obliged to my friend and colleague David Brzoska (Naples, Florida, USA) who sent me numerous specimens for study, including the holotype of B. crassisculpta ...
ISSN 1211-8788
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 97(2): 35–48, 2012
Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision within the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontochilina W. Horn in a new sense – 2 Brzoskaicheila gen.nov., a new genus for Cicindela hispidula Bates, 1872, and Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) JIØÍ MORAVEC Sadová 336/21, 679 04 Adamov-1, Czech Republic MORAVEC J. 2012: Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision within the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontochilina W. Horn in a new sense – 2. Brzoskaicheila gen.nov., a new genus for Cicindela hispidula Bates, 1872, and Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 97(2): 35–48. – A new genus, Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. with type species Cicindela hispidula Bates, 1872 is described together with a new combination and neotype designation. A history of the nomenclature, an account of the distribution, and a detailed redescription of this barely-known species are provided. In addition to the type species Brzoskaicheila hispidula comb.nov. occurring in southern Brazil, Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov. is described as a new species for science, based on a holotype from Madre de Dios, Peru. Illustrations showing the habitus and diagnostic characters of these two rare species are presented as colour photographs. Keywords. Coleoptera, Cicindelidae, Odontochilina, Brzoskaicheila, new genus, new species
Introduction This paper is part of a series (MORAVEC 2012) that aims to make important taxonomic and nomenclatorial results available before the completion of a final comprehensive publication, currently in preparation, which will provide a thorough revision of the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontochilina W. Horn, 1899 in a new sense. The new genus Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. is related to the genus Pentacomia Bates, 1872, but is clearly distinguished from all four currently-known subgenera of Pentacomia by a complex of characters, including the unique setation of the dorsal body surface, particularly elytra densely echinate-setose throughout their length. The infrageneric subdivision and the generic delimitation of the Neotropical genera Pentacomia Bates, 1872, Odontocheila Laporte de Castelnau, 1834, Cenothyla, Rivalier, 1969, Phyllodroma Lacordaire, 1843 and others, proposed by RIVALIER (1971), has been commonly accepted, as well as a wide concept of the subtribe Prothymina sensu RIVALIER (1969, 1971). In such a broad classification, which also includes the Neotropical genera mentioned above, RIVALIER (1969, 1971) characterized the subtribe Prothymina in terms of the tetra-setose labrum in combination with entirely glabrous thoracic and abdominal sterna. However, this ignores the fact that many Pentacomia species and several species of Odontocheila possess setal vesture, developed to a greater or lesser extent, in the form 35
of setose lateral thoracic portions, ventral thoracic sterna, ventrites, or even dorsal body surface; some of them also exhibit sparsely setose pronotum and densely clustered setae on the juxtaepipleural area. The new genus described here is one of the examples that, through its distinctly developed setal vesture, renders inappropriate the wider concept of the subtribe Prothymina W. Horn, 1910 sensu RIVALIER (1969, 1971). Therefore, as indicated by MORAVEC (2012), the subtribe Odontochilina should be restored and newly defined for only the Neotropical genera. Naturally, a final classification remains to be proposed in the concluding publication after comprehensive revision.
Material and methods The body length is always measured without the labrum; it is the distance from the anterior margin of the clypeus to the elytral apex (including the sutural spine). The width of the pronotum includes the lateral margins of the proepisterna (when the proepisterna and the notopleural sutures are visible from above). The width of the head is measured across the eyes, the distance between their outer margins. The term “aedeagus” here refers to the median lobe of the organ (without parameres). All dimensions of aedeagi are measured (and primarily figured) in their left lateral position when the basal portion (with basal orifice) points to the right and the left lateral outline (with dorsoapical orifice) faces dorsally, provided that the ventral (right) margin of the median portion is settled in its vertical position, and both upper and lower walls of the dorsoapical orifice are in the same line. The treatment and mounting of the aedeagi, in order to observe the structure of the internal sac, followed the usual procedure, modified and explained in MORAVEC (2002). The colour photographs (both of habitus and body portions, including aedeagi) were taken with a Coolpix 990 Nikon digital camera through an MBS-10 binocular stereo microscope. The keys below the illustrations feature these abbreviations of type status: HT = holotype; NT = neotype. Abbreviations for the collections in which the material is held: BMNH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Natural History Museum, London, U.K. CCJM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collection Cicindelidae Jiøí Moravec, Adamov, Czech Republic CDBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collection David Brzoska, Naples, Florida, U.S.A. MNHN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France MNHUB . . . . . . . . . . Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany NHMK . . . . . . Natural History Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A. SDEI . . . . . . . . . Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg (formerly DEI, Eberswalde), Germany
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Ta x o n o m y Genus Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. Type species. Cicindela hispidula Bates, 1872: 264. Other species. Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov.
Generic description. Body small, length 7.50–8.50 mm, width 2.00–2.70 mm, dark brown to black-brown with velvety black and feebly bronze or cupreous iridescent areas; setal vesture white to greyish. Head large with big eyes, as wide as the body or only very slightly narrower, surface finely or quite coarsely and irregularly rugose. Labrum yellow to ochre-testaceous, quite long in both sexes, with blunt or indistinct teeth in male, and with protruding, elongate median tooth in female. Thorax. Pronotum distinctly elongate but with ellipsoidal or subglobose disc, surface rather finely or coarsely rugulose; lateral thoracic portions and ventral sterna metallic, smooth and entirely glabrous, or nearly so. Elytra elongate, lateral margins subparallel or rather distinctly dilated in middle, coppery-brown to black-brown with conspicuous velvety-black area particularly on elytral disc, combined with cupreous or feebly golden-bronze iridescent areas; surface diversely, either rather finely or notably coarsely punctate on whole elytral length; white elytral maculation consisting of sublateral-median and anteapical maculae (humeral macula absent in both sexes). Legs. Coxae densely setose (metacoxae nearly glabrous, but lateral margin densely fringed with long white setae), trochanters glabrous with one apical seta, other leg segments quite densely setose. Abdomen. Ventrites either glabrous with only the usual sensory setae (in B. hispidula), or densely covered in minute setae (in B. crassisculpta sp.nov.). Aedeagus elongate, with distinctly dorsally hooked apex; internal sac simple, containing a short central spur crossed by a thin, arched spine supported by another short, thin, stiffening rib. Distribution. Occurring in southern Brazil in the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná (type species) and Madre de Dios, Peru (B. crassisculpta sp.nov.). Differential diagnosis. The new genus Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. is related to the genus Pentacomia Bates, 1872, with a small, similarly-shaped body and aedeagus and testaceous 4-setose labrum, but fundamentally differing in its remarkable setal vesture. In addition to the usual sparse sensory setae, the two species have their whole elytral surface densely covered with erect, rather long and mostly stiff setae; the pronotum and the head (partly) are also setose. Such setal vesture is a unique character within the genera Pentacomia and Odontocheila. In contrast to the setal vesture of the dorsal body surface, all the lateral thoracic portions and ventral sterna of the two species of Brzoskaicheila are entirely or nearly glabrous. This combination of characters separates the new genus clearly from all subgenera of Pentacomia. Aedeagus elongate, with distinctly dorsally hooked apex, internal sac simple. Superficially, due to the velvety black and iridescent areas on the elytra, the two species of the new genus may resemble the genus Ronhuberia Moravec et Kudrna, 2002. However, apart from the unique setal vesture in Brzoskaicheila gen.nov., the two genera may be distinguished by the coloration of the labrum, as well as by different patterns of internal sac in the aedeagi (MORAVEC & KUDRNA 2002). Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Figs 1–2. Habitus. 1 – Brzoskaicheila hispidula (Bates), male, 7.5 mm, Hansa, S. Catarina, Brésil, NT (SDEI). 2 – Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov., male, 7.5 mm, Madre de Dios, Peru, HT (CDBT, later in NHMK).
Brzoskaicheila hispidula (Bates, 1872) comb.nov.
(Figs 1, 3–13)
Cicindela hispidula Bates, 1872: 264, 265. Type locality. Southern Brazil: the state of Santa Catarina (= Sainte Catherine), Colonia Hansa near Joinville. Phyllodroma hispidula: SCHILDER 1953: 545. Type material. Neotype (designated here – see “Reasons for the neotype designation”) ♂ in SDEI, labelled: “Hansa, S. Catarina, Brésil, Coll. J. Clermont”. Other material examined. 10 specimens: 1♀ in SDEI: “Schmalz[leg.], St. Catarina”. 1 ♀ in SDEI: “Mafra, S. Catarina”; “Hochland 800 m, leg. A. Maller, Januar 1933”. 1♀ in SDEI: “Joinville”; “St. Cathar[ina], [leg.]Schmalz, 4.11.1911”. 2 ♀♀ in SDEI: “Joinville” ; “Staudinger, [leg.]Schmalz”. 1♀ in SDEI: “[leg.]Schmalz, 4.11.1911, Joinville”. 1 ♂ in SDEI: “Brasil”; “Coll. W. Horn, DEI Eberswalde”; “hispidula”.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Figs 3–13. Brzoskaicheila hispidula (Bates): 3 – head, male, Hansa, S. Catarina, Brazil, NT; 4–5 labrum (4 – male, NT; 5 – female, type locality (SDEI); 6 – pronotum, female, ibid.; 7–10: elytron (7 – male, NT; 8 – ditto, lateral view; 9 – female, type locality (SDEI); 10 – sculpture of anterior area, NT); 11–13: aedeagi (11 – NT (SDEI); 12 – type locality; 13 – type locality (SDEI), cleared, showing internal sac). Bars = 1 mm.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Figs 14–20. Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov., male, HT Madre de Dios, Peru (CDBT, later in NHMK): (14 – head; 15 – labrum; 16 – pronotum; 17 – elytron; 18 – sculpture of anterior elytral area; 19 – apical elytral area; 20 – apical half of aedeagus). Bars = 1 mm.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Reasons for the neotype designation. The neotype is designated here because neither the holotype, nor any other specimen (not labelled as type) of this taxon has been found in the collections BMNH and MNHN, where type and other specimens by Bates should be deposited, either by myself or the relevant curators. No specimen of this taxon has been found in any other relevant collection, apart from the 11 specimens deposited in SDEI. Although the holotype of C. hispidula is very probably lost, according to the original description by BATES (1872) there is no doubt that the specimens examined from the SDEI collection, labelled “Brasil” or “Joinville” and “ Hansa, St. Catarina”, are conspecific with the holotype by BATES (1872). Their characters correspond perfectly with the original description, and also the locality of the here-designated neotype lies in the same southern area of Brazil. The locality of the lost female holotype was ambiguously mentioned in the protologue by BATES (1872) as “S. Brazil, Paraná, or Minas Geraes”, and further that the single female was collected by Mr. Rogers and donated by Edward Saunders. The type locality (of the neotype) lies in the state of Santa Catarina, situated near the state of Paraná which was mentioned in Bates’ protologue. Redescription. Body (Fig. 1) small, 7.30–8.50 (neotype 7.50) mm long, 2.20–2.70 (neotype 2.40) mm wide, dark bronze-cupreous, more vividly cupreous on head and pronotum, and predominantly iridescent bronze with weak greenish iridescence and velvety black areas on the elytra; frons, pronotum and elytra covered in erect or semierect, whitish to greyish setae, denser and stiffer on the elytra. Head (Fig. 3) with large eyes, in male slightly narrower than body, in female notably narrower, width 2.10–2.40 mm, generally concolorous with surface of other body portions. Frons quite steeply declining towards clypeus, moderately convex in middle, separated from vertex by frons-vertex fold, which is blunt in middle and edged laterally, surface nearly glabrous with only a few short, white setae in middle, cupreous, usually with greenish iridescence, median area covered in short, transverse, vermicular rugae, lateral areas longitudinally parallel striate-rugulose; supra-antennal plates large and flat, triangular, glabrous and almost smooth, metallic cupreous, usually with metallic green or bronze lustre of varying strength. Vertex concolorous with frons, nearly glabrous except for several short, hair-like setae, barely visible and easily abraded, and long, white juxtaorbital sensory setae (two on each side), with distinct anterior impression delimiting the frons-vertex fold, and two posterior sublateral impressions; median area densely but distinctly longitudinally parallel striate-rugulose to irregularly rugulose, subparallel to irregular rugae also cover juxtaorbital areas, while rugae on sublateral areas are parallel and longitudinal then wavy towards temples; occipital area irregularly wavy-rugulose. Genae glabrous, metallic cupreous with greenish and bronze reflections, shallowly, finely or more distinctly parallel striate-rugulose, postgenal area with a few wider, irregularly wavy rugae (running from lateral areas of vertex). Clypeus bright cupreous or dark copper, usually with green iridescence on lateral areas, finely and irregularly rugulose, glabrous.