Sep 4, 1991 - kinetics of the relatively polar quinolones norfloxacin (17), ... oral administration of single 400-mg doses to subjects with normal and impaired ...
Vol. 35, No. 11
CHEMOTHERAPY, Nov. 1991, p. 2345-2351
0066-4804/91/112345-07$02.00/0 Copyright C 1991, American Society for Microbiology
Temafloxacin Pharmacokinetics in Subjects with Normal and Impaired Renal Function G. RICHARD GRANNEMAN,l* RENE BRAECKMAN,l JEFFREY KRAUT 2 SALLY SHUPIEN,2 AND J. CARL CRAFT1 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois 60064-3500,' and Veterans Administration Medical Center in West Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90073_10022 Received 27 March 1991/Accepted 4 September 1991 The pharmacokinetics of temafloxacin were investigated following oral administration of single 400-mg doses to 6 normal subjects and 18 subjects with various degrees of impaired renal function. Renal impairment did not significantly affect the peak concentration, time to peak concentration, or the nonrenal clearance of temafloxacin. Both renal clearance (CLR) and total apparent clearance (CLT/F, where F represents the fraction of dose absorbed) of temafloxacin were highly correlated with creatinine clearance (CLCR). The regression equations were as follows: CLR = 0.85. CLCR, with R2 = 0.907, and CLT/F = 56.0 + 0.92 .' CLCR, with R2 = 0.656. The half-life (mean ± standard devi'ation) increased from 10.6 ± 2.4 h in the normal volunteers to 24.6 ± 7.3 h in the subjects with a CLCR of