May 5, 2007 ... lookout for teens to review the latest ebook releases. So if you're a ... Harper
Collin's YA chicklit, Missing You by Meg Cabot, is now available as an ebook. ....
Twilight Times Publications has announced a special promotional sale .... will be
the first in a trilogy and is now available for download in PDF, HTML.
Teen eBooks
05/05/2007 02:07 PM
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Welcome to Teen! 4/10/2007 News: Teen eBooks Is One! Teen eBooks has been around for a whole year. Over the past 12 months we've announced over 40 new ebooks for teens from over a dozen independent publishers, and provided exclusive reviews and previews of some of the year's biggest releases. In the future you can expect a larger focus on reviews and articles, as well a whole new look! Also, we're on the lookout for teens to review the latest ebook releases. So if you're a keen reader and a great writer, send us a line at
[email protected]. Reviewers will get free ebooks!
4/10/2007 News: Shadows Of The Moon Dancing On Wings Press Roddy is a teenage gangster forced to escape his home in Chicago, after a rival gang leader dies at his highschool. That's the plot of Jim Green's new Shadows of the Moon...Dancing. Available at Wings ePress.
4/10/2007 News: Read Notes From Rainbow Bridge SynergEbooks has just released a new YA fantasy novel from Beth Szillagyi. Notes From Rainbow Bridge is first-person novel about a Samoyed's experience in doggy heaven. More information can be found at Writers Online Books.
4/7/2007 Review: Undercover Cleo 3 We review the ebook edition of Anne Scott's popular mystery title. And one related tidbit of info: we're told a brand new Undercover Cleo novel is in the works, and will most likely be available from the getgo in ebook format.
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4/7/2007 News: Two Rereleased eBooks From Zumaya It's been a long time since we've seen any YA ebooks from Zumaya Publications, which has specialized in paperback print runs since mid-2006. But they haven't dropped the mid-grade ebook market just yet Golden Wings by Marles Bugmann and Willa's Poppy by Chester Aaron are both YA animal novels with elements of mystery and adventure. More information can be found at Zumaya's website and the ebook editions can now be purchased from fictionwise.
1/9/2007 News: Meg Cabot's Missing You Harper Collin's YA chicklit, Missing You by Meg Cabot, is now available as an ebook. The novel is about a girl who has a curious ability to detect the position of any human being dead or alive. But lending her powers to the US government has a strange effect on her ability, and her mind. Missing You is available for $7 from
1/7/2007 News: Capri Publishing Closes Its Cover Capri Publishing, a short-lived publisher of print and electronic novels, is now officially closed for business. Financial struggles forced the distributer of titles such as Phil Harris's popular A Maine Christmas Carol to shut down. Luckily, many of the company's ebooks are still available from independent online bookstores such as
1/7/2007 News: Parker Owens's Gnome Harvest Ready To Pick The first major YA ebook release of the new year is Gnome Harvest by Parker Owens, published by Double Dragon. The first in a proposed fantasy series, Gnome Harvest follows a discontented born-to-be-gardener and an obese rabbit on a journey to save the world from human destruction (or something to that effect). Don't you love ebooks?
12/13/2006 News: Double Dragon Publishing Connects With Sony Reader The online 'Connect' ebook store, designed to work exclusively with Sony's new Reader, is finally stocking ebooks for kids. Aside from a few new titles from commercial publishers, you can now read several re-released teen novels from Double Dragon Publishing on Sony's gadget. Hit this link to
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novels from Double Dragon Publishing on Sony's gadget. Hit this link to check out the selection.
12/2/2006 News: Writers-Exchange Announces Half-Price Holiday Sale Time to stock up on electronic gifts for the ebook-fans on your christmas list: Up until the 25, you can buy any ebooks from Writers-Exchange EPublishing at 50% off the original retail price. Check out their huge selection of young adult ebooks at
11/27/2006 News: A Maine Christmas Carol Leads Way For Holiday eBooks Capri Publishing is leading the way for Christmas teen ebooks with A Maine Christmas Carol by Phil Harris. This electronic novella is a retelling of the Charles Dickens classic, focusing on a contemporary 16 year old whose deceased father returns to lead him through a difficult life. You can purchase the title in ebook format from eBooks on the Net.
