We have also made available the Fiery Extended Applications Package for both .... changes to such items as SMTP server,
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Tech Ticker Fiery Technical Support EFI Xerox Tech Tickers are created as communication tools to alert our customers and partners to product issues, available solutions, and other helpful items that may be used to support EFI products. The EFI Xerox Tech Ticker is a collection of all Xerox supported products, and is distributed on the first business day of each month. The product issues covered in the EFI Xerox Tech Ticker are as follows:
Fiery Applications -
Fiery Command Workstation Fiery Forum Fiery VUE
Xerox Mid Range
Current version(s) Fiery patches Fiery security patches Tech note: Splash RPX‐ii v2.0.8 for DC 242/252/260 release Change in system software requirements for Server‐based models
Xerox Entry Production Color
Current version(s) Fiery patches Fiery security patches Tech note: Xerox CentreWare link on Webtools Tech note: Upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 on EX 1000
Xerox Production Color -
Current version(s) Fiery security patches Tech note: Fiery Clone Tool release v1.6 on EFI.com
Xerox Production Black and White
Current version(s) Fiery patches Fiery security patches Tech note: Auto‐updates information needed for secure environments Tech note: Fiery servers are not vulnerable to the threats Tech note: WebTools/Configure/Check for Product Updates
Xerox PrintMe -
Current version(s) PrintMe for Xerox Copiers Overview Software Specifications, v1.1 Supported Printers Demo Room Licenses
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Fiery Applications
Fiery Command Workstation We are pleased to announce the availability of Fiery Command WorkStation for both Macintosh and Windows, as an update to earlier versions. Command Workstation 5.3 includes several new features. Interactive Fiery Image Enhance Visual Editor for per image adjustments and corrections to get the perfect print without additional software or tools needed. Imposition workflow improvements that make operators more productive. Usability enhancements that give direct access to more job actions and more control over media for an improved user experience. Integration with all Fiery Color Profiler Suite tools to diagnose, compare, create and edit color profiles without leaving Command WorkStation. We have also made available the Fiery Extended Applications Package for both Macintosh and Windows. The Fiery Extended Applications Package (Rel3e) is a single download of the latest Fiery Server applications, including Fiery Command WorkStation 5.3, Fiery Hot Folders 3, Fiery Remote Scan, and (Windows only) Fiery Bridge.
Please review the Installation Requirements for a description of which Fiery applications can be installed on which Fiery Server. For System 9 and later Fierys, Command WorkStation 5.3 must be installed from the Fiery Extended Application Package. For System 8 Release 2 and earlier Fierys, the Fiery Extended Applications Package (like the Command WorkStation 5.3 installer) only installs Command WorkStation 5.3.
For archival purposes, previous versions are available from the following links. For archival purposes, Command WorkStation is available from the following links: http://c1310542.origin.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/cws52.dmg.zip (Macintosh) http://c1310542.origin.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/cws52_Setup.exe (Windows)
Fiery Forum The Fiery forums allow users to ask questions and to share information. Please visit the Fiery Forums at: http://fieryforums.efi.com Fiery Forums available: Fiery Color & Imaging Forum Fiery Command WorkStation 5 Fiery VUE Color Profiler Fiery Central Fiery JDF Integration MicroPress Digital StoreFront http://dsfforums.efi.com/ PrintMe http://printmeforums.efi.com/
Fiery VUE Fiery VUE is EFI’s visual printing application that helps office workers to produce professional‐looking, finished documents quickly, easily and cost‐effectively. Fiery VUE is an interactive and dynamic desktop application with intuitive layout and finishing tools that visually guides users through complex document creation with a unique 3D interface, showing them exactly how their document will print out.
Fiery VUE 1.3.2 is our latest version released and available for download from efi.com/fieryvue. Find more information about the new Fiery VUE 1.3.2 Features on our website. Use Check for Product Updates to download the 1.3.2 update. Fiery VUE is compatible with many Fiery‐Driven printers. Check the Certified printers section on the website for additional information and to check if your Fiery device is supported.
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Xerox Mid Range
Current version(s) Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7300 v1.0 SP1 Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7400 v1.0 Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7500 v1.0 Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7700 v1.01 Fiery Network controller for DC 242/252/260 v2.0 EX260 v2.0 Splash RPX‐ii v2.0.8 for DC 242/252/260 & DC 240/250 Fiery Integrated Server for Xerox 550/560 v1.1 SP2 EX560 v1.1 SP2
Fiery Patches Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7300 v1.0 SP1 1‐1FLFQR: Printing certain PDF files causes system to hang in parsing. Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7500 v1.0 1‐1FS0NN: Patch to address Hostname issue when Fiery is in DHCP. Fiery Network controller for WorkCentre Series 7700 v1.01 1‐1FLFR8: Fiery Server hangs when printing particular files. Fiery Integrated Server for Xerox 550/560 v1.1 SP2 ‐ 1‐1F5VLY: Fiery patch to address interrupt issue. ‐ 1‐1FRY41: PCL Driver release for Xerox 550‐560 Integrated Fiery. EX560 v1.1 SP2 1‐1EAN8V: Traditional Chinese Driver for Xerox Color EX 550‐560.
