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Technology Entrepreneurship. By Al Viera. Describe the business: They have a Genealogy Database of billions of historical records, which they ...
Technology Entrepreneurship By Al Viera Describe the business: They have a Genealogy Database of billions of historical records, which they offer to the consumer on a subscription basis for researching their family history.

List 5 Reasons for Their Success: 1. Vision:, also known under a number of other names, started as a seller of genealogy books. That was successful in a small way. But they saw the need for people to be able to research the many historical documents such as Census, Birth, Death and other records. They had a vision of creating a company that would index these millions and then billions of records and make them available online. When they started, the Internet was just becoming available. So their vision was to combine this new access capability with the great desire of their target market for research. Genealogy is considered the number two hobby in the US. Until this technological advance, research was very time consuming and frustrating, not to mention expensive. With the advent of online research, it became fast, easy and a joy to do, though still incurring some costs to pay for the subscription. 2. Perseverance It took many years for the market to mature and accept this new form of research. It also took a significant amount of time, funding and effort to digitize the records to have a substantial number of records to view. The company’s perseverance to their vision ultimately won out. But it was not without great difficulty and patience to see the vision through over more than a decade. 3. Funding One thing that helped them to persever was funding. Without a source of funds from venture capitalists they would not have been able to wait out the market and the digitization process. The funding gave significant ownership to the VC’s but was the only way for the company to ultimately thrive. 4. Leadership After 10 years of building the business, it became apparent that the original ownership did not have the skills necessary to help the business attain its full potential and become a multi-billion dollar business. So new leadership was brought in that understood how to lead the company, gain an additional round of funding, gain market leadership and eventually take the company public. 5. Market Leadership After persevering for over a decade, the company finally had enough records digitized that they were clearly the market leaders in online genealogical records. They provided a substantial barrier to entry for competitors. When one competitor acquired the rights to a valuable collection of records, (the 1940 US Census), Ancestry was large enough and had the funding to acquire the competitor. And through partnership with the only other serious competitor, solidified it’s position of market dominance.

Kandilino café Pizza Shop By Ahmed Shoaib Kandilino café   (snacks industry) Kandilno café is a restaurant, selling mainly pizza (under the franchise license of “Kings & Queen” a pizza Brand), burger, sandwiches salad, coffee, tea & soft drink etc, Kandilino café, was started with an IDEA of having a restaurant selling fresh baked pizza and burger in the town, as no such restaurant was there before At this moment Kandilino café is enjoying a number of customers with handsome counter sales every evening and now it has the shares of more than 80% of Pizza Market in the town. Reasons of success: 1.

The quality/taste of the product is the same as on the 1st day.


Kandilino was the pioneer in the fresh baked pizza in the town.


They made a decision of having a franchise of a renowned pizza chain in Pakistan named Kings & Queen that gave the Kandilino an edge of having the tested taste/quality and a mature recipe of baked Pizza with quality.


The price structure was very attractive compare to quality.


 Kandilino café Management gave, first time in the town, the idea of free home delivery across the town without   bothering how the order is big or small. (Once the owner of the café told me that if a mother wants a Small size sandwich for his baby,  should she come to my restaurant for all the way drive 2/3 kilometers or Should she ordered enough to get home delivery – now they gave home delivery even at the order of PKRs. 100/- (USD1.00)


Continuous Market growth strategy, the management adopted the strategy that they will try to sell their product where ever they can. For this reason they come up an agreement with the public schools and private schools management of the town for selling their product on the school cafeteria on concession bases (giving some sort of commission on sales to the cafeteria’s contractors at the schools) and they started producing small sized Pizzas and small sized sandwich/Burgers specially made for schools going children with controlled price.

          And resultantly after eating the product in the school the obvious choice of most of the school student were Kandilino Pizza in the evening.

LingvoLeo StartUp By Violetta Chernobuk LinguaLeo is a popular Russian educational web-resource. The main ideas of this service are studying and practicing English. Service is based on principles that are named on the website as "seven secrets of learning foreign languages" and include "the motivation and desire, the perception of an authentic, living language, modeling and copying, interference, optimal intensity, frequency, practicality and effectiveness". LinguaLeo is designed for people who don’t have deep knowledge and do their first steps in studying English. Users of the web-service have access to a library of video, audio and text materials, interactive thematic courses (video and grammar); personal vocabulary and voice acting with associations to each word, a set of exercises (listening, crossword, word translation), thematic glossaries, and also to the development of the page, which displays a real and possible progress in language learning. According to the creators of the service, it registered more than 4,500,000 people, mostly from Russia and the CIS countries. This web-service uses freemium business-model, so part of features, such as studying more than ten words per day that is only available for users who paid money. Also users have access for free versions of mobile applications^ iPhone, WinPhone, Android. Five reasons for its success: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Educational process is built as game. The foundation of game-part of service is Leo the lion and meatballs. Meatballs act as currency and Leo the lion is a character who gives advices to users. Variety of ways to study. Users can watch video, listen audio, read, play games and so on. Simple statement of educational material. Special extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla. It makes possible to click any word on the web-page and to see its translation. Huge library of educational material. 

