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Beyond Boarding is more than an organization... It’s a lifestyle, and one that we want to share with everybody. We’re inviting you to join us, by making a

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world a better place. By picking an issue that you’re passionate about, something like reducing greenhouse gas emissions or protecting your favourite wilderness area, and pledging to help address that issue in a tangible way, you can be a part of the Beyond Boarding community– we’ll even feature your pledge on our website, along with a photo of you and any information you send us about your issue.


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Spread the Word, spread the stoke!

Now it's your turn to make a difference:

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56 Current Beyond Boarding Pledges JUMP TO NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Pledge: To educate young entrepreneurs on how to take simple environmental initiatives with their businesses which can contribute to big picture positive change.

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Why: I have learnt that you don't need to live in a van all year and eat quinoa to make a difference. I want to INSPIRE fellow young business owners and demonstrate how SIMPLE it is. Since launching Bare Knitwear, I have become educated on how many environmentally friendly alternatives there are; from pulp marketing materials to undyed and natural fibbers and recycled packaging, Link: www.bareknitwear.ca



EDUCATE Pledge: Why are lights on when I don't need them. What is a kilowatt/hour and how much do I pay for one. When does oil become gasoline. How does a fork go from being

liquid magma to stainless steel on my dinner table. Where did that mango come from. If I respect how various forms of energy are consumed in my life, I will be open in browser PRO version

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able to educate those around me and make our world better for the generations to come. Why: I want to be an educator.

EARN MY TURNS Pledge: Access 100% of any snowboarding beyond the chairlift by splitboard. Heli's, snowcats, and snowmobiles are contributing ERIC BEHN to climate change that is melting our snow. Lets all earn our turns and enjoy the beauty beyond the deep pow. Why: There is enough carbon emissions being pushed out of our cars, planes and trains. I want to inspire more people to snowboard and to get out and enjoy nature. Link: www.snowbrains.com

BIKE, BIKE, BIKE. Pledge: to bike as far and as fast as my little legs will take me in my day to day life (and open in browser PRO version

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maybe even then some...). Why: because I believe in clean air, a healthy lifestyle, and social/urban mobility.

ORGANIC, HIGH QUALITY MEAT Pledge: I pledge to only eat meat produced in a sustainable way by consuming organic, high quality, hormone-free meat. Why: The intensive animal farming industry is

cruel to animals and it also produces lowquality, unethical meat on massive scales. I hope to contribute to proper treatment of animals and make a difference to the lives of organic meat farmers by making their practices more economically sustainable. Link: www.beveg.ca/factory-farming-in-canada.php


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ART AND ACTIVISM Pledge: I pledge to use art as a form of activism. I will be making public art to share humanitarian, social, and environmental

subject. Why: I am making this pledge to bring a visual reminder of important issues in to the public. I hope that by using public art the issues I will work with will reach people who might not usually be exposed CAMPBELL

to these issues. Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/jr_s_ted_prize_wish_use_art_to_turn_the_world_inside_out.html

TIME FOR DIRECT ACTION Pledge: Organize a direct action for our


Climate Crises. Why: Because some of the biggest movements in human history were defined by direct actions. With the threat of Climate

change, it's time for us to take on the responsibility. Link: http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/science-saysrevolt open in browser PRO version

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COMPOSTING TIME Pledge: Our new landlords haven’t explicitly said no to a compost, so we say it’s time to MIDORI CAMPOS

go ahead and put one in! Why: Composting diverts waste and avoids the production of methane and leachate

formulation in landfills. It can also prevent pollutants in storm water from reaching surface water resources, reduce erosion and help regenerate poor soils. Ultimately, composting is just awesome!

DECOMPOSITION, FILL EVERY POSITION! Pledge: I pledge to put all un-eaten food and


peelings in our compost pile in our farms garden to be used as fertilizer this coming spring. (Got the other 3 roommates involved as well!) And to also try to pack my vehicle

with riders, filling every seat, every time I go to the local hill. open in browser PRO version

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Why: The reason for this pledge is to try and reduce my carbon/waste foot print, and to inspire others to try and do some good for this planet we live on and enjoy so much every day!


EATING LOCAL Pledge: to buy locally grown foods and grow


some of my own veggies. Why: It's really easy to buy food products that have been imported from far way. By making a conscious effort to eat local, the

community, the environment, and local economy all receive benefits! In terms of growing your own food, it tastes better and is actually quite simple!

