Jul 25, 2013 - Advise member companies on how to develop exit strategies by using social media to first grow, and ultima
TechLaunch Welcomes David Deutsch as Social Media Strategist-in-Residence
Montclair, New Jersey – July 25, 2013: New Jersey’s technology accelerator today announced that David Deutsch, founder of SynergiSocial, will be TechLaunch’s Social Media Strategist-in-Residence, providing training, guidance, strategic support and thought leadership to the TechLaunch team and its member companies. In this new role, SynergiSocial will: Advise member companies on how to develop exit strategies by using social media to first grow, and ultimately sell, their businesses Hold regular office hours during LaunchPad 2 Hold educational seminars and learning courses for the TechLaunch team as well as members of the 2013 Class Provide critical thought-leadership and feedback to improve the online presence of TechLaunch and its member classes Periodically provide feedback on investor pitches
“We are excited to have David as an integral part of our team,” said Mario Casabona, founder of TechLaunch. “His knowledge of social media has already added significant value to both LaunchPad 1 and 2 and we look forward to learning more from him in this new expanded role. It is a real win-win for both of us.” Added Deutsch, “I couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity. Having previously served as TechLaunch’s social media mentor for the Class of 2012, I very much look forward to deepening my relationship with Mario and the entire TechLaunch team. I hope to add as much value to future TechLaunch classes as they already have for me.”
About David Deutsch: Since June of 2010 David has been Chief Strategist of SynergiSocial, a New Jersey-based social media strategy firm. He earned his Master’s Degree in Communication Management from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California, and his BA in Economics and Philosophy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has helped companies, law firms, trade groups and non-profit organizations across the United States use social media to grow their businesses. He is an early adopter of social media and has been using social tools since 2003, long before there was a term for it. He also speaks Mandarin Chinese like a very smart five-year-old and was once nearly trampled by a giant pig.
About TechLaunch: TechLaunch was created in 2011 to drive the commercialization of emerging technology created by aspiring entrepreneurs. It was formed in collaboration with Casabona Ventures (CasabonaVentures.com), Jumpstart New Jersey Angel Network (JumpstartNJ.com), NJ Economic Development Authority (EDA) (njeda.com), and successful entrepreneurs. TechLaunch provides a select group of emerging technology ventures with seed-stage funding, access to over 100 qualified mentors, business training, co-working space, key business services and exposure to qualified investors, through a proven 16week business boot camp (LaunchPad) program. The program culminates on Demo Day with Investor pitches and demonstrations of the developed products. To learn more please visit techlaunch.com. Any media inquiries should be directed to
[email protected].
Contact: David Deutsch Founder, SynergiSocial (347) 470-8808
[email protected] www.synergisocial.com