Tell Others about Jesus - KidsFaith

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This month we are focusing on the topic of evangelizing, said simply: telling others about Jesus. Most children have no problem telling others about Christ, if they ...
Early Foundations Curriculum

Tell Others About Jesus Monthly Teaching Guide Copyright 2004 Foundations Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved For Ages 2-6

Early Foundations Equipping Churches, Empowering Parents

Tell Others About Jesus Table of Contents Monthly Letter Verse: Mark 16:15 Song: I’m in the Lord’s Army Prayer Sunday School Suggested Order of Activities Week 1 Ella Shares a Secret Craft: Framed Verse Week 2 A Very Important Job Craft: Jesus in the Clouds Week 3 Tim and Tony Craft: Paper Bag Puppets Week 4 Paul Craft: Paint Paul’s experience Assessment Monthly Craft List Supplemental Pages 2

Early Foundations Equipping Churches, Empowering Parents

Dear Parents, Welcome to a new month! What an exciting month it is to be a Christian and a parent. This month we are focusing on the topic of evangelizing, said simply: telling others about Jesus. Most children have no problem telling others about Christ, if they understand that this is important and meaningful. Indeed, it is The Great Commission. We encourage you to talk to your children about the importance of this and set the example this month. May God bless you in all of your endeavors! Our topic for the next four weeks is: Tell Others About Jesus. We will be learning the verse: Go into all the world and teach the Good ews. Mark 16:15 Our song is: I’m in the Lord’s Army. The books we will be reading are the following: Ella Shares a Secret A Very Important Job. Paul Tim and Tony We will have copies of books, verses, and songs for you to read, explore, and discuss with your children, as well as weekly study guides to assist you throughout the week. We look forward to the month ahead and are excited about partnering with you to raise spiritual children in the community of Christ. Sincerely,

Children’s Ministry Director


Go into all the world and teach the good news. Mark 16:15 4

Song: I’m in the Lord’s Army I may never fight in the infantry Ride in the Calvary Shoot the artillery I may never fly over the enemy But I’m in the Lord’s army.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Thank you for loving me. Please help me to tell others about you so that they might know you love them too. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Optional Song:

This is the Way This is the way we tell our friends, Tell our friends, Tell our friends, This is the way we tell our friends, Tell our friends about Jesus.


Sunday School Suggested Order of Activities 10-15 minutes: Children Arrive; Playtime 5 minutes: Clean-up and gather for Circle time 15 minutes: Circle Time Gather children around and welcome Remind children of the Theme of the month Sing Song Say Verse Read Story Ask three questions Explain Craft- show example Pray 10 minutes: Craft 15 minutes: Playtime; Parent pick-up **** All times are approximate. The order and length of the circle time can be expanded. For example, if more than one song is desired, then certainly that is encouraged. Furthermore, expanded prayer times with prayer requests, longer welcoming times getting to know students is helpful, and further follow-up questions can be added naturally. These times are simply a suggestion and were designed to create a cohesive and consistent experience from week to week.



Week One



Ella Shares a Secret

Illustrated by Jean Evanson



“Grandma, grandma I have a secret!” shouted Ella after Sunday School. “You do? Can I hear it?” replied her Grandma while shaking the pastor’s hand at church and smiling. “Not yet, it’s a secret,” said Ella waving goodbye to her friend Rebecca.



“Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma in the car on the way home. “Nope, it’s a secret,” replied Ella while looking at the passing trees.



“Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma as she was making lunch. “No, it’s a secret,” replied Ella while she helped wash the vegetables.



“Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma later when she was sipping lemonade in the garden. “Nope, it’s a secret,” said Ella as she played tea with her dolls.



“Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma after feeding their cat Sam. “Not yet, it’s a secret,” replied Ella stroking Sam’s arched back.



“Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma while she was tucking Ella into bed that night. “Yes, yes! I will tell you now!” exclaimed Ella with excitement. “Today at Sunday school,” Ella began, “we learned about Jesus. We learned that he was the Son of God and he loves us.” Grandma smiled. “That’s true, but it isn’t really a secret.” “Really?” said Ella. “Yes, in the Bible it says, ‘Go into all the world and teach the Good News.’ That means that we are supposed to tell people that Jesus loves them.” “It’s not a secret!” exclaimed Ella. “That right, it’s not a secret that Jesus loves everyone including you!” said Grandma with a smile.


Toddler Version Ella Shares a Secret “I have a secret,” said Ella to her grandmother. “Can I hear it?” asked Grandma. “Not Yet,” said Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Not yet,” replied Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Not yet,” replied Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Not yet,” replied Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Not yet,” replied Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Not yet,” replied Ella. “Can I hear it now?” asked Grandma. “Yes, yes you can hear it now!” exclaimed Ella. “My secret is that Jesus loves us.” “You should tell everyone about your secret!” said Grandma. (continued on next page) 24

“How?” asked Ella. “Just tell people, Jesus loves you! Let’s practice! Say Jesus loves you!” “Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you!” It’s great to tell everyone that Jesus loves you!


Classroom Questions What was Ella’s secret? What does Jesus want us to do? Who should we tell about Jesus?

Parent/child weekly study Who did Ella tell her secret to? What did her grandmother say about her secret? What does our Bible verse tell us about Jesus? Who in our life can we tell about Jesus? Let’s practice telling others about Jesus?


Weekly Craft Activity Framed Verse Materials: Printed verse Popsicle sticks Box of decorations Glue

String •

Have children begin by gluing the popsicle sticks together to form a square. (Or you can tie or tape the corners together.)

Glue on various decorations to the top of the sticks.

Tape the verse to the underside.

Tie string to the sticks forming a hanger.


Go into all the world and teach the good news. Mark 16:15

Go into all the world and teach the good news. Mark 16:15 28



Week Two



A Very Important Job

Illustrated by Jean Evanson



Jesus had risen from the dead. Mary and all of his friends were so happy. They spent many days together talking and eating and learning about God from Jesus. But now it was time for Jesus to go up to heaven to be with God.



All of the disciples were very sad when Jesus told them he must go home to heaven. They loved Jesus very much and wanted him to stay with them. He told them that he loved them too, but now he must go home to heaven.



On the day when Jesus went to heaven, he and all of his friends went to a big hill. Jesus told his disciples that they had a very important job to do. The disciples listened very carefully while Jesus spoke. “I want you to go out into all the world and tell others about me,” he told them. The disciples knew this was a very important job and that Jesus trusted them to do their job well. They were excited to tell others about Jesus because then everyone could be in heaven with Jesus someday.



Then, right before their eyes, Jesus began to rise up in the air. He went higher and higher, up and up into the sky. The disciples were amazed! Suddenly Jesus entered a cloud and disappeared. He went to heaven to be with God.



The disciples fell on their knees and prayed to Jesus thanking him for loving them. Then they went back to their homes and prayed some more. They were happy now because they knew they had a very important job to do. They told everyone about Jesus, and how he loves them.



That is how we know about Jesus. The disciples did their job well, and Jesus wants us to do that job too. We need to tell our friends and family about Jesus. It is a very important job, one that will help others be in heaven with Jesus someday.


Classroom Questions Why were Jesus’ disciples sad? Where did Jesus go? What did Jesus tell his disciples to do?

Parent/child weekly study The disciples were sad because Jesus had to go away. Have you ever been sad when someone you love has to go away? What do you think it was like when Jesus rose up into the air and disappeared? What did the disciples do after Jesus left? How can we tell other’s about Jesus like the disciples did?


Weekly Craft Activity

Jesus in the Clouds

Materials: Construction Paper: any color Cotton Balls Copies of Jesus Glue Crayons

Have children glue on the picture of Jesus on the piece of construction paper.

Children can color the picture of Jesus.

Children then glue the cotton balls around the Jesus.

Talk to the students about Jesus rising up in the air to go to heaven. Optional: Write, “Jesus goes home to Heaven” on the bottom of the page.



Toddler Version A Very Important Job Jesus loved talking to his friends. One day Jesus told them that he had to go to heaven. They were very sad. He told them that their job was to tell others that he loved them. Then he went up, up, up in the sky in a cloud. Jesus’ friends prayed and prayed. Then they went and told everyone about Jesus and how much he loves them.



Week Three



Tim and Tony



Tim and Tony were great friends. Everyday after school, they would play in the sandbox. Tim would bring his cars; Tony would bring his planes. Crash! Bang! Boom! went the cars and planes together as they played.



“Here Tony, you can play with my special tractor today,” said Tim one Monday. “Thanks! You can play with my jet,” said Tony. The boys smiled. Crash! Bang! Boom! Went the cars and planes. They were having a splendid time.



Then Tim stopped. “What’s the matter?” asked Tony. “Oh, nothing,” said Tim, “I was just thinking about something,” he said while he built a mountain out of sand. “What were you thinking about?” asked Tony as he buried one of his tanks.



Tim was nervous. He knew that he was supposed to tell his friends about Jesus, and Tony was his friend, but he didn’t know what Tony would think because Tony didn’t go to church. But then he remembered the Bible verse he had learned: “Go into all the world and teach the Good News.” “That’s it!” thought Tim.



“Well, I was remembering church yesterday,” began Tim. Tony stopped playing with his tank and looked up. “We learned some good news yesterday and I want to tell you about it.” “Really? What is it?” asked Tony. “It’s about Jesus; he loves us all and wants us to be in heaven with him someday. He loves you too!”



“He does?” said Tony reaching for a truck. “Yes! He loves you so much that he died for your sins and if you just believe in him you can go to heaven someday and be with him.” “Really? Wow, that’s terrific. I’ve never heard about Jesus before. You learned that at church? Thanks for telling me.” Said Tony with a smile. “You’re welcome. Come on, let’s smash this mountain together!” said Tim. Crash! Bang! Boom! Went the cars and planes all afternoon long.


Classroom Questions What did Tim and Tony do every day at after school? What did Tim want to tell Tony? What did Tony think of Tim’s Good News? Was he happy?

Parent/child weekly study What did Tim tell Tony? What does Jesus and our Bible verse tell us to do? What is the ‘Good News’ that Tim was talking about? How can you tell others about Jesus?


Weekly Craft Activity

Paper Bag Puppets Materials: Small paper bags (2 per student) Beads Glue String Crayons Miscellaneous items •

Have children begin by drawing a face on the puppet.

Glue on various beads, string and other items to make hair, clothes, etc. •

Children can make two puppets and have each tell the other about Jesus or they can just make one. •

Optional: Have the students name their puppet. Have them create a puppet show about telling others about Jesus.



Week Four




Illustrated by Jean Evanson



Once there was a man named Saul. He was a very smart man, a priest, and a teacher. Saul had many good friends and a very important job. But Saul had a problem: he didn’t like Jesus or the disciples.



One day Saul decided to take a long trip to a city called Damascus. It would take several days to walk that far, but Saul didn’t mind walking. Along the way he thought about how much he disliked Jesus and the disciples. He thought about ways to hurt the disciples, Jesus had already gone to heaven, so Saul couldn’t hurt him now



So Saul began to walk. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light. It was so bright that it blinded Saul. He couldn’t see at all! The light was all around him and he fell down because he was so scared. “Who’s there?” he cried out while trembling on the ground.



“It is Jesus,” said a voice. Saul was very surprised. “Why are you trying to hurt my disciples?” Jesus asked. Saul was so scared that he couldn’t talk. “Go into the city and you will be told what to do.” Then the light was gone.



Paul opened his eyes, but he couldn’t see. He was blind now. His friends who were with him helped him go into the city of Damascus where he waited for someone to come and tell him what to do. He waited for three days, without eating or drinking, and then there was a knock at the door.



A man named Ananias came in. “Brother Saul, I am here to help you,” he said. Then he placed his hands on Saul’s eyes and Saul could see again. Ananias told Saul to go out and preach about Jesus. Saul was very happy now because he knew that Jesus was the son of God.



Saul changed his name to Paul and preached to everyone he met about Jesus. He told everyone that Jesus loved them and wanted them to be with him in heaven someday. He traveled all over the country preaching about Jesus. We need to tell others about Jesus just like Paul did. Everyone needs to know that Jesus loves them very much that he died for their sins and wants to be with them always.


Classroom Questions Who did Paul not like? What happened to Paul when he was walking? Who spoke to Paul when he was in the light?

Parent/child weekly study

What do you think Paul thought when he heard Jesus speaking to him? Was he surprised? Scared? When have you been surprised or scared? Paul went on to be a great disciple of Jesus. He told Everyone about Jesus. Do you think you can do that too? How?


Weekly Craft Activity

Paint Paul’s Experience Materials: Yellow Water Colors or yellow tempura paint (brushes/water) Copies of Paul Construction Paper: white or neutral Glue •

Have children paste the picture of Paul onto a piece of construction paper (if not previously cut out- have them do this first.) Using paint, have the students create the “bright light” that Paul experienced all around the figure. Talk to the children about Paul’s experience while they work.



Toddler Version Paul Once there was a man named Paul. He was very smart, but he did not like Jesus. One day he decided to take a long trip. Suddenly there was a huge, bright light and Jesus was talking to Paul. Paul was very surprised and scared. Some friends came and helped Paul because now he was blind. A man named Ananias helped Paul see again and told him all about Jesus. Paul now loved Jesus and told everyone about him.


Monthly Assessment: Tell Others About Jesus

Your child:







Sings: Lord’s Army

Can recite: Mark 16:15

Can talk about what it means to tell others about Jesus

Can pray about the topic




Monthly Craft List: Tell Others About Jesus Week 1: Framed Verse Copy of Verse Popsicle sticks Box of Decorations Glue Yarn Week 2: Jesus in the Clouds Cotton balls Construction paper (any color) Copy of Jesus Crayons Glue Week 3: Paper Bag Puppets Small paper bags Beads Glue String Crayons Miscellaneous Items Week 4: Paint Paul’s Experience Construction Paper- white or neutral Copies of Paul- cut out Yellow Water Colors or yellow tempura paint Brushes/Water Glue



Supplemental Pages These supplemental pages were designed to give teachers further options for crafts or activities in the classroom.







Draw a picture of you telling others about Jesus.




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