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Labrum 4-setose, yellow to ochre-testaceous; quite long in both sexes, male labrum (Fig. 4) length 0.60–0.65 mm, width 0.95–1.05 mm, lateral margins subparallel, with blunt or right-angled lateral indentation and rounded anterolateral margins (anterolateral teeth blunt or effaced), anterior lobe moderately but distinctly protruding anteriad and with only two blunt teeth, or indistinctly tridentate (with additional inconspicuous, mostly blunt, median tooth); female labrum (Fig. 5) similarly shaped, but with elongate and projecting median tooth with blunt apex, labrum length 0.90–1.05 mm, width 1.10–1.15 mm. Mandibles (Fig. 3) medium-sized, with arcuate lateral margins, ochre to brownishtestaceous (darker in female) with much paler inner basal area; teeth brownish or mahogany brown (darker in female), somewhat asymmetrical; each mandible in both sexes with four teeth (and basal molar), fourth tooth in left mandible smaller than the second and third which are almost of the same size, while the inner teeth of right mandible become progressively smaller towards the basal molar. Palpi (Fig. 3). Both maxillary and labial palpi almost unicoloured, ochre to brownish-testaceous (darker in female); penultimate (longest) palpomere of labial palpi in both sexes rather narrow, only moderately enlarged towards apex. Antennae rather short, reaching anterior elytral third, those of female even a little shorter, scape black-brown with strong, metallic green lustre, or mahogany-brown, with only one apical seta, antennomeres 2–5 ochre-testaceous with darkened apices and often with indistinct greenish lustre and only a few setae on antennomeres 3–4, antennomeres 6–11 becoming smoky-darkened, with indistinct micropubescence. Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 6) elongate, 1.60–1.65 mm long, 1.20–1.30 mm wide, anterior lobe high and wider than posterior, sulci quite well-pronounced laterally but shallow dorsally; surface of anterior lobe nearly glabrous with only occasional, easily abraded setae; densely, but rather coarsely and irregularly rugulose, rugae on anterior area usually crumbled into short irregular rugae while posteromedian area adjacent to disc is usually parallel striate, striae converged in middle towards median line of disc; disc widely ellipsoid, usually with subparallel lateral margins in middle, or subglobose (usually wider in females), medial line distinct; discal surface densely and irregularly transversely striate-rugulose, striae converge in irregular fashion towards the median line; rugae on anterior and sublateral areas usually very irregular and irregularly directed, almost vermicular, but becoming transverse towards lateral margins; they do not exceed the notopleural sutures, or do so only slightly. The sutures are clearly differentiated and obvious in dorsal view; the whole discal surface quite densely covered with erect, rather long setae that are barely visible from above but obvious in lateral view, easily abraded; posterior lobe irregularly transverse-rugose, covered in a large number of setae laterally; prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum glabrous and nearly smooth, metallic black with greenish and bronze reflections; proepisterna, mesepisterna and metepisterna metallic black-copper with bronze and green reflections, glabrous and almost smooth, with only fine irregular wrinkles; female mesepisternal coupling sulci in the form of deep but wide longitudinal furrow.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Elytra (Figs 7–9) oblong, length 4.30–4.90 mm, with well-pronounced, rounded humeri, lateral margins of posterior elytral half notably dilated and with arcuate anteapical angles, then running obliquely towards apices, which are subacute in male, rounded in female; sutural spine very small, triangular; microserrulation indistinct; elytral dorsal surface distinctly convex on posterior discal area, humeral impressions indistinct, basodiscal convexity moderate, only indistinctly delimited posteriorly by shallow discal impression, anteapical impressions moderate; elytral coloration dark cupreous, usually with bronze lustre, sometimes with greenish lustre on basohumeral areas, mostly with conspicuous, velvety-black V-shaped area on elytral disc posteriad of the shallow discal impression; wide lateral areas adjacent to epipleura polished, shiny black and almost smooth posteriorly; whole elytral surface finely punctate, punctures isolated, larger on anterior and subhumeral areas (Fig. 10), becoming finer and more irregular (rasp-like) towards apices; setal vesture whitish or greyish-brown: whole dorsal elytral surface densely covered with long, erect or semierect setae which are stiffer and shorter on posterior area; only the polished, wide lateral areas are almost glabrous except for juxtaepipleural sensory setae, scattered usually on anterior area of epipleura; elytral maculation whitish, consisting of only two maculae (no humeral macula in either sex): sublateral-median macula, rounded or irregularly shaped, and anteapical macula somewhat elongate or irregularly triangular. Abdomen. Ventrites