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Psychological Bulletin. 1989, Vol ... several (possibly related) psychological and biological pro- ..... yield some insi
Copyright 1989 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0033-2909/89/$00.75

Psychological Bulletin 1989, Vol. 106, No. 1,74-96

Temperature and Aggression: Ubiquitous Effects of Heat on Occurrence of Human Violence Craig A. Anderson Universityof Missouri-Columbia Outlines 5 models of the temperature-aggression hypothesis: negative affect escape, simple negative affect, excitation transfer/misattribution, cognitive neoassociation, and physiological-thermoregulatory. Reviews relevant studies. Aggression measures include violent crime, spouse abuse, hornhonking, and delivery of electric shock. Analysis levels include geographic regional, seasonal, monthly, and daily variations in aggression, and concomitant temperature-aggression effects in field and laboratory settings. Field studies clearly show that heat increases aggression. Laboratory studies show inconsistencies, possibly because of several artifacts. Specific models have not been adequately tested, but the excitation transfer/misattribution and cognitive neoassociation approaches appear most promising, whereas the negative affect escape appears the least viable. Suggestions for future work are made.

The minds of men do in the weather share, Dark or serene as the day'sfoul orfair.-Cicero

effects. (See Aschaffenburg, 1903/1913, Dexter, 1899, and Lombroso, 1899/1911, for presentations of this early work, See also Brearley, 1932, Cohen, 1941, and Falk, 1952, for reviews.) Presumably, this interest was sparked in large part by the availability of official criminal statistics as well as the speculations of Charles-Louis de Secondat de Montesquieu (in his De ['esprit des lois, 1748) and Henry Thomas Buckle (in his History of Civilization in England, 1857-1861). Interest in climate effects on crime and aggression waned as developments in the various social sciences pointed the way to other determinants, such as traits and attitudes, social conditions, and biological factors. Indeed, recent thinking assumes either that climate effects are trivial or that they exert only indirect influence, by influencing the number of opportunities for aggression. More recent work, however, suggests that temperature effects are not trivial in magnitude and may not be simple by-products of aggression opportunity. Indeed, there is reason to believe that hot temperatures increase aggression through several (possibly related) psychological and biological processes. There is also reason to believe that considerably more focused research is needed. This review thus serves two functions: First, examination of the existing literature generates some answers to some very old questions about temperature and aggression; second, areas that need more work are identified. Consider first what is meant by aggression. Many types of aggression have been identified in human and nonhuman research, A partial listing includes the following types: predatory, pain elicited, defensive, offensive, and instrumental. Different factors are involved in these different types, and probably differ somewhat between species. The temperature-aggression hypothesis applies primarily to those aggressive acts that are characterized by two motivational features. First, the motive to aggress is primarily affect based. Second, the motive is to harm the target in some way. Thus, predatory, pain-elicited, and instrumental aggression do not provide appropriate tests of the temperature-aggression hypothesis.

I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire; The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, And, ifwemeet, we shall not 'scapeabrawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. hahakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

For thousands of years, people have associated weather and human behaviors. For example, in Shakespeare's King Lear, the title character's madness is accompanied by violent storms. Often, more specific causal linkages have been proposed, as are demonstrated by the epigraphs. The most common weather-behavior linkage is that between uncomfortably hot temperatures and violent or aggressive behavior. Our language is replete with imagery that reflects this linkage. Tempers "flare" when we fight; we get "hot under the collar" when frustrated; or we "do a slow bum" when angered. The basic temperature-aggression hypothesis is that the propensity for aggression increases at uncomfortably hot temperatures and that this propensity often overrides more rational considerations. As Shakespeare put it (in The Merchant of Venice), "the brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree." Though the idea that hot temperatures may promote aggression has been around for ages, empirical tests of the idea awaited the development of a proper intellectual climate and corresponding technologies. In the late 1800s a number of social philosophers and social geographers began examining statistics on various types of crimes for evidence of temperature

I thank the following individuals for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article: Len Berkowitz, Doug Kenrick, and three anonymous reviewers. A special "thank you" goes to Jim Rotton, for unusually extensive and insightful comments and for assistance in tracking down obscure references. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Craig A. Anderson, Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia, 210 McAlesterHall, Columbia, Missouri 65211.

