Feb 16, 2016 - Submit Void. Determination. Allows the user to void a General TANF; 2 reviews are required in order for t
FM03d: TANF Eligibility
April 14, 2017
Florida Safe Families Network
Change History Release# or Date 03/02/2015
CR# or Incident #
Change Description
Section Modified
Prior changes were not captured however they will be captured going forward. Updates made based on DCF review and feedback Initial updates due to Supported Platforms review Peer Review for Supported Platforms updates Final Review for Supported Platforms
FSFN Implementation Team
All Sections
Matthew Mocniak 16; 31
Robert Thornton
Gina Schendowich
Nancy Weglinski
Updates based on CR636
Amy Jenks
Updates related to defining “unpaid” placements and making topic paper consistent with the application for “include” check boxes
Amy Jenks
Section 1.3.3 and clean-up of Ticklers section Page 5, Section 1.1 Page 7, Section; Page 17, Section; and Pages 19 & 20, Section
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Table of Contents 1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................5 1.2. Pages ...........................................................................................................................................7 1.2.1. Page – TANF .......................................................................................................................7 Page Overview ..............................................................................................................7 Page Information ...........................................................................................................9 Background Processing ...............................................................................................19 Save Processing...........................................................................................................25 Security .......................................................................................................................26 CRUD Matrix ..............................................................................................................26 1.2.2. Adoption – TANF ..............................................................................................................27 Page Overview ............................................................................................................27 Background Processing ...............................................................................................38 Save Processing...........................................................................................................42 Security .......................................................................................................................43 CRUD Matrix ..............................................................................................................43 1.2.3. FPL Maintenance ...............................................................................................................44 Page Overview ............................................................................................................44 Page Information .........................................................................................................45 Background Processing ...............................................................................................46 Save Processing...........................................................................................................46 Security .......................................................................................................................46 CRUD Matrix ..............................................................................................................46 1.2.4. Pop-up - FPL Update Information Page ............................................................................47 Pop-Up Overview .......................................................................................................47 Pop-Up Page Information ...........................................................................................48 Background Processing ...............................................................................................49 Save Processing ..........................................................................................................49 Security .......................................................................................................................50 CRUD Matrix ..............................................................................................................50 1.3. Inventories .................................................................................................................................50 FM03d-TANF Eligibility Topic Paper
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1.3.1. Table Descriptions .............................................................................................................50 1.3.2. Reference Data ...................................................................................................................52 Dropdowns ..................................................................................................................52 List Boxes ...................................................................................................................52 1.3.3. Automated Messages .........................................................................................................52 1.3.4. Checklists ...........................................................................................................................53 1.3.5. Tasks Due...........................................................................................................................53 1.3.6. Notifications .......................................................................................................................54 1.3.7. Text Templates...................................................................................................................54 Maintenance Adoption Subsidy TANF Report form-5263.........................................54 Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination.-5244 ........................................54 1.3.8. Reports ...............................................................................................................................54 1.3.9. Trigger................................................................................................................................54 Online Trigger Code cd_txn = 8000 ...........................................................................54 1.4.
Requirements ........................................................................................................................54
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1.1. Introduction FM03d: TANF Eligibility supports a variety of eligibility functions in Florida Safe Family Network (FSFN). This module consists of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) eligibility screen and the Adoption TANF screen. A TANF record is created upon approval of an unpaid placement which occurs when a child is removed from home into an unpaid placement, or is moved from a paid placement into an unpaid placement. When the child is moved out of an unpaid placement into an approved paid placement, the user can manually create a TANF redetermination to reflect the move out of TANF eligibility. In addition, if the child moves from one unpaid placement to another unpaid placement, the user can manually create a new TANF if, in fact, the Eligibility would change based on the information in the new unpaid placement. A placement is considered unpaid when the ‘Payment Allowed’ check box is not selected on the Service Type page. If a placement is closed with the reason of “Made in Error” or “Duplicate”, then the associated TANF will be ‘voided’, resulting in the record being deleted from the system. TANF for an unpaid placement will only be automatically generated for approved unpaid Out of Home Placement. Users are able to create TANF records from Create Case Work or Create Financial Work. Throughout this document where “unpaid” placement is referenced, a placement is considered unpaid when the Maintain Service Type & Rate page, associated with the Placement Service Type, reflects the Placement radio button selected within the Service Type Specifics group box and the ‘Payment Allowed’ check box is not selected. However, in order for the Provider to be searched and selected on the Out of Home Placement – Provider tab, for whom a Service Type is active, the Service Type must also have the Ongoing Service/ Placement check box selected on the Maintain Service Type & Rate page. If not selected, only One Time Payments can be created for the Service Type. If a placement is closed with the reason of “Made in Error” or “Duplicate”, then the associated TANF will be ‘voided’, resulting in the record being deleted from the system. TANF for an unpaid placement will only be automatically generated for approved, unpaid Out of Home Placements where the Service Category for the associated Service Type is either Relative or Non-Relative. Users are able to manually create TANF records from Create Case Work or Create Financial Work. Per Florida policy, a TANF determination must be completed before a Child Investigation or Special Condition Referral can be closed if there is not an existing “active” TANF for each child Investigation Participant. Upon approval (investigation closure) of an investigation, a copy of the TANF determination will be system generated for each child that the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box is selected. The copied TANF’s will have the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ checkbox checked for all the children who had the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ checkbox checked on the original Investigative TANF.
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Users can also manually create a TANF from the Create Case Work icon and selecting TANF from the Eligibility dropdown; or by selecting the Create Financial Work icon on the banner bar and selecting ‘Create TANF’ from the Eligibility dropdown on the Financial Work page. This is only for TANFs that do not need to be tied to an investigation. A TANF determination is valid for one year from the ‘Effective From Date’ of the TANF determination unless ‘Effective To Date’ is specified differently. A TANF determination will need to be completed prior to the annual determination if the child returns home, is placed in a nonrelative placement, or if the child is placed in licensed care. Status changes and annual determination of a TANF determination will be listed on the ‘TANF Determinations Due Report’ that is accessed through the FSFN reporting subsystem. A TANF determination can be completed for a change in relative (unpaid) placement, but is not required. Annual TANF Adoption determinations will be launched through Create Case Work or Financial Work pages. Approved TANF Adoption statuses with the most recent Effective Date will be used for reimbursement. Based on the information obtained from the Adoption TANF Eligibility Determination, the OCA Reimbursement Allocation Batch (FM04a: Reimbursement and Claiming) processes the payments and determines the portion of each payment that needs to be claimed using Adoption TANF funds. This process also creates the necessary information to generate the reports that will assist the department in its Adoption TANF claiming.
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1.2. Pages 1.2.1. Page – TANF Page Overview Navigation The system automatically creates a TANF eligibility record when an unpaid placement under the Service Category of Relative or Non-Relative has been approved (SM10a: Out of Home Placements). Users can also manually create a TANF Eligibility record through the Create Case Work or Create Financial Work icons on the Banner Bar of the desktop and selecting ‘Create TANF’ from the Eligibility dropdown of the respective pages depending on the users’ security profile. There are two separate groups of users that can complete a TANF determination due to Florida policy: Investigation users and Rev Max Specialist/Supervisors. Investigation users will launch the TANF determination record from the Actions Group Box within the investigation shell. Investigation users can view and update this page from their desktop for cases that a user is assigned to. The record can be found under the Eligibility icon of the case record, TANF Eligibility hyperlink, or is accessible through Search in view only mode. Rev Max Specialists can create and access the TANF determinations from the Financial
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Work page. The Financial Work page is only accessible by fiscal workers. The Financial Work page is accessed through the Create Financial Work icon located on the Banner Bar of the desktop. Once the user has launched the Financial Work page, the TANF determination is located in the Eligibility dropdown. If a worker has an assignment to the case, they will also be able to access and update a determination on their desktop under the Eligibility section of the child record, TANF Eligibility hyperlink, or it will be accessible through Search. Page Summary The TANF page consists of the Eligibility group box along with the ‘Eligibility Information’ group box and the ‘Household Information’ group box. The Eligibility group box consists of the common eligibility information such as the ‘Case Name’, ‘Case ID’, ‘Child Name’, ‘Investigation ID’, ‘Removal Date’, and the ‘Eligibility ID’. The ‘Eligibility Information’ group box includes Eligibility dates and status along with the ‘Federal Poverty Level’ (FPL) calculation determination. The ‘Household Information’ group box includes a list of the active participants in the case or investigation with the demographic information for each. Below these group boxes are a set of questions that prompt the user to determine if the child is eligible for TANF funds in the ‘Questions’ group box, as well as Assets & Employment Expando and an optional Eligibility Notes Expando. The Assets & Employment Expando auto-populates with the family members linked to the participant in which the TANF Eligibility is being created for. Each participant name hyperlink within the Assets & Employment expando launches their associated Assets & Employment page within the FSFN Case. Selecting the checkbox associated with a participant within the Assets & Employment expando will include them in the Family Size and includes the participant’s Unearned and Earned Income in the Estimated Family Income calculation. The calculated Family Income is compared against the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). When the TANF page is accessed via the Financial Work page, a Search hyperlink is enabled in the Eligibility group box. The Search hyperlink will bring up the Person Search page. Once a user searches a child, results will appear in the ‘Persons Returned’ group box of the Search page. User will need to select the appropriate record by expanding the child’s name, expand the case, and select the Eligibility icon. If a record has been created then a radio button next to the TANF Determination will appear. When the radio button is selected and ‘Continue’ is clicked, the user will be brought back to the TANF page and the information will be pre-filled from the system. Any linked participants added to the Household
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Information group box of the child are also brought in to the Assets & Employment expando, if applicable. Users will receive an edit message if the Effective From date entered uses a year that does not have any FPL amounts input into FSFN. Page Information Group Box
Case Name
The name of the case that the TANF eligibility record is associated with (Last name, First name, Middle initial); system derived with the Case Name associated to selection on the Investigation shell, the unpaid Placement, or Create Case Work; not User Editable.
Case ID
The unique ID that is associated to the Case; system derived with the Case ID associated to selection from the Investigation shell, the unpaid Placement, or Create Case Work; not user editable.
Child Name
The child’s name (Last name, First name, Middle initial) when created by an unpaid Placement or Create Case Work: system pre-fills with the selected child associated with the TANF Eligibility record; displays null if created via an Investigation shell; not user editable; not required.
Investigation ID
Displays the Investigation ID when a TANF Eligibility is created from an Investigation; system derived; not user editable; required only for investigation TANF’s. If TANF is created from an unpaid placement or Create Case Work, or Financial Work, the field is null; not user editable; not required
Removal Date
The date that the child was removed from the home. When created from Investigation, system derived from the earliest Removal Date recorded on the Safety Assessment that is associated with the investigation; if the removal date cannot be found, the system will pull the date the intake was received. When created from Placement or Create Case Work, this field pre-fills from the most recent Removal date in the Out of Home Placement page that created the eligibility. The Removal Date will be null if no
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placement for the child or case is documented. Not user editable. Eligibility ID Group Box
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System derived from the TANF table with the Eligibility ID associated to the TANF; not user editable.
Displayed as a hyperlink within the Actions group box. Upon selecting the Approval hyperlink, the Approval History pop-up page is displayed. If the Form 5244 has not been launched the following prompt is displayed: “Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination Form-5244 has not been launched. ”. Once the TANF page has received final approval all fields will become frozen, disabled, and grayed out; even if a change is made to pages which pre-fill to the TANF page, the change will not be reflected on the TANF page to ensure data integrity.
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Submit Void Determination
Allows the user to void a General TANF; 2 reviews are required in order for the TANF to successfully be voided; once the Submit Void Determination hyperlink has been selected from the General TANF, a prompt will be displayed and will ask if the user wishes to continue voiding the determination with a Yes and No selection; the Submit Void Determination hyperlink will be replaced with a Void Determination hyperlink; the worker that submitted the void determination cannot be the same worker that selects the Void Determination hyperlink; the user will receive the following message when they are the original user that voided the determination and are attempting to void the determination again: “In order to void an eligibility determination, two different users must void the determination regardless of security profile."; upon selecting the Void Determination hyperlink a prompt will be displayed and ask if the user is sure they wish to continue voiding the determination with a Yes and No selection; the Submit Void Determination will only be available from the general TANF if there are NO Determinations with Effective Dates after the current general TANFs Effective Date; once the Void determination process has been completed the system will automatically select the "Determination Voided" check box which is disabled and grayed out. NOTE: The “Submit Void Determination” hyperlink is conditionally displayed once the General TANF page has been fully approved and frozen, disabled, and grayed out.
Request for TANF Displayed as a hyperlink within the Actions group box; upon selecting the hyperlink, the Form 5244 template is Funds/Eligibility displayed. A field will not be user editable if the field has Determination previously been entered by the system. Once a user saves Form the template, the template will not be able to be pre-filled. The fiscal year will pre-fill based on the date entered in the ‘Effective From’ field of the TANF page and the label for Table 2 will also have its effective date pre-filled based on the date entered in the ‘Eligibility From’ field. Group Box
Eligibility Information
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Effective From
Date from which the eligibility status is effective; system derived from the first unpaid placement’s placement begin date if it is not associated with an investigation. User editable; required. The ‘Effective From’ date will be null if no placement for the child or case is documented. If the TANF eligibility is derived from an Investigation, the system will default the date to the earliest removal date that is recorded on the Safety Assessment associated with the investigation; if the removal date cannot be found, the system will pull the date the initial intake was received. (This only shows the date of the initial intake for the investigation (-01’s).) User editable; required. An FPL Maintenance entry must exist for the Effective date year entered. The date entered into this field pre-fills on the Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination – 5244 template.
Effective To
The date will be pre-filled by the system to 364 days from the ‘Effective From’ date entered. The ‘Effective To’ will be null if the ‘Effective From’ date is null. An FPL Maintenance entry must exist for the Effective date year entered. System derived; user editable; not required.
Entry Date
The system date on which the eligibility information is initially entered and the ‘Save’ button was first selected; not user editable; defaults to 00/00/0000.
Approval Date
The system date when the TANF determination is approved by a Supervisor. The ‘Approval Date’ for investigation TANF determinations will be the date that the investigation is approved for closure. Otherwise, the ‘Approval Date’ is derived when the standard approval process is completed.
Completed By
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Pre-fills the worker that is logged into the system and initiated the first save. System generated; not user editable.
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Eligibility Status
‘Is the child eligible?’ System derived radio button with the options of ‘Pending’, ‘Eligible’, ‘Ineligible’; not user editable; based on the information from questions 1-4 below along with the FPL question in the ‘Eligibility Information’ group box. Defaults to ‘Pending’; AFCARS VALUE
FPL Question
‘Based on the information below, the child income is.’ Two radio buttons stating ‘Less than 200% of the FPL- Child is Eligible’ and ‘At or above 200% of the FPL- Child is Ineligible’. System derived based on the income information entered below in Question 4 and the FPL chart values for the fiscal year associated with the ‘Effective From’ date, this field only pre-fills with a determination when a dollar amount is entered in the "Estimated Family Income" field.
Determination Voided
Determination Voided check box is system derived, disabled, and grayed out; system derived when the Void Determination process is completed on that particular General TANF.
Group Box
Household Information
(Last name, First name, Middle initial) of active participants in the Investigation/Case that the TANF eligibility is being completed. The household information is populated for the investigation participants if the TANF is launched from investigation. If the TANF determination is derived from a placement or from Create Case Work or from the Financial Work page, the household members will be populated with the active Case participants. System generated; not user editable. NOTE: Name is also a hyperlink that will launch the Person Record in view only mode.
Person ID
ID that is associated to the active participant listed in the ‘Household Information’ group box retrieved from the Person Management page. System generated; not user editable.
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Group Box
List the SSN of the person listed in the ‘Household Information’ group box retrieved from the Person Management page. System generated; not user editable.
Date of Birth for the person listed in the Household Information group box retrieved from the Person Management page. System generated; not user editable.
System calculated age field that is the record creation date minus the DOB. Not user editable.
System generated gender field that is retrieved from the Person Management page. Not user editable.
Eligibility Applies To
For non-investigation TANFs, the child listed in the header defaults the check box to be checked for the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box for that child and the check box is disabled for all rows (they can’t remove that child, or add another child to that TANF eligibility determination); not required. If done from Investigation, the user must designate which child(ren) in the ‘Household Information’ group box listed is (are) the child(ren) the eligibility is being completed for; there can be multiple children selected (there must be at least one child selected.) If the user does not select at least one child for investigation TANFs, then the system will give an error message stating “A minimum of one child must be selected.” User editable; required.
US Citizen or Qualified Non Citizen
Check box will be checked if the child is a citizen of the United States of America or is a Qualified Non- Citizen. User entered; not required. This row is only enterable by the user for the children whom eligibility is being assessed. The system determines this by looking to see if the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box is checked. If the ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box is not checked, this check box will be grayed out and not user editable.
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Question 1
Relationship to Child
Parent/Relative Name
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‘Was (were) the child(ren) living with a Parent or other Specified Relative at the time of investigation or at the time of the request for services? If Yes, go to question 2. If No, Ineligible.’ User selected response of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radio button. Required. Values include possible relationships to child; user selected dropdown; if the relationship to child value is not ‘Mother or Father’, the user will search for the participant by the Search hyperlink; enabled and required if ‘Yes’ is selected. System will default the ‘Parent/Relative Name’ for the ‘Relationship to Child’ that was selected for the youngest child in an investigation TANF. If the user selects Mother or Father and receives the validation message, the user can update the drop down to "null" (blank) and save the page intermittently. The user can then access the applicable child's person management record, make the applicable update to the Additional tab, save and close Person Management, return to the TANF page to then select Mother or Father from the drop down, and it will populate accordingly. The name of the person that the child was removed from. (First name Middle initial Last name); Pre-fills in most cases based upon the selection in the ‘Relationship to Child’ dropdown. If ‘Relationship to Child’ is selected, system will pre-fill the information from the child’s Person Management record (of the youngest child for investigation TANFs) with the information on the individual from the ‘Relationship to Child’ dropdown. Child’s Person Management record, Additional tab which correspond to PERSON.id_mom and/or PERSON.id_dad; system derived if person is selected from the Person Search page; user enterable text field only if the relationship is Other; if the mother/father name doesn’t populate, then the user will need to add the information on the Person Management record and then launch the Eligibility page again. Required field and enabled if ‘Yes’ is selected.
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Question 2
Question 3
‘Is (are) the child(ren) currently residing in the State of Florida? If Yes, go to question 3. If No, Ineligible.’ User selected response of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Required, if question 1 is Yes, otherwise No is the default value. For non-Investigation TANF, the question is system derived based on the child's Address Tab within their Person Management record. If the child's current Address (no End Date) is a type of Primary Residence AND is in the State of Florida, the answer is derived as Yes; otherwise No. For Investigation TANF, the address for the youngest child included in the Household Information group box and follows the same logic is used for the answer. ‘Is the family currently receiving cash assistance under the Temporary Cash Assistance Program or the Relative Caregiver Program? If Yes, Eligible. If, No go to question 4.’ User selected response of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Required if Question 1 and 2 are ‘Yes’; no default value; user editable.
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Question 4
Family Income: Information Obtained From: ‘Unable to Obtain’ check box that is conditionally enabled only if the selected participants whose income is going to be included do not have “effective” income documented on Assets & Employment – Unearned Income and/or Employment Income tab. Same SSI/SSA rules apply. ‘What is the family size?’ Family Size is defaulted to the number of check boxes that have been selected under the ‘Include’ column in the ‘Household Information’ group box. ‘Estimated Family Income:’ is system derived from Assets & Employment; required if question 1 and 2 are ‘Yes’ and 3 is ‘No’, otherwise enabled, but not required. In addition, deeming does not apply to income for purposes of TANF. This calculation includes both Earned and Unearned Income from Assets & Employment for those persons for whom their associated check box is selected within the Assets & Employment expando and who meet the criteria for that expando – Unearned Income can only be identified as “Monthly” currently in FSFN, while Employment allows various frequencies to be identified.
Assets & Employment
Assets & Employment
FM03d-TANF Eligibility Topic Paper
All "active" FSFN Case Participants will be displayed for selection; selecting the check box will include the participant in the "family size"; only those selected participants who are identified as the Mother or Father, as well as the child for whom the current Eligibility is being documented, will be included in the "Income" calculation; when the TANF page is systematically created because the child is in a Relative or Non-Relative Placement (Service Category) the system will not enable any of the check boxes and the child for whom the Eligibility is being documented will be defaulted, selected, disabled, and grayed out; if a TANF is manually created, these check boxes will be enabled for selection, for all participants displayed and there is no default.
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NOTE: Mother and Father are defined based on the Relationships tab of Maintain Case and include the following values: Mother; Mother – Adoptive; Mother – Birth; Mother – Step; Father; Father – Adoptive; Father – Birth; Father – Step. Expando
Eligibility Notes
Eligibility Notes
User entered text narrative field until the determination is approved. 1000 character limit. Not required.
Standard Save Processing. The user can save intermittently regardless if all questions have been answered or not on non-Investigation TANFs. This accommodates the ability to access Person Management or Maintain Case, make necessary changes, and have the TANF page automatically refresh and update accordingly upon returning to the TANF page. All edits still exist, for instance, when Yes is selected to Question 1, the user must then select a Relationship to Child and Parent/Relative Name, and so forth; however the edits will be enforced when the user attempts to click the Approval hyperlink. NOTE 1: If the user selects Mother or Father from the Relationship to Child drop down and there is not an applicable person documented on the Person Management record, the user will still receive the validation message with this change identified, the user will then be able to close the validation message, null out the Relationship to Child drop down and intermittently save the TANF page this will allow the user to then directly access Person Management to make the necessary update without having to close the TANF page. NOTE 2: The enforcing of the edits occurs when clicking the Approval hyperlink NOT when clicking the Approval hyperlink, selecting Approve, clicking Continue and attempting to save the TANF page.
Close FM03d-TANF Eligibility Topic Paper
Standard close processing. April 3, 2017 Page 18 of 55
Florida Safe Families Network Background Processing
Information for the Child Name, Case Name, Investigation ID (For Investigation TANF’s only), Case ID, Eligibility ID, and Removal Date fields is retrieved from the TANF, Person, Case and Episode tables. The age of a case participant will be calculated based on the intake received date instead of the current date. If the victim's age is below 18 as of the intake received date, then the system will allow the TANF to be completed for that participant. This will allow an investigation to be closed if a victim is older than 18 when the case is being processed for closure, but was under 18 when the intake was received. The system will derive the FPL question from the combination of the family size and the income information entered in Question 4 as well as, the FPL Maintenance information derived from the FPL Maintenance Information page for the fiscal year associated with the ‘Effective From’ date. The Family Size is system derived from the number of participants that have an “Include” check box selected.
Household size
Monthly Income
Yearly income
At least one ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box must be selected for an Investigation TANF Eligibility record. If the user does not select at least one check box, the user will receive an error message stating. ‘A minimum of one child must be selected.’ ‘Eligibility Applies To’ check box will not be editable for child specific records which are created through Create Case Work or Create Financial Work. At least one ‘Include’ check box must be selected for an Investigation TANF Eligibility record. If the user does not select at least one check box the user will receive an error message stating. ‘A minimum of one child must be selected.’ If the TANF eligibility record is not created through an Investigation, the following logic applies to the “Include” check boxes within the Assets and Employment expando: o If the TANF is systematically generated because the child is in a Relative or NonRelative Placement (Service Category), that child’s check box will default to selected and all check boxes will be disabled and grayed out. o If manually created, all check boxes will be enabled for selection and there is no default. Removal Date is the date that the child was removed from the home. The following logic applies:
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o When created from Investigation, system derived from the earliest Removal Date recorded on the Safety Assessment that is associated with the investigation; if the removal date cannot be found, the system will pull the date the intake was received (the initial (-01) ‘Intake Received Date’). o When systematically generated in relation to a Placement or manually from Create Case Work or Create Financial Work, this field pre-fills from the most recent Removal date in the Out of Home Placement page that created the eligibility OR the Removal Date will be null if no placement for the child or case is documented, respectively. Effective From Date uses the following logic: o For Non Investigation TANF determinations, which are those either systematically generated in relation to a Placement or manually created from Create Case Work or Create Financial Work, the ‘Effective From’ date is enabled until the TANF is approved. ‘Effective From’ date is system derived from the first unpaid placement’s placement begin date. The ‘Effective From’ date will be null if no placement for the child or case is documented. ‘Effective From’ date cannot be less than the ‘Removal Date’ and cannot be a future date. ‘Effective From’ date can overlap with other TANF records. o With Investigations TANF determinations, the ‘Effective From’ date defaults to the earliest removal date that is recorded on the Safety Assessment associated with the investigation; if the removal date cannot be found, the system will pull the date the initial intake was received. (This only shows the date of the initial intake for the investigation (-01’s).) ‘Effective From’ date is only enabled until the associated Investigation is approved. The ‘Effective From’ date cannot be less than ‘Removal Date’ and cannot be a future date. ‘Effective From’ date can overlap with other TANF records. ‘Effective To’ date is only enabled until record is approved. ‘Effective To’ date is set to the ‘Effective From’ date plus 364 days. ‘Effective To’ date cannot be less than ‘Effective From’ date. (Both Investigation and Non Investigation TANF determinations). Question 1: • If the “Child Removed from home of” on the Person Management Record is ‘Mother’, the ‘Relationship to Child’ dropdown defaults to ‘Mother’. System will attempt to retrieve mother’s name from the child’s Person record (PERSON.id_mom). If not found, error message displays. If the mother’s name doesn’t populate, then the User will need to add the information on the person management page and then complete the Eligibility page. •
If the “Child Removed from home of” on the Person Management Record is ‘Father’, the ‘Relationship to Child’ dropdown defaults to ‘Father’. System will attempt to retrieve father’s name from the child’s Person record (PERSON.id_dad). If not found, error message displays. If the Father’s name doesn’t populate, then the User will need to
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add the information on the person management page and then complete the Eligibility page. •
If the “Child Removed from home of” is ‘Both’, on the Person Management Record the ‘Relationship to Child’ dropdown defaults to ‘Mother’. System will attempt to retrieve mother’s name from the child’s Person record (PERSON.id_mom); if not found system will attempt to retrieve father’s name from the child’s Person record (PERSON.id_dad). If neither is found, error message displays. If the Mother or Father’s name doesn’t populate, then the User will need to add the information on the person management page for the Mother if know, if not enter Father’s information and then complete the Eligibility page.
If the “Child Removed from home of” is not selected as ‘Mother’ or ‘Father’, the Relationship to Child dropdown defaults to null the on the Person Management Record. System will activate a Search hyperlink. The ‘Parent/Relative Name’ field is enabled only after the user selects Search hyperlink for the respective field. The intent is to oblige the user to search for the person before adding it to the FSFN database; that is, the person may already be active in the system. If after selecting Search, the user finds the name, selects the name, and clicks the ‘Continue’ button on the Person Search page. The ‘Parent/Relative Name’ field is populated with the selected name. If the user selects CLOSE on the Person Search page, then the ‘Parent/Relative Name’ field becomes user editable for free-form text.
If ‘No’ is selected for question, then the user can complete the TANF determination with a status of ‘Ineligible’ without answering any further questions. The following message is displayed – “This will set the status of the child to Ineligible. You will not be required to answer other questions. Complete TANF determination?” If the user selects ‘No’, they are returned to the TANF page.
Question 2: If ‘No’ is selected for question, then the user can complete the TANF determination with a status of ‘Ineligible’ without answering any further questions. The following message is displayed - “This will set the status of the child to Ineligible. You will not be required to answer other questions. Complete TANF determination?” If the user selects ‘No’, they are returned to the TANF page.
Question 3: If ‘Yes’ is selected then the financial determination is completed for the child and the child is eligible (With Yes for question 1 and 2). The system will then not require Question 4; but remains enabled. If Question 4 is not completed (null), then the FPL question will also be null, but child is still eligible.
When the user selects the Approval option, the system will calculate the new status and then a pop-up message is displayed. This pop-up reads: ‘The TANF determination status will be set to {the new status}. Click Yes if this is correct. Click No to retain the previous status.” The user then has the options of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ buttons. If the user selects ‘No’, then the user will be returned to the TANF Eligibility page with no further processing and the status will revert
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to the previously saved status. If ‘Yes’ is chosen, the system will then check to make sure all questions have been answered. If they have not, a message box stating which answers need to be completed will display. If all questions have been answered and the user selects ‘Yes’, the correct status displays in the Eligibility Information list box.
The new status is calculated to ‘Eligible’ if: Questions [1 and 2 and 3 are YES along with the Citizenship/Qualified Non-Citizen check box ‘checked’] OR
The new status is calculated to ‘Eligible’ if: Questions [1 and 2 are YES; and 3 is NO Question 4 (is self-declared, documented, collateral ) with the FPL less than 200% along with the Citizenship/Qualified Non-Citizen check box ‘checked’]
The new status is calculated to ‘Ineligible’ if the scenario described above is NOT valid OR any of the following questions are No or Unable to Obtain. (1No, 2-No,4- Unable to Obtain if Question 3 is No) OR if the Citizenship/Qualified Non-Citizen check box is ‘unchecked’]
Special processing for Investigative TANFs:
Upon creating an Investigative TANF, the “Applies To” check box for any Investigative Participants age 18 or older will be disabled and grayed out. The Investigative TANF page will continue to update in the event a change is made to the participant’s Date of Birth, resulting in the child being under 18 or age 18 or older, up to the point the Investigation is approved for closure. This applies to Special Conditions Referrals as well.
Upon creating an Investigative TANF, the “Applies To” check box for any Investigative Participants who already have an existing approved TANF, will be disabled and grayed out. Only Investigative Participants under 18 who do not already have an approved TANF will be required to have the TANF documented if the Investigation meets the current criteria requiring a TANF. This applies to Special Conditions Referrals as well.
If there are no participants who require a TANF based on the new logic, FSFN will not require the creation of the TANF upon submission for approval for closure of the Investigation.
FSFN Case cannot be closed if there is a “Pending” TANF.
Upon attempting to create the TANF page, whether from Create Financial Work or Create Case Work, if the participant for whom it is being created is 18 years of age or older, the following validation prompt is displayed: o The participant you are creating the TANF page for is 18 years of age or older. Do you wish to continue?
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o The validation prompt is displayed upon clicking the Continue button on the Person Search page when creating from Create Financial Work and upon clicking the Continue button on the Create Case Work page.
Upon selecting either the Case Name or Participant Name hyperlink, if any change has been made to the TANF page the user will be required to save the page in order to launch the Maintain Case or Person Management pages. This will ensure all changes have been saved directly prior to accessing an external module. If save hasn’t been invoked, the following validation message will be displayed: o The General TANF page must be saved.
Upon returning to the TANF page from Person Management or Maintain Case when accessed from the TANF page, the system will automatically refresh to pull in any applicable updates and reflect them on the TANF page. Additionally, if Maintain Case or Person Management was accessed external to the TANF page, each time the TANF page is launched it will automatically refresh upon opening the page.
A TANF page will be system generated in each of the following instances: o First Relative or Non-Relative Out-of-Home Placement in a Removal Episode based on the Service Category o When a Placement Change occurs and the child goes from any Service Category other than Relative or Non-Relative “to” Relative o When a Placement Change occurs and the child goes from any Service Category other than Non-Relative or Relative “to” Non-Relative o A TANF page will NOT be system generated if the Case Type is ICPC or ICPC Priority regardless of the Placement Service Category or change in placement. o A TANF page will NOT be system generated if a child is placed in any other “Unpaid” Service Type, under any Service Category other than Relative or Non-Relative. o Upon any of the above situations occurring, resulting in a TANF page being created, the system will generate an automated message to the Primary Worker, if Ongoing Services Assignment Type, and their Supervisor, indicating that a TANF Determination or Redetermination is due.
30 and 60 days prior to the Effective To date, on the most recent approved TANF (most recent is based on the Effective From date), an automated message will be generated and sent to the Worker identified in the Completed By field on the TANF page, as well as that worker’s supervisor.
The existing TANF Determinations Due Report will be modified to capture Redeterminations Due based on the following:
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Effective To date falling within 30 days and 60 days after the Report Run Date, and will be based on the Person IDs most recent Effective Date for approved TANF records.
If there is a “Pending” TANF record, the report must be modified to still look at the most recent TANF record which is approved because the TANF record is still “Pending” and not completed.
If the child has a placement change from any Service Category other than Relative “to” Relative OR from any Service Category other than Non-Relative “to” Non-Relative AND the TANF Due Date is within 30 days after the Report Run Date AND there is NOT an existing, approved TANF record within an Effective From date equal to or greater than the Placement Begin Date, a Redetermination is due and should pull into the report. NOTE: The Due Date is 7 days from the Placement Begin Date.
If the child has a placement change from any Service Category other than Relative “to” Relative OR from any Service Category other than Non-Relative “to” Non-Relative AND the TANF Due Date is within 60 days after the Report Run Date AND there is NOT an existing, approved TANF record within an Effective From date equal to or greater than the Placement Begin Date, a Redetermination is due and should pull into the report. NOTE: The Due Date is 7 days from the Placement Begin Date.
If a TANF record is voided, the system will generate an automated message to the worker identified in the Completed By field on the TANF record being voided notifying them of such.
For purposes of determining the “Family Income” FSFN must perform the following calculation:
1st: Add each selected participant’s documented Employment Income from Assets & Employment, Employment Tab, where the Effective To date is “null” and must be calculated as a “monthly” amount, as follows (NOTE: This is only for those participants whose associated check box is selected and meet the applicable criteria): Annually
Wages/12 Every 6 Months
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Twice a Month
Wages *2 Every Two Weeks (Bi-Weekly)
Wages *2.14 Weekly
Wages * 4.3
2nd: Add each participant’s Unearned Income where the Eff. End Date is “null” and has the “Use in Eligibility Calculations” flag checked.
The total of all Unearned and Earned Income is what displays in the Family Income field. Save Processing Save Processing is initiated by clicking on the Save command button. Save processing is also initiated when selecting the ‘Close’ button, and answering ‘Yes’ when the system prompts the user if they would like to ‘Save changes before closing the page.’ Based on the responses for the questions on the page, various fields may also be required. If any of these fields are null, the user will receive an error validation stating ‘Please enter data in the fields which are highlighted - .’
Excluding Investigation TANF determinations, if the ‘Effective From’ date value is less than the ‘Removal Date’ on save processing, the user will receive an error message stating ‘TANF Eligibility - Effective Date must be greater than the Removal Date’.
The ‘Effective To’ date cannot be greater than the ‘Effective From’ date of the TANF record.
If user attempts to save a TANF Eligibility page with an Effective date for a year that does not have a FPL Maintenance record created (ex. 08/09/2007), the user will receive an edit message stating: ‘No Federal Poverty Level amounts have been entered for this year this TANF cannot be saved.’.
Excluding Investigation TANF determinations, if the Approval selection in the Options dropdown has been selected and the user has agreed to the eligibility status and save processing has been initiated, the following processes occur: o The ‘Approval Date’ field is filled with the date the TANF was Approved. o The questions on the TANF page are frozen. o For annual redeterminations, the report fields associated with this redetermination are deleted from the reports table of the TANF determinations due report. A new 364 day line item is created to remind the Worker to complete a new TANF determination
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within that time period from the date of the TANF determination unless the child has an active eligible Title IV-E Foster Care record.
