Part 2: Everyone Communicates-Few Connect John C. Maxwell. 5 Connecting
Practices. 1. Connectors Connect on Common Ground. 2. Connectors Do the ...
Session 3: Everyone Communicates-Few Connect Part 2: 5 Connecting Practices
Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training
Session 3: Everyone Communicates-Few Connect Part 2: 5 Connecting Practices 07/28/2012
Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training
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2012 L.E.A.P. ORG. Dream Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training
Session 3 Agenda (7/28/2012)
PART 1: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Introduction Ice Breaker: Cartoon Connection Presentation: The L.E.A.P. ORG Commercial Review Of Everyone Communicates Few Connect (Part 1) 5 Communication Principles Definition: Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in such a way that it increases our influence with them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Connecting Increases Your Influence in Every Situation Connecting is All About Others Connecting Goes Beyond Words Connecting Always Require Energy Connecting Is More Skill Than Natural Talent
Part 2: Everyone Communicates-Few Connect John C. Maxwell 5 Connecting Practices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Connectors Connect on Common Ground Connectors Do the Difficult Work of Keeping It Simple Connectors Create an Experience Everyone Enjoys (Enjoyable Experience) Connectors Inspire People Connectors Live What They Communicate (Congruency)
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PART 2: 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Review/Summarize/Preview Bonding Activity: Assessment (Best/Worst Connecting Practice) Team Building Activity: Equipping a Speakers Bureau Closing Activities Personal Information Sheet Submission (if you have not completed one) Evaluation
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2012 L.E.A.P. ORG. Dream Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training Participant Handout, Workbook, and Manual Part 2: Everyone Communicates-Few Connect John C. Maxwell Five Connecting Practices 1. Connectors Connect on Common Ground It is difficult to find common ground with others when the only person you are focused on is yourself! John C. Maxwell Everyone has their own framework, the means by which they perceive their surroundings. According to Terry Felber, author of Am I Making Myself Clear?, “If you can learn to pinpoint how those around you experience the world, and really try to experience the same world they do, you’ll be amazed at how effective your communication will become.” Barriers to Finding Common Ground 1. _____________________________-“I already know what others know, feel, and want.” 2. _____________________________-“I don’t need to know what others know, feel, or want.” 3. _____________________________- “I don’t care to know what others know, feel, or want.” 4. ____________________________ - “I don’t want others to know what I know, feel or think.” In Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way, Jim Lundy, the author, included two responses of people who work in an environment where leaders hold back from them. First, the “Subordinates Lament,” which says, “We the uninformed, working for the inaccessible, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful!” Secondly, the “Mushroom Farm Lament,” goes like this: “We feel we’re being kept in the dark. Every once in a while someone
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comes around and spreads manure on us. When our heads pop up, they’re chopped off And then we’re canned.”
Choices That Will Help You Find Common Ground 1. _____________________________- I will choose to spend time with others. 2. _____________________________- I will listen my way to common ground. 3. _____________________________- I will be interested enough in others to ask questions. 4. _____________________________- I will think of others and look for ways to help them. 5. _____________________________- I will let people into my life. 6. _____________________________- I will care about people. 7. _____________________________- I will think of myself less so I can think of others more. Arrogance: plays up one’s strength to receive praise. Humility: Rises up others so they can be praised. Humility is… 1. A capacity for _________________________________ 2. Allows __________________ to shine. 8. _____________________________- I will move from my world to theirs. Key Concepts: Know the reasons you and your listener want to communicate and build a bridge between them. Question: “What is the bridge you need to build to connect on common ground?”
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2. Connectors Do the Difficult Work of Keeping It Simple The Art of Simplicity 1. Talk ________ People, Not______________Them. 2. Get to the ________________________________. Connectors get to the point before listeners start asking “What’s the point?” 3. Say It Over and Over and Over and Over and Over Again. “The first time you say something, it’s heard. The second time, it’s recognized, and the third time, it’s learned.” – William H. Rastetter 4. Say it __________________________________________________________. Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, pointed out, “Insecure manager’s books and busy slides filled with everything they’ve known since childhood.” 5. Say _________________________. Key Concept: The larger the group, the simpler the communication needs to be. Question: “Can people repeat to someone else what I have just said to them?” 3. Connectors Create An Experience Everyone Enjoys How To Be Interesting 1. Take _________________________ for your listeners. 2. Communicate in _______________ ___________________________. 3. Capture People’s Attention from the ___________________________. 4. _____________________ your audience. 5. Say it so it ______________________________. Key Concept: Work to create the right experience for your communication setting. Question: “How much time do I intentionally set aside to create enjoyable experiences for others?”