GROW YOUR OWN open in browser PRO version

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Pledge: Grow edible and usable organic


produce at home, ensuring pesticide and hormone free food. Why: Because good food is expensive and you gotta eat those greens: Small steps

towards permaculture. To have the option of providing for yourself with produce in your backyard is something to be taken advantage of. Link: www.organicgardening.com/learn-and-grow

WATER WATCH Pledge: Pick up every piece of garbage I find


on the coast and protect the marine environment in any way possible. Why: With everything the ocean provides for

us, how can we not give back. Our entire lives revolve around water, treat it with respect it deserves. Link: www.seashepherd.org

E open in browser PRO version

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OVERALL RADNESS Pledge: Only purchase organic and local


foods. Support local business. Garden. Bicycle. Share love and great vibes! Why: An idea held by one is just an idea, but when it's held by many it becomes a reality.

Together we can make this world and beautiful place. Link: www.followfarrow.com

SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVES Pledge: Share my research and educate others through Forever Shred, a personal SUZANNE

blog on the use and alternatives of

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sustainable and low environmental impact processes in the snowboarding community.

Why: To bring awareness to environmentally friendly alternatives, highlight stewardship efforts, and encourage consumer education. Link: www.forevershred.co


PROTECT AND RESTORE Pledge: devote my life and career to restoring and reclaiming the world that allows us all to GAVIN GENTLES

do the things we love. In an age of ever expanding populations and energy demands it is necessary that we do not let our

environment and delicate ecosystems take the shit end of the stick. Why: I want to be involved in something that matters, and open in browser PRO version

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shares the same values as I do. I cant think of anything more appropriate than a group of snowboarders who are taking affirmative action on todays most prevalent issues

SHREDDING THE GNAR, NOT MY STOMACH Pledge: I pledge to not make any


unnecessary, impulse or otherwise whack fast food purchases from chains or restaurants who do not promote sustainability or get

their meat from feed lots. I'ma eat good stuff only. Dragon-fruit, apples by the dozen, and things like local gelatto places. Also I'm going to actually make a concentrated effort to up my skating game. Maybe the title of this pledge should've been "shredding my KNEES not my stomach". Why: I'm super stoked on what y'all are doing here at BB. Mad respect to every single one of you. I'm going to do this as well as find out what I can do to get directly involved.

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DEATH TO PLASTIC Pledge: Eliminate my use of unnecessary


plastic products like shopping bags, drink bottles and excessive packaging Why: Many of these plastic products no longer have a valid place in our society and are used mostly for our convenience. I mean

c'mon, a reusable bag is like $1! This is a move to change my lifestyle in a way that is better for the environment.

ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY Pledge: bring a more carbon neutral approach to my photography work and do BILL HAWLEY

two photo projects per year to showcase the beauty that BC has to offer.. Why: I've always wanted to work in a way

that sustains the environment. It's time for me to start bringing greater meaning to my art and using it for a open in browser PRO version

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greater cause.

CLEANER BEACHES, HAPPIER SURF Pledge: Leave every place better then when I came. Whether it be hiking in the mountains, NICHOLAS HOLATKO

combing down beaches or walking my dog through the park. Why: I am making this pledge because I believe everyone has a right to enjoy the

natural environment that surrounds us in it's most pristine condition. Leave no trace and SHRED ON!

MAKE MY OWN Pledge: to buy someone's unwanted goods,


or make my own whenever possible. I will also want to eat locally, since you seem to recommend it. Why: for future generations. I have enjoyed the outdoors, especially growing up on the

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North Shore. I can't be selfish with it and want my children to experience it too.



COLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION Pledge: Use as many collaborative consumption services and programs as MADELYN JONES

possible, rather than buying new. This includes carpooling services (such as go2gether), room sharing (airbnb), car sharing, bike sharing, clothes swaps, service

swapping, and basically anything that I can do to help build a sustainable community based on sharing, caring, and reducing our consumption as a group. open in browser PRO version

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Why: There is already enough stuff and services out there. A new movement happening right now is shifting the power from the companies manufacturing goods to the people sharing them instead. Creating a sharing economy means action on the small scale... why not start with you and me?


SAVE THE PLANET FOR THE GRANNIES Pledge: leave no trace in the wilderness and recycle everything. MIKAELA KAUTZKY

Why: To minimize landfill waste and protect our ecosystems because i'm in love with this planet and would like to still be shredding on it as a 70 year old woman!

PUBLIC TRANSIT open in browser PRO version

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Pledge: To use the subway/bus system/MTA as much as possible instead of opting for PAT KING

cabs Why: I'm making this pledge to try and do my part for the climate. Not only do I love the

winters but I know that the sea ice in the north is melting at an alarming rate and diminishing the polar bear's feeding window hugely each year. Link: www.polarbearsinternational.org

DOWN TO THE ROOTS! Pledge: I pledge to meditate. every. day. For 10 minutes! LIZZIE KIRBY

Why: Meditation is a practice of mindfulness that leads to reduced suffering. Suffering

being that sourceless "anxiety" to fix ourselves, want more, and do/get/look/act/BE better then everyone else. Once we realize that it's not real, just a product of society, we can identify it, get some space from that feeling, and change. A mindful person isn't afraid of being judged. They are openhearted, genuine, and open in browser PRO version

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focused. Multiply that over in a population and what do you get? Real, political revolution. Link: www.shambhalasun.com/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=3394&

GRASSROOTED Pledge: to keep my activism grassroots; organizing with initiatives that are standing SCOTT KNOWLES

up for climate justice. Why: Grassroots activism that isn't influenced by bureaucracy, government and paycheques. This is where the real movement

towards climate justice will be built. Together we can protect our water, land and air, and communities. Link: unistotencamp.wordpress.com


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SAY NO TO NESTLE Pledge: Stop buying Nestle water bottles and let people know about what they’re doing STEPH LAND

with our water! Why?: The BC environment needs our help! By just taking 1 minute out of your day you

can sign this petition to help stop Nestle from extracting millions of fresh water from our backyard for free. We need to keep our waters as clean and pure as possible without it being extracted into plastic which in turn creates pollution. TOGETHER we can help make this happen and make a difference. Link: action.sumofus.org/a/nestle-freeloading-off-BC/2/4/? sub=fb

CLEAN COMMUTER AND PROACTIVE VOTER Pledge: I pledge to bike as much as possible to and from work and school. I also pledge to MYLENE LEJAY

vote whenever possible and to actively encourage my friends and family to vote in the next elections.

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Why: Biking is greener than busing and wayyyy greener than driving, plus it gives you killer leg muscles. Considering poor voter turnout in past elections and what that has led to, I think that in voting and encouraging people to vote for parties that put environmental issues at the forefront of provincial and national agendas rather than on the back burner is important in ensuring that BC and Canada as a country govern in a sustainable and environmentally conscientious manner.

CLEANER CLIMBING Pledge: 1. stay on trails 2. bike or bus to climbing gym 3. carpool when going on HEATHER LIGHTFOOT

climbing trip 4. pack food in reusable containers 5. re-soul old climbing shoes over throwing them out 6. Re-use old climbing gear in other aspects of life, like camping 7.

Invest in quality gear that will last longer 8. Attempt to buy climbing clothing and shoes second hand 9. Avoid anchors set up on trees or other vegetation 10.Chill out with the chalk open in browser PRO version

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Why?: I love rock climbing and I love the planet. It's important to find a sustainable balance in the things you do!

FOREST FLOOR SWEEPER Pledge: Pick up any garbage I see on the


trails when hiking, biking, or snowshoeing and to pack it out so that I can recycle or dispose of it. Why?: It's crazy how many granola bar wrappers, ziploc bags, and beer cans you'll find left in the forest. Let's keep those

outdoor spaces natural and free of our junk!

FOREST SWEEPER MOMMA Pledge: I pledge to carry on what my daughter started... To pick up garbage on the COREY LONGEWAY

trails, on the water, beaches, snow ... Why: Respect the planet it was here first ..

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We are visitors.


DESIGN FOR OUR ECOSYSTEM Pledge: to educate people about the ecosystems (small and large) in our GEORGIA MACKENZIEMACPHERSON

environment that have no voice but ours and to use my skills to create sustainable options for our future. Why: we are killing off ecosystems in our urban and natural habitats and many people

are not sure how to r make a difference. I want to help give solutions.

TIME FOR COMMUNITY Pledge: Every month I get to ride in BC, I'm going to volunteer one day(Whistler Youth open in browser PRO version

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Centre/ LUNA program) in my community and kick $25 to the Dogwood Initiative. Why: to preserve our natural environment and maintain a strong community. I've

chosen Dogwood Initiative because i'm a firm believer in their people powered approach to defending BC"s coast and air, and i've chosen to volunteer with WYV/LUNA because really, it's for the kids. Link: www.dogwoodinitiative.org

BUYING ORGANIC AND LOCAL Pledge: to buy organic and local vegetables as much as possible! ANDREW MATTHEWS

Why: By supporting organic food I will be eliminating pesticides that typically go into vegetables. These can toxic chemicals can affect the whole food chain and our water

supply. Buying local reduces the carbon emissions used to transport food. That, and it just tastes better! Link: www.inspirearthorganics.com/index.html

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REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Pledge: I pledge to live by the Three "R's" and find ways to reduce my waste by refusing to JEN MCGOLDRICK

buy things that I do not really need or that have excessive packaging. Instead opting to find sources that can be reused and recycled. Why: Small Changes can make big impacts.

