................ 7 3.1.2 Unit 2 - Appraisal ........................................................... 10 3.1.3 Unit 3 - Strengths and Weaknesses .................................. 10 3.2 Career Development ............................................................. 12 3.2.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 12 3.2.2 Unit 2 - Career Development ........................................... 12 3.3 Replacement Management ..................................................... 16 3.3.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 16 3.3.2 Unit 2 - Replacement Management ................................... 16 3.4 Development Plan ................................................................ 20 3.4.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 20 3.4.2 Unit 2 - Personal Development Plan .................................. 20 3.4.3 Unit 3 - [Talent Team] Development Plan ........................... 23 3.5 Skills .................................................................................. 27 3.5.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 27 3.5.2 Unit 2 - Skills ................................................................ 27 3.6 Experiences ......................................................................... 34 3.6.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 34 3.6.2 Unit 2 - Experiences ....................................................... 34 3.7 Trainings ............................................................................. 38 3.7.1 Unit 1 - Summary ........................................................... 38 3.7.2 Unit 2 - Training Requests ............................................... 38 3.7.3 Unit 3 - Training Appraisals ............................................. 40 3.8 Profile ................................................................................ 41 4 Career Interview ........................................................................ 42 5 Print ........................................................................................ 43 5.1 Follow-up ............................................................................ 44 5.2 Profile ................................................................................ 46
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1 Introduction The Talent Management module in the core of the BrioLab'solution. In this feature, you can find all the information linked to talent management of the employees. This is where you will find the career interviews of each employees, their follow-up, their strengths and weaknesses, their experiences, their skills... The talent management module will help you to set up succession and development plans for the workers of the company. It is the best way to develop talents inside the organization and this user guide will allow you to discover all the functionalities of the feature.
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2 Landing page When you click on the module "Talent Management" you arrive on this page.
To access an employee's follow-ups, you can use the search box. You can enter the employee's name, the first letter(s) of his name or * to display all results.
When you click on the magnifying glass. All results which correspond to the search will display.
If you click on an employee's name, you will arrive on this page.
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On the left-side of the screen, you can find two menus.
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3 Talent Management If you click on the employee's name, you will arrive on the first menu "Talent Management".
The first menu, "Talent Management", presents all the information available in the program for the employee.
Now, we are going to discover all the tabs of Talent Management.
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3.1 Strengths and Weaknesses "Strengths and Weaknesses" clusters the information about the employee' strong and weak points. It is a clear summary of the employee's profile and the HR manager can use these information to set the employee's development plan.
You can find three different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other chapters of the menu "Talent Management" 2. The second one is the employee's appraisals. There you can access the different evaluations of the employee during the review period. 3. The third one concerns the employee' strengths and weaknesses. It is displayed as a summary of his strong and weak points, but also a comment from the HR manager.
3.1.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager...
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You can edit them if the option is available to you.
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The black fields are mandatory and the grey ones are optional. Do not forget to confirm your changes once they are done. You can also edit the review date by clicking on the button "Period".
A dialog box appears to allow you to change the begin review date. If you modify this date, it will make the follow-up move in the timeline.
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3.1.2 Unit 2 - Appraisal The second block of the chapter "Strengths and Weaknesses" is directly linked to the module "Performance Management". If you click on an appraisal on the list, you will access the employee's evaluation. These evaluation are completed in the module "Performance Management" and are available here when they are completed. You can read all the employee's appraisals for the review period.
3.1.3 Unit 3 - Strengths and Weaknesses The third block is the summary of the employee' strengths and weaknesses.
These information are usually completed by the HR manager. You can edit them if the button "Edit" is available.
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Do not forget to confirm the changes when they are done.
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3.2 Career Development Career development allows employees to list their aspirations for personal development inside the organization. So the HR managers would be able to plan a career development for the specific employee.
You can find two different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one is the list of the employee's aspirations in short, middle or long-term.
3.2.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.2.2 Unit 2 - Career Development In this part, you can find different information about the employee's evolution.
For each evolution, you can get some information on the screen like its potential, its timeframe, the function level and type, and its compatibility. These information will only be available if the feature "Job Management" is activated.
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You can add a new point by clicking on the "Add" button.
A dialog box appears to ask you to fill out the information about the new evolution you want to add. The black fields are mandatory and the grey ones are optional.
On the right-side of the screen, you can find different buttons. The first one indicates if there is a comment available or not.
The second button will allow you to launch the "Profile Matchup tool". This functionality is directly linked to the feature "Job Management" and will allow you to find the best candidate among your employees for a specific job. The Profile Matchup Tool is only available if the feature "Job Management" is activated.
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You can also edit the information by clicking on the button designed by a pen.
If you click on it, a dialog box appears and displays the information you can edit. As usual, only black fields are mandatory. The grey ones are optional.
Finally, you can delete the evolution by clicking on the cross on the right-side of the screen.
If you click on it, a dialog box will appear to ask you to confirm your choice.
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3.3 Replacement Management The replacement management allows you to identify and select the best candidate inside the company for the new vacancy following a departure scheduled or not.
You can find two different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one is the list of the employee(s) who can be successors of the current employee at this position.
3.3.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.3.2 Unit 2 - Replacement Management The second block concerns replacement management. You can find different information about the potential employee' successor like the timeframe, his name, the function and the compatibility between the successor and the job. These information are only available if the feature "Job Management" is activated.
You can add a new successor by clicking on the "Add" button.
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A dialog bow appears to ask you to fill out some information about the successor. Black fields are mandatory and grey fields are optional.
On the right-side of the screen, you can find different buttons. The first one indicates if there is a comment available or not.
The second button will allow you to launch the "Profile Matchup tool". This functionality is directly linked to the feature "Job Management" and will allow you to find the best candidate among your employees for a specific job. The Profile Matchup tool is only available if the feature "Job Management" is activated.
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You can also edit the information by clicking on the button designed by a pen.
If you click on it, a dialog box appears and displays the information you can edit. As usual, only black fields are mandatory. The grey ones are optional.
Finally, you can delete the succession by clicking on the cross on the right-side of the screen.
If you click on it, a dialog box will appear to ask you to confirm your choice.
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3.4 Development Plan The next chapter is the development plan. It could be developed by the HR manager or by the employee himself in agreement with his hierarchy. This plan will contain all the information about the employee's development like the skills he needs to improve, the experiences he needs to acquire...
There, you can find three different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one contains data about the employee's personal development plan. 3. The third one concerns the development plan of the whole HR manager's team.
3.4.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.4.2 Unit 2 - Personal Development Plan In the second block, you can find the employee's personal development. It contains the action plan determined between the employee and his manager.
For each action, you can get some information on the screen like its priority, its objective,
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the name of the action, the employee concerned, its time and its state.
You can directly add a new action to be taken about the specific employee by clicking on the "Add" button.
If you click on this button, a dialog box appears to ask you to fill out a form about the action you want to add for the employee. Black fields are mandatory and grey fields are optional.
On the right side of the screen, you can find different actions. The first one will allow you to read the comment about the specific action if there is one.
The second button, if it is available, will help you to edit the action.
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If you click on it, a dialog box appears and displays the information you can edit. As usual, only black fields are mandatory. The grey ones are optional.
Do not forget to confirm your choices once they are done. The last button, designed by a cross, gives you the possibility to delete the action if the button is available.
If you click on it, a dialog box will appear to ask you to confirm your choice.
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3.4.3 Unit 3 - [Talent Team] Development Plan The information contained in the Talent Team development plan regroup actions decided by the HR manager for a specific employee. There, you can see all the information about your employee's management but these information only concern the HR department because they are not visible by the employee.
Here you can find information about the actions like their category, their priority, their objective, the name of the actions, the employee concerned by the action, their time and their state.
You can organize the information by clicking on the column you want to sort.
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By clicking on the add button, you can create a new action you want to plan for an employee.
A dialog box will appear to ask you the information you want to add about this new action. If black fields are mandatory, grey fields are optional.
On the right side of the screen, you can find different buttons. The first one will allow you to read the comment about an action if there is one.
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The second button, designed by a pen, gives you the possibility to edit the action.
If you click on it, a dialog box appears and displays the information you can edit. As usual, only black fields are mandatory. The grey ones are optional.
Finally, by clicking on the cross, you will be able to delete the action.
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If you do this, a dialog box appears to ask you to confirm the removal.
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3.5 Skills Here you will find all the employee's competencies. You will be able to add new skills, to delete or edit some of them. The HR manager will be able to compare employee' skills with the competencies required for a specific job.
You can find two different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one clusters all the employee' skills and their value.
3.5.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.5.2 Unit 2 - Skills In the second block of this chapter, we can find the different employee' skills.
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For each skill, you can see its name and the value acquired by the employee for the specific skill.
You can add a new skill by clicking on the "Add" button if it is available.