Fiery Security Patches Windows XPe Service Pack 3: 1‐1GCST3: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSUD: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSTL: MS12‐045: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2698365) 1‐1GCSTF: MS12‐047: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel‐Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2718523) 1‐1GCSTP: MS12‐048: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2691442) 1‐1GCSTT: MS12‐049: Vulnerability in TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure (2655992)
Tech note: Splash RPX‐ii v2.0.8 for DC 242/252/260 release Splash RPX‐ii v2.0.8 has been released to Xerox to address the following defect: 1‐171DI0: When RPX‐ii v2.0.7 is applied to a Nehalem core Mac, Splash application hangs at 75%
Change in system software requirements for Server‐based models due to change to SATA DVD drive. Beginning in early May 2010, some Fiery controller models had a change in the DVD drive and for that reason these were updated and included an additional media kit containing CD0 and a Service Addendum doc along with a separate Readme. CD0‐‐‐This disk is needed for these models because the new SATA DVD drive in those systems won’t recognize bootable media (like System Software DVD 1) unless CD0 is installed first. The Service Addendum document explains what has changed in these systems when a SATA DVD drive is present, including CD0 information. Affected Models: EX260 (Cut‐in SN TBB199166) and added a label on the back panel that says "Tag 4" EX700 (Cut‐in SN is TBA196399) and added a label on the back panel that says "Tag 3" on EX700
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Xerox Entry Production Color
Current version(s) EXP8000 v3.0 EX8000AP v1.0 EX8002 v1.0 EX8080 v1.0 EXP50 v2.0 Splash RPX‐ii 2.0.3 for DC5000 Integrated Fiery Controller for Xerox 700 Digital Color Press v1.5 SP8 EX700 v1.5 SP8 Splash RPX‐iii v3.1.3 for Xerox 700 Digital Color Press EX 1000 v2.2 Integrated Fiery Color Server for Xerox 700i v1.0 SP1 EX700i v1.0 SP1 EX770 v1.0
Fiery Patches EX8080 v1.0 1‐1E9L3Y: Updated native drivers for full Mac OS X 10.7 compatibility. Integrated Fiery Controller for Xerox 700 Digital Color Press v1.5 SP8 1‐1EYBED: Color options are not getting honored in Mac OS X 10.7 driver. EX700i v1.0 SP1 o 1‐1F0P95: Fiery intermittently loses finishing options when jobs are printed.
Fiery Security Patches Windows XPe Service Pack 3: 1‐1GCST3: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSUD: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSTL: MS12‐045: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2698365) 1‐1GCSTF: MS12‐047: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel‐Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2718523) 1‐1GCSTP: MS12‐048: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2691442) 1‐1GCSTT: MS12‐049: Vulnerability in TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure (2655992)
Tech note: Xerox CentreWare link on Webtools for Integrated Fiery Color Server for Xerox 700i v1.0, EX700i v1.0 and EX770 v1.0 Similar to the Integrated Fiery for 550/560 and the EX560, the Fierys for 700i/770 now have a link to Xerox CentreWare on the Fiery Webtools page. Please refrain from using this link, as changes made to some of the settings available within should NOT be modified if the 700i/700 engine has been installed along with a Fiery. For example, this link should NOT be used to make changes to such items as SMTP server, Network Scanning File Repository, Network Scanning Template Pool, etc. Changing any of these network‐related settings will cause unexpected behavior, such as loss of Fiery connectivity, loss of scan‐to‐file functionality, etc. The recommendation is to contact Xerox support before changing any settings within Xerox CentreWare.
Tech note: Upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 on EX 1000 disables Paper Catalog connectivity It has been reported to EFI that customers who have the Xerox Color 800/1000 Digital Press with the Fiery EX 1000 v2.1 have experienced a loss of Paper Catalog connectivity after upgrading from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 9 on the Fiery EX 1000’s Windows 7 operating system. After upgrading to Internet Explorer 9, new stocks created on the PCUI will no longer be populated in the Paper Catalog on the Fiery. The only way to recover from this condition requires downgrading to Internet Explorer 8. • Customers who have not upgraded to Internet Explorer 9 should be instructed to refrain from upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 due to the loss of Paper Catalog connectivity that will occur due to the upgrade.
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Customers who have already upgraded to Internet Explorer 9 should follow the following instructions to downgrade to Internet Explorer 8 on their Fiery EX 1000: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Click the Start button , type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane. Under Uninstall an update, scroll down to the Microsoft Windows section. Right‐click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes. Click Restart now (to finish the process of uninstalling Internet Explorer 9 and restore the previous version of Internet Explorer). Paper Catalog connectivity will be restored
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Xerox Production Color
Current version(s) Fiery for iGen3 v4.0 Fiery for iGen4 v1.0 Fiery for iGen4 v2.0 Fiery for iGen4 v2.01
Fiery Security Patches Windows XPe Service Pack 3: 1‐1GCST3: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSUD: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSTL: MS12‐045: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2698365) 1‐1GCSTF: MS12‐047: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel‐Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2718523) 1‐1GCSTP: MS12‐048: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2691442) 1‐1GCSTT: MS12‐049: Vulnerability in TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure (2655992)
Tech note: Fiery Clone Tool release v1.6 on EFI.com The Fiery clone tool allows you to backup your Fiery software configuration. The Clone Tool User Guide is also posted with the software. Information on supported Fiery’s is found in the User Guide on page 3 under Fiery specifications. The Fiery Clone Tool can be downloaded from http://www.efi.com/support/download‐software.asp.
