Technology, Pedagogy and Education

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Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Call for papers. Technology, Pedagogy and Education welcomes all contributions which
Technology, Pedagogy and Education Call for papers Technology, Pedagogy and Education welcomes all contributions which extend or amplify what is already published in the field of technology and pedagogy, and which will be of interest to those involved in teacher education. It especially seeks to publish articles concerned with:

• ICT practices and innovations in education – schools, teacher education, higher education and informal settings • The theory and practice of ICT in teaching and professional development/learning/ • Evaluation of the impact of ICT on teaching and learning • Social, cultural, political and economic aspects of ICT and pedagogy, particularly concerning better educational opportunities for disadvantaged learners • Pre-service teachers working with ICT in formal and informal settings • Learners working with ICT • Links between schools, training institutions and the wider community

Technology, Pedagogy and Education uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Visit the Instructions for Authors site to learn more about how to submit online.

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