Telstra Business and Enterprise

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Transcript – Telstra Super Case Study. Gordon Williamson, General Manager Member Services Telstra Super: Telstra Super commenced in July 1990 to provide.
Telstra Business and Enterprise Transcript – Telstra Super Case Study Gordon Williamson, General Manager Member Services Telstra Super: Telstra Super commenced in July 1990 to provide superannuation services for the Telstra Group. Telstra Super’s grown over the years to over 100,000 members and now just under $11 Billion in management. Telstra Super provides a range of services to its members; everything from pensions, regular payments, processing contributions, services from contact centres, including insurance. Shane Collister, General Manager Technology Solutions Telstra Super: We’ve got network operations across four States and we have to provide all of our PC and networking requirements as well as voice systems across those States. Prior to the Telstra Alcatel Lucent solution our old system had to terminate all the calls in Melbourne at our PABX and that was answered by our call centre and then they would transfer calls off to other people. Challenges we were encountering was the quality of the calls when transferring them across the interstate links, sometimes the calls would actually drop out and it was crackly. It was affecting the operations in having to have calls double-handled so it was taking time. Our members obviously weren’t getting the right answer the first time and it was taking time with members having to wait in queues. We implemented the Telstra Alcatel PCX solution and the Genesys IVR’s so that we could identify who the member was, integrated to our call systems and then transfer the call to the right operator the first time. Gordon: It literally means that we can take 80 % more calls than what we were able to in the past. Keshav Seetharam, Superannuation Advisor - Telstra Super Financial Planning: The new system has enabled the team to improve their efficiency in terms of time management and to better address member queries. It provides us with enhanced management reporting system that allows us to plan for peak times. We have access to a software program called ‘MyTeamWork’, which allows us to interact with other team members while on a call with a member. Gordon: We noticed that service was improving, call wait times reduced by 30%. The call abandonment rate has decreased significantly from 2.4% to 0.6%. That’s a 75% reduction, so we’re very pleased to be able to catch our members first time they contact us. Call costs have been reduced by 20%. The flexibility of the data network and the Genesys IVR means that calls can be answered in the state that they are received. This saves costs on STD calls. The benefits of Telstra’s data network really allow us to extend the service anytime we need. It’s important because there is no one else who provides a service from the start of the call to the end of the call and look after it from end-to-end. Partnering with Telstra is very important to us. Telstra provide us with a broad range of services that are very important in providing efficient and good service for our members. Source: