Taping Technique for Restricted Ankle Dorsiflexion

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restricted ankle dorsiflexion r.inge of motion and mobility. TAPING TECHNIQUE. The application oí nonelastie tape while applying a sustained mobilization ...

Taping Technique for Restricted Ankle Dorsiflexion Terry L. Grindstaff, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS, CSC5; James R. Beazell, PT, DPT, 0C5, FAAOMPT, ATC; Eric M. M a g r u m , PT, OCS, FAAOMPT; and Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC, FACSM, FNATA


dentification of restricted tissues can allow for specific corrective strategies to be used by the clinician and can potentially maximize rehabilitation outcomes. Assessment techniques' and mobilization interventions^ were presented in previous Pearls of Practice columns. In this column, we present a taping technique to address restricted ankle dorsiflexion r.inge of motion and mobility. TAPING TECHNIQUE

The application oí nonelastie tape while applying a sustained mobilization (Figure) is thought to reinforce effects of joint mobilization interventions.'-'' Reinforcement of a posterior glide of the distal fibula is accomplished via tape applied to the distal fibula running in a superior and medial direction.^"^ Anterior glide of the distal tibia is maintained by applying tape from the distal tibia across the dorsum of the foot in a distal and lateral direction.^ Tape may be applied during sporting activities^ or

Figure. Ankle taping to reinforce posterior mobili?.! .bula. With the ankle in a neutral position, apply 1 to 2 strips of cover roll tape beginniny dl the distal aspect of the fibula {lateral malleolus), wrapping around the posterior aspect of the leg, and finishing superior and medial to the starting point. Next, a strip of sports tape is applied to the distal aspect of the fibula (A), One hand glides the fibula posteriorly while the other hand simultaneously applies posterior tension to rhe tape. The tape is wrapped around the leg following the contour ofthe cover roll,This process may be repeated with additional tape if necessary. Gliding the distal tibia (medial malleolus) anteriorly may further reinforce the mobilization. Tape is applied to the medial malleolus, wrapping around the dorsum of the foot, finishing on the plantar aspect of the foot (B).

worn for up to 48 hours for daily activities.** •

tetic Training & Sports Health Care. 2009; 1:99-100,


O'Brien T, Vrcenzino B- A study of the effects of Mulligan's mobilization with movement treatment of lateral ankle pain using a case study design. Mar) Ther, 1998;3:78-84.

1, GrindstaffTL, Beazell JR, Magrum EM, Hertel J. Assessment of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion restriction. Athletic Training & Sports Health Care. 2009;l:7-8, 2, GrindstaffTL Beazell JR, Magrum EM, Hertei i Joint mobilization techniques for restricted ankle dorsiflexion. Ath-

Dr Grifidstaff is from the Department of Sports Medicine/Athletic Training, Dr Beazell and Mr Magrum are from the HeaithSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, and Dr Hertel is from the Curry Schooi of Education, l^epartment of Human Servtces, University of Virginia, Charlonesvltîe, Va. The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein. Address correspondence to Terry L Grindstaff. PT, DPT, ATC, SCS, CSCS, Department of Sporis Medicine/ Aihietlc Training, University of Virginia, 290 Massie Road, McCue Center First Floor, Charlottesville, VA 22903; e-mail: TGrlndstaff@virginia,edu, doi: 1Û3928/19425864-20090625-02

Athletic Training & Sports Health Care i Vol. I

No, 4


Mulligan B, Mobilizations with movement. J Man Manip Ther. 1993;1:154156. Moiler K, Hall T Robinson K,The role of fibular tape in the prevention of ankle injury in basketball: A pilot study. J OrIhop Sports Phys Ther 2006;36:661 -668. Cook G, Funaional Taping and Assessment Ankle, Knee and Shoulder [DVD], Danville, VA: Functional Movement; 2005,