11/12/2006 News: Writers-Exchange Releases The Hunt Book 1 Writers-Exchange has released The Hunt Book 1: Dawn Memories by Michelle Levigne, author of close to a dozen young adult ebooks. The Hunt it about Dawn, a who has been waiting in an orphanage for her family and her friends for six years. Just when Dawn begins to think she stands a chance of finding them, her quest is thwarted by a crime boss, who thinks she holds secrets that he belongs. The ebook is available from WritersExchange E-Publishing for $4.95. For more information about Michelle Levigne and her books (including the popular Sunsinger Chronicals), check out her website.
11/8/2006 News: Simon & Schuster Announces Fall Lineup Simon & Schuster has updated its website to include six new young adult ebooks due for release before New Year. They include: The Book of Three; The Book of Three Volume 2; Blackout by Keith R.A. DeCandido; Light of the World by Scott Ciencin; Portal Through Time by Alice Henderson and House of Shards by Micol Ostow. They have also announced that Childhood of Famous Americans: Christopher Reeve will be released in ebook format in May, 2007. You can view the complete list of upcoming ebooks for youth at
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ebooks for youth at
10/29/2006 News: Crusador From Mundania Andrew Smith's first published novel, Crusador, is about you guessed it a crusador (and some other stuff too). Head over to Mundania Press for the full scoop on the fantasy plot, or to purchase. It's available exclusively in ebook format (until next month) for $6.
10/19/2006 News: Halloween Reading From DiskUs Publishing With Halloween just around the corner, DiskUs Publishing's latest Young Adult ebook is an accompilation of short stories by six established DiskUs authors involving aliens, spirits, Satanic cults and everything else creepy. As a fun bonus, the ebook also includes a few quick recipes for Halloween treats. You can read excerpts of all the stories in Shivers and Screams, Visions and Dreams at the DiskUs website.
10/10/2006 News: Elrod McBugle Let Loose From Hardshell Jeff Strand's EPPIE award-winning novel, Elrod McBugle on the Loose, was released in ebook format this month by Hardshell Word Factory. As you might have guessed, the book is about a boy named Elrod, who can't help causing mayhem at his junior high school, even though he means well. You can learn more about Elrod and purchase the ebook at Hardshell's website.
10/6/2006 News: Guardians Of Glede Book 6 Now For Sale Writers-Exchange E-Publishing has just released the sixth novel in JennaKay Francis's young adult fantasy series. This latest installment, For the Love of the Dragons, is about 14-year-old Pepin and his quest to rescue his new girlfriend from the wilds of South Kelta. It's available in a large variety of formats for $4.95.
10/2/2006 News: Sony Reinvents Reading With The Reader It was originally scheduled to be released in Spring 2006. Then Summer. Now, in the first week of October, Sony's 'evolutionary' ebook reader is
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Now, in the first week of October, Sony's 'evolutionary' ebook reader is finally available in most American and Canadian electronic retail outlets. The Sony Reader is capable of storing as many as 80 ebooks at one time and has a battery life capable of turning 75,000 pages continually without stop, though it weighs just over 9 ounces, and is thiner than your average paperback. What makes the Reader really stand out from the competition is the screen, which uses new technology to produce a quality very similar to real, actual, good old fashioned paper. The unit was officially released in North America on the 27th of September, and launched simultaniously with a new online ebook store designed especially for Sony's product. Want one? Better start saving your pennies: at $350 dollars, it's as much as a 30GB iPod. And don't try buying one online 'due to overwhelming demand', new units won't ship until mid-November. Will the Reader really change the way we read? Stay tuned for a full-length editorial, coming soon to Teen eBooks.