dark metallic black-copper, glabrous except for the usual sparse sensory setae on posterior margin of ventrites. Legs. Pro- and mesocoxae brown to black with metallic green lustre, quite densely setose, metacoxae metallic black-green with densely setose lateral areas; trochanters brownish-testaceous, glabrous except for one apical seta on pro- and mesotrochanters; femora almost black, but the coloration usually tending to chatoyant mahogany depending on angle of illumination, often with a greenish lustre, apices usually testaceous, but with metallic green lustre; profemora densely covered with rows of white, rather long setae which are sparser on mesofemora and far sparser on metafemora; tibiae brownish or almost testaceous except for black-darkened apical areas, and with more or less distinct greenish lustre, covered with scattered, thorn-like, whitish setae and brownish thorns; apical-ventral area of pro- and mesofemora with dense whitish to greyish setose pad; tarsi brownish-testaceous with metallic black apices; sometimes the metallic black coloration prevails; claws testaceous. Aedeagus (Figs 11–13) quite short, 1.95–2.00 mm long, 0.40–0.42 mm wide, basal portion distinctly bent, basomedian portion dilated, apical portion conically and progressively attenuated towards apex, which is ventrally rounded and dorsally hooked, beak-like; internal sac poorly developed, containing basally short central spur crossed by thin falciform spine and supported by another short, thin stiffening rib; other (upper) sclerites consist of a small, weakly-sclerotized arciform piece dorsally and a voluminous, but weakly sclerotized (and probably membranous) elongate sclerite of indefinite shape ventrally. Variability. Only unimportant variability in coloration. It should be noted that the erect setae on the head and pronotum are hardly visible in dorsal view, and that all the setae are very easily abraded. Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Differential diagnosis. Immediately distinguished from all species of the related genus Pentacomia Bates, 1872 by entire elytral surface densely echinate-setose. It differs from Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov. especially in having dilated elytra with much finer and regular punctation, and black, polished and wide juxtaepipleural areas, unicoloured, ochre to brownish-testaceous palpi, much paler testaceous mandibles and antennomeres 2–3, slightly shorter labrum with protruding median lobe, less densely setose antennae and sparser setae on the frons, but longer setae on the vertex, and entirely glabrous proepisterna and surface of the ventrites. Biology and distribution. Known only from southern Brazil, the state of Santa Catarina (type locality), and probably from the neighbouring state of Paraná (type locality of the lost female holotype by BATES 1872) – see also “Remarks” below. ERWIN AND PEARSON (2008) mentioned diurnal activity for the adults, referring to ZIKAN (1929), but the latter author made no mention of this species. Remarks. The original description of Cicindela hispidula was based on a single female specimen (BATES (1872). Unfortunately, the holotype is not deposited either in BMNH and MNHN; further, the curators and I were unable to find it in any of the other collections including MNHUB. The species was only vaguely known: it was merely listed as Cicindela hispidula by FLEUTIAUX (1892), and was entirely unknown to RIVALIER (1969) who simply noted that he had ignored this taxon and its placement near Pentacomia. Some important characters of this species were mentioned by HORN (1902) when, somewhat ambiguously, he considered it as an “aberrant form of the genus Cicindela” and later (Horn 1915) as “aberrante Odontochilae”, while in HORN (1926) as “Cicindela gruppe Phyllodroma”. Apart from the author of the original description, Horn was thus the only entomologist to examine this species. It was illustrated in colour by HORN (1915: 400, plate 19, fig. 11) and later in an apt line drawing by HORN (1938: plate 83, fig. 9) clearly showing the densely setose elytra. SCHILDER (1953) quite inadequately transferred this species to the genus Phyllodroma Lacordaire, 1842, and as Phyllodroma hispidula it was also listed by WIESNER (1992), CASSOLA & PEARSON (2001), NAVIAUX (2002) and ERWIN & PEARSON (2008). The type species (by original designation) of the genus Phyllodroma is Phyllodroma cylindricollis, based on Cicindela cylindricollis Dejean, 1825, a species which differs widely from the two species of Brzoskaicheila gen.nov., as well as from all species of the related genus Pentacomia. RIVALIER (1969) introduced the genus Phyllodroma for the first time, characterized by the outstanding structure of its internal sac. The internal sac in Phyllodroma, in contrast to the genus Pentacomia, contains a long, multicoiled flagellum which is associated with a compact, translucent sustaining membrane, thus also differing from the long, spiraliform, but not so supported flagellum in the genus Odontocheila. Brzoskaicheila crassisculpta sp.nov.
(Figs. 2, 14–19)
Type locality. Peru: Madre de Dios, Rio Alto Madre de Dios, Pantiacolla Lodge, 410–700 m, 12°39.4´S, 71°13.9´W.
Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) Type material. Holotype ♂ in CDBT (later in NHMK), labelled: “Peru-Madre de Dios, Rio Alto Madre de Dios, Pantiacolla Lodge, 410–700 m, 12°39.4´S, 71°13.9´W, D. Brzoska, 26-X-2000”
Description (male holotype, female unknown). Body (Fig. 2) very small, slim, length 7.50 mm, width 2.10 mm, iridescent metallic cupreous with velvety black area on elytral disc and large chatoyant gold-bronze area posteriad of the elytral disc; entire dorsal surface densely covered with erect whitish to greyish setae. Head (Fig. 14) large, with big eyes, as wide as the body, width 2.10 mm. Frons quite steeply declining towards clypeus, bronze-cupreous, almost black on distinctly bulged median area, and separated from vertex by a vertex fold that is blunt in middle and more sharp-edged laterally, surface quite densely covered with short, erect setae that may become less visible depending on the angle of view; a median bulging area densely and irregularly transverse-wavy rugulose, the sculpture becoming parallel-striate and obliquely transverse on upper lateral areas; supra-antennal plates large and flat, triangular, glabrous and smooth, iridescent reddish-cupreous, their apices chatoyant bronze-green. Vertex metallic copper, black on moderately convex median area and on posterolateral areas, indistinctly but quite densely covered in short, erect, white setae (visible only from behind), and with two long, white juxtaorbital sensory setae (one on each side); median area densely but distinctly irregularly striate-rugulose forming arcuate-radial ornament, juxtaorbital areas large, variously sculptured, with several longitudinally parallel striae adjacent to the eyes, with remaining area obliquely parallel rugulose, rugae running towards temples; posterior and occipital area black-darkened, irregularly and finely rugulose. Genae glabrous, iridescent reddish-cupreous with chatoyant greenish and bronze lustre, shallowly and finely parallel striate on anterior and juxtaorbital areas; large ventral area almost smooth; postgenal (temporal) area with a few wider, irregularly wavy rugae (passing from lateral areas of vertex). Clypeus glabrous, dark copper in middle, lateral areas bright reddish-cupreous. Labrum (Fig. 15) 4-setose, yellow-testaceous; long and semicircular, length 0.67 mm, width 1.00 mm, lateral margins short and subparallel, almost with blunt lateral indentation and rounded anterolateral margins, anterolateral teeth blunt, nearly effaced, median teeth only indicated, blunt. Mandibles (Fig. 14) medium-sized (left terminal tooth broken), with arcuate lateral margins, black-brown with much paler inner basal area, subsymmetrical, each mandible in both sexes with four teeth (and basal molar), the inner teeth of both mandibles become smaller towards the basal molar. Palpi distinctly bicoloured, ochre-testaceous with metallic black-green penultimate and terminal palpomeres of maxillary palpi and terminal palpomeres of labial palpi; penultimate (longest) palpomere of labial palpi narrow, only moderately enlarged towards apex. Antennae long, reaching elytral half, scape black-brown with strong metallic green lustre, with one long, subapical sensory seta and covered with 15 shorter, white setae, pedicel metallic black-green, with a few setae, antennomeres 3–4 metallic black-copper Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
with purple iridescence and greenish lustre on almost black apices, covered in short, semierect, white setae, more numerous on antennomere 4 (Fig. 14); antennomeres 5–11 smoky-black and densely covered with minute but distinct greyish-white setae. Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 16) elongate, similar to that of B. hispidula but somewhat narrower, length 1.65 mm, width 1.20 mm; anterior lobe notably high, wider than posterior, sulci well-pronounced; surface of the anterior lobe nearly glabrous in middle, densely setose on anterior areas, coarsely and irregularly rugose, rugae in middle parallel and posteriorly converging towards the median line of the disc, on lateral areas crumbled into short very irregular rugae; disc ellipsoid with slightly subparallel lateral margins in middle, medial line distinct; discal surface coarsely rugose, rugae in middle converge irregularly towards the median line, transverse on anteromedian area, partly arcuate in middle, and then converging obliquely towards the median line on posteromedian area; rugae on sublateral areas denser and irregular and irregularly arranged or almost vermicular, but becoming transverse towards lateral margins and slightly exceeding the notopleural sutures, which are clearly visible in dorsal view; discal surface indistinctly covered in very short, semierect white setae that are barely visible from above, more obvious and denser on lateral areas; posterior lobe coarsely and irregularly transverserugose, nearly glabrous except for a few lateral setae; prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum almost smooth (with only a few lateral wrinkles on the prosternum), glabrous (only one seta observed on posterior margin of metasternum), metallic black with greenish and bronze reflections; proepisterna large, lustrous metallic purplecupreous, smooth except for a number of scattered setigerous punctures with white setae (setae in most of the sparse punctures abraded); mesepisterna and metepisterna metallic purple-cupreous with gold-bronze reflections, glabrous and almost smooth with only fine irregular wrinkles. Elytra (Fig. 17) elongate, length 4.10 mm, with well-pronounced but rounded humeri, lateral margins almost parallel, anteapical angles arcuate then running obliquely towards almost rounded apices with short but distinct triangular sutural spine; microserrulation fine, irregular; elytral dorsal surface convex on posterior discal area, humeral impressions shallow and short, basodiscal convexity distinct, posteriorly delimited by clear discal impression, anteapical impressions moderate; elytral coloration iridescent cupreous with bronze lustre and conspicuous, velvety-black V-shaped area posteriad of discal impression, delimited by chatoyant golden-bronze area with greenish iridescence grading to iridescent bronze-cupreous coloration of large posterior area; elytral surface very diversely sculptured: punctures on basohumeral and lateral areas coarse, becoming very large with narrow intervals, often anastomosing to form coarse, cavernous sculptures within humeral impressions; punctures also very large on entire remaining anterior area (Fig. 18) except for a darker area of basodiscal convexity which is almost granulate-sculptured, and the velvety-black discal area is covered in much finer punctures of indefinite shape; punctures adjacent to white sublateral-median macula become large again, while those towards apices are more irregular (rasp-like); juxtaepipleural and apical areas covered with very irregular punctures forming coarse sculpture of indefinite pattern; setal vesture whitish or greyish-darkened: whole dorsal 46
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Brzoskaicheila gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
elytral surface densely covered in long, erect or semierect setae, finer and shorter on anterior area, becoming stiffer on posterior elytral half towards apices (Fig. 19); juxtaepipleural sensory setae scattered mostly in anterior area; elytral maculation whitish, consisting of only two maculae (humeral macula lacking): a sublateral-median macula which is slightly obliquely elongate, and anteapical elongate macula (running along the anteapical margin, but not reaching apex). Abdomen. Ventrites dark metallic black-copper, with the usual sparse, hair-like sensory setae on posterior margin of the ventrites, surface of last three ventrites (including terminal pleurites) densely covered in minute white setae. Legs. Pro- and mesocoxae brown-copper with paler apices and metallic-green lustre, quite densely setose, metacoxae metallic black-green with densely setose lateral areas; trochanters ochre-testaceous, glabrous except for single apical setae on pro- and mesotrochanters; femora much paler than in B. hispidula, pale brownish-testaceous with faint greenish iridescence, ochre on basoventral and subapical area, but apices blackdarkened; tibiae dark brown with apical half almost black; tarsi black; setal vesture of all leg segments as in B. hispidula, but setae denser; claws black with testaceous apices. Aedeagus (Fig. 20) similar to that of B. hispidula, but with more arcuate hooked apex; the internal sac was not examined in order to avoid damage to the single male holotype, which is tiny and fragile. Differential diagnosis. Immediately distinguished from Brzoskaicheila hispidula by much narrower and almost parallel-sided elytra with much coarser surface sculpture; metallic black-green penultimate and terminal palpomeres of maxillary palpi and terminal palpomeres of labial palpi; metallic green pedicel and darker metallic antennomeres 3–4; much more densely setose all antennomeres; proepisterna with scattered setigerous punctures, and densely, minutely setose surface of ventrites (in contrast to entirely smooth and glabrous proepisterna and surface of ventrites in B. hispidula). Moreover, the male labrum of the new species is almost semicircular with even more markedly effaced teeth, and the femora are notably paler. Biology and distribution. Known only from the type locality, the area of Madre de Dios in north-eastern Peru, a very long way from the south-eastern locality of B. hispidula. According to the collector, the only adult was caught flying on an eroded clay embankment more than 30 metres high, at the edge of the Alto Madre de Dios River. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Stephan Blank and Lutz Behne (SDEI, Müncheberg), Max Barclay and Beulah Garner (BMNH, London), Thierry Deuve and Azadeh Taghavian (MNHN, Paris) and Bernd Jäger and Manfred Uhlig (MNHUB, Berlin) for their assistance during my visits and for the loans of type and other specimens, as well as for their kind efforts to find the lost holotype of Cicindela hispidula Bates. I am greatly obliged to my friend and colleague David Brzoska (Naples, Florida, USA) who sent me numerous specimens for study, including the holotype of B. crassisculpta sp.nov. Josef Jelínek (NMPC, Prague) kindly reviewed the manuscript. The research received support Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. biol. (Brno), 97(2), 2012
(for my study visits to BMNH, MNHUB and MNHN) from the SYNTHESYS project http://www.synthesys.info/ which is financed by the European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Structuring the European Research Area” programme. References BATES H. W. 1872: Notes on Cicindelidae and Carabidae, and descriptions of new species (No. 14). Entomologist’s Monthly Maazine 8: 263–266. CASSOLA F. & PEARSON D. L. 2001: Neotropical Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae): Checklist and Biogeography. Biota Colombiana 2(1): 3–24. ERWIN T. L. & Pearson D. L. 2008: A treatise on the Western Hemisphere Caraboidea (Coleoptera). Their classification, distributions, and ways of the life. Volume II. Carabidae – Nebriformes 2 – Cicindelitae. Pensoft Series Faunistica 84, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. FLEUTIAUX E. 1892: Catalogue systematique des Cicindelidae. Liege, 1–186. HORN W. 1902: Briefe eines reisenden Entomologen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1: 231–239. HORN W. 1915: Coleoptera Adephaga, Fam. Carabidae, Subfam. Cicindelinae. In: WYTSMAN, P.: Genera Insectorum 82: 209–487, plates 16–23. HORN W. 1926: Ueber die Genese von Cicindela hybrida- und campestris-Formen, sowie die CicindelidenFauna von Uganda und den “Vacarias” von Matto Grosso. Entomologische Mitteilungen 15(1): 69–78. HORN W. 1938: 2000 Zeichnungen von Cicindelinae. Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem 5: 1–71, 90 Tafeln. MORAVEC J. 2002: A monograph of the genus Physodeutera (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Tiger beetles of Madagascar 2. Kabourek, Zlín, 290 pp. MORAVEC J. 2012: Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision within the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontochilina in a new sense – 1. Some changes in taxonomy and nomenclature within the genus Odontocheila (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 97(2): 13–33. MORAVEC J. & KUDRNA A. Jr. 2002: Ronhuberia gen n. with type species Pentacomia fernandezi (Cassola) comb. n.; R. eurytarsipennis (W. Horn) comb. n. Cicindela 34(3–4): 17–37. NAVIAUX, R. 2002: Faune du Brésil. Description de deux nouveaux Ctenostoma, catalogue des Cicindèles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 107: 265–273. RIVALIER E. 1969: Démemberment du genre Odontochila (Col. Cicindelidae) et Révision des principales espèces. Annales de la Sociéte entomologique de France (N.S.) 5: 195–237. RIVALIER E. 1971: Remarques sur La tribu des Cicindelini (Col. Cicindelidae) et sa subdivision en sous-tribus. Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie 1: 135–143. SCHILDER F. A. 1953: Studien zur Evolution von Cicindela. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-LutherUniversität Halle-Wittenberg 3, 2, 539–576. WIESNER J. 1992: Verzeichnis der Sandlaufkäfer der Welt. Checklist of the tiger beetles of the world (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Keltern, Verlag Erna Bauer, 364 pp. ZIKAN J. 1929: Zur Biologie der Cicindeliden Brasiliens. Zoologischer Anzeiger 82: 269–414.
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