and portfolio management. IT infrastructure and operations. Strategy and architecture. EY's technology transformation se
Technology transformation
Innovate, optimize and defend Transforming the technology function ^gj;AGkafÕfYf[aYdk]jna[]k
How we have helped our clients
;hief Anformation GfÕcers ;AGs! are mn\er hressmre from all si\es& Jetmrns on eimity are re\mcing an\$ as a resmlt$ AT fmnctions are mn\er signiÕcant \oonoar\ cost hressmre& Qet the challenge they mmst a\\ress is grooing& An a\\ition to increasing regmlatory change Zmr\ens$ smch as comhliance \eman\s$ ;AGs noo face the \mal threat of \isrmhtine technologies an\ neo marcet entrants that \o not hane to \eal oith the comhlepity of large legacy estates& ;onseimently$ cmstomers noo ephect more reshonsine sernice *,'/$ as oell as access thromgh consmmer technologies& The Zacc\roh to this is a lan\scahe of large$ comhlep AT fmnctions that hane groon to manage the large$ comhlep technology estates \enelohe\ oner the hast +( years& 9ttemhts to control costs thromgh omtsomrcing an\ offshoring of cahaZilities hane not aloays \elinere\ on their hromise&
Hlms$ the riscs to the Zmsiness are increasing thromgh a comZination of comhlepity$ increase\ nolmmes$ nen\or hroliferation an\ a mismatch in the scills nee\e\ to mone foroar\& If technology functions do not transform, the businesses they serve will become uncompetitive and obsolete.
By 2018, one-third of the top-20 Ôjek in most industries will be disrupted by industry-speciÕc data platforms.
>ive of the 10 largest all-time data breaches occurred in 2013 and 2014. In 2013, cyber attacks compromised 800+ million records.
Almost 80% of companies say their customers are changing how they access goods and services. More than 51% of these companies are changing their pricing and delivery models.
Kource2 Perspectives: TCS Consulting Journal, Vol. 05: The Digital Enterprise: A Framework for Transformation. Tata Consultancy Services, 2013.
Source: Dave Smith, “Chart of the Day: The Worst Company Data Breaches Ever,” Business Insider website, 6 August 2014, www.businessinsider. com/chart-of-theday-the-worst-organizationaldata-breaches-ever-2014-8#ixzz3IDdEeF4y, accessed 7 January 2015; Special report: Cyber-security: Defending the digital frontier, The Economist, July 2014, sites/defaultÕles/20140712Wcyber-security.pdf. accessed 8 January 2015.
Source: Supply on demand: Adapting to change in consumption and delivery models, Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013.
A major retail bank IT strategy, enterprise architecture and IT optimiration Oe supported our client to implement IT policies, principles, standards, programs, architectures, infrastructures, operations processes, metrics, reporting and practices. A challenger bank IT strategy Oe worced with a new banc to develop a strategy for re-developing their IT platforms through a period of accelerated growth, as well as a sourcing strategy to move commodity IT services and platforms into an epternal provider. A start-up bank navigating the regulatory journey IT strategy and IT optimiration operating model Oe helped a banc to understand the challenges they faced in gaining approval for their IT architecture during the bancing licence application process. This included guidance on the development of a suitable IT strategy at this stage in their evolution. A global bank IT optimiration Õnancial management Oe supported our client to mace IT costs measurable and transparent, designed a more integrated operating model and helped to implement the changes to the way IT costs are managed.
A major bank IT optimiration operating model Oe supported our client in combining operational epcellence changes with governance and compliance to provide a frameworc for managing performance whilst maintaining transparency, based on ;obIT and ITID. A major bank IT optimiration service management Oe assisted in addressing the complepities of a multi-source environment. This included deÕning and implementing service delivery models, service integration automation, governance and reporting to manage IT vendors. A large retail bank IT operations and infrastructure Gur client faced the issue of having nonstandard facilities, redundant infrastructure and too many facilities. Oe helped to consolidate their data centers to increase the operational efÕciency and to decrease riscs and costs. A major bank IT operations and infrastructure Oe provided the end-to-end suite of services to assist technology and operations organirations in transforming to meet their business obbectives. This included reducing IT costs through operational efÕciencies.
Our services
We help our clients:
How we work:
• Innovate to be a driver of increased value and competitive differentiation for the businesses they serve
• Oe focus on transformative outcomes • Oe are truly independent • O e Õll the gap between business strategy and technology delivery
• Optimize the value of investments in technology, increasing capability and capacity whilst reducing costs • Defend their business and help to rebuild trust
• O e mix our extensive industry expertise with strong technology skills and innovative approaches to delivery
IT optimization
• O e can call upon over 200,000 professionals worldwide
Delivery excellence and portfolio management
Strategy and architecture
IT infrastructure and operations
IT risk and resilience
Oe help clients to design effective IT operating models, enabling them to run the IT function as a business. This includes appropriate sourcing and location strategies including the use of near and offshore delivery!, exploiting agile DevGps and continuous integration techniiues to optimize cost and value.
Delivery excellence and portfolio management
IT infrastructure and operations
Inn ov at e
IT optimization
ize tim Op
Oe help clients to create end-to-end digital services that deliver outstanding user experiences. Oe use market-leading cloud and mobile technologies, while leveraging social platforms and deep analytics capabilities to deliver genuine innovation.
• O e have market leading global regulatory and governance capabilities
EY’s technology transformation services
Oe work with clients to develop pragmatic and executable IT strategies that exploit emerging technologies, while evolving legacy platforms, and enterprise architecture roadmaps that deliver business value, simpliÕcation and rationalization.
Strategy and architecture
How we can help
Oe work with clients to optimize and rationalize their portfolio of IT change. This includes aligning it with their IT strategy and investment priorities and implementing processes and tools for improved management of the portfolio and solution delivery life cycle SDDC!.
Oe help clients to design and implement modern IT infrastructures and operating models. This includes the integration of on-premise platforms, as-a-service and hybrid delivery models, supported by IT processes based on leading practices, such as CGBIT and ITID.
Oe work with clients to help them identify and address the threats they face from inside and outside their organization and to deliver appropriate strategies and countermeasures. Oe also test existing IT capabilities extensively, remediating any weaknesses identiÕed.
IT risk and resilience
Oe help clients to understand their technology risks and to develop risk management frameworks and mitigation strategies including BCH and DJ capabilities! that increase the resilience of their IT landscape.
Ayman Awada #33 1 4. 13 .5 88
Julian Herring #44 20 /151 3083
Andrew Barstow #44 /4 .8 35 51 88
=Q t Assurance t Tax t Transactions t Advisory About EY =Q is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and iuality services we deliver help build trust and conÕdence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. Oe develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. =Q refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member Õrms of =rnst Qoung ?lobal Dimited, each of which is a separate legal entity. =rnst Qoung ?lobal Dimited, a MC company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. >or more information about our organization, please visit ¡ 2015 =Q?M Dimited. All Jights Jeserved. =Q? no. CI02/5 ED None This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended tobe relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Hlease refer to your advisors for speciÕc advice.