9/18/2006 Review: One Wizard Place One very special wizard place awaits you... Hit the link to read our full review of D.M. Paul's first novel.
9/17/2006 News: Twilight Times Ahead Twilight Times Publications has announced a special promotional sale starting in October. All paperbacks will be 20-40% off, while all ebooks will be half price (!). Hit the link to check out their selection.
9/14/2006 News: Take The Right Hand Of Velachaz For Only $4 Writers-Exchange released The Right Hand of Velachaz by Rie Sheridan on the 11th. The ebook is about twelve-year-old Teman, who finds out he has magical powers after being drawn into a fantasy world by the amazing wizard, Velachaz. You'll find the title at the Writers-Exchange homepage for $4 USD.
9/6/2006 News: Double Dragon Reveals A Thief's Luck Seventeen-year-old Farlee must escape a band of feared assasins with his girlfriend after he steals the wrong purse from the wrong person at the wrong time. That's the plot of A Thief's Luck by Deborah Millitello, the latest
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wrong time. That's the plot of A Thief's Luck by Deborah Millitello, the latest young adult fantasy from Double Dragon Publishing. If you hurry, you'll get a 15% discount off the original $6 ebook price tag.
9/3/2006 News: Brand New eBooks From A Brand New Publisher The recently launched Eaglesong Books (or ESB for short) already has a large collection of ebooks for young adults. The company was created by a co-owner of Awe-Stuck eBooks, and several of the titles available from ESB were formerly published by Awe-Struck. Click here to check out the selection of 'books for all ages'.
8/20/2006 News: Legend Of Otherland Book 3 Available Bunker and Gittell find themselves accidental stowaways on Charles' new spaceship in this third installment of Chuck Kelly's fantasy series. The Legend of Otherland 3: Adventure in Space and its two prequels are available exclusively in ebook form from SynergEbooks.
8/14/2006 News: New eBook: Saga of Rim II: Return Of The Lantern Bearers Petra must help the High Council of Rim when a mythical monster is suspected loose for a second in Saga of Rim II by Cecilia Wennerström, available this month from Twilight Times Books.
8/12/2006 News: Guardians of the Glede Book One Holds Top Spot In Sales If you haven't already, it's about time you checked out the Guardians of the Glede series by JennaKay Francis. Writers-Exchange now has the entire series up to book 5 on their homepage, and the first novel in the series, The Triskelion, has reached the #1 spot on Fictionwise's list of bestselling young adult books, right above works in Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials series.
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8/7/2006 News: DiskUs Publishing Shows Off A Softer Side Carol Kehlmeier has just launched her third Young Adult ebook with DiskUs Publishing featuring Casey, a young girl. In this novel, she meets Uncle Butch: a grumpy fellow with fists of steel and as Casey eventually discovers, a softer side. The ebook is available for $1(!) from the DiskUs website.
8/5/2006 News: Sunsinger Book 10 Now On Sale From WritersExchange Michelle Levigne has finished the10th work in her long-running Sunsinger fantasy/sci-fi series, Scouts. As Levigne's website describes, "Bain and his first generation of Scouts receive their first ship and their first mission. Someone attacked Sunsinger. The ship might never fly again. Ganfer's memory banks are damaged, possibly destroyed. Lin is missing..." Like me, you might want to start at book one. Thankfully, the complete Sunsinger series is available from Writers-Exchange, and more information is available on Levigne's website.
8/4/2006 News: Valley Of The Raven Now Available Twilight Times Books has recently launched Valley of the Raven by Ken Ramirez. While on a dirt-biking expedition, three brothers, TY, Seth and Tanner, discover a mysterious valley and an exciting and mysterious adventure is underway. The title is currently available as an ebook from TT's website, and will be released in trade paperback next year.
