high quality papers. Biographies. YANG Jijiang, got his B.S. and M.S. degree from Tsinghua Uni- versity, and Ph.D from National University of Ireland (Galway).
Yang Jijiang
Li Jianqiang
edical industry is one of the largest and fast-
call for papers, and we have accepted 4 papers for this
est-growing parts of a country’s economy, where
Feature Topic publications.
the involved products and services cover the diagnosis,
The first article, “Healthcare Algorithms by Wearable
treatment, and prevention of disease, injury, and other
Inertial Sensors: A Survey”, is authored by AO Buke et
physical and mental impairments in humans. The ex-
al. This paper presents in-depth and thorough survey on
pectations on improving the quality of medical services
the researches of health monitoring methods by wearable
while simultaneously reducing the service cost pose a
inertial sensors. The readers are delivered a clear map
big challenge to the modern medical care. As the science
about health monitoring algorithms by wearable sensors
and technology about the transmission of messages over
and then the guidance on the future study or practical ap-
a distance for the purpose of communication, telecom-
munication have allowed a wide range of potentially
The second article, “A Precise RFID Indoor Localiza-
novel paradigms of remote medicine, e.g., tele-consulta-
tion System with Sensor Network Assistance”, is authored
tion, tele-expertise, tele-monitoring, tele-assistance, and
by ZHANG Dian, et al. considering the fact that patient
tele-surgery, which can eliminate distance barriers and
tracking is high demanded to medical care application,
improve access to medical services that would often not
this study presents a novel hybrid mechanism for indoor
be consistently available in distant rural communities and
precise localization, which leverages both RFID and
emergency situations. This fact has recently motivated a
WSNs technologies to improve the localization accuracy
voluminous amount of research activities on exploiting
and scalability. The empirical experiments demonstrate
the potential provided by the new technologies of tele-
that this approach outperform not only the pure sensor
communication to improve remote delivery of medical
network based localization, but also the pure RFID based
care. The goal of this Feature Topic is to explore the
localization algorithms.
research and developments related to telecommunication for remote medicine.
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
The third article, “A Portable Fall Detection and Alerting System Based on k-NN Algorithm and Remote
In particular, this Feature Topic contains a collection
Medicine”, is authored by HE Jian, et al. This paper in-
of papers that will provide both theoretical advances and
vestigates a wearable fall detection solution by using a
practical experiences for telecommunication for remote
mobile smart phone, and a custom vest integrated with
medicine. We received 13 manuscripts in response to our
tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope to detect fall and
China Communications • April 2015
issue alarm. The extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in the real-world application. This work provides great potentials to improve the quality of remote medical help for the elderly. The last article, “Cognitive Emotion Model for Eldercare Robot in Smart Home”, is authored by HAN Jing, et al. This paper proposes a cognitive emotional model
LI Jianqiang, received his B.S. degree in Mechatronics from Bei-
jing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 1996, M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Control Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2001 and 2004, respectively. He worked as a researcher in Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway in 2004-2005. From 2005 to 2013, he worked in NEC Labs China as a researcher, and Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, as a visiting scholar in
in elderly service robot, where the expression of positive
2009-2010. He joined Beijing University of Technology, Beijing,
stimulus is used to reduce the negative emotional state
China, in 2013 as Beijing Distinguished Professor. His research
of robot, and the reasonable smart home environment is
interests are in Petri nets, enterprise information system, business
employed for the promotion and optimization of emotional state transformation. This work enables the elderly service robot with a cognitive and emotional interaction ability and make it become one of the important application for the old man’s mental health.
process, data mining, information retrieval, semantic web, privacy protection, and big data. He has over 40 publications and 37 international patent applications (19 of them have been granted in China, US, or Japan). He served as PC members in multiple international conferences and organized the IEEE workshop on medical computing.
We really appreciate all people who contributed to this Feature Topic, especially those reviewers. Their pro-
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, is a professor in the Department of In-
fessional opinions are very important for us to select the
formatics of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, and researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal.
high quality papers. Biographies YANG Jijiang, got his B.S. and M.S. degree from Tsinghua University, and Ph.D from National University of Ireland (Galway). His research areas involve in e-health, e-government/e-commerce, privacy preserving, Information resource management, data mining, cloud computing. Now he is an associate professor of Tsinghua University, director of e-health research center in RIIT of Tsinghua University. Dr. Yang worked for CIMS/ERC (Computer Integrated Manufacturing System/Engineering Research Center) of Tsinghua University from 1995-1999. He had joined or been in charge of different projects funded by the State Hi-Tech program(863 program), NSF(China), and European Union. From 2009, Dr. Yang’s main focus is e-health and medical service. He has undertaken tens projects involved in digital health, or health care area. He organized a few special issues for different Journals on eHealth. He is the member of Expert committee of IoT (Internet of Things) in Health at Chinese Electronic Association, Expert committee of Remote medicine and Cloud computing at Chinese Medicine Informatics Association. He has published more than
He received a Ph.D. degree in informatics engineering, an M.Sc. degree from the University of Beira Interior, and a five-year B.Sc. degree (licentiate) in informatics engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is the leader of NetGNA Research Group (http://netgna.it.ubi.pt), the Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Software, the ViceChair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on eHealth, and Member Representative of the IEEE Communications Society on the IEEE Biometrics Council. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on E-Health and Medical Communications, the editor-in-chief of the Recent Advances on Communications and Networking Technology, and editorial board member of several journals. He has been general chair and TPC Chair of many international conferences. He has authored or coauthored over 300 papers in refereed international journals and conferences, a book, and 2 patents. He had received several best papers awards. Prof. Rodrigues is a licensed professional engineer (as senior member), member of the Internet Society, an IARIA fellow, and a senior member of ACM and IEEE.
60 papers on professional Journals and Conferences.
China Communications • April 2015