Aug 31, 2012 ... Do not take action: If you do not reset the application within the defined delay, ....
Company system administrators can view currency details and ...
Taleo Enterprise Taleo Compensation Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Feature Pack 12B August 31, 2012
Confidential Information and Notices Confidential Information The recipient of this document (hereafter referred to as "the recipient") agrees that the Confidential Information disclosed herein by Taleo shall be retained in confidence by the recipient, and its respective employees, affiliates and/or subsidiaries. For the purpose herein, the term "Confidential Information" shall mean the following: 1. Any information, know-how, data, process, technique, design, drawing, program, formula or test data, work in process, business plan, sales, suppliers, customer, employee, investor or business information contained in a document, whether in written, graphic, or electronic form; or 2. Any document, diagram, or drawing which is either conspicuously marked as "Confidential", known or reasonably known by the other party to be confidential, or is of a proprietary nature, and is learned or disclosed in the course of discussions, demonstrations, or other collaboration undertaken between the parties.
Limited Rights Notice (Dec 2007) 1. These data are submitted with limited rights under Subcontract No. 6896589. These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not, without written permission of the Contractor, be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government; except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any; provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure: None. 2. This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part. © 2012 Taleo Corporation. Do not reproduce without the written permission of Taleo Corporation.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Table of Contents
Confidential Information and Notices............................................................................................. ii Preface Revision History.........................................................................................................................2 Technical Configuration and Software Performance.................................................................3 Product Access Login and Product Access........................................................................................................ 5 Logging In.................................................................................................................................. 6 Changing Your Password and Security Question.....................................................................7 Using the I Forgot My Password Link...................................................................................... 8 User Roles................................................................................................................................. 9 Application Timeout................................................................................................................. 10 Navigation Buttons and Icons................................................................................................................... 12 Session Browser Session Browser Details......................................................................................................... 14 Currency Currency Configuration............................................................................................................16 Modifying a Currency..........................................................................................................16 Currency Details Settings................................................................................................... 16 Application Configuration Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Application Configuration.........................................................................................................19 Configuring Available Features.......................................................................................... 19 Application Configuration Variables....................................................................................19 Data Validation Data Validation Rule Editor.....................................................................................................22 Adding and Selecting a Field............................................................................................. 22 Deleting a Field.................................................................................................................. 23 Copying a Rule Set............................................................................................................ 23 Data Validation Rules..............................................................................................................25 Error Messaging and Alerts................................................................................................25 Flag Equations.................................................................................................................... 25 Modifying a Validation Rule................................................................................................26 Validation Rule Description Rule Settings..........................................................................26 Copying a Data Validation Rule......................................................................................... 27 Adding a Data Validation Rule........................................................................................... 27 File Download and Upload......................................................................................................29 Downloading Data Validation............................................................................................. 29 Reloading Data Validation.................................................................................................. 29 File Validation File Validator............................................................................................................................32 Data File Upload..................................................................................................................... 34 Uploading Files................................................................................................................... 34 Data File Validation................................................................................................................. 36 Validating Files....................................................................................................................37 File Validations....................................................................................................................38
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
• •
Revision History................................................................................................................. 2 Technical Configuration and Software Performance......................................................... 3
Revision History
Revision History The Revision History lists modifications that were made to this document since the last publication. Date August 31, 2012
Revised Topics
Initial version.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Technical Configuration and Software Performance
Technical Configuration and Software Performance For the latest information, refer to the Taleo Enterprise Technical Configuration and Software Performance Guide document for the applicable release.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
• • • • • •
Login and Product Access.................................................................................................5 Logging In.......................................................................................................................... 6 Changing Your Password and Security Question............................................................. 7 Using the I Forgot My Password Link............................................................................... 8 User Roles......................................................................................................................... 9 Application Timeout......................................................................................................... 10
Product Access
Login and Product Access
Login and Product Access Access Taleo Compensation (standalone version) through designated URL's. Separate login credentials are assigned for each user. Use the Customer Login page to authenticate and sign into the application. What You Need to Get Started When logging into the system for the first time, you will need three things: 1. The randomly generated password sent to you in an email. 2. Your user name. 3. Your email address. Once your credentials are entered and accepted supply a new password, security question, and security answer before you begin compensation planning. Password Requirements As of Taleo Compensation Feature Pack 12B the login password requirements are upgraded to be as follows: • • •
Must include at least 8 or more characters. Mixed case (upper and lower) alphabetic characters. At least one non-alphabetic character.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
Logging In
Logging In Prerequisite You must know the Web address and have received a user name and temporary password from the system administrator. Taleo Enterprise URL > Customer Login Steps 1. Enter your user name and password. If this is the first login, enter your temporary password, employee ID, and email address. 2. Click Submit. Result You now have access to the application. Next Step If logging in for the first time, perform the following tasks: 1. Select a new password. 2. Set a security question and answer on the My Info page.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
Changing Your Password and Security Question
Changing Your Password and Security Question Prerequisite You must log in with a valid user name and password. Taleo URL > Customer Login > Log into Taleo Compensation Steps 1. Click My Info. 2. Enter and confirm a new password. Your password must have 8 or more characters, include mixed case alphabetic characters, and must contain at least 1 non-alphabetic character. Your password is case sensitive; your user name and answer to the security question are not. 3. Click Save. 4. Click Security. 5. Select a Security Question from the drop-down. 6. Enter an answer. This is the answer you must provide to retrieve a forgotten password. 7. Click Save. Result Your password is changed to one of your choosing. Your security question and answer are set up, enabling you to use the I Forgot My Password function on the Customer Login page.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
Using the I Forgot My Password Link
Using the I Forgot My Password Link In the event an authorized user forgets his or her password, a link is provided on the Customer Login page that assists in access to Taleo Compensation. Prerequisite You must have a valid username, email address, and security question and answer in your user profile. Taleo URL > Customer Login Steps 1. Click "I forgot my password". 2. Enter your username. 3. Click Submit. Result If the request comes from an authorized user, an email is sent to the supplied address with a code to access the application. Next Step You must click the link provided in the email, enter your username and access code, and provide a new password.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
User Roles
User Roles Users are assigned one or more roles associated with a set of features. If you are assigned more than one role, you can move to another role by clicking Change Role at the top right corner of the page and selecting from the list of available roles. The user roles available within a typical Taleo Compensation configuration are detailed below. User Role
HR Administrator
Reviews compensation planning for either all employees or a subset of employees.
Company Compensation Administrator
Reviews and sets user access information as well as compensation plan details for base pay, bonus and stock.
Company System Administrator
Configures Compensation system application variables, data validation rules,and processes customer data files. Also views who is logged into the Compensation application.
Conducts compensation planning for direct and indirect reporting employees.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Product Access
Application Timeout
Application Timeout Application timeout is a security feature that signs you out when the application is idle for more than fifteen minutes. When the timeout delay is reached a message notifies you the timeout for the application is imminent. Two scenarios are possible: • •
Take action: Click “Access the application” to open and reset it. Do not take action: If you do not reset the application within the defined delay, a message is displayed indicating you have been signed out of the application and will need to sign in again to use it.
The timeout delay is set by default to fifteen minutes. The reminder displayed before timeout is set by default to five minutes before timeout. The application timeout is configurable. Contact Taleo Support for details.
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Buttons and Icons............................................................................................................ 12
Buttons and Icons
Buttons and Icons The following table describes the buttons and icons generally available throughout Taleo Compensation. Other feature specific buttons and icons are defined in the feature sections where they apply. UI Element
Calendar button
Opens a Calculator widget, enabling user to select a date displayed in the proper format for the active field.
Discards the changes on the active pane, section, or window.
Calculator button
Opens a Calculator widget, enabling user to create an equation. (e.g. Eligibility, Proration, Basepay or Bonus calculator).
Removes entries from a page, section or field and reverts to blank.
Copies the item selected in the adjacent drop-down.
Deletes the selected object (e.g. a field, plan or file)
Downloads the selected item, usually a file, to a local directory.
Get Report
Retrieves a log report for the current transaction type.
Previews the item selected in the adjacent drop-down.
Run Report
Runs the selected report.
Saves the changes on the active pane, section, or window.
Executes a search for the desired data using the active criteria.
Refreshes the current screen to reflect the item selected within the adjacent drop-down.
Uploads the selected object, usually a file and usually to the database. Expands or collapses a section on a page.
Moves up the management hierarchy in a team or manager view grid.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Session Browser
Session Browser Details..................................................................................................14
Session Browser
Session Browser Details
Session Browser Details The Session Browser page displays all users currently logged into the application. Users with the Global Admin role have the ability to disconnect users, whereas users with the Company System Admin role do not. Information about currently connected users displays on the Session Browser page. The following user details are available: • • • • • • •
ERP Employee ID - Displays the ID from the ERP system associated with the user. Login - Displays the user's login User Name. Name - Displays the user's full name. Role - Displays the user role the person is utilizing for the current session. Logged In - Displays the day, date, and time the user logged in. Duration (Seconds) - Displays the duration of the current login session in seconds. Force Log Off - Allows a Global Admin to disconnect corrupted or unauthorized sessions by clicking Kill Session in the Force Log Off column. You cannot force log off yourself when logged in as Global Admin.
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Currency Configuration.................................................................................................... 16
Currency Configuration
Currency Configuration Company system administrators can view currency details and configure the way currency is used within Taleo Compensation. Company system administrators can modify whether or not a selected currency is included in the Budget Summary (Budget Pocket) currency selector, so users can then convert budget amounts to that currency. Update this configuration, as needed, once before the start of a planning cycle and use it throughout the cycle. The currency configuration governs the conversion of tables used by Managers, such as the Budget Summary.
Modifying a Currency Prerequisite Available currencies must be preloaded into the zone before the company system administrator can modify the details. See your Taleo Support contact for assistance. System Admin > Currency > [Select Currency] Steps 1. Select the Currency. 2. Click Modify. Information for the selected currency populates Currency Details. 3. Select or clear Convert Budget as needed. Select Convert Budget to include the currency in the Budget Summary's currency selector, so users can convert budget amounts to that currency. 4. Click Save. Result The selected currency now converts correctly for budget information used by managers for planning. Next Step Each available currency in the implementation must be configured before planning begins.
Currency Details Settings Fields displaying in Currency Details are from the cps.currency table: Field Name
Currency Code
Code used within the zone to identify the currency.
Currency Descriptor
Text description to identify the currency to users.
Conversion Rate
The multiplier used to determine the conversion rate from the base currency to the selected currency. If the selected currency is the base currency, the conversion rate is 1.00.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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Currency Configuration
Field Name
Base Currency
When selected this indicates the currency is the base currency. Only one currency may be used as the base in the system at a time.
Convert Budget
When selected this indicates the currency is to be used in the currency selector on the Budget Summary (Budget Pocket).
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Application Configuration
Application Configuration................................................................................................. 19
Application Configuration
Application Configuration
Application Configuration System administrators can configure whether or not certain features are used within Taleo Compensation by using the Configuration function to select and set application configuration variables. Taleo Compensation is highly configurable. The configuration variables available to you may vary from the feature set listed in the Application Configuration Variables reference table in this section.
Configuring Available Features Prerequisite You must be logged in as Company System Administrator. System Admin > Configuration > [Select Configuration] Steps 1. Choose a configuration variable (feature) from the Application Configuration selector. 2. Click Modify. Configuration Details populate for the selected variable: • •
Configuration Name and Description display read only. Configuration Value displays the current setting and is editable.
3. Enter a valid Configuration Value. See the reference table in the Application Configuration Variables section of this document for valid configuration values. 4. Click Save. Result The selected feature displays according the new configuration setting. Next Step All available features should be configured before a planning cycle begins.
Application Configuration Variables The following table details the configurable features for the Company System Administrator. Availability varies by implementation. Application Configuration Variable Name
Configuration Values
This feature determines if the Employee Letter Report is available for execution by managers or HR administrators.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
The feature determines if the My Teams is available and displays for Managers.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Application Configuration
Application Configuration Variable Name
Application Configuration
Configuration Values
Rollup_Employee_View_Pagination_Count This feature determines the number of employees on a single page within the All Employee View.
The default number is 50. Enter the number of employees to display per page within the Employee View table.
This feature determines whether the My Reward tab displays and is made available to Managers. .
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
This feature determines whether to turn off a section of the page footers that normally displays a link to the Privacy Policy page.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
This feature determines Whether to turn off a section of the page footers that normally displays a link to the Terms and Conditions page.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
This feature determines if the Manager Report is available for execution by managers and HR administrators.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
This feature determines if email notifications are • sent for system events, such as when a user • submits an employee plan.
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
Maintenance Mode
This feature determines if the maintenance mode is available to compensation administrators. The maintenance mode allows compensation administrators to lock out users during configuration changes. It forces users out of system and locks it down.
• •
0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
This feature displays the time when the system will be taken out of maintenance mode.
Enter the format in which the timestamp is to appear, such as February 11, 2010 3:30 PM PST.
This feature determines whether to turn the Reward Planning tab off. This is useful if you want to only display the organizational hierarchy on the My Info page without allowing planning to occur.
• •
This feature determines the email address that appears in the "From" field on notification emails.
Enter a valid email address.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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0 = False/No 1 = True/Yes
Data Validation
• • •
Data Validation Rule Editor............................................................................................. 22 Data Validation Rules...................................................................................................... 25 File Download and Upload.............................................................................................. 29
Data Validation
Data Validation Rule Editor
Data Validation Rule Editor The data validation rule editor is available to global and company system administrators. It gives them the capability to manage the creation and editing of validation rules which define what users are able to enter in editable fields in Taleo Compensation. In Taleo Compensation, an input field in the user interface is tied to a data dictionary variable. Services consultants and other advanced users can associate a data dictionary variable to a data entry validation rule and alert function for an input field. This ensures users enter information into a field within the right parameters. Existing data validation rules are defined in the template file datavalidation.xml. Data dictionary variables and associated fields have the same name. The data validation rule editor can be used to create new validation rules from existing data dictionary variables (fields). If a new data dictionary variable is desired it must be created, outside of the data validation rule editor, using the Dictionary page available to the Global Administrator. Once this is done the new variable is displayed in the data validation rule editor's Data Dictionary Variable selector and is available for use in making validation rules. The data validation rule editor provides an online user interface to perform these functions: • • • •
Select an existing data dictionary variable/field to work with. Modify, copy, add and delete validation rules. Upload the template file datavalidation.xml from a client machine to the Compensation system. Download the template file datavalidation.xml, containing the current configuration, to a local machine.
Note: To add a new data dictionary variable use the Dictionary page.
Adding and Selecting a Field Prerequisite You must be logged in as global or company system administrator. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Create/Edit Validation] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Create/Edit Validation] Steps 1. Verify whether Field Name is populated with the field you want to work with. • •
If it is, click on it to highlight and click Select. If it is not, go to step 2.
When you opened the page the system loaded the latest data validation template from the database and populated the data dictionary variable names in the selector, or in field name, for your to use. Data dictionary variables and associated field names are the same. In the Create/Edit Validation section a variable/field name is only located in one or the other list (Application Variable or Field Name).
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rule Editor
2. If the field you want to work with is not in Field Name, locate the corresponding variable name in the Data Dictionary Variable selector. a) Click on it to highlight, and click Add. This populates it into Field Name. b) Then click on it in Field Name and click Select. Result • • •
You have selected the field name you want to work with. Validation rule details populate the Validation Rule Description section. Modify, Copy and Delete options are now available in the Validation Rule Description section.
Next Step Select an option to initiate the next action.
Deleting a Field Prerequisite You must be logged in as global or company system administrator. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Create/Edit Validation] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Create/Edit Validation] Steps 1. Highlight a field in Field Name. 2. Click Delete. Result The field is deleted from the Field Name list and added to Application Variable list.
Copying a Rule Set Prerequisite You would like to combine the validation rules from two fields into one field. You must be logged in as global or company system administrator. You have highlighted a field from Field Names, clicked Select, and populated details into the Validation Rule Description section. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Create/Edit Validation] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Create/Edit Validation] Steps 1. In the Create/Edit Validation section, with the original field still highlighted, click Copy. Two things happen in the Validation Rule Description section: • •
A Select button appears and is enabled. Field Name values are made available as a selector.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rule Editor
2. Select a new target Field Name. This tells the application which new field to associate the validation rules with. 3. Click Select in the Validation Rule Description section. Result All validation rules that were associated with the first field selected are now also associated with the second field selected. Next Step Edit the equations for each rule added to the second field to reflect the correct target field names.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rules
Data Validation Rules Data validation rules define what users are able to enter in editable fields in Taleo Compensation. Existing data dictionary variables and their associated field names can have as many validation rules as are necessary for any given implementation. A validation rule can have the following elements: • • • • •
Rule name, comment and type. Rule equation Error message and alert type. Flag conditions. Debug condition.
A rule equation sets the condition for determining whether an error message and alert is triggered for the user during data entry. There are system rules and user-defined rules. User-defined rules are always a Condition rule type. Condition rule types are the only ones that can be modified with the data validation rule editor. You can use the Data Validation Rule Editor to: • • •
Modify an existing validation rule. Copy and modify an existing validation rule, applying it to the existing field name or a new one. Add a new rule.
Note: Adding rules will be necessary if you create a new data dictionary variable on the Data Dictionary page and add it as a field name in the validation editor.
Error Messaging and Alerts An error message entered in the Validation Rule Description section is associated with an alert type and a message properties file. There are two types of alerts: • •
A hard alert stops the user from proceeding with data entry unless a valid value is entered. A soft alert allows the user to proceed with entering values, but warns about doing so.
An error message is mapped to a message properties file. When rendering an error message the system looks for an exact match for it, case included, and then reads the message properties file to render the exact text contained within the file. For Condition rule types only, if an exact match is not found, the error message displays the text exactly as it is written in Validation Rule Description. Note: The Rule Equation must be False for the system to generate an error message.
Flag Equations A flag equation is a data dictionary equation that defines whether an error generates a flag. The flag condition is evaluated and, when True, alerts a user to the condition being met. Flags are optional and only relevant when a soft alert is selected. Hard alerts disable the flag condition. If a hard alert is met first, the user is prevented from proceeding with data entry, making the flag equation irrelevant. A red flag denotes values are above the guidelines and a black flag denotes that values are below the guidelines.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rules
Modifying a Validation Rule Prerequisite You must be logged in as Global or System Administrator. You must have selected a Field Name in the Create/Edit Validation section. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Validation Rule Description] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Validation Rule Description] Steps 1. Select an existing rule for the field from Rule Names. 2. Click Modify. The rule attributes and conditions populate the Validation Rule Description section. 3. Edit the Rule Name, Comment, Rule Equation, Error Message, Alert Type, Flaggable, Flag Equation, Flag Type and Debug settings as needed. 4. Click Load. Result The changes to the rule are saved to the database and the application is dynamically changed to reflect the modified rule.
Validation Rule Description Rule Settings UI Element
Field Name
Name of the input field, same as the associated data dictionary variable.
Rule Names
Each data dictionary variable, or field, can have multiple rules associated with it.
Rule Name
The name of the rule selected from Rule Names.
A free form text field for entering any comments.
Rule Type
Condition rule types are the only rules that are editable in the data validation rule editor. All other rule types (Decimal, Number, Positive_Numeric and Required) are system delivered and cannot be altered.
Rule Equation
The rule equation is a data dictionary equation that defines the test condition for the user's data entry, and determines whether to show an error message and alert to the user.
Check Equation (Validate)
The syntax of the equation can be checked by clicking Validate.
Error Message
The text of the error message.
Alert Type
A rule can have a soft alert that is a warning, allowing the data entry; or a hard alert that prohibits the data entry.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rules
UI Element
The Flaggable checkbox, when selected, causes an employee record to be marked with a with a black or red flag image. Flaggable conditions only appear in soft alerts, when a manager violates a validation rule during data entry in planning.
Flag Equation
The flag equation is a data dictionary equation that defines a flag is generated for the error, and determine whether to show a soft alert flag (red or black) to the user. The flag equation must be true to trigger the flag.
Flag Type
A red or black flag image.
If the Debug option is set to True the system prints a log file every time a rule gets passed, providing the ability to see exactly what gets executed. Set this to True in the development stages of implementation, and False in production except when needed for debugging.
Click Load button to make dynamic changes to the validation rules in the application as well as save the changes to the database.
Click Cancel to clear out the changes made and revert all field in Validation Rule Descriptiion to the previous Save state.
Click Save to store the changes to the database but not Load them into the application.
Copying a Data Validation Rule Prerequisite You must be logged in as Global or System Administrator. You must have selected a Field Name in the Create/Edit Validation section. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Validation Rule Description] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Validation Rule Description] Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Select the rule to be copied from Rule Names. Click Copy. Enter a new Rule Name and Comment. Verify the Rule Type is Condition. If not, set it to Condition. Edit the Rule Equation, Error Message, Alert Type, Flag and Debug conditions as needed. Click Load.
Result The changes are saved to the database and loaded into the application.
Adding a Data Validation Rule Prerequisite You must be logged in as Global or System Administrator. Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
Data Validation Rules
You must have selected a Field Name in the Create/Edit Validation section. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Validation Rule Description] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Validation Rule Description] Steps 1. Verify Field Name is populated with the selected field. 2. Click Add. 3. Enter mandatory values in Rule Name and Rule Type. Note: Editing is available for Condition rule types only. 4. Verify the Rule Type is Condition. If not, set it to Condition. 5. Enter the Rule Equation, Error Message, Alert Type, Flag and Debug conditions as needed. 6. Click Load. Result The newly created rule is added to the validation rules for the selected field. The changes are saved to the database and loaded in the application.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
File Download and Upload
File Download and Upload Use the Data File Validation Editor to download and upload copies of the datavalidation.xml file.
Downloading Data Validation Prerequisite You must be logged in as global or company system administrator. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Download Validation XML] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Download Validation XML] Steps 1. File Name prepopulates with datavalidation.xml. 2. Click Download. 3. At the download prompt click OK. 4. Use the download dialog to navigate to and select a location for the file download. Result Downloads the current datavalidation.xml file. Provides a useful backup of the current data validation rules configuration prior to making any changes to the validation rules, or if the XML must be reloaded to revert back to the previous configuration. Provides a template for making extensive changes to the validation rules in batch.
Reloading Data Validation Prerequisite You must be logged in as global or company system administrator. You must have a copy of the datavalidation.xml file on a local machine ready for upload. It must conform to the valid XML schema and be properly formed. Global Administrator role > Configuration > Validation_Editor > [Reload Data Validation XML] Company System Administrator role > [System Admin tab] > Data_Validation > [Reload Data Validation XML] Steps 1. Click Browse to navigate to and select the datavalidation.xml file on your local machine. The name of the selected file populates in File Name. 2. Click Reload. 3. View the Progress and Status for the file upload. Result Uploads the selected datavalidation.xml file. Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
Data Validation
File Download and Upload
The data validation rule configuration is saved to the database and loaded into the application.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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File Validation
• • •
File Validator.................................................................................................................... 32 Data File Upload.............................................................................................................. 34 Data File Validation..........................................................................................................36
File Validation
File Validator
File Validator Customers must provide properly formatted and named data files, whether initial or delta, to Taleo for use in loading the client database. To minimize the potential for improperly formatted data entering the database, customer data files need to be validated before they can be used in Taleo Compensation. The File Validator enables Company System Administrators and Taleo Global Administrators to upload and validate a customer's initial data file set, as well as their delta files. Initial data files are larger than delta files and contain a company's employee and other records needed to populate the Taleo Compensation database. Delta files hold the changes to the initial data file by indicating any added, modified or deleted records. Note: The File Validator is designed for "one set at a time" processing of data files or delta files. Automated scheduling for the recurrent processing of delta file sets is also available, using the Delta File Processor. In addition, Global Administrators can use the File Validator to load the data from delta files (but not the initial data files) to the database. The File Validator page has four sections: • • • •
File Upload - Use to browse to and select customer data and delta files from a local machine. Manage Data - Use to select data or delta files for validation or deletion. Build Database - Use to load data from delta (but not data) files to the database and build the employee data hierarchies. This is also referred to in this module as "building the database". Build Database - Use to load data from delta (but not data) files to the database and build the employee data hierarchies. This is also referred to in this module as "building the database".
The business process for using the File Validator is as follows: 1. Upload data or delta files. Customer or administrator uploads data or delta files from a local machine to the server using the File Upload section. 2. Select the file set. List of files uploaded displays in the Manage Data section. Customer or administrator selects the files in the set that require validation. 3. Validate files. Customer or administrator uses Manage Data section to initiate validation processing on selected files. 4. Check for validation errors. If there are validation errors customer must fix errors in the data and repeat steps 1-3 until data set is error free. 5. Set up post processing scripts. Taleo administrator uses Post Processing Scripts section to upload, and set up run sequence for, Groovy scripts. 6. Build database. Taleo administrator uses Build Database section to run database build processing, on Delta files only. Database build processing on Delta files includes the running of post processing scripts. For the initial Data file set the administrator must use Kettle scripts to build the database, and run post processing scripts manually. Only .csv format files can be uploaded, validated and used to build the database. Taleo requires customers provide the following initial data and delta file sets: • • • • • •
Demographic (Demog.csv) Job (Job.csv) Salary Grade (Salary_Grade.csv) HR Admin or HR Admin_Department (one or the other, HR_Admin.csv) Currency (Currency.csv) Company (Company.csv)
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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File Validation
• • • • • •
File Validator
Department (Department.csv) Salary Structure (Salary_Structure.csv) Job Family (Job_Family.csv) Job Level (Job_Level.csv) Job Tier (Job_Tier.csv) UDF (User Defined Field) (UDF.csv)
In the File Validator's File Upload section, files displayed in the upload selector that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. This means they are necessary for the file validator to work. The mandatory marking must be configured by Taleo personnel in the file_Type table. Contact your Taleo Services or Support representative for assistance in obtaining the file specifications. When uploading files with the File Validator use the standard file names, and map them to the predefined file types and names. Refer to the reference tables in the File Validations section of this document for information about file validations.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Upload
Data File Upload The File Upload section of the File Validator provides administrators a means to submit required initial data or delta file sets by uploading them to the server. See the list of required and optional files in the File Validator section. When a user logs in, the system checks to see if any still-running validation or build processes were initiated by the user. If they are the Validate and Build Database buttons in the Manage Data section are disabled until processing is completed. Customer files must be provided in the standard Taleo file format. Only .csv files are allowed. Every one of the required files in a set, data or delta, must be provided. All required files in a set must be uploaded to the server before validation can begin. Files need not be uploaded in, or appear on the Manage Data section in, any particular order. The validation process will look at the file type and name settings for a file to determine where it fits into the validation processing sequence. A file can be uploaded as many times as needed. However, the system will not allow a file to be overwritten. A file of an already uploaded file type must be deleted prior to uploading another file of the same type. The Validate button is enable only after all required files are uploaded successfully.
Configuration The following fields and buttons are available in the File Upload section. Data File Upload Fields and Buttons Name
Please Select 1
Use to map an input file to one of the predefined file types (data or delta).
Please Select 2
Use to map an input file to one of the predefined file names (e.g. Demographic FileDemog.csv).
Click to navigate to and select a local copy of the data or delta file for uploading.
Click to initiate uploading of the file to the server.
Shows how far the file is through the upload process.
Shows the file upload is Complete with Success or Complete with Errors. Errors must be corrected and files successfully uploaded before validation can be initiated.
Manage Data
Displays a table with the list of files that are uploaded.
Uploading Files Prerequisite You must have a customer data or delta file set, prepared in accordance with Taleo file specifications, in .csv format and using the recommended Taleo file names. Company System Admin role > System Admin tab > File Validator > [File Upload] Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Upload
Global Admin role > Integration tab > File Validator > [File Upload] Steps 1. In the left hand selector specify the file type. • •
Data File - Initial customer data file. Delta File - File containing updates to the initial data file.
2. In the right hand selector specify the type of data to be imported (e.g. demographic, job, salary grade). 3. Click Browse to navigate to and select the local copy of the customer file to upload to the server. The selected file for upload will be mapped to the specified standard file type and name. 4. Click Upload. 5. View the upload Progress and Status to monitor for errors. Result • • •
The customer data file is uploaded to the server, mapped to a standard file type and name, and is ready for validation if the completion status is successful. The uploaded file details and status display in the table in Manage Data. Validate is enabled when all required files in the file set have been uploaded.
Next Step • •
Repeat the procedure until all required files in the set are uploaded successfully. Then validate the uploaded file set.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Data File Validation The Manage Data section of the File Validator provides administrators the ability to select and validate sets of uploaded customer files, in preparation for loading the data to the database. File Validator allows customer and Taleo personnel to run validation checks on the file sets to ensure improperly formatted or corrupt data is not introduced into the system. The Manage Data section displays a list of the files that are uploaded. The user selects the files that are required to be validated and initiates the validation process. All data or delta files in a set must be uploaded and selected before a validation run can begin. Each file in a set works with the others and is dependent on the accuracy of the information in the others. File Validator does not validate individual files. The validation process does these two things: • •
Checks if all the required files are selected. Runs validation checks against the individual input files.
If a file fails the validation test an error report is generated listing the mistaken records. Corrupt data files must be deleted from the upload list. The customer can then correct their data, upload the corrected file(s) and run the validation process again. Once the corrected files pass the validation test the data may be loaded to the database in a process referred to as "building the database". Refer to the reference tables in the File Validations section of this document for information about file specifications and validations.
Configuration The following fields and buttons are available in the Manage Data section. Data File Validation Fields and Buttons Name
Use to specify the data or delta files to include in a file set for validation. Also use to pick files you want to delete from the system.
File Type
Specifies whether a file is an initial data or delta submittal.
File Name
A standard name that specifies the type of data in the file (e.g. Demog.csv for demographic data).
The validation processing status for a file: Validation Pending, Complete with Errors, Complete with Success. Errors must be corrected and files must be successfully validated before data loading can be initiated.
Get Report
For each validated file, use to view an associated report of the functional errors from the run, based on the validation specifications for the file. This enables administrators to locate issues pertaining to the data file.
Enabled when all required files for a set are uploaded to the server and selected. Use to initiate file validation processing.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Data File Validation Fields and Buttons Name
Use to terminate validation processing and enable the Validate button.
Use to remove selected file(s) from the list and delete them from the server.
Shows how far the file set is through the validation process.
Shows the file validation status for the file set.
Get Kettle Log
For each validation run, use to view a log of the issues in running the validation Kettle scripts. This is helpful if the validation did not complete successfully, enabling administrators to see system error messages.
Validating Files Prerequisite • •
All the required files for a data or delta file set must be uploaded before they can be validated. Files must be prepared in accordance with Taleo file specifications, in .csv format and using the recommended Taleo file names.
Company System Admin role > System Admin tab > File Validator > [Manage Data] Global Admin role > Integration tab > File Validator > [Manage Data] Steps 1. Use the checkboxes to select the files in the set for validating. •
Select All - Use this option to select all the files in the list, if only files for the set you want to validate, and no others, are in the uploaded files list. • [Individual Select checkboxes] - Use to select the files in the set individually, if there are other files in the list you don't want to validate. 2. Click Validate. View the file progress at the bottom of the screen. Prior to validation the file status is Pending Validation. After validation the status for each file will display as one of the following: • Completed with Success • Completed with Errors 3. If there are problems with the validation processing check the available reports to assist troubleshooting: • Get Report - Use to view a report of functional validation errors for a file. • Get Kettle Log - Use to view a report of system errors for the validation run. 4. Correct files with errors and repeat the procedure until all required files in the set are validated successfully. Result Administrators ensure the required customer files are validated, errors are corrected, and the data is suitable for loading into the database.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Next Step Use the File Validator to load the delta file data to rebuild the database and employee hierarchy. Note: Building the database with the initial data files cannot be done with the File Validator. Taleo personnel must load the initial data files to the database using scripts outside of the application. This is because building the database from the initial data files requires a restart of the application server. Loading delta file data is possible with the File Validator because it is an incremental change and does not require a restart of the application server.
File Validations Demographic Data File Validations Field Name
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
Payroll System Name
• • •
Check if is null. Check if exists. for example: Lawson, SAP - default is 1.
If no value passed it would be LastName, FirstName.
Full_Name First_Name
Check if is null.
Check if is null.
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
• • •
Must match grades passed on Job file. Check if is null. Check if exists.
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name
Salary_Structure_Name Yes
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
• • •
Look up on Salary Grade. Check if is null. Check if exists.
• •
• •
Required for users. Check if is null.
Check if valid email address.
• •
• •
Check if null. Check if exists.
• •
LOCATION. UI element description with unordered list.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name Host_Country_Code
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Look up on COUNTRY_ABBREVIATION. Check if is null.
Check if exists.
• • •
Look up on COUNTRY_ABBREVIATION. Check if null. Check if exists.
• • •
ID must have corresponding row in Demog file; send 0 for CEO's supervisor. Check if null. Check if exists.
• •
Used for looking up ID. Check if is null.
Check if exists.
• •
yyyy-mm-dd. HIRE_DATE.
• •
yyyy-mm-dd. REHIRE_DATE.
• •
• •
Supervisor-Payroll System Name
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
• • •
0 is valid; null is not. Check if is null. Check if is numeric.
• • •
0 is valid; null is not. Check if is null. Check if is numeric.
• •
0 is valid; null is not. Check if is null.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Field Name
Data File Validation
Validation/Comments/Column •
Check if is numeric.
• • •
Hierarchical (not Planning) Manager. If no value populate with SupervisorID. If not null check to see if exists.
Supervisor-Payroll System Name
• •
Used for looking up ID. If previous is not null, check if is null and check if exists.
• •
If no value populate with Supervisor ID. If not null check if exists.
Supervisor-Payroll System Name
• •
used for looking up ID. If previous is not null, check if is null, check if exists.
• •
If no value populate with Supervisor ID. If not null check if exists.
Supervisor-Payroll System Name
• •
used for looking up ID. If previous is not null, check if is null, check if exists.
• •
If no value populate with Supervisor ID. If not null check if exists.
Supervisor-Payroll System Name
• •
Used for looking up ID. If previous is not null, check if is null, check if exists.
• •
If no value populate with Supervisor Name. MATRIX_MANAGER_NAME.
• •
• •
yyyy-mm-dd. UNION_ENTRY_DATE.
• •
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
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File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name
• •
yyyy-mm-dd. EFFECTIVE_DATE.
Job File Validations Field Name Job_Name
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column •
Check if is null.
Internal job title.
Unique (with Salary_Grade_Name).
• •
Look up from Job Family. If not null check if exists.
• •
Look up from Salary_Grade. If not null check if exists.
• •
Look up from Job_Level. If not null check if exists.
• •
Look up from Job_Tier. If not null check if exists.
Salary Grade File Validations Field Name Salary_Grade_Name
• •
Unique with Salary_Structure_Name. Check if is null.
Salary_Structure_Name Yes
• • •
Look up from Salary_Structure. Check if is null. Check if exists.
• •
Look up from Job_Family tab. If not null check if exists.
Look up from Currencies.
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name
Validation/Comments/Column •
If not null check if exists.
• •
yyyy-mm-dd. System doesn't currently use this.
HR Admin Department File Validations Field Name HRAdmin-Employee ID
HRAdmin-Payroll System Name
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
• •
All IDs need to be included in Demographic file. HRM_EMPLOYEE_ID.
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
Used for looking up ID.
Department Code
• • • •
Check if is null. Check if exists. Look up from Department tab. DEPARTMENT_ID.
• • •
Check if is null. Check if exists. Look up from Company (used for looking up Dept. ID.
HR Admin File Validations
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name HRAdmin-Employee ID
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
• •
All IDs need to be included in Demographic file. HRM_EMPLOYEE_ID.
HRAdmin-Payroll System Name
• • •
Check if is null. Check if exists. Used for looking up ID.
Employee ID
• • • •
Check if is null. Check if exists. All IDs need to be included in Demographic file. EMPLOYEE_ID.
Employee-Payroll System Name
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
Used for looking up ID.
Currency File Validations Field Name Currency Code
Required? Yes
Currency Name
Validation/Comments/Column • • •
Check if is null. First country code listed is for corporate currency (e.g. USD). CURRENCY_CODE.
• •
For example: US Dollar. CURRENCY_DESCRIPTOR.
Conversion Rate
• • •
Check if is null. For example: 1 USD = 0.5 GBP. Used for looking up ID.
• • •
Check if is null. To determine base currency (for example, 1 for USD). Set 1 for base currency; for example if customer operates in EUR then EUR will be = 1. All other records except EUR would be = 0. BASE_CURRENCY.
• Convert Budget
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
• •
Check if is null. Set 1 for currencies which should show up in the budget pocket.
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name
Validation/Comments/Column •
Company File Validations Field Name Company Name
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. COMPANY_NAME.
Department File Validations Field Name Dept Code
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. DEPARTMENT_CODE.
Dept Name
Company Name
• •
Check if exists. Look up against Company.
Salary Structure File Validations Field Name
Salary_Structure_Name Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. SALARY_STRUCTURE_NAME.
Job Family File Validations Field Name Job_Family_Name
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. JOB_FAMILY_NAME.
Job Level File Validations Field Name Job_Level_Name
Required? Yes
Stand Alone Company System Administrator Guide
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. JOB_LEVEL_NAME.
Taleo Compensation 12B
File Validation
Data File Validation
Field Name
Validation/Comments/Column •
Job Tier File Validations Field Name Job_Tier_Name
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. JOB_TIER_NAME.
UDF File Validations Field Name Employee_ID
Required? Yes
Validation/Comments/Column • •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
used for looking up ID.
• •
Check if is null. Check if exists.
Used for looking up ID.
Date values must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
Possible values = string, decimal and date.
Use to create logical multiple records for the same UDF and stores the sequence number.
Selector _Value_2 is similar to Selector_Value but this is mandatory. If no Selector_Value, then enter 1. If multiple records, enter the number that corresponds to the row of the correct record.
Payroll System Name
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