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Is the species polycyclic, iteroparous, or semelparous?: Polycyclic species reproduce intermittently throughout their lives. Semelparous species reproduce only ...
Taxonomy Please pay close attention to the pink boxes in each tab. If time is limiting the database administrators can populate the non-pink fields. Scientific Name: Genus and species Common Name: All that apply Realm: Put an X next to one or more: Freshwater Terrestrial Marine Geography

For what geographic extent is this sensitivity information relevant for? You may list its entire range, one or multiple states, provinces, or regions, such as the Pacific Northwest. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus

Dispersal Ability

Please check one

Maximum annual dispersal distance:

Please check one Confidence in maximum annual dispersal distance:

1-Low >100 km 2-Medium-Low 75-100 km 3-Medium 50-75 km 4-Medium-High 25-50 km 5-High 5-25 km 1-5 km 4

Sensitive Habitats

Depends on the following sensitive habitat types: Please check all the habitats that apply for this species. If the species depends on other sensitive habitat types not listed, please specify in the “other” section. If none apply, do not check any. Coastal Lowlands/Marshes/Estuaries/Beaches Seasonal Streams Wetlands/Vernal Pools Seeps/Springs Alpine/Subalpine Grasslands/balds Coral reefs Rocky Intertidal Ecotones (not including above) Other (please specify in comments)

Level of philopatry: N/A none Low Medium High Philopatry is the behavior of a species to remain or return to their birth place. Comments


Confidence in whether the species depends on the listed sensitive habitat types:

1-Low 2-Medium-Low 3-Medium 4-Medium-High 5-High

Ecological Relationships How sensitive is the species to other effects of climate change on its ecology Quantify the species’ ecological sensitivity to climate change (see below for examples of ecological sensitivities). 1 (not sensitive) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (highly sensitive)

Ecological Climate Effects: forage predator/prey relationships habitat hydrology competition Other Please specify which of the above (if any) are sensitive to climate change for this species. If none apply, do not check any.

Which types of climate and climate-driven changes in the enviroenment affect these aspects of the species' ecology? temperature precipitation salinity pH CO2 Other Please specify whether or not the species ecology is affected by one or more of the above. Comments


Confidence in how sensitive the species is to other effects of climate change on its ecology

1-Low 2-Medium-Low 3-Medium 4-Medium-High 5-High

Interacting Non-Climatic Stressors

To what degree do other, non-climate-related threats, to the species make it more sensitive to climate change Please indicate whether this species is affected by other threats, predisposing it to be more sensitive to climate change. 1 not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 to a high degree Please check all of the stressors that make the species more sensitive to climate change: Please check all that apply. If none apply, do not check any. habitat loss or degradation invasive/exotic species other interspecific interactions direct human conflict (including harvesting) pollution other (please specify in the comment box below) Comments


Confidence in the degree to which non-climate-related threats affect the species' sensitivity to climate change:

1-Low 2-Medium-Low 3-Medium 4-Medium-High 5-High

Other Sensitivites Are there other critical factors that have not been addressed, which may make this species more sensitive to climate change? Please include any other factor that you may consider critical to understanding this species' potential response to climate change that has not been addressed yet. If no other factors apply, please leave blank.

Confidence in other critical factors:

1-Low 2-Medium-Low 3-Medium 4-Medium-High 5-High

Collectively, to what degree do these factors make the species sensitive to climate change? Please indicate the overall relative importance of the factor(s) that you listed above. N/A 1 a little 2 3 4 5 6 7 to a high degree What weight should these factors have on the overall sensitivity of this species to climate change: If you identified a factor in the first two questions above then please select a number starting with 0.2. A value of 1 is the default weight and therefore a weight of 0.5 indicates that these “other” factors contribute half the importance compared to the previous factors (i.e., dispersal, physiology, etc. ). A value of 1.5 means that the “other” factor is 1.5 times the weight of any previous factor. N/A 0.2 0.33 0.5 1 2 3 5 Comments


Confidence in the degree of which these factors make this species sensitive to climate change:

1-Low 2-Medium-Low 3-Medium 4-Medium-High 5-High

Overall User Ranking

Confidence in your overall assessment of the sensitivity of this species to climate change

In your opinion, how would you rank the overall sensitivity of this species to climate change?: Given your experience and knowledge, what would be your gut assessment for this species? Just express your opinion.


1 (low sensitivity)






4(medium sensitivity)


5 6 7(high sensitivity)