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4. Connectors Inspire People The Inspiration Equation What people ____________+ What people__________+ What people ________=___________ What People Need to Know: 1. That you _______________ them and are _________________ on them. 2. That you have _____________ __________________ of them. while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”- Steve Jobs What People Need to See: 1. People need to see your _________________________________________. 2. People need to see your __________________________________________. The mediocre teacher _____________. The good teacher __________________. The great teacher _________________________________.
What People Need to Feel: 1. They need to feel your ________________ in yourself and them. 2. They need to feel your __________________ in yourself and them. 3. People need to feel your __________________ for them. Key Concept: What people remember most is how you make them feel. Questions: “What part of the ‘Inspiration Equation’ do I need to work on …Knowing – Seeing – or Feeling?”
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5 Connectors Live What They Communicate The Credibility Check-List 1. “Have I connected with ______________________________?” The relationships we have with others are largely determined by the relationships we have with ourselves.
2. “Have I made right my ____________________________?” a. Acknowledge my mistakes. b. Apologize c. Make amends 3. “Am I __________________________?” 4. “Do I lead like I ________________________?” 5. “Do I tell the __________________________?” 6. “Am I _______________________________?” 7. “Am I following the _______________ _____________________________? 8. “Do I deliver ________________________________________________?
Key Concepts: The only way to keep connecting with people is to live what you communicate. Question: “What area in the Credibility Check-List do I need to work on?”
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Answer Key for Part 2: Practices of Connecting Barriers to Finding Common Ground: 1. Assumption; 2. Arrogance; 3. Indifference; 4. Control Choices That Will Help You Find Common Ground: 1. Availability; 2. Listening; 3. Questions; 4. Thoughtfulness; 5. Openness; 6. Likability; 7. Humility; self-criticism; others; 8. Adaptability Connectors Do the Difficult work of Keeping It Simple: The Art of Simplicity – 1. To; Above; 2. Point; 4 Clearly; 5. Less Connectors Create An Experience Everyone Enjoys: 1. Responsibility; 2. Their world; 3. Start; 4. Activate; 5. Sticks Connectors Inspire People: The Inspiration Equation: 1. Know; See; Feel; Inspiration What People Need to Know: 1. Understand, Focused; 2. High Expectations What People Need to See: 1. Conviction; 2. Credibility; tells; explains; demonstrates What People Need to Feel: 1. Passion; 2. Confidence; 3. Gratitude Connectors Live What They Communicate: The Credibility Check-List: 1. Myself; 2. Wrongs; 3. Accountability, hope, trust; 4. Live; 5. Truth; 6. Vulnerable; 7. Golden Rule; 8. Results
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2012 L.E.A.P. ORG. Dream Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training Participant Information Sheet (Session 3) If you have not already completed an information sheet
Name: (Please Print)______________________________________________
E-Mail:___________________________________________________________ Please sign me up for the periodic “Board Booster” e-mail, Living Water Life Coaching Newsletter, and free report about communication. Note: you may unsubscribe at any time. Occupation (s): ______________________________________________________ My top three hobbies: 1. ______________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ Describe yourself with 3 words: 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3. __________________________ If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What is/are your dream(s)? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 11
2012 L.E.A.P. ORG. Dream Team Training Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Board Training Presentation Survey (07/28/2011) Name: ________________________________________________________________________ 1. The information today was: not helpful
somewhat helpful
2. The pace of the presentation was: too slow
just right
3. The amount of material covered was: too little 4. The presentation was professional:
5. The presentation met objectives: Strongly Disagree
7. I would recommend this trainer to others: Not at All
Not at all
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
too much
6. I feel equipped to share this information with others: No
9. The presenter knew her material:
too fast
just right
Strongly Disagree
8. I enjoyed the video game style review: No
very helpful
Wholeheartedly Yes Not Applicable Well
10. I believe the follow could have been done better ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Question / Comment to the presenter:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Leadership/Personal Development Areas you would like to learn more about?________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank You very much. Your feedback is priceless. Page 11 of 11