Upon clicking Save, the Effective From Date is the only required field in order to initially save the TANF page. All other field edits are enforced upon clicking the Approval hyperlink. Security
There are no changes to security as to the workers who can view, document, and approve the TANF page. CRUD Matrix Table Name
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1.2.2. Adoption – TANF Page Overview Navigation An Adoption TANF record will be generated when a Title IV-E Adoption determination is completed and determined Ineligible, except when a pending Adoption TANF already exists for the person. An Adoption TANF can only be created on active case participants. Eligibility workers can create or access the Adoption TANF determinations from the Financial Work page if a pending Adoption TANF does not already exist for that person and they are an active participant in the case. The Financial Work page is accessed through the Financial Work Icon located on the Banner Bar of the desktop. Once the user has launched the Financial Work page, the Adoption TANF determination is located on the Eligibility dropdown. TANF Adoption can also be created through the Create Case Work page. The user must select the Create Case Work Icon on the desktop and then select the Eligibility dropdown. From The Eligibility dropdown, click Create Adoption TANF. If an Eligibility worker has an assignment to the case, they will also be able to access this determination under the Eligibility section of the child record, Adoption TANF Eligibility hyperlink, or is accessible through Search. Page Summary FM03d-TANF Eligibility Topic Paper
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The Adoption TANF Eligibility page consists of the 'Child Information' group box which includes Eligibility Date and Child Demographic information. Below the ‘Child Information’ group box is a list of six questions that will determine if the child is eligible for Adoption TANF funds. This section also includes an optional Eligibility Notes Expando. Once the page appears, a search hyperlink is enabled in the ‘Child Information’ group box. The search hyperlink will bring up the Person record search page. Once a user searches a child, results will appear on the search page. User will need to select the appropriate record by expanding the child’s name, expand the case, and select the eligibility icon. If a record has been created, then a radio button next to the adoption TANF Determination will appear. When the radio button is selected and ‘Continue’ is clicked, the user will be return to the TANF page and the information will be populated from the system. When an Adoption has been finalized, the following will be copied to the new Adoptive Case: the associated Adoption TANF, Title IV-E Foster Care and Title IVE Adoption records. Users will receive an edit message if the Effective From date entered uses a year that does not have any FPL amounts input into FSFN. Page Information Group Box
Child Information
Case Name
The name of the case that the child is associated with (Last name, First name, Middle initial); required; not user editable. This field is displayed as a hyperlink that launches the Maintain Case page when clicked.
Child Name
The Birth Name of the child that is associated with (Last name, First name, Middle initial); required; not user editable. This field is displayed as a hyperlink that launches the Person Management page when clicked. If the child’s name is edited in the Person Management screen, the Adoption TANF will refresh to pull in the new information, without the user needing to close the current Adoption TANF and reopen it.
Person ID
ID that is associated to the Birth Name. System generated; not user editable.
The SSN of the child that the Adoption TANF eligibility determination is being completed. System generated from the Person Management Record; not user editable.
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Date Applied For
The date that the SSN was applied for. It is pre-filled from the Title IV-E Foster Care page, if applicable. Not user editable; not required
Date of Birth of the child that the Adoption TANF eligibility determination is being completed for. System derived from the Person Management Record; not user editable.
System derived age field that is retrieved from the Person Management Page. Not user editable; not required.
System derived gender field that is retrieved from the Person Management page. Not user editable; not required.
The race of the child in the case the TANF eligibility determination is being completed. System derived from the Person Management Record. Not user editable; not required.
The ethnicity of the child in the case that the TANF is being completed for. This is derived from the dropdown on the Basic Tab of the Person Management page. If “Other” is selected on the Person Management page, then this field will display “Other - ……” with the included text that was entered when the choice was selected. Not user editable; not required.
Group Box
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Displayed as a hyperlink within the Actions group box; Upon selecting the Approval hyperlink, the Approval History pop-up page is displayed. If the Form 5263 has not been launched the following prompt is displayed: “Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination Form-5263 has not been launched. ”. Once the Adoption TANF page has received final approval all fields will become frozen, disabled, and grayed out; even if a change is made to pages which prefill to the Adoption TANF page, the change will not be reflected on the Adoption TANF page to ensure data integrity.
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Submit Void Determination
Allows the user to void an Initial or Redetermination; 2 reviews are required in order for the Adoption TANF to successfully be voided; once the Submit Void Determination hyperlink has been selected from an Initial or Redetermination, a prompt will be displayed and will ask if the user wishes to continue voiding the determination with a Yes and No selection; the Submit Void Determination hyperlink will be replaced with a Void Determination hyperlink; the worker that submitted the void determination cannot be the same worker that selects the Void Determination hyperlink; the user will receive the following message when they are the original user that voided the determination and are attempting to void the determination again: “In order to void an eligibility determination, two different users must void the determination regardless of security profile."; upon selecting the Void Determination hyperlink a prompt will be displayed and ask if the user is sure they wish to continue voiding the determination with a Yes and No selection; the system will look at the Effective Date of the Adoption TANF from which the Void process was completed and void any subsequent redeterminations with Effective Dates that are after the voided Adoption TANFs Effective Date; the Submit Void Determination will only be available from the Initial or Redetermination if there are NO Initial Determinations with Effective Dates after the current Adoption TANFs Effective Date; once the Void Determination process has been completed the system will automatically select the “Determination Voided” check box which is disabled and grayed out and will do the same on any subsequent Redeterminations. NOTE: The “Submit Void Determination” hyperlink is conditionally displayed once the Adoption TANF page has been fully approved and frozen, disabled and grayed out.
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Maintenance Adoption Subsidy TANF Form - 5263
A hyperlink within the Actions group box; upon selecting the hyperlink, the Form 5263 template is displayed. This form will display on both Initial and Redeterminations.
TANF MAS Annual Redetermination Form
A hyperlink within the Actions group box; upon selecting the hyperlink, the Redetermination Form template is displayed; only displayed on Redeterminations.
Group Box
Eligibility Information
Determination Type
TANF Adoption Eligibility Status
A collection of two radio buttons which are both disabled and grayed out and labeled: “Initial” and Redetermination”. Upon creation of the first Adoption TANF, the “Initial” radio button will default to being selected. Each subsequent Adoption TANF created will automatically default to “Redetermination” being selected. If there is not already a “Pending” Adoption TANF record upon documenting a IV-E Adoption Eligibility Status of “Ineligible”, but there is a preexisting, non-voided Initial Adoption TANF record, the system will automatically create a new Adoption TANF record defaulted to the “Redetermination” radio button. When the Determination Type is Redetermination, the only two questions that factor into the status are Question 4 related to FPL and the Redeterminations response. If Question 4 is “Yes” and the Income is over the FPL, then the child is Ineligible. If the child is not living in the State of Florida, the child is Ineligible. In order to be Eligible for a Redetermination, the child must live in the State of Florida and either have no income or have an income below the FPL.
Determination Voided The Determination Voided check box is system derived, disabled, and grayed out. The check box is automatically checked when the Void Determination process is completed on that particular Adoption TANF or a previous Adoption TANF and as a result, the current Adoption TANF is voided.
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Effective Date
Date from which the eligibility status is effective; system derived from the Effective From Date on the Title IV-E Adoption Record that was ineligible, which initiated the TANF record. When created through Create Case Work or Financial Work page, then the Effective From Date will default to the Effective To Date +1 from the most recently approved TANF Record. An FPL Maintenance entry must exist for the Effective date year entered. A future date up to 60 days can also be entered. The system will display a validation prompt that the user is entering a future date for the Effective From date and if they are sure they want to proceed . User editable; required.
Effective To
The date will be pre-filled by the system to 364 days from the Effective From date entered above. User editable; not required. If the Effective From is null, the Effective To date will also be null. If this is null the eligibility change row will not appear on the Determinations Due report. An FPL Maintenance entry must exist for the Effective date year entered.
Approved Date
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Pre-fill the name of the worker that is logged into the system and completing the Adoption TANF eligibility. System determined based upon the users completion of the required question and the first initial save. The system will pre-fill the name of the worker and will determine the status of the page; not user editable. Date the Adoption TANF is approved by a supervisor or other specified user with the appropriate security. Not user editable; system generated.
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FPL Question:
“Based on the information below, the child income is.” Two radio buttons stating “Less than 200% of the FPLChild is Eligible” and “At or above 200% of the FPL- Child is Ineligible”. System derived answer from the combination of the family size and the income information entered in Question 4 and the FPL chart values for the fiscal year associated with the Effective From date. If No is selected for the Child’s Income question the system will calculate the value at zero dollars and the child will meet the FPL criteria.
Question 1
“Will the child be living in the State of Florida? If No, Ineligible.” User selected radio button of “Yes” or “No”. This field will pre-fill from the prev ious Adoption TANF page based on the Effective Date when the Determination Type is “Redetermination”; only defaults to null when the Determination Type is “Initial”; required; no default.
Question 2
“Is the child a US Citizen or Qualified Non-Citizen? If Yes, go to question 3. If No, Ineligible.” If it is an “Initial” or “Redetermination”, the text is system derived as plain black text. The possible results are: “Yes – U.S. Citizen”, “Yes – Qualified Non-Citizen”, or “No”. If “Yes – Qualified Non-Citizen” is selected the Qualified NonCitizen ID will display directly beneath the result in plain black text. The Qualified Non-Citizen ID and the applicable ID are derived from the Person Management page. This field is required if the answer to question 1 is “Yes”. NOTE: If the response is not “Yes – Qualified NonCitizen”, then the label “Qualified Non-Citizen ID” will NOT display on the screen and will be hidden.
Qualified NonCitizen ID
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System derived field to list the ID for the non-citizen. Displays automatically if “Yes – Qualified Non-Citizen” is selected from question 2.
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Question 3
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“Is the child a special needs child?” System derived radio buttons of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. This question is derived as “Yes” if any of the following criteria are met, otherwise it is derived as “No”: The child has “African American” selected as an ethnicity or race on their Person Management page. The child is of age 8 or older based on the date of birth entered on their Person Management page The child has a Medical Condition on their Medical/ Mental Health page that is the Category "Intellectual/Developmental" and the Type is: Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Down Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation, all degrees), or Microcephaly; Category "Medical/Physical" and the Type is Arthritis, Brittle Bones/Osteogenesis Imperfectus, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, Club Foot, Diplegia, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Myasthenia Gravis, Paralysis - Paraplegic, Quadriplegic, Diplegic, Poliomyelitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis (juvenile), or Spina Bifida; Category "Behavioral/Mental Health" and any type; Category "Medical/Physical" and the Type is: Hearing Loss (ICD-9: 389), Visual Disturbances (ICD-9: 368), Blindness and Low Vision (ICD-9: 369), Cataracts, Congenital anomaly of the eye, Deaf, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Retinal Detachment and Defects (ICD-9: 361) The “Sibling Group”, “At risk of medically diagnosed condition”, “Medically Fragile” or “Developmental Delay” checkboxes are selected on the Background tab of the child’s Adoption Information page.
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Medical Mental Health Medical Mental Health hyperlink displays if there is an existing Medical record in the associated FSFN Case for the child; if there is not a Medical Mental Health record in the associated FSFN Case, the hyperlink will not display. If accessed from Financial Work OR the user’s Desktop (Case Assignment exists) based on the users security whois accessing the page AND only if the Adoption TANF page is accessed in Create or Edit mode, if the user has security to view or edit the Medical Mental Health record, clicking the hyperlink will launch the Medical Mental Health page in edit mode; if the user doesn't have "edit" security to the Medical Mental Health page upon attempting to save any change on the Medical Mental Health record the user will receive a Security Error that security doesn't exist; if the user doesn't have security to view Medical Mental Health records, upon clicking the Medical Mental Health hyperlink the Security Error message will be displayed indicating that security does not exist. If the Adoption TANF page is accessed from Search, ONLY if the user accessing the Adoption TANF page has Medical Mental Health - All security will they be able to launch and view the Medical Mental Health record AND it will be displayed in view only mode; if the Adoption TANF page is accessed from Search and the user has no access OR Medical Mental Health - View access, upon clicking the Medical Mental Health hyperlink the Security Error message will be displayed indicating that security does not exist. NOTE: the Adoption TANF page must be saved directly prior to clicking the Medical Mental Health hyperlink. Adoption Information Conditionally displayed hyperlink if the participant for whom the Adoption TANF page is being documented has an Adoption Information page and only once the Adoption TANF page has been successfully saved for the first time; based on whether the Adoption TANF page is accessed in Edit or View mode determines if the Adoption Information page is launched in Edit or View mode and is based on security.
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Question 4
‘Does the Child have any income? System derived as Yes/No based on if the child has any income documented on Assets & Employment: Unearned Income/ Employment.
Assets & Employment
Assets & Employment hyperlink displays if there is an existing Assets & Employment record in the associated FSFN Case for the child; based on whether the Adoption TANF page is accessed in Edit or View mode determines if the Assets & Employment page is launched in Edit or View mode and is based on security.
System derived by calculating the total of "Unearned Income" where the "Include in Eligibility Calculations" is flagged AND the Employment Income (monthly).
Question 5
‘Has the Specified degree of relationship been met?’ User selected radio button of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; defaults to null only if “Initial”; required if previous questions 1-4 are ‘Yes’. When ‘Yes’ is selected the ‘Relationship to Child’ and ‘Parent/Relative Name’ fields will be enabled. A search hyperlink is enabled. If the Adoption TANF is a “Redetermination” then the field pre-fills from the previous Adoption TANF. The search link will also not be displayed since the person cannot be changed on a Redetermination.
Relationship to Child
Values include possible relationships to child; user selected dropdown; not required;
Parent/Relative Name The name of the person who is adopting the child. (First name Middle initial Last name); system derived if a person is selected using search; if the name doesn’t populate, then the field will become a user entered text field. Group Box
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Redetermination Question
“Is the child living in the State of Florida? if No, Child is Ineligible.” System derived based on the child's Person Management record - Address tab; if the child's current Address (no End Date) is a type of Primary Residence AND is in the State of Florida, derived as Yes; otherwise No.
Eligibility Notes
Eligibility Notes
User entered text narrative field until the Adoption TANF is approved. 1000 character limit. Not required.
Standard save processing. The user can save intermittently regardless if all questions have been answered or not. This accommodates the ability to access Person Management, Maintain Case, or Medical Mental Health, make necessary changes, and have the Adoption TANF page automatically refresh and update accordingly upon returning to the Adoption TANF page. All applicable edits will still exist, however they will still be enforced when the user attempts to click the Approval hyperlink. NOTE: The enforcing occurs when clicking the Approval hyperlink, NOT when clicking the Approval hyperlink, selecting Approve, clicking Continue, and attempting to save the Adoption TANF page.
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Standard close processing.
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When the user selects ‘Approval’ from the Options dropdown, the system will calculate the new status and then a pop-up message is displayed. This pop-up reads: “The Adoption TANF determination status will be set to {the new status}. Click Yes if this is correct. Click No to retain the previous status.” The user then has the options of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ buttons. If the user selects ‘No’, then the user will be returned to the eligibility page with no further processing and the status will revert to the previously saved status. If ‘Yes’ is chosen, the system will then check to make sure all questions have been answered. If they have not, a message box stating which answers need to be completed will display. If all questions have been answered and the user selects ‘Yes’, the correct status displays in the eligibility information list box.
Status Determination:
The new status is calculated to ‘Eligible’ if: Questions [1 is YES and 2 (either ‘Yes’, US Citizen or Yes, Qualified Non-Citizen) and 3 and 5 are YES and Question 4 must be ‘No’ or if ‘Yes’ the FPL must also be under 200%]
The new status is calculated to ‘Eligible’ if: Question [1 is YES and 2 (either ‘Yes’, US Citizen or Yes, Qualified Non-Citizen) 5 is Yes and Question 3 is No and 4 must be ‘No’ or if ‘Yes’ the FPL must also be under 200%]
The new status is calculated to ‘Eligible’ if: Questions [1 is YES and 2 (either ‘Yes’, US Citizen or Yes, Qualified Non-Citizen) and 3 and 5 are YES and Question 4 must be ‘No’ or if ‘Yes’ the FPL must also be under 200%]
The new status is calculated to ‘Ineligible’ if the scenario described above is NOT valid.
The system will derive the FPL question from the combination of the ’Family Size’ and the
Estimated Family Income’ information entered in question 5 and the FPL Maintenance information derived from the FPL Maintenance Information page for the fiscal year associated with the ‘Effective From’ date. The Federal fiscal year is from October 1st to September 30th. Once an Adoption TANF has been approved, the eligibility information can only be changed by completing a new Adoption TANF determination record.
Question 1:
If ‘No’ is selected for question, then the user can complete the TANF determination with a status of ‘Ineligible’ without answering any further questions. The following message is displayed – ‘This will set the status of the child to Ineligible. You will not be
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required to answer other questions. Complete TANF determination?’ If the user selects ‘No’, they are returned to the TANF page.
Question 2:
If ‘No’ is selected for question, then the user can complete the TANF determination with a status of ‘Ineligible’ without answering any further questions. The following message is displayed – ‘This will set the status of the child to Ineligible. You will not be required to answer other questions. Complete TANF determination?’ If the user selects ‘No’, they are returned to the TANF page.
Question 4: If ‘No’ is selected for question, the system will calculate the value at zero dollars and the child will meet the FPL criteria.
Question 5: If the child is eligible prior to question 5 and ‘No’ is selected for question 5, then the user can complete the determination with a status of ‘Ineligible’. The following message is displayed: “This will set the status of the child to Ineligible due to Pending Adoption Finalization. Complete determination?” If the user selects ‘No’, they are returned to the initial.
If a user attempts to create an Adoption TANF for an inactive case participant, they will receive the edit message “The status of the case participant is inactive. Please activate the participant in the case.”
As part of the Adoption Eligibility Termination process, all Adoption TANF records will be terminated when the Adoption Termination process is completed.
When an Adoption TANF is voided, the status on the outliner will display “Void” and both dates on the outliner will display the Effective Date.
Upon attempting to create the Adoption TANF page, whether from Create Financial Work or Create Case Work, if the participant for whom it is being created is 18 years of age or older, the following validation prompt is displayed:
The participant you are creating the Adoption TANF page for is 18 years of age or older. Do you wish to continue?
The validation prompt is displayed upon clicking the Continue button on the Person Search page when creating from Create Financial Work and upon clicking the Continue button on the Create Case Work page.
Upon selecting the Case Name, Participant Name, or Medical Mental Health hyperlink, if any change has been made to the Adoption TANF page, the user will be required to save the page in order to launch the Maintain Case, Person Management, and Adoption Information pages. This will ensure all changes have been saved directly prior to
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accessing an external module. If save hasn’t been invoked, the following validation message will be displayed: o The Adoption TANF page must be saved.
Upon returning to the Adoption TANF page from Person Management, Maintain Case, or Adoption Information when accessed from the Adoption TANF page, the system will automatically refresh to pull in any applicable updates and reflect them on the Adoption TANF page. Additionally, if Maintain Case, Person Management, or Adoption Information was accessed external to the Adoption TANF page, each time the Adoption TANF page is launched it will automatically refresh upon opening the page.
The only field required in order to initially save the Adoption TANF page is the “Effective Date”.
Only one non-approved Adoption TANF page can be open at any given point in time for the same Person ID.
Only once the 2nd step in the Void Determination process has been performed will the Adoption TANF page be voided and the “Determination Voided” flag is selected on the Adoption TANF page.