"Dreamer" bar By Vanessa Bandini-Gadsby Start-up name is “Dreamer” “Dreamer” is a local bar located in the outskirts of Shanghai. In this area, there are 3 schools where a good number of expats work. Most of these expats also live in this area called KangQiao and the western amusements are very limited. So, this bar is successful for a number of reasons. Firstly, the owner is German so he has a large selection of beer and drinks, it provides western fast foods, they play western music, you can watch sports and some weekends there is live music with western musicians. About their market share, I wouldn’t be able to tell their percentage, and I am afraid I would have a similar answer regarding their revenue. Maybe I should become a closer friend with the owner to be able to know these numbers. I think the top 5 reasons for its success are: 1. They know their clientele well 2. They have covered all the main “needs” of their clientele 3. They have special deals, such a happy hour drinks, to attract customers 4. The quality of their food and drinks are good 5. Prices are reasonable and the ambient is welcoming

Innovative and Creative Startup Succeed By kakar mahmood 1. Sir I am an Electrical Engineer from Pakistan. Now a days in Pakistan there is energy crisis. Therefore Energy and its related technology is required. I have selected a fine group of 5 Electrical Engineers including me and 2 Mechanical Engineers for this Job to perform. I need to be good entrepreneur. So for that I have done Market research and came to conclusion that with a good guide line and Creative idea a person can succeed. 2. Technical Engineers are less, so compettion is bit less. 3. Programmble UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply), MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) for Solar System are imported from China. I think local Engineers can make electronics according to their need and requirement rather than Other Countries who make anything according to their country needs and wants. 4. Wind Turbines for Commercial use is not available. So we are trying to study its merits and demerits and need to launch it accordingly. 5. Now a days in Pakistan UPS, Generators and Other Electronic Appliances making Electricity is much promoted. Solar + Wind Energy as a Smart Grid will be much appreciated if given to People in a Fair Price. 

StopSleep By Natalia Teterkina A device called StopSleep is a product of startup created in Russia. The device helps drivers stay awake. Worn on the wrist, the device reacts to changes in skin conductivity and emits a loud signal and vibrations in a dangerous situation. Sleeping while driving causes 10 billion car accidents and 15 000 deaths every year. A device that prevents falling asleep is unique and rather cheap (roghly $180). The company has more 3 000 customers yet. This innovation is now in the list of top 50 Russian startups. Unfortunately there is no information concerning company, its business model, strategy, organization etc. 5 reasons for success: 1) Important problem to solve. High rate of deaths in car accidents is caused by falling asleep while driving. The situation is vital for professional drivers and also for people who must drive long distance often. 2) Unique solution. There is no direct analogues of such thing, so it's an innovative product. 3) It's a technical solution, so it's simple and convenient to use. 4) It doesn't cost much. 5) It's a product of high quiality.

SearchMetrics By Luis Navarrete START-UP NAME: SEARCHMETRICS BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Searchmetrics is a company focused on search analytics tools that allow search marketers make better decisions. Initially it started as a platform for SEOs (Search Engine Optimization) and it has evolved to a full suite of tools for Paid media, Social and analytics. FIVE REASONS FOR SUCCESS • • • • •

VALUE: Their platform is basically a big-data database that checks rankings on search engines in several countries and languages. The dataset they offer in their platform is unique and high value. FUNDING: They raised more than $11M on 2011 through different investors. That boosted Searchmetrics development and nowadays they are a well-known company in their field. GLOBAL VISION: Searchmetrics has targeted German and Englishspeaker users. Now they cover 162 search engines in 70 different countries.  INNOVATION: They have changed the search marketing industry providing data that due to the complexity and size of the project no one else has done. MANAGEMENT: Searchmetrics is an usual sponsor of search marketing events, their customer service is good, etc. It´s clear that is company that is well managed and it´s growing each year in revenue and profitability.

JSC "Siberian coast international." Success story. By Znayka Znaykin Hello! I'm sorry for bad English . I share the success story of the Russian from Siberia.JSC " Siberian coast international " - Russian Food Company . Management Company - Joint Stock Company Managing Company "SB" . The headquarters is located in the city of Novosibirsk .Established in 1999 .The company produces salty crackers under the brands "Kirieshki ", " Kompashki " chips under the brand names " Chipsony " and Fan, seafood (brand «Beerka»), nuts . Owns factories in Novosibirsk and in Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow , production sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, as well as the 40 % share of the Chinese company " Fusinkan ."Since June 2007, the company launched its products under the brand name "Kirieshki " at the factory in Tashkent.Performance indicatorsTurnover in 2005 - about $ 170 million (approximately 18% of the Russian market of snacks ) . In 2006, the proceeds of " Siberian coast " increased by 1.35 % - to $ 191 millionThe company's revenue under IFRS grew in 2007 compared with the previous 17.3% to $ 225.2 million , net income decreased 0.6% to $ 9.78 million. Success story. First crunches "Kirieshki " appeared in Novosibirsk in September 1999 , when Alexander Frankincense headed established jointly with classmates company " Siberian coast ." Then a small shop in a suburb of Novosibirsk, could produce about 3,000 bags of crisps per day. In 2000, missing only the products in order to support sales in the trade network in Novosibirsk. Today the Company "Siberian Coast" is one of the current leaders in the implementation of snack products . Sales of the company's products are constantly increasing the Company's share in the snack market today Russia is 16 percent. The company is headquartered in Novosibirsk. Trading house " Siberian coast" opened in 12 cities of Russia and CIS : Novosibirsk, Moscow , St. Petersburg, Vladivostok , Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Samara, Rostov -na- Donu , Ust -Kamenogorsk , Minsk, Almaty and Dnipropetrovsk.As the founder of the Russian segment of the rusk snack market and taking it , leadership , the group for a short time was able to get out and become stronger in all segments of the snack market . In 2003-2004, the Group consolidated its leadership position in the snack market as a whole by opening its own production of rusks products in the suburban town of Pavlovsky Posad and bought a plant of potato chips in the city of Dnepropetrovsk .In 2005-2006, the Group has undertaken a series of purchases of Russian and foreign enterprises for the production of snacks , as well as invested in the construction of new facilities for the production of crackers , chips and other snacks at the production site of the Group in Pavlovsky Posad , Moscow region and construction of the production of crackers in Melbourne (Australia ) .In early 2005, the purchase of " Bolzhau ", specializing in the production and sale of snack products in the Republic of Kazakhstan ( after ) the transaction production under TM " Bolzhau " on the territory of Kazakhstan performs LLP " Yunisnek "). At the end of 2005, the Group acquired a company specializing in the production of potato pellets in Torzhok, Tver region ( JSC "Delta Product") . In mid-2006, was purchased a 40% stake in the Chinese company «Yantai Fuxingkang Foodstuff Co. Ltd. », Specializing in seafood processing . In 2006 , the Group completed construction and commissioned a new production facility in the town of Pavlovsky Posad, and has also completed construction and launched its own production of crackers in Melbourne (Australia ) .In early 2008, the company decided to focus its efforts on the development of rusk direction and the direction of natural snacks. The company has a strong lead in these segments of the market crackers Russian company holds nearly 50 % share of the brand " BEERka " in the market of packaged seafood Russia accounted for 14 % (according to AC Nielsen in December 2007). "Siberian coast " will also strengthen its presence and develop brands in the segments of nuts , chips, sunflower seeds .Today the company , syav cream with snack food market , has changed owners. On 7 December 2009 the 100- percent owner of the holding " Siberian coast international " became Tomsk Ltd. " Camelot- A" affiliated with " CSC Group".

Reasons for Success : 1) a close-knit team led by charismatic leader ; 2) Brand new product , unique in the market was not ; 3) Free niche in the market; 4) The excellent quality of the product itself ; 5 ) The right marketing strategy . Sincerely, Znayka Znaykin.

Why do startups succeed when others fail? By Vladislav Stamenov Bacause of internet. There so much  information.

"Peixe Urbano, a Brazilian Millionaire Start up"


By Pamella Pinheiro The "peixe urbano" is a collective buying website made in Brazil in 2010, which has approximately 20 million visitors monthly. In only two years raised nearly 200,000 followers on Twitter, 950,000 fans on Facebook and 15 million users. It is a Brazilian start up, which has made a great success in recent years. Some of the reasons for its success were: 1. Ballancing the focus not only the success but also in the possible failure. So they could increase solid ideas that were having the smallest possible chance of going wrong. 2. Product affordable and well-designed public, affects everyone, but when you select the target, when send the direct mail. 3. For rapid growth invested in cloud computing, where the server is zero investment, paying for usage. 4. Partnership with providers known in the market, also with high success, such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. 5. The use of the internet in your innovative idea, so customers can do their shopping whenever and wherever they wish. Because nowadays everyone is connected social networks and related novelties, everyone wants convenience for shopping, tasks, among other things.