By focusing on the little things we are really impacting a bigger pictures.

BBC - BUS, BIKE, CARPOOL Pledge: BBC as much as possible to become fit and reduce my fossil fuel reliance. Eating DEVAN MCLELLAND

local and composting are also on the menu. Why: To show friends and family that reducing our reliance on the dirty energy grid and integrating ourselves with the resource

life cycle can be fun, rewarding, and is something you will be proud to talk about. open in browser PRO version

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E IS FOR....... Pledge: E is for Energy wherever i may be. I


am pledging now to better my self, through exercise, meditation, self-expression, eating healthy and locally grown foods ....Sustainable future, now.

Why: we are at a exciting point in human existence, we literally have the reigns on our own future, if we decide to have one at all..it's up to us.. because; E is most definitely not for the Enbridge pipeline...

BUY LOCAL Pledge: Purchase products local while trying to make sure they're from BC and even better LEWIS MUIRHEAD

the lower mainland! Why: To reduce the carbon footprint of what I eat and support the local farmers, that are my neighbours.

Link: www.gov.bc.ca/agri/buylocal.html open in browser PRO version

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LEARN MORE FROM THE FIRST NATIONS Pledge: Spend more time around First Nations communities, and try and learn more JOHN MUIRHEAD

about how they lived sustainably in BC for tens of thousands of years before we were here.

Why: They have such a strong connection to the land, and realize how vital it is to our very existence. If our gov't respected momma earth like they do, dirty harmful projects wouldn't even be an option. Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrOTWgL7WGU



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TAKE A MOMENT Pledge: Each time I am in nature, I pledge to


take a moment to breathe and express gratitude for the beautiful planet we inhabit. Soak in my surroundings, the fresh air, the sounds, the smells, and know that I can

come back to that moment if I ever need a boost. Why: We move at such a fast pace, I want to enjoy the little things and take moments to reflect upon how fortunate I am. Marvel in something that I usually take for granted.

KEEPING IT GANGSTER BRAH! Pledge: I pledge to support and learn from


those around me keeping it gangster, spreading knowledge about current environmental affairs. Emulating positivity irieness by living a realisticly sustainable

lifestyle and trying to get toobed at the sacred rivermouth. Why: Gotta stay gangster! open in browser PRO version

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SOAK IT IN! Pledge: get out and explore parts of this world's breathtaking wilderness that I have AJA PAAP

never explored before- both in B.C. and the pockets of Europe I encounter during my upcoming travels.

Why: I believe that nothing can fuel the desire for change more than the love and connection to the thing you are trying to protect.



LIFE Pledge: To recycle not only (beer) cans and plastic bottles but old clothes, gear and everything! Why: Every item in our daily lives can be re-

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used or created into something new. I am making this pledge because I would like to see our society producing less garbage and landfills disappearing!



GREEN INVESTING Pledge: To change where my funds were


invested Why: I started a small RRSP account many years ago after being told it was the smart thing to do for your future. It wasn't until a few years ago when I started wondering

where my money was actually invested. They told me that most of my savings went into TransCanada Corp. as well open in browser PRO version

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as Enbridge Inc. and similar companies. I I had been supporting something I am totally against for so many years! I made sure to change where my funds were invested. Link: www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/queen-ofgreen/2012/07/how-to-invest-green

SMILING BEAR Pledge: To share smiles with those around


me, to do all I can to stay in a positive, optimistic mood. Because if I'm sharing the love, maybe people will feel the love, and maybe they'll pass it on too. If people are loving, maybe they'll love our Earth, and think

about where the products they buy come from, how they are packaged, and what they're made of. If nothing else, I will brighten people’s days one smile, one laugh, one high five at a time! Why: I want to better the world around me. I gave it some open in browser PRO version

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thought and broke it down to the simplest thing that I could think of. Something universal, that can make a big difference, or a small one! I want to stoke out those around me, and I want everyone to feel the love.


RECYCLE BRAH Pledge: To recycle all my old electronics and


batteries. Why: Most electronics contain toxic materials which can cause environmental problems if discarded in the trash. Safely recycling and reusing electronics helps

keep substances like lead and mercury from harming people or the environment.

KEEPING IT CLEAN FOR ZOE. open in browser PRO version

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Pledge: Pick up any garbage I see on the trails or on the beach when hiking, biking, or ALEX SEYMOUR

dog walking. Why: Zoe Longeway-Lewis was my best

friend and in her honour I would like to sustain her pledge and continue to keep clean the areas she was passionate about.



Pledge: eat local, recycle, compost (especially at work), reduce my consumption of plastics, and bike to work.

Why: to lead by example in the hope I can influence others to do likewise.

STICK IT TO THE MAN Pledge: invest my money in local foods and businesses. will spent the extra money on open in browser PRO version

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the right foods and products, no excuses. Why: Money is tough, as a student, but watching large corporations fill their food products with toxins is tougher. I have learnt

that small groups and individuals make real change. It starts with us, so why wouldn't I.


now on Why: To support local farmers that aren't using toxic oil products on our food.

Link: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/15reasons-to-eat-organic-food.html


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LESS IS MORE Pledge: Use only re-usable recycling bags for grocery shopping and save power and energy KYLE THOMAS

wherever I can. Why: to conserve energy and reduce the amount of plastic bag waste. Less waste now

means more resources for the future. Lets do our part to help Earth's sustainability!

CREATE CHANGE Pledge: Dedicate rest of my life to create a


more sustainable and fair society and raise awareness of solutions we have. Why: Because there's nothing more

important than solving the social and environmental issues we all face.


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Pledge: To carpool as much as possible, especially to the mountain and back. I will go out of my way to make sure that I have at least one other person in my car with me when I head up, or that I am in someone

else's car with multiple people. I also pledge to start taking the bus to school and back and around town as much as possible. Public transportation is free for me as a student, so I might as well use it! Why?: Because this is something I should have been doing for a long time now. It's fairly easy, and it just makes open in browser PRO version

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sense. If I can help the environment and have more fun on my drive by carpooling, why wouldn't I?

TRASH TO TREASURE, BABY Pledge: I'm going to embark on a zero waste


lifestyle: a consumer free, waste free year. Why: I want to go one step further and use common trash I'm surrounded by to make works of art - up cycling creativity. I see the possibility in the things we throw away

everyday. "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Link: http://ignite.me/articles/culture/from-landfill-tomuseum-upcycling-trash-into-art/

DO MORE NOT LESS Pledge: This winter I will volunteer at Mt Sima


(our local hill in Whitehorse). Why: To be more actively involved in my community by volunteering my time. I have

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been blessed with the chance to travel/snowboard/surf/live all over this wonderful planet and through that I plan on helping other experience the joy of being active outside.

MINIMALIST LIVING Pledge: to use, ride, and wear gear until it is completely thrashed and beyond repair. ANTHONY WELGAN

When it breaks, I will fix it myself or get it second hand. If that's not possible, I pledge

to support eco-friendly, local business's whose gear quality promises longevity. Why: having less means that fewer of the earths resources are being consumed, and less waste is being created.

COMPOST LIKE A BOSS Pledge: To compost my food scrapes. Left over banana peels, egg shells , watermelon SAM WESTON

bits, orange peel etc. So it can be

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decomposed and recycled. Why: This will avoid these left over food

wastes going into landfills. In return composting will turn the left over food scrapes into fertilizer and soil amendment.

FIRST STEP Pledge: to be a better human being, working


to improve the planet. to bring more awareness to my consumption; buy less

things, eat local, eat healthier and start volunteering my time. Why: The fact that this planet exists and works so well is mind blowing. We need to realize what we have. This planet is too precious to treat it like our garbage can. Greed needs to stop ruling the world.

NO MORE COFFEE CUPS Pledge: Only use reusable coffee cups from open in browser PRO version

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now on. No more disposable to-go cups from RUBY WOODRUFF

coffee shops/gas stations/cafeterias. Why: Disposable coffee cups make up an obscene amount of waste (not to mention the sleeve and lid that goes along with them)

so by pledging to only use a reusable mug I will no longer contribute to more unnecessary garbage. Forfeiting to-go cups may not seem like a huge deal but I will probably be saving at least 100 cups a year (I drink a lot of tea & coffee). From now on if I don't have a to go cup of my own I will not be buying a drink. Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5n-gKNBWRY



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Pledge: I pledge to bring my own cup/mug to coffee shop and have my drink poured in it, to reduce the use of paper cups. Why?: Every day, millions of people flock to coffee shops in the morning, afternoon, and

evening. By using our own reusable cup, we can drastically reduce the amount of cups that are used once, then thrown out to either be partially recycled or dumped at landfills. By taking small steps together, we can all make a big step and change the environment.

GETTING THRIFTY Pledge: only buy used clothing


Why: with trends going in and out like a male porn star the amounts of perfectly good clothing getting tossed everyday is ridiculous.

So take some time and sift through the rows, your bound to find a gem, and even if you don't, and the jeans fit a little baggy then you're just doing your part in the fight against vanity. open in browser PRO version

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 Created by the Great Northern Design Co.

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