Organizational Scheme The empirical studies of the temperature-aggression hypothesis have been grouped in this article according to the basic




methodology used. Thus, there are studies looking at differences in aggressive crime rates as a function of differences in (temperature related) geographic region. There also are studies of crime rate differences during various time periods, such as season, month, and day. Finally, there are studies in which tem-

perature is measured concomitantly with the target behaviors. I The overall logic of this review has a variety of names such as "multiple operationism" or "triangulation" (e.g., Anderson, 1987; Campbell & Fiske, 1959; Crano & Brewer, 1973; Feigl, 1958; McGrath, Martin, & Kukla, 1982). Studies using different methodologies but addressing the same questions provide especially stringent tests of hypotheses. When the weaknesses of a particular type of study do not apply to the other types, consistency of results favoring a particular hypothesis allows one to triangulate or "home in" on a true causal factor. Thus, if the temperature-aggression hypothesis is supported in studies of geographic region effects, time period effects, and concomitant temperature-aggression effects, one can be fairly sure that hot temperatures do have a direct effect on aggression. Exactly how that effect works may require further examination of the types of studies. For instance, a biological theory of the temperature-aggression relation may posit that hotter ambient temperatures lead to increased testosterone, which in turn increases aggressive tendencies. This predicts increases in testosterone during hot summer months, corresponding to increases in aggression. If testosterone fails to show such cyclic effects, or if the upswing part of the testosterone cycle begins after the aggression cycle begins, its validity would be in doubt. Basic Issues Is There a Nonartifactual Temperature-Aggression Relation? There are three basic issues. First, is there any evidence of a direct temperature effect on aggressive tendencies? A direct temperature effect is one that operates at the level ofthe individual, such as by increasing irritability or anger. Alternatively, are all findings of a temperature-aggression relation artifactual? Do increases in aggression occur in hot temperatures simply because both are associated with outdoor activities?


aggress may be essentially the same at 20 of and 30 of, but 80 of may produce much stronger aggressive motives than 70 oF. The inverted-U shape specifies that aggression tendencies peak at some intermediate temperature (e.g., 85 OF) and decrease as temperatures deviate from this inflection point. A related shape is two inverted Us side by side (an M shape?). Aggression is low at very high and very low temperatures and at comfortable intermediate ones as well. Such a prediction does occur in a prominent model of affect and aggression, as will be seen shortly. The fifth possibility is simply U shaped. This means that aggressive tendencies are lowest at some intermediate temperature (e.g., 65 OF)and increase as temperatures deviate from it. Distinguishing among these functions is quite difficult, particularly in field studies. This is because of asymmetries in humans' abilities to handle nonoptimal hot and cold temperatures. It is easier to adjust to cold than to hot deviations from the ideal temperature (Persinger, 1980). Thus, even if the true functional relation between temperature and aggression was U shaped, studies that do not prevent subjects from adapting to the temperature (via clothing, for example) would tend to find either J-shaped or linear functions. Distinguishing between Jshaped and linear functions also is difficult in field studies, primarily because very precise assessments of aggression and concomitant temperatures are necessary. The most easily distinguishable shape is the inverted U, because only it predicts a drop in aggression at the highest (normal) levels of temperature. Even here, though, there is some ambiguity because of the uncertainty of where the inflection point should be located. An additional problem in assessing the shape arises in many of the laboratory studies. Typically, only two or three levels ofthe temperature variable are manipulated. A final problem in distinguishing among shape functions arises from the uncertainty of the temperature at the time the aggressive behavior was performed and at the time the aggressive motivation (intention, mood, or affect) was developed. Many murders committed during hot periods of time (e.g., months) may actually have been committed at the cooler times of that period and thus could be the result of an inverted-U-shaped function. On the other hand, even murders committed during the cooler parts of the time period may have been instigated by aggressive motives engendered during the hotter part of the time period.

What is the Shape of the Temperature-Aggression Relation? In the second issue, one assumes that there is a nonartifactual effect and asks about the shape of the relation. Five possibilities warrant attention. The simplest is a straight linear function, with aggression increasing as temperature increases. This function cannot be true at the extremes, because at extremely high and low temperatures the body cannot function properly, and death will ensue, precluding aggression. Thus, the shape question should be reframed and considered only within the normal range of temperatures. In this sense, the linear function is possible. The J-shaped function also is conceptually simple. At low temperatures there may be little effect of temperature differences on aggression, whereas at higher temperatures the effect may be more pronounced. That is, the strength ofthe motive to


Theories Relating Temperature and Aggression Negative Affect Escape Model There are five basic psychological approaches to the temperature-aggression relation.2 The most widely cited and most conI

