Unconditional Love. Your child will always love you. They are the ones who will never judge you, no matter what you do.
Advice from a
teen dad
“It’s OK to be scared of the unknown. I knew I was going to be a father, however I had no idea of what it meant to be a father.” Cole Williams
Stay in school. If you are
currently in high school — graduate. If you are attending an Alternative High School — graduate. If you are earning your GED — Get It!! And then go to college or master a trade. The best way to support your child is through the advancement of your education.
Remember the old saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” That means that
our children do what they see us doing. An effective father understands that his behavior plays a role in the way a child sees himself.
Watch what you say. The first words that
are heard by a child are yours. Words have power and when used out of frustration and anger they can kill selfesteem. An effective father nurtures and develops his children’s self-worth and selfconfidence.
This document was funded by a grant from the Office of Adolescent Health, Pregnancy Assistance Fund (Grant #: SP1AH000029).
Your Word is your Bond. Never say something
you don’t plan to follow. I remember a time when my uncle told me he would pick me up from home and take me horseback riding. I waited for him all day and when he didn’t show, I had never felt so disappointed in my life. An effective father keeps his word.
Unconditional Love. Your child
will always love you. They are the ones who will never judge you, no matter what you do. They will love you and you should love them unconditionally. An effective father knows that.
You are worth more. Know that you
are more than a paycheck. While your child needs support, and money helps support the needs of children, your love, time, and presence are the gifts that will ultimately shape the life of your child.
Advice from a
teen dad
An effective father understands that his behavior plays a role in the way a child sees himself. It is difficult to grasp the full scope of responsibilities as a young father. Know that the first step of being a father is realizing that you are one.
You’re going to make a lot of mistakes. Give
yourself permission to make those mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life. Don’t beat yourself up. When we learn from our mistakes we grow.
Healthy support. Know the
difference between your buddies giving you advice and the advice you get from people who have been where you’re heading. I learned that just because my friends were also teen fathers didn’t mean that they knew how to be a father.
Find An Accountability Friend. Part of being a father is being
accountable. Effective fathers have accountability partners in their lives. Often these partners are family members. Your job is to identify the people who will be your support system and allow them to be your support.
Own it. Accept it. Change it.
It is difficult to grasp the full scope of responsibilities as a young father. Know that the first step of being a father is realizing that you are one. The next step is to find a father who you believe is successful and gain insight from that person.