Upon voiding an Adoption TANF page, the OCA Reimbursement Allocation Batch must pick up and process the changes. This is only once the 2nd step in the Void Determination process has been completed and the Void Determination flag checked.
As of the day following the Effective To date on the most recent, non-voided Adoption TANF, the system will change the child’s funding source from TANF Adoption to General Revenue.
Once a new Adoption TANF page is created and approved, if the child is eligible, their funding source will be updated as of the applicable Effective Date. If ineligible, they will remain General Revenue.
Upon voiding an Adoption TANF page, the system will not automatically generate a new Adoption TANF page. Upon voiding an Adoption TANF page, an automated message will be sent to the Worker identified in the worker field on the Adoption TANF page, as well as to that worker’s supervisor.
At such time that the Effective To date has passed, if there is not a new Adoption TANF page with a more recent Effective Date, the system will not automatically create a new “Pending” Adoption TANF record.
In addition, as of the day following the Effective To date, the system will change the child’s funding source from TANF Adoption to General Revenue.
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Once a new Adoption TANF page is created and approved, if the child is eligible, their funding source will be updated as of the applicable Effective Date. If ineligible, they will remain General Revenue.
Once the Adoption TANF page is approved and becomes frozen, the fields will no longer update if a change is made to any of the external pages which pre-fill to the Adoption TANF page. This is to ensure data integrity.
Upon creating an Adoption TANF Redetermination, both Question 4 and the Redetermination question must have responses in order to submit for approval. Question 4 pre-fills from the previous Adoption TANF page based on the Effective Date and the Redetermination question pre-fills based on Person Management. Therefore, both questions should have a response upon creation.
For Adoption TANF Redeterminations, the child’s eligibility is based on Question 4 AND the Redetermination question. If the child lives in the State of Florida and either has No Income or the Income is below the FPL, then child is Eligible. Therefore, Question 4 must either be “Yes” and Income is below the FPL or “Yes” and the Redetermination question must be Yes. Otherwise, child is Ineligible.
Upon documenting an Adoption Eligibility record with a status of Ineligible, the system will continue to automatically create an Adoption TANF record but only if a “pending” one does not already exist. At the time the Adoption Eligibility Status becomes Ineligible, a Task Due will be displayed on the Desktop of the worker who completed the approval of the Adoption Eligibility record.
45 days prior to the Effective To date, on the most recent non-voided Adoption TANF, an automated message will be generated and sent to the Worker identified in the Worker field on the Adoption TANF page, as well as that worker’s supervisor.
Upon performing the Create New Case after Finalization process, the following must occur:
If the Adoption Eligibility record is “Ineligible”, the most recent approved Adoption TANF page must NOT be voided. The most recent is determined based on the Effective Date.
If the most recent Adoption TANF record is voided or “not approved” (actual approval status), the system will look for the next most recent Effective Date and determine if it is “approved” and therefore, criteria met. If not met, the child will not appear for selection on the Create New Case after Finalization pop-up page.
If the most recent Adoption TANF record is pending, the child will not appear for selection on the Create New Case after Finalization pop-up page.
For purposes of determining the “Child’s Income”, FSFN must perform the following calculation:
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1st: Add the child’s documented Employment Income from Assets & Employment Tab, where the Effective To date is “null” and must be calculated as a “monthly” amount, as follows:
Annually Wages/12 Every 6 Months Wages/6 Quarterly Wages/3 Monthly Wages Twice a Month Wages *2 Every Two Weeks (Bi-Weekly) Wages *2.14 Weekly Wages * 4.3
2nd: Add the child’s Unearned Income where the Eff. End Date is “null” and has the “Use in Eligibility Calculations” flag checked.
The total of all Unearned and Earned Income is what displays in the “Amount” field. Save Processing
Save Processing is initiated by clicking on the ‘Save’ command button. Save processing is also initiated when selecting the ‘Close’ button, and then answering ‘Yes’ when the system asks the user if they would like to ‘Save changes before closing the page.’ ‘Effective From’ date cannot be future dated. Additionally, based on the responses for the questions on the page, various fields may also be required. If any of these fields are null, the user will receive an error validation stating ‘Please enter data in the fields which are highlighted - .’ ’Effective To’ date cannot be less than the ‘Effective From’ date and is enabled until approved. If user attempts to save an Adoption TANF page with an Effective date for a year that does not have a FPL Maintenance record created (ex. 08/09/2007), the user will receive an edit message stating: ‘No Federal Poverty Level amounts have been entered for this year this TANF cannot be saved.’.
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If the Approval selection is approved in the Options dropdown, then the following processes occur: o The ‘Approval Date’ field is filled with the date the Adoption TANF was approved. o The questions on the Adoption TANF tab are disabled. Security • There are no changes to security as to the workers who can view, document, and approve the Adoption TANF page. • Upon submitting a Void Determination, the system will require that another worker, other than the worker who submitted the Void Determination, who has create/edit access to the Adoption TANF page, perform the 2nd Void Determination step. CRUD Matrix Table Name
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1.2.3. FPL Maintenance Page Overview Navigation The FPL Maintenance page is accessed from the FSFN menu bar by selecting Utilities > FPL Maintenance Page. Access to the page is controlled through security. Only users with the ‘TANF Maintenance’ security resource will be able to access this page. Those who do not possess this security resource will receive a security message. Page Summary The FPL Maintenance page allows users with the appropriate security resource to document Federal Poverty Level (FPL) amounts using FSFN. The Federal Poverty Levels that are set by the Federal Government are effective across child welfare programs and will affect two modules in FSFN: TANF and TANF Adoption. The FPL Maintenance page contains one group box titled FPL Information group box. This group box contains five columns: Fiscal Year, Effective From, Effective To, Last Updated By, FM03d-TANF Eligibility Topic Paper
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and an untitled column. This page also includes an Insert, Save, and Close button. The FPL Information group box is read only and is not user editable. To create a new FPL Update Information entry, the user selects the Insert button which launches the FPL Update Information Pop-up page. The FPL Update Information Pop-up page is used to enter FPL calculations (further described in section 1.2.4 FPL Update Information Pop-up page). If a user selects the Insert button from the FPL Maintenance page and an FPL Update Information Pop-up page exists that has not been completed, the user will receive this message: ‘A FPL Update Information page already exists please update the existing FPL Update Information page or complete the existing FPL Update Information page to create a new page.’ Page Information Group Box
FPL Information
Fiscal Year
This column will display the fiscal year for which the FPL is in effect; not user editable; no default value; not required.
Effective From
This column will display the dates the user entered in the effective from field on the FPL Update Information Pop-up page; not user editable; no default value; not required.
Effective To
This column will display the dates the user entered in the Effective To field of the FPL Update Information Pop-up Page; not user editable; no default value; not required.
Last Updated By This column will display the name of the most recent worker to save the page; not user editable; no default value; not required.
This column will display an ‘Edit’ hyperlink for the entries on the FPL Update Information pop-up page that have not been completed, and will display ‘View’ as hyperlink for entries on the FPL Update Information page that have been completed.
Standard save processing.
Standard close processing.
When selected, this button will launch the FPL Update Information Pop-up page.
View hyperlink will launch the FPL Update Information pop-up page for entries on the FPL Update Information page that have been completed.
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Edit hyperlink will launch the FPL Update Information Pop-up page for entries on the FPL Update Information page that have not been completed. Background Processing When the Insert button is selected, the FPL Update Information Pop-up page launches. Once information is entered in the FPL Update Information Pop-up page and saved, a new row is entered into the FPL Maintenance page. If the FPL Update Information Pop-up page has not been completed, an Edit link will display beside the new row in the FPL Information group box. If the FPL Update Information Pop-up page has been completed, a View link will display beside the new row in the FPL Information group box. Save Processing Save Processing is initiated by clicking on the ‘Save’ command button. Save processing is also initiated when selecting the ‘Close’ button and then answering ‘Yes’ when the system asks the user if they would like to ‘Save changes before closing the page.’ Security
There are no changes to security as to the workers who can view, document, and approve the Adoption TANF page. CRUD Matrix Table Name TANF_FED_PVRTY_LVL
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1.2.4. Pop-up - FPL Update Information Page Pop-Up Overview The FPL Update Information Pop-up page enables users with appropriate security rights to enter information that will be used in calculations to determine if a family’s income is below the Federal Poverty Level based on their family size. Once this information is entered and saved, a new row will be displayed in the FPL Maintenance page, which will allow users to view or edit the information entered. The FPL Update Information Pop-up page contains two group boxes: the Fiscal Year group box and the FPL Amounts (FPL guidelines should be entered at the 200% level) group box. The Fiscal Year group box contains the Fiscal Year field and the Effective From and Effective-To date fields.
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The Fiscal Year group box contains fiscal year for which the Federal Poverty Levels will apply, including the Effective To and Effective-From dates. The FPL Amounts (FPL guidelines should be entered at the 200% level) group box contains a table named Family Size where users input the monthly and yearly Federal Poverty Level amounts based on the family size. The two fields Monthly Income and Yearly Income are used to input values specified in FPL documentation for households larger than 10. Pop-Up Page Information Group Box
Fiscal Year
Users input the fiscal year for which the Federal Poverty Levels will apply. The beginning and ending of the fiscal year must be entered in this field. User entered; no default value; required.
Effective From
Users input the date the FPL information will begin to be in effect. User entered; no default value; required.
Effective To
Users input the date the FPL information will end its effectiveness. NOTE: If the Effective To date lapses on the FPL Update Information page and a new FPL Maintenance page is not created or has not been completed using the FPL Update Complete option from the options dropdown TANFs with, an Effective From date that are not within the Effective From and Effective To date will not be able to be completed. User entered; no default value; required.
Group Box
FPL Amount
FPL guidelines should be entered at the 200% level.
Monthly Income (Rows 1 to 10) Yearly Income (Rows 1 to 10) Monthly Income (for households larger than 10)
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User inputs the monthly Federal Poverty Level amount based on family size. User entered; no default value; required. User inputs the yearly Federal Poverty Level amount based on family size. User entered; no default value; required. This field is used in FPL calculation for each family member more than 10. User entered; no default value; required.
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Yearly Income (for This field is used in FPL calculation for each family households larger member more than 10. User entered; no default value; required. than 10) Options
FPL Update Complete
When this option is selected, the page will no longer be user editable; the FPL Maintenance page will display a ‘View’ hyperlink in the Untitled column for this row, and the Last Updated By field will display the name of the worker who saved the page after the FPL Update Complete option was Updated By field will display the name of the worker who saved the page after the FPL Update Complete option was selected. This option is always available in the options dropdown field and is user selected; not required; no default value.
Standard save processing
Standard close processing. Background Processing •
Navigation to the page is invoked when the user selects the Insert command button on the FPL Maintenance page. Save Processing •
Save Processing is initiated by clicking the ‘Save’ command button. Save processing is also initiated when selecting the ‘Close’ button and then answering ‘Yes’ when the system asks the user if they would like to ‘Save changes before closing the page.’
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and has not entered data in the Fiscal Year field, the user will receive this message: ‘Please enter data in the required field - [field name]’.
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and has not entered a date in the Effective From field, the user will receive this message: ‘Please enter data in the required field - [field name]’.
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and has not entered data in the Effective To field, the user will receive this message: ‘Please enter data in the required field - [field name]’.
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and has not entered amounts for the Household Members and Family Size table, the user will receive this message: ‘Please enter data in the required fields – Household Members and Family Income table’.
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If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and has not entered an amount for the Question field, the user will receive this message: ‘Please enter data in the required field – Household larger than 10 [field name]’.
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and the Effective From and Effective To fields are the same date, the user will receive this message: ‘The Effective From and Effective To dates cannot be the same date.’
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and the Effective From overlaps the Effective To of the previous FPL record, the user will receive this message: ‘The Effective From cannot overlap the Effective To date of the previous FPL record.’
If the user attempts to save the FPL Update Information pop-up page and the Effective From of the new FPL Update Information pop-up page leaves a gap between the Effective To of the previous FPL record, the user will receive this message: ‘The Effective From cannot create a gap between the Effective To date of the previous FPL record and the Effective from date of the new FPL record.’ Security
There are no changes to security as to the workers who can view, document, and approve the Adoption TANF page. CRUD Matrix Table Name
Read X
1.3. Inventories 1.3.1. Table Descriptions Table Name
This table maintains all TANF_ADPTN_ELIG information pertaining to an Adoption TANF record.
This table maintains all TANF_ELIG information pertaining to a TANF record.
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A CASE is the focus of every human services business activity. A case is created as a result of intake work and can be one of three types: individual (which includes TPR and Adoption cases), family, and DCF/SHERIFF’S OFFICE/COMMUNITY-BASED CARE PARTNERS provider or other provider. The CASE table contains case relations, address and approval information. Processes of SM04 (Maintain Case) and SM05 (Close Case) create and maintain case records.
The ELIGIBILITY table maintains information pertaining to a foster child's initial Title IV-E eligibility determination. Once the determination is complete, the child will be assigned an eligibility status. Processes of FM03 (Eligibility) build and maintain this information.
The EPISODE table maintains information pertaining to the occurrence of the delivery of one or more out-of-home SERVICEs involving one PROVIDER and one or more CASE PARTICIPANTs. Placement out of home and removal from home are other types of Episodes stored in this table. Processes of SM10a (Out of Home Placement) build and maintain this information.
This PERSON table maintains information that identifies an individual known to DCF/SHERIFF’S OFFICE/COMMUNITY-BASED CARE PARTNERS or the county child welfare division such as name, date of birth, social security number, race, sex, etc. A PERSON can be a WORKER, REPORT PART, REFERRAL PART, CASE PART or PROVIDER PART. Primary search processing is centered around this data. Processes of CM01 (Manage Person) build and maintain this information. The WORKER table maintains information pertaining to an individual (PERSON) who is employed by DCF/SHERIFF’S OFFICE/COMMUNITY-BASED CARE PARTNERS and is in a job class that provides services and/or receives FSFN - defined work assignments. The information is created in CM18 (Manage Worker).
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The ORG_ENTITY table maintains the information that relates Parent Agencies to their Fiscal Agencies, and workers to Fiscal Agencies.
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1.3.2. Reference Data Dropdowns Field Name:
Relationship to Child
Table Name:
Group ID:
CODE_DESC List Boxes
1.3.3. Automated Messages
TANF Determination Due o
Description: Upon the first Relative or Non-Relative Out-of-Home Placement in a Removal Episode based on the Service Category, and ONLY if the FSFN Case Type is NOT “ICPC” or “ICPC Priority” an automated message will be sent to the Primary Worker, if Ongoing Services Assignment Type, and their Supervisor, indicating that a TANF Determination is due.
Subject: TANF Determination is due
Message Text: A TANF Determination is due for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: .
TANF Redetermination Due (12 months) o
Description: 15 days prior to the Effective To date on the most recent, approved TANF record (most recent based on the Effective From date), an automated message will be sent out to the worker identified in the Completed By field on the TANF record, as well as their supervisor, indicating that a TANF record is about to expire and a TANF Redetermination is due.
Subject: TANF Redetermination Due (12 months)
Message Text: A TANF Redetermination (12 months) is due for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: .
The batch generating this automated message was disabled on 06/15/2016 upon request from the user community. A design review of the automated message and full testing is needed prior to re-enabling this batch.
TANF Redetermination Due (Placement Change) o
Description: Upon a Placement Change from any Service Category other than Relative “to” Relative OR a Placement Change from any Service Category other than Non-Relative “to” Non-Relative and ONLY if the FSFN Case Type is NOT “ICPC” or “ICPC Priority” an automated message will be sent to the Primary Worker, if Ongoing Services Assignment Type, and their Supervisor, indicating that a TANF Redetermination is due.
Subject: TANF Redetermination Due (Placement Change)
Message Text: A TANF Redetermination (Placement Change) is due for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: .
TANF Voided
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Description: Upon a TANF record being voided, an automated message will be sent out to the worker identified in the Completed By field on the TANF record being voided, as well as their supervisor, indicating that a TANF record has been voided.
Subject: TANF record VOIDED
Message Text: A TANF has been VOIDED for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: . Please access and review the TANF record to determine next steps.
Adoption TANF Redetermination Due (12 months) o
Description: 15 days prior to the Effective To date on the most recent, approved Adoption TANF record, an automated message will be sent out to the worker identified in the Worker field on the Adoption TANF record, as well as their supervisor, indicating that an Adoption TANF record is about to expire and a redetermination is due.
Subject: Adoption TANF Redetermination Due (12 months)
Message Text: An Adoption TANF Redetermination (12 months) is due for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: .
The batch generating this automated message was disabled on 06/15/2016 upon request from the user community. A design review of the automated message and full testing is needed prior to re-enabling this batch.
Adoption TANF Voided o
Description: Upon an Adoption TANF record completing the void process and flag checked, an automated message will be sent out to the worker identified in the Worker field on the Adoption TANF record, as well as their supervisor, indicating that an Adoption TANF record has been voided.
Subject: Adoption TANF record VOIDED
Message Text: An Adoption TANF has been VOIDED for Child ID: in FSFN Case ID: . Please access an review the Adoption TANF record to determine next steps.
1.3.4. Checklists
1.3.5. Tasks Due Category:
TANF Determination Due
There will be a Task Due for the Primary Worker when an Annual Redetermination for TANF needs to be completed for investigation TANF.
Created when the associated Investigation has been approved for closure.
This tickler is deleted when the TANF determination is completed and approved or if a Child Based TANF determination has been completed for the child.
Due Date:
Effective To Date of the associated TANF Determination record.
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Reminder Date:
30 days prior to the Task Due due date.
First Escalation Date:
Second Escalation Date:
1.3.6. Notifications
1.3.7. Text Templates Maintenance Adoption Subsidy TANF Report form-5263 Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination.-5244 1.3.8. Reports TANF Eligibility Report TANF Determination Due Report TANF Placement Change Report 1.3.9. Trigger Online Trigger Code cd_txn = 8000 Description: Completion of TANF Adoption Completed or Created when an initial determination is completed. The effective date is date from TANF_ADPTN_ELG.dt_eftctv_from. Store TANF_ADPTN_ELG.dt_bgn in ONLINE_TRIGGER.TS_EFFCT_FRM, TANF_ADPTN_ELG.ID_CASE in ONLINE_TRIGGER.ID_CASE, and TANF_ADPTN_ELG.ID_PRSN in ONLINE_TRIGGER.ID_PRSN
1.4. Requirements •
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