My original intent was to report all studies purportedly addressing

the temperature-aggression hypothesis. However, because of the number of such studies, space limitations, and the good sense of the reviewers and the Editor, some selection was necessary. Omitted were several widely cited and many obscure articles with severe methodological and interpretational problems. 2 There must be effects at a sociological level as well, such as social interaction opportunity differences mentioned earlier as artifacts. Because there is little evidence relevant to such sociological effects oftemperature on aggression, they will continue to be treated as artifacts to the psychological approaches under consideration in this article. Obviously,







troversial model is Baron and Bell's negative affect escape model (see Baron, 1979). In this model, competing behavioral tendencies of aggression and escape are instigated by negative affect. At low to moderate levels of negative affect the aggression tendency is stronger, so increases in negative affect produce increases in aggressive behavior. At high levels of negative affect the escape tendency becomes stronger. Therefore, if escape is possible, then further increases in negative affect produce both increases in escape behavior and decreases in aggression. This inverted-U-shaped model relates affect to aggression. If one is dealing with temperatures ranging from comfortably cool to uncomfortably hot, and if escape is perceived as an option, this model also predicts an inverted U for the temperature-aggression relation. The temperature at which a downturn in aggression is expected is not constant but presumably varies as a function of other factors producing negative affect. This inflection point should be relatively higher when there is no other source of negative affect. Baron and Bell's works (see review in the Concomitant Temperature section) suggest that the inflection point should be around 85 OFin most situations. Another aspect of this model is important, though it has received little attention. Cold temperatures also produce negative affect. Therefore, another inverted-U shape is predicted as temperatures range from comfortably cool to unbearably cold. Thus, the negative affect escape model, by holding other sources of negative affect constant and with escape as a possible option, actually predicts an M-shaped function relating temperature to aggressive behavior. This model is the most sophisticated one devoted to temperature effects on aggression. But it suffers conceptually for the same reason that it reveals something important. The prediction of decreases in aggression at extremely hot temperatures (and at extremely low ones as well) has to be true. Faced with the choice of risking heat stroke (or freezing) to aggress against an insulting target person versus escaping the situation but losing the aggression opportunity, most of us would choose escape. However, the desire or motive to aggress (the anger, hostility) may stilI be highest at the extremely hot (or cold) temperatures. This example points out that the temperature-aggression hypothesis actually is more appropriately stated in terms of motive to aggress. Once stated in terms of desire or motivation to aggress rather than of actual aggressive behavior, the negative affect escape model becomes the same as the next model to be considered, the simple negative affect model. However, the addition of the assumption that escape motives increase with negative affect at a faster rate than aggressive motives leads to quite different behavioral predictions, which of course can be tested. That is, when escape is possible, the negative affect escape model predicts an inverted-U-shaped function between temperature and aggressive behavior as temperature ranges from moderate to uncomfortably hot or from moderate to uncomfortably cold. It is important to note that because of difficulties in measuring motives to aggress, most scholars in this area have concentrated on aggressive behavior measures as indicators of motives. The implicit assumption has been that all else is equal (includ-

ing other motives and behavioral possibilities, such as escape). Baron and Bell's work and this conceptual analysis make clear that all else is not necessarily equal in different situations.

Simple Negative Affect Model This model is similar to the intuitive ideas passed down for generations. When people are hot, they are in bad moods. These moods make people more likely to respond to frustrations of various kinds by aggressing in some way. This model differs from the layperson's view primarily in that it applies symmetrically to cold temperatures as well. That is, negative affect results from being uncomfortably cold as well as uncomfortably hot. Thus, this model predicts a U-shaped function across the normal range of temperatures. Excitation

in their own right, and relevant re-

of Arousal Model

Zillmann's theory of excitation transfer (e.g., Zillmann, 1983a, 1983b) is easily applied to the temperature-aggression relation. The theory assumes that excitatory reactions, primarily in terms of activation of the sympathetic nervous system, are largely nonspecific across emotions. When large changes in excitatory reactions are experienced, people tend to link them to one salient inducing condition. Thus, arousal produced by excessive temperatures (for instance) may be misattributed to anger at some provoking individual. This theory has received considerable support in a variety of contexts but has not been applied to temperature. Several conditions must hold for this theory to apply. First, excessive temperatures must lead to increases in arousal. Second, temperature-induced arousal must be misattributable; that is, hot temperatures must not be so salient a cause of arousal that they are seen by people as the inducing condition. If temperature is made salient as a cause of arousal, then portions of the total arousal that are actually due to nontemperature sources such as an insulting person may be misattributed to temperature, resulting in less anger at and artifactual decreases in aggression toward that person. If temperature remains nonsalient, though, hotter temperatures should produce misattributions of arousal to the annoying people in the context and increased aggression against these people. This is most likely to occur in conditions in which temperature is a background factor, which is true in most field studies. The same logic holds for increasingly cold temperatures as well, assuming that the cold produces increased arousal and that the experience of arousal is not attributed to the cold. In many respects, then, this model of the temperature-aggression relation is a sophisticated version of the simple negative affect model. One key difference is that Zillmann's theory assumes that transfer effects on aggression can occur only if there is a salient target of aggression who instigates aggressive motives. The simple negative affect model assumes that the negative affect is itself sufficient to produce aggression without an interpersonal cause. Cognitive

such effects would be important search is badly needed.




Berkowitz (I983a, 1983b, 1984) discussed several types of aggression in both animals and humans. The analysis most rele-


vant to the temperature-aggression relation is the notion that uncomfortable conditions may prime aggressive thoughts that, in turn, increase the motive to aggress. The main idea is that aggressive thoughts and emotions are associatively linked to a variety of aversive conditions and experiences (cf. Geen & O'Neal, 1969). These conditions and experiences can prime the aggressive thoughts and related emotions, even when they are not particularly relevant or rational. These priming effects may, in turn, influence the person's interpretation of the situation and selection of behavioral alternatives. Thus, increasingly uncomfortable temperatures (hot or cold) should prime aggressive thoughts and produce more aggression, in a U-shaped function. This prediction is essentially the same as that made by the excitation transfer theory and the simple negative affect model. A key differentiating prediction for Berkowitz's model is that uncomfortable temperatures should prime aggressive thoughts regardless of the presence or absence of aggressive cues in the situation. (Obviously, some situations may cue certain nonaggressive thoughts so strongly that aggressive ones are effectively shut out.) Zillmann (1983a, 1983b) has not explicitly addressed the priming notion or temperature effects. But adding the assumption that arousal transfer can intensify dominant or salient cognitive processes leads to a prediction of increased aggressive thoughts at increasingly uncomfortable temperatures when the following conditions hold: (a) Aggression cues are present, and (b) temperature is a background factor. When aggression cues are absent, Zillmann's model would appear to predict no effect of temperature on frequency of aggressive thoughts. The simple negative affect model is silent on these matters. The Berkowitz and Zillmann theories also differ in the importance of attributional processes. To excitation transfer theory, these processes are essential. The cognitive neoassociation model also states that controlled attributional processes, when operative, affect the motivation to aggress; it also claims that such misattributions are not necessary for discomfort to increase aggression. Because attributions may result either from conscious, accessible (and measurable) controlled processes or from spontaneous, inaccessible, and automatic processes (see Uleman, 1987), comparative tests of these two theories on the basis of attributional results will be problematic. Physiological-



This approach is best seen as a different level of analysis. Unfortunately, the physiological literatures on temperature effects, temperature regulation, and aggression are far from clear. The ideas put forth here relating temperature to aggression via neural and hormonal systems must be viewed as tentative. Indeed, the linkages necessary for any reasonable thermoregulatory theory of temperature and aggression are so complex and poorly understood at the present time that testable predictions concerning shape or conditions of temperature-aggression effects are impossible. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate that there may be important physiological-thermoregulatory effects underlying temperature effects on aggression and that further thermoregulatory, neural, and neurohormonal research specifically addressing the temperature-aggression hypothesis is needed. First, consider the basic effects of heat and cold on a variety of



physiological systems. Exposure to hot temperatures generally produces the following effects: increased heart rate, increased respiration rate, deeper respiration, increased blood circulation rate, slight decrease in heart stroke volume, skin blood vessel dilation, sweating, decrease in thyroid-stimulating hormone and consequent decrease in basal metabolic rate, and increase in galvanic skin response (GSR) and skin conductance. Blood pressure effects have been inconsistent. Often, warm temperatures lead to a drop in blood pressure, though there is also evidence that systolic blood pressure increases in prolonged heat exposure. This list of effects generally is consistent with relative sympathetic nervous system dominance, but of course the decrease in blood pressure and the dilation of surface blood vessels are activated primarily by the parasympathetic system, contradicting such a general characterization. (For source material on these effects, see Bazett, 1927, Bloch, 1985, Hardy, 1961, Oken et aI., 1962, Persinger, 1980, and Tromp, 1980.) Exposure to cold produces a considerably shorter list of known effects: increase in heart stroke volume and consequent increase in circulation rate, shivering, vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone and cortisone (via pituitary control over the thyroid and adrenal cortex), and increase in epinephrine and norepinephrine (via the adrenal medulla). These last three hormones are all controlled to some extent by the hypothalamus, which is central in thermoregulation, and serve to increase basal metabolism. As with responses to heat, these effects reflect a complex interplay of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. (For source material, see Bazett, 1927, Hardy, 1961, and Tromp, 1980.) The most important locus of thermoregulation is the hypothalamus, though temperature-sensitive systems are found elsewhere, especially in the upper spinal cord (Bligh, 1973). Temperature-sensitive cells are connected directly (i.e., neurally) and indirectly (Le., hormonally) to a variety of systems that control a variety of bodily and emotional functions. It is this incredible complexity that thwarts current attempts at a complete analysis. The primary neurotransmitters involved are norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, and acetecholine. When the first two are released in the hypothalamus (especially the preoptic region), a variety of events occur that lead to decreases in core body temperature. When the latter two are released in the hypothalamus, they trigger events leading to increases in body temperature. All this is relevant to the temperature-aggression hypothesis in that many of the same neural and hormonal systems involved in temperature regulation are also implicated in aggression, but the links are not clear. For instance, testosterone levels have been linked to aggression in men and women (e.g., Blanchard & Blanchard, 1984; Olweus, Mattsson, Schalling, & Low, 1980). Sweating produces an increase in various corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex (Bligh, 1973). Corticosterone can suppress testosterone synthesis (Blanchard & Blanchard, 1984). At the same time, a relative lack of cortisol (another corticosteroid) has been linked to increases in aggression (Brain, 1984). Similarly, the neurotransmitter serotonin seems to inhibit aggression (Persinger, 1980; Reis, 1974), whereas acetecholine increases aggression (Reis, 1974). But both are involved in thermoregulatory responses to cold (Bligh, 1973; Meyers, 1974).



What changes in aggression should be expected in cold because ofthese contradictory neurotransmitter effects? Finally, it is intriguing to note the neural interconnectedness of a variety of structures linked to aggression, emotion, and thermoregulation, including the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. It may very well be that emotional and cognitive effects of temperature result from such linkages. The systems are so complex, however, that there is little hope of understanding temperature-aggression effects at this level of analysis for quite some time. The area is promising, though, and more direct attacks on the temperature-aggression hypothesis from this perspective will undoubtedly yield new insights.

found in several different countries, one's confidence that they are truly temperature related should be enhanced. Of the three basic issues discussed earlier (i.e., existence, shape, specific theory), only that concerning the existence of a temperature effect on aggression can be cleanly tested. One possible finding would bear on the shape issue as well. Specifically, if maximum aggression rates are observed in regions with moderate climates, the linear, J-shaped, and U-shaped functions would be hard-pressed to explain them. However, a finding of maximal aggression in the hotter regions could be derived by the inverted-U-shaped function as well as by the other three shaped functions.

A Note on Arousal


A widely used construct in psychology is general arousal. It figures prominently in most treatments of emotion and motivation. The positions on the temperature-aggression relation outlined previously are no exception. A major problem with this construct is that at a physiological level, convergent validity is hard to find. That is, various indicators of arousal (such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, GSR) often yield modest to low (and sometimes negative) intercorrelations. Uncomfortably hot temperatures yield physiological effects that are both arousing and sedative; so do cold temperatures. Thus, a seemingly simple question such as "Do hot temperatures produce increases or decreases in arousal?" has no simple answer. Yet, such questions are crucial for many theories of the temperature-aggression relation. For example, the misattribution of arousal model applies only if there are perceived increases in arousal to be misattributed. Two solutions to this dilemma appear promising (and have been used in other contexts). First, one can define arousal not in physiological terms but subjectively; that is, one can ask subjects to assess if they are feeling aroused. Second, one can test the arousing properties oftemperature by observing its effects on other behaviors. For example, Rotton (1985) convincingly demonstrated that people walk faster when it is hot, even when motives to escape from the heat were controlled.

Numerous scholars have noted that aggressive crimes (Le., interpersonal violence) are relatively more frequent in the hotter geographic regions of countries. Brearley (1932) presented data showing that the highest homicide rates in the United States from 1918 to 1929 were in the southern states. Other scholars have shown that the hot region/high crime effect is specific to violent crime. For instance, in the years 1826-1830, crimes against people (e.g., assault) were twice as prevalent in southern France as in central or northern France, whereas crimes against property (e.g., burglary) were twice as prevalent in the north (Guerry, cited in Brearley, 1932). Similarly, Lombroso (1899/1911) presented data showing that the homicide rate was relatively high in southern Italy (31 per 100,000 inhabitants), moderate in central Italy (15.24), and low in northern Italy (7.22), whereas aggravated theft was most common in central Italy (174.2) and equally less common in northern and southern Italy (143.4 and 143.3, respectively). Lombroso also reported that the 'homicide rate in the south of England was almost 10 times that of northern England. Finally, Lombroso cited some of his earlier work showing that homicide rates in Europe were higher in southern countries than in northern ones. These early studies did not, of course, include statistical tests of the temperature-aggression hypothesis. However, some of the data were reported in a form allowing reanalyses and rough tests ofthe hypothesis. Lombroso (1899/1911), forinstance, reported several aggressive crime rates by degrees latitude of the region, for both Spain and Italy. In Italy, rates of homicide and "resistance to officers" (presumably law officers) correlated significantly with latitude (ps < .0 I), with the higher rates occurring in the hotter latitudes. The Spain data yielded essentially identical results. 3 Although Brearley (1932) did no comparable latitude analysis on his homicide data in the United States, it is apparent from those data that a comparable effect would emerge. Using Brearley's data, I computed the average homicide rate across the 1918-1929 time span for each of the northernmost and the southernmost states. (Note that expanding or shrinking the definitions of northernmost and southernmost states does not appreciably alter the results.) As was expected, the southern