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If you click on it, a dialog box will appear and you will have to fill out the information about the new skill you want to create. Black fields are mandatory and grey ones are optional.
You can choose the competency you want to add directly on the catalog by clicking on "Add one or multiple skills".
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If you select a skill in the list, a new button appears to allow you to delete it.
If you click on the delete button, a dialog box appears to ask you to confirm your choice.
On the right-side of the screen, you can find two different buttons. The first one allows you to read the comment about a specific skill if there is one.
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The second one will allow you to edit the information about the skill if the button is available.
If you click on it, the edition mode is activate and you will be able to modify the information about the competency.
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On the right-side of the screen. You can find three different buttons in the edit mode. The first one allows you to write a comment about the skill.
The second button gives you the possibility to save the changes you have done.
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The third button allows you to cancel the action and leave the edit mode.
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3.6 Experiences It regroups all the experiences that employees acquired throughout their career. The list of these experiences will allow you to see if an employee can correspond to a specific job. Here, you will be able to add and remove experiences, but also add specific notes about them.
You can find two different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one clusters all the employee's experiences.
3.6.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.6.2 Unit 2 - Experiences In the second one, you can find all the employee's experiences.
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To add an experience, you can select it.
If you want to remove an experience, you just have to unselect it.
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You can also add a note on the skills selected by clicking on this button.
When you click on it, a dialog box appears to allow you to write a note.
If you add, remove or add a comment on an experience, do not forget to save your changes once they are done by clicking on the button "Save".
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3.7 Trainings You can find all the information about employee's trainings. You can find his requests and the appraisals of the training he has already attended. These information are automatically synchronized with the feature "Training Management".
For this chapter, you can find three different blocks: 1. The first one is the employee' summary where you can find his main information. You will find this block in all other tabs of the menu "Talent Management". 2. The second one clusters all the employee's training requests. 3. The third one contains the appraisals of the trainings that the employee has already attended.
3.7.1 Unit 1 - Summary The first block of each chapter is the summary. You will find the main employee's information like the retention risk, the talent management date, his function, his age, his manager... Get more information about the summary on this topic.
3.7.2 Unit 2 - Training Requests In the second block, you can find all employee's training requests. The data are automatically synchronized with the feature "Training Management".
You can get some information about the training requests like its name, if the training exists
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in the catalog, the date of the request and its state.
You can directly add a training request from here by clicking on the "Add" button.
On the right-side of the screen, you can see three different buttons. The first one will allow you to read the comment about the request if there is one.
The second button, designed by a pen, gives you the possibility to edit the information of the request.
By clicking on this button, you activate the edit mode and you will be able to modify the information.
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You can save your modifications by clicking on the button designed by a diskette, or you can cancel and leave edit mode by clicking on the cross.
The last button will help you to delete the request.
If you click on this button, a dialog box will appear to ask you to confirm your choice.
3.7.3 Unit 3 - Training Appraisals The last block of "Trainings" is training appraisals. Here, you can find all the appraisals of the trainings attended by the employee.
You can find different information about these appraisals like their begin and end dates, the session attended, the name of the training, the trainee and the trainer.
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3.8 Profile The last item, "Profile", contains all the data about the employee. It is directly linked to the feature "Personnel Management".
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4 Career Interview The second part of the left-side panel concerns the career interviews.
This kind of interview could be asked by the HR manager or by the employee himself directly on the dashboard. When the career interview between the employee and the HR manager is done, the last one will complete a standard form designed by the company and this report will be available for the employee who will be able to read it. Here you can find your career interviews or your team's ones if it is available. The list of your interviews can be sorted by name of the employee, meeting reason, meeting date, function level, function type or state. You can read the report of each interview, print it or delete the interview if it is available. It is also possible to display them on a timeline. The same functionalities are available for the interviews of your team if you have one. The next video will present you all the functionalities of the tab 'Career Interviews".
Career Interviews Video
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5 Print The second menu, "Print", will allow you to print the follow-up or the profile of the employee.
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5.1 Follow-up If you click on the button "Print the follow-up", a dialog box appears and ask you to choose the information you want to print about the employee's follow-up.
One you have chosen the information you want to print, click on "Continue" to prepare your document.
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A new dialog bow appears to allow you to print your follow-up.
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5.2 Profile To print the profile, we will follow the same steps as in the topic "Follow-up". If you click on the button "Print the profile", a dialog box appears and ask you to choose the information you want to print about the employee's profile.
One you have chosen the information you want to print, click on "Continue" to prepare your document.
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A new dialog bow appears to allow you to print your profile.
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