8/2/2006 News: Wings ePress Lets Dream Chasers Fly Wings ePress has posted their August releases on their website. Among the new titles is a young adult ebook by Jim Green, Dream Chasers. The first-person novel tells the story of a sacred First Nations pot that reveals many mysteries when it is discovered by two teens. Also new on the Wings ePress website is an updated list of future releases, among them several books for young adults.
7/31/2006 Review: Trapped in Devil's Cavern and Other Tales of the Appalachia
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Is it worth getting trapped in Devil's Cavern? Hit the link to read our first ever review and find out for yourself!
7/28/2006 News: Reveal The Mystery Of The Third Seal In New eBook Author Margaret Pearce has published an intruiging young adult sci-fi novel with Writers-Exchange. The Mystery of the Third Seal is about James Tadworthy, a teen living in a futuristic world that appears virtually perfect, thanks to a somewhat mysterious group known as 'The Shepherds'. After James discovers that the Shepherds are hiding a very dark secret, he must embark on a journey to expose the truth. The Mystery of the Thirds Seal is now available in a wide variety of formats from the Writers-Exchange website.
7/15/2006 News: Simon Says: Gideon The Catpurse Is Now For Sale Simon is now selling Gideon The Catpurse: Being the First Part of the Gideon Trilogy by Linda Buckley-Archer. The title is about two 21st century children who find themselves in eighteenth-century London after an anti-gravity experiment goes awry. They must fight the unlikable Tar Man in order to return to their former time of residence.
7/9/2006 News: New eBook Release: Shadow In The Courthouse Clay Masterson sets out to prove ghosts are nothing more than a legend, only to find himself trapped in a burning building with the ghost of a murdered security guard. That's the plot of Shadow in the Courthouse by Deborah DeShields, Chippewa Publishing's latest YA ebook release. It's available in all formats for $3 from Chippewa's website.
7/6/2006 News: The Guardians of Glede Book 5 Now Available Writers-Exchange E-Publishing today released the latest title in the Guardians of Glede series by JennaKay Francis. To read a plot summary and excerpt of book five, The Dragonmaster, check out the WritersExchange website. Dragonmaster is available on all formats for $4.95 USD.
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7/3/2006 News: Books Unleashed By Books Unbound Books Unbound has just released two new novels for ages 10 and up. One, Wizard Place by Doug Paul is an inventive fantasy about two members of the Incantation Enforcement Agency, Counter-Curse Division, who must rescue an elf king who is slowly turning to stone after being poisoned by a mysterious drink. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea (the book, not the elf's drink) check out Trapped in Devil's Cavern by Dr. James Febuary. Trapped leads you through nine stories of comedy and drama set in the mountains of West Virginia, following the life of Jimmy Taylor. More info on both books can be found at the Books Unbound homepage. Stay tuned for full reviews of both titles, coming soon to Teen
6/29/2006 News: Some Summer Reading From Simon & Schuster It's been a slow few weeks for young adult ebook releases, but Simon & Schuster has a nice variety of new material that should help fill up your summer reading list. Ugliness by Scott Westerfeld, The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu, Vampire Beach: Bloodlust by Alex Duval and Among the Free by Margaret Peterson Haddix are among the many Simon ebooks released in the last couple of months. Oh, and don't forget book seven in D. J. MacHale's popular Pendragon series, The Quillan Games. For more info, hit the link to Simon & Schuster's website.
5/29/2006 News: New Young Adult eBooks On Ebook store, Fictionwise, has added two new YA ebooks to their database. A couple weeks ago we announced Walk Softly and Watch Out for Bigfoot by Ann Herrick, a story about a teenage girl who is forced to leave New York City and travel into the remote wilderness. One of the new titles on Fictionwise is quite the opposite; Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie is about a seventeen year old girl who runs away to New York, where she finds herself among a mysterious group of squatters and is eventually hired by a hideous troll. She is soon forced to realize the land of fantasy that has captured her. Valiant is available on Microsoft Reader and Palm Reader from Simon and Schuster. The Fashion Disaster that Changed My Life by Lauren Miracle is about Alli, a girl who longs, more than anything, to be popular until she is. Alli soon discovers there's a distinct line between 'fitting in' and having true friends. The Fashion Disaster is published by Penguin Putnam's Dutton branch and is available for Microsoft Reader and Palm for $16 US.