Studies of Temperature-Aggression


Geographic Region Effects The temperature-aggression hypothesis predicts that all else being equal, regions with more hot days will yield more aggressive behavior. This may occur with a variety of measures of aggression, such as aggressive crimes (e.g., homicide, assault, rape) or more common forms of aggression (e.g., fighting among children). Unfortunately, all else is seldom equal. A host of socioeconomic variables (including demographic and cultural factors) undoubtedly affect the expression of aggressive tendencies. These potential confounds limit the value of studies of geographic region effects. Such studies are particularly useful, though, if they have features that limit the confounds in some way. Thus, if the comparisons across regions with different temperatures are within the same country, the socioeconomic differences are likely to be reduced somewhat. The consistency with which geographical region effects are found across studies also is important. If the same temperature-related effects are

With No Controls for Socioeconomic


3 All P levels are based on two-tailed tests. For all reanalyses, tions of procedures and more specific results may be obtained ing the author.

descripby writ-


states had dramatically higher homicide rates (M = 19.37 per 100,000) than did the northern states (M = 3.55), t(16) = 7.93, p < 0101. Sometimes such effects have been dismissed as due to the "culture of violence" in the U.S. south, resulting from historical social factors. However, the fact that the same pattern occurred in France, Italy, Spain, and England makes this alternative explanation considerably less tenable. Indeed, the data suggest that the hotter climates may have been causal factors in the development of cultures of violence (cf. the redux model proposed by Rotton, 1986). Two more recent studies also have examined the geographic region effects without attempting to control for various socioeconomic factors. Robbins, DeWalt, and Pelto (1972) examined data bases containing aggression-related variables on various cultures around the world. They found that across cultures, warmer climates were associated with more indulgence of aggression, less induced anxiety in the socialization of aggression, more human agents of aggression in myths, and higher homicide rates (all ps < 1)1). Robbins et al. also reported several variables that did not show systematic variation as a function of temperature. The aggression-related ones were feelings of hostility in adults and incidence of warfare. Schwartz (1968) briefly reported a study of political violence (e.g., revolts against the government) in 51 nations from 1948 to 1964. Nations were classified into quartiles based on the temperatures of "representative sites" in the countries. The frequency of political violence was then assessed as a function of the temperature quartile of the nations. The results showed that for this sample, violence was not more prevalent in the hotter nations. This study, like the Robbins et al. (1972) warfare results, contradicts the temperature-aggression hypothesis. The reason may be that the kinds of aggression studied (coups, political assassinations, terrorism, guerilla warfare, and revolts) are more planful, politically instigated acts. In other words, the temperature-aggression hypothesis applies to more spontaneous forms of aggression than revolution. Studies

With Controls lor Socioeconomic


Five studies have looked at geographic region temperature effects while simultaneously attempting to control for socioeconomic confounds. The first, by deFronzo (1984), examined the 142 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs) in the 1970 U.S. Census. Data on the seven major crimes reported by the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), climatological data, and 11 various demographic and socioeconomic variables were compiled for each SMSA. The UCR includes murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. Of particular relevance here was the finding that a dummy variable reflecting the south/nonsouth status of each SMSA was highly correlated with both murder and assault rates (ps < 1)1). The rape/region correlation also was positive but nonsignificant. All three crimes were more prevalent in the southern SMSAs. These effects disappeared when all other variables in the data set were statistically controlled. Unfortunately, the interpretation of these regional effects is clouded by the fact that two of the variables that were statistically controlled were temperature-related variables (Le., number of cold days in the year and number of hot days in the year in each SMSA). Thus, partialing out these temperature



