Talk the Talk project.pdf

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As we move forward in Algebra, it is important that everyone can talk the same math language and understand terminology. Unit 1 is FULL of vocabulary that you ...
Talk the Talk In Algebra 2

Unit 1 Project

As we move forward in Algebra, it is important that everyone can talk the same math language and understand terminology. Unit 1 is FULL of vocabulary that you should already know from prior math classes. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of this vocabulary (and/or learn something new) through the project. Due: Friday, February 7, Quiz Grade Project Description and Requirements: Find any TEN vocabulary words from Chapter 1 and 2 in your textbook, and/or from your notes. For each word, include a definition AND an example of the word being used in a math situation. The example should show everyone why it is important to understand this word as we continue our journey forward in math. Create some sort of display for the information you have collected for each word. Your display can be a poster board, a computer presentation, a website, or other methods of display that can be shared with the teacher. Please review the rubric on the second page. After you create your presentation, you are to SELF ASSESS before turning in using the rubric. Self-Assessment: Please self score your project based on the rubric on the next page. Record you scores in the space provided below. Failing to complete the self-assessment will result in a 2-point reduction in the project’s overall grade. Definitions Examples Accuracy Presentation Neatness Creativity Total Score

Self Score (1-4)


Matching the instructor’s grade will add an additional 1 point to your overall grade. Over scoring yourself by 4 points will reduce your point total by one, so score yourself accurately!!!

Talk the Talk Grading Rubric: Your grade will be determined by the following point scheme: Definitions






4 Points

Definition included with every vocabulary word. At least 10 definitions included.

All vocabulary words have an example. At least 10 examples included.

80% or more of all examples and vocabulary included and correct.

Project put into presentation form for display. Presentation form can be poster board or digital presentation format.

Presentation is neat, organized and aesthetically pleasing

Highly creative and original design. Examples tie to the vocabulary to help others understand the words clearly.

3 Points

Definition included with most vocabulary words: 7-9 definitions included.

Most vocabulary words have an example: 7-9 examples included.

60% - 79% of all examples and vocabulary included and correct.

Project put into word processing software only that is not in presentation format.

Partially lacking in organization, neatness or aesthetics

Partially lacking creativity or originality. Examples relate to vocabulary, but creativity to tie the example to the vocabulary’s explanation is lacking.

Definition included with some vocabulary words: 4-6 definitions included.

Some vocabulary words have an example: 4-6 examples included.

40% - 59% of all examples and vocabulary included and correct.

Project written on paper only and is not in presentation format.

Mostly lacking in organization, neatness or aesthetics

Partially lacking creativity and originality. Examples do not explain the vocabulary.

Definition included with some vocabulary words: 1-3 definitions included.

Some vocabulary words have an example: 1-3 examples included.

0% - 39% of all pictures and vocabulary included and correct.

Project written on paper only and is not in presentation format.

Messy and unpleasing to the eye

Lacking creativity and originality. Examples do not relate to vocabulary.

2 Points

1 Point