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$16 US.
5/17/2006 News: Now Available: Walk Softly And Watch Out For Bigfoot Hardshell Word Factory's latest YA title a sort of modern interpretation of the old Country Mouse, City Mouse tale is now available on Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Reader. Gwynne must learn to respect the wilderness after being forced to leave her busy New York City life in order to visit her cousin in remote Oregon. You can read an excerpt of Ann Herrick's title at Hardshell Word Factory's website.
5/11/2006 News: Get Lost In Spillville From Awe-Struck E-Books Yet another new ebook online from Awe-Struck, Lost in Spillville by Sam Drexler and Fay Shelby is an inventive action/adventure novel about two teens who find themselves in a different century after meddling with the "Struggle for Time" clock at the Clock Museum in Spillville, Iowa. In this strange new (or rather, old) time, they meet Frank and Joseph Bily, the famous and mysterious clockmakers of the Great Depression. Aside from adventure and drama, the book gives its readers insight into the lives of the Bily brothers in accurate true-to-life historical detail. You can read a three chapter online preview at Awe-Struck's website, where you'll find the ebook in all major formats for $5 USD.
5/4/2006 News: Ozark Girl an eBook on the Net Ebooks on the Net has released their first Young Adult ebook for several months, Ozark Girl by Terry Piper. The publisher's website explains the title is a historical 'mainstream' drama about an adolescent girl growing up in the 1950s, learning to fight back against bullying, abuse and poverty. The ebook will be the first in a trilogy and is now available for download in PDF, HTML and RTF from for a mere $5.50. For more information about author Terry Piper, check out her website at
5/4/2006 News: Big Daddy's Gadgets Now Online Awe-Struck Ebooks has released their latest sci-fi romance Big Daddy's Gadgets by C.S. Fuqua one day early. The ebook is available in HTML,
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Gadgets by C.S. Fuqua one day early. The ebook is available in HTML, PDF, MS Reader and Mobipocket for $4.99 USD. You can buy the book or read an excerpt at Awe-Struck's website. Want more info? Click here to read Teen eBook's preview.
4/27/2006 Preview: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Carnival of Souls Buffy must battle an unnatural growing self-pride along with the usual villains in this latest novel from Nancy Holder. Hit the link for the full preview.
4/17/2006 News: Selects Her Own Now Available From Artemis Press Available today from Artemis Press and Fictionwise ebook store, Selects Her Own is a young adult lesbian romance from author Claire Garden. Sixteen year old Barbara is glad to escape her mother's homophobia as she hitchhikes to a neighboring city. Eventually she finds peace in a quiet suburb until she falls in love with a woman who is a misfit even there. Claire Garden is the author of six other novels for young readers, including Moons and Junes, published earlier this year by Books Unbound.
4/12/2006 Preview: Through the Portal, Book 1: The Strange Tale of Thomas Barclay Hit the link for info on M.J. Konevich's latest fantasy/horror title from Amber Quill Press, coming later this year.
4/9/2006 Preview: The King of Things Check out our preview of John Taff's new YA Fantasy The King of Things, available this month from Double Dragon Publishing.
4/9/2006 Preview: Big Daddy's Gadget Learn the bizarre plot of Big Daddy's Gadgets by C.S. Fuqua in our preview. The book will hit retail sites in May.
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4/9/2006 News: Teen Launches! Welcome to the new! We're here to provide you with news, previews and reviews of the latest ebooks for teens. You can learn more about us by clicking here. And be sure to contact us with any suggestions, comments or questions. Until then, happy reading!
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