effects should reduce or eliminate region-based temperature effects. DeFronzo's data also yielded significant correlations between the temperature variables and the violent crimes ofmurder, assault, and rape. The number of hot days in an SMSA correlated positively and the number of cold days correlated negatively with these violent crimes (all ps < 1)1). Once again, when the effects of all other variables were first partialed out, these temperature-aggression effects tended to disappear, because the south/nonsouth variable is so strongly confounded with temperature. Thus, at the level of zero-order correlations, deFronzo's data provide support for the temperature-aggression hypothesis. Southern cities and cities with warmer climates had relatively high rates of murder, assault, and rape. The laudable attempt to control for a variety of social differences between cities failed, though, because those regression analyses also partialed out temperature effects. (For other criticisms of deFronzo's analysis, see Rotton, 1986.) Rosenfeld (1986) examined the seven UCR crime rates for 1970. In one analysis (of 125 urban areas), four variables were examined as predictors of crime: region (south/nonsouth), population, unemployment, and relative deprivation. Regression analyses revealed that southern cities had significantly higher rates of murder and assault but not of rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, or motor vehicle theft. In a second analysis (of 204 urban areas), five variables were examined as predictors of crime: region, population, unemployment, welfare eligibility, and welfare dependency. The regression analysis revealed that southern cities had significantly higher rates of all seven crimes except motor vehicle theft. The region effect was particularly strong, again, as a predictor of murder and assault. Rotton (1986) examined the 1976 homicide rates of 41 countries and included several climate and sociodemographic variables. Specifically, he gathered 30-year average temperatures in January and July in the capital cities ofthe countries and a variety of other variables such as precipitation, life expectancy, literacy, and kilowatts per capita. The regression analyses yielded equivocal results, with some support for the temperature-aggression hypothesis. But a variety of methodological considerations (e.g., sample size, use of capital cities for assessing temperature distributions, use of 30-year average temperatures to predict I-year homicide rates) make interpretation difficult. Thus, although the results provide some support for climatological models of homicide, this study is best viewed as too weak to be more than suggestive. Rotton, Barry, and Kimble (1985) conducted a similar analysis of the three violent crimes of homicide, rape, and assault using 1977 crime data from 858 cities in the United States. The results varied somewhat depending on the particular analysis used, but in general, significant temperature effects were observed for all violent-crime variables. Once again, this study did not cleanly test the temperature-aggression hypothesis because the climate variables were inappropriate. Thirty-year averages were used, and only temperatures in January and July were sampled. Thus, the number of hot days in each city during 1977 was estimated only very poorly. The use of 30-year averages may yield some insight into effects oflong-term climate on development of cultures of violence but may tell little of the direct effects of temperature within a given year. The most extensive study of regional differences in aggression



also examined crime rates in the United States (Anderson, 1987, Study 2). In that study, crime rates for each of260 SMSAs (called cities) in 1980 were examined. Several climate variables were obtained for each city, including the number of hot days (90 of or more) that occurred in 1980. Also collected were 14 social variables for each city such as unemployment, per capita income, education, age, and racial composition. In the first step of the analysis, social models of crime rate differences among U.S. cities were created for four violent and nonviolent crime indices. The purpose of these models was to partial out effects of potentially confounding variables. Thus, any variance shared among these predictors and temperature would be assigned to the social variables, not to temperature variables. These models were quite effective; they accounted for 56% to 79% of crime differences among cities. In the second step, climate variables were examined to see if any contributed unique variance in the prediction of crime, once the social model variables had been entered. As was expected, the various temperature-related variables all contributed significant unique variance to the prediction of violent crime (ps < 1)1). Temperature did not add anything to the prediction of nonviolent crime (ps > 2)2). This study provides considerably stronger support for the temperature-aggression hypothesis than previous studies because it avoided many problems present in earlier work. More complete social models of crime were created and statistically controlled. Conservative tests of the unique contribution of temperature to crime were used. The effects of temperature on violent crimes were found to be significantly larger than corresponding effects on nonviolent crimes. Finally, region-based temperature effects were assessed at the more precise level of cities (actually SMSAs) rather than a simple southfnonsouth dichotomy.

Summary The studies of geographic region temperature effects on aggression provide impressive support for the temperature-aggression hypothesis. The major problem with such studies is that at this level of analysis, there are numerous plausible alternative explanations of both supportive and contradictory results. For example, there may be historical development differences in cultures between regions that produce different aggression rates, and these differences may artifactually correlate with climatological differences. However, there is support in a wide variety of studies dating back to the early 19th century. Hotter regions in a variety of countries have shown relatively higher violent crime rates. Such high aggression is not paralleled by comparably high nonviolent crime rates. These temperatureaggression effects remain even when numerous potentially confounding factors are statistically controlled. Though such results can never be totally conclusive, the variety of supportive studies is suggestive of a strong, direct temperature-aggression relation. This type of work would benefit from replication attempts in very different settings. For instance, it would be quite informative to see analyses comparable to those presented by Anderson (1987) based on data from different parts of the world. The shape of the temperature-aggression function was not resolved by these data. Indeed, all one can say is that these studies provided an opportunity for disconfirmation of the linear, J-

shaped, and U-shaped functions and that disconfirmation did not occur. Similarly, the specific theories outlined earlier could not be tested. Time Period Effects The geographic region effects suffer from one additional interpretational problem, due to the level of analysis. Even though violent or aggressive behavior is shown by those studies to be relatively more frequent in regions with hotter climates, there is no evidence that the surplus violence occurred during hotter periods of time. The temperature-aggression hypothesis predicts, in decreasing order of time span, that hotter years, hotter quarters of the year, hotter months, and hotter days will be associated with relatively high levels of aggression, all else being equal. Of course, all else is seldom equal. For instance, homicides increase dramatically in frequency around Christmas in many regions, sometimes leading to an abnormally high body count for December and early January (e.g., Brearley, 1932; Rotton & Frey, 1985). The general strategy in examining time period effects is again one of triangulation: By looking at a wide variety of aggression phenomena in different contexts, controlling for as many potential confounds as possible, one may get a good overall look at the temperature-aggression hypothesis. All the time period studies provide data relevant to the issue of the existence of temperature effects on aggression, of course. In addition, the studies in which the time period unit of analysis is days also allow an examination of the shape of the temperature-aggression function. However, the problems of distinguishing between the linear, J-shaped, and U-shaped functions discussed earlier all apply. Nonetheless, the inverted-U-shaped function at higher temperatures can be clearly distinguished and tested in some of the studies. Therefore, the Baron and Bell negative affect escape model is examined and discussed, where appropriate. These time period studies do not allow tests among the remaining four theories. Effects of Hot Years and Seasons Only one study was located in which differences in aggression were examined as a function of the hotness of years (Anderson, 1987, Study 1). To find temperature-related differences in aggression among years requires a very large data base, so that estimates of aggression will be reliable. Anderson (1987) studied the relative frequency of violent and nonviolent crimes in the United States (taken from the UCR) for a to-year period (1971-1980) as a function of quarter of the year and of year. Temperature data from 240 weather stations were sampled for each year to estimate the differences in hotness among years. Thus, two types of predictions relevant to the temperature-aggression hypothesis were tested. First, it was expected that violent crimes would be particularly frequent in the third and (to a lesser extent) second quarters and relatively inftequent in the first and fourth. Second, it was expected that hotter years would display higher violent-crime rates. Both predictions were confirmed (ps < 00001). It was also predicted that temperaturerelated quarter and year effects on crime would be especially pronounced on violent crimes (in relation to nonviolent crimes). This specificity prediction was also strongly supported (ps < 00001).


Leffingwell (1892) examined quarter-of-year effects on two broad categories of violent crime in England and Wales for the years 1878-1887. One category included murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter. After adjusting the data for the slightly different number of days that occur in the different quarters, I performed a 10 X 4 (Year X Quarter) analysis of variance (ANOVA) and used the interaction as the error term. There was a significant quarter-of-year effect, F(3, 27) = 6.03, p < .0 I. As was expected from the temperature-aggression hypothesis, these "murderous assaults" were most frequent in the third quarter (July, August, September). Indeed, the third-quarter mean was significantly higher than any of the other quarters (allps < 5)5). The second category of violent crime reported by Leffingwell was "Crimes Against Chastity," which included sexual assaults and rape. The same 10 X 4 ANOVA was performed on these data, resulting in the same type of quarter effect, F(3, 27) = 29.25, p < 00001. Once again, these violent crimes were significantly more frequent in the third quarter than in any other (all ps < 5)5). Though both types of crimes showed the same pattern and confirmed the temperature-aggression hypothesis, it is interesting to note that the sexual assault data were considerably more reliable statistically than the homicide-related data. Although there are several plausible interpretations for this, the simplest is that the former were much more frequent than the latter, and thus the quarter-to-quarter estimates may be relatively less influenced by random fluctuations. More recently, Cerbus (1970) failed to find a significant seasonal effect on homicide frequencies in Ohio for the period of June 1962 to May 1967. The total number of homicides during this period may have been too small to provide a sensitive test of the hypothesis. Interestingly, the peak did occur in the summer months. Lombroso ( 1899/1911) reported several data sets relevant to the time period temperature-aggression hypothesis, including several gathered by earlier researchers. Two types of violence measures amenable to statistical reanalysis were reported. One concerned rapes by month of year and is examined in a later section. The other concerned "uprisings," by which is probably meant political rebellions and riots, by season of the year. Lombroso's (1899/1911) report was based on an analysis of "the 836 uprisings that took place in the whole world in the period between 1791 and 1880" (p. 5). He found that on the whole such uprisings occurred more frequently in the summer months. Lombroso (1899/ 1911) reported that "in Europe the maximum proved to be in July, and in South America in January, which are respectively the two hottest months. The minimum falls in Europe in December and January, and in South America in May and June, which again correspond in temperature" (p. 6). The actual frequency of uprisings is reported only for European countries (16) by season (spring, summer, autumn, and winter). In 10 of these countries there were fewer than 25 uprisings, and they were thus deleted from my reanalysis. The remaining six countries were divided into the three having the highest frequency