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Xerox Production Black and White
Current version(s) EXP4110 v1.1 SP1 EX4112‐4127 v2.5 EX4595 v1.0 EX95 v1.0 EX110/125 v1.0
Fiery Patches EX4112‐4127 v2.5 1‐1EC7EB: Feature request for Fiery 4112/4127 v2.5 Win7 64bit PCL6 driver. EX110/125 v1.0 1‐1FTD59: Unable to print Mixed Media Tabs job from XTB DFA Finisher.
Fiery Security Patches Windows XPe Service Pack 3: 1‐1GCST3: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSUD: MS12‐043: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2722479) 1‐1GCSTL: MS12‐045: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2698365) 1‐1GCSTF: MS12‐047: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel‐Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2718523) 1‐1GCSTP: MS12‐048: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2691442) 1‐1GCSTT: MS12‐049: Vulnerability in TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure (2655992)
Tech note: Auto‐updates information needed for secure environments Some customers have network firewalls and proxy servers implemented for security purposes. These can cause Fiery auto‐ updates to fail. For auto‐updates to work properly, ports 443 and 80 need to be available for URL https://liveupdate.efi.com/.
Tech note: Fiery servers are not vulnerable to the threats addressed by Microsoft security updates MS12‐ 044, MS12‐046, MS12‐050 and MS12‐051. Navigate to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx for detailed information about these security updates.
Tech note: WebTools/Configure/Check for Product Updates; “Page not Found” when using Internet Explorer 6/7/8 With some Windows XPe‐based Fierys that already have many patches installed, users may get a “Page not found” error when attempting to use “Check for Product Updates” in WebTools / Configure. This is because Internet Explorer 6/7/ 8 has a 2083 character limit for the URL. Workarounds for this issue at this time is to use another browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. One can also use System Updates utility from the FACI‐equipped Fiery, or, connect via Remote Desktop to the Fiery and run System Updates. Patches and updated utilities can also be obtained from Xerox support and installed manually.
Fiery technical information may be found at:
July 2012 Xerox Tech Ticker
Xerox PrintMe
Current version(s)
PrintMe for Xerox Copiers Overview The EFI™ PrintMe® Server is a public print solution for you to provide as a service for your customers to upload and print documents, while traveling or working remotely. Because this real‐time cloud printing solution allows your mobile clients to print documents anywhere, anytime through any Internet‐enabled device, it enhances your customer satisfaction. Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEhP3UVUg8U&feature=player_embedded PrintMe Server also now includes Direct Mobile Printing. This enables a wireless print capability through the native print feature of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices with iOS 4.2 and later to Xerox EIP‐enabled MFPs without a mobile device application and without using the PrintMe Cloud. Xerox EIP MFPs are automatically discovered by the PrintMe Server software and presented as an available printer from within the user’s mobile application.
Software Specifications, v1.1 -
For use with specific Xerox EIP‐enabled multi‐functional printers. The EFI PrintMe Server software is installed with a software installer. The server software requires Windows® Server 2003 or Windows® Server 2008 32‐bit with latest service pack and IIS 6 or Windows XP Pro with latest service pack and IIS 5 before installing the EFI PrintMe. The EFI PrintMe Server software utilizes the Windows printer driver to submit PrintMe print jobs to the target MFP. The server must be installed with the targeted PrintMe‐enabled MFP printer driver on the server platform prior to installing the EFI PrintMe Server software. EFI PrintMe Server does not include the server hardware. Each EFI PrintMe Server is tested to connect up to 100 Xerox EIP‐enabled MFP devices for Windows® Server 2003 or 2008. Windows XP Pro version supports up to five MFPs.
Supported Xerox printers
Xerox Color 550 and 560 WorkCentre Pro 232/238/245/255/265/275 WorkCentre 5230/5225/5222/5230A/5225A WorkCentre 56xx WorkCentre 57xx WorkCentre 6400S/6400X/6400FX WorkCentre 71xx WorkCentre 7242/7232 WorkCentre 7328/7335/7345/7346 WorkCentre 75xx WorkCentre 7655/7665/7675 WorkCentre 77xx ColorQube 9201/9202/9203/9301/9302/9303 ColorQube 93xx
Demo Room Licenses and PrintMe Server Software location Demo Room licenses and Software can be obtained from the following link: http://www.printme.com/home/xerox/downloads.html (login: Xerox), (Password: PrintMeEIP1).
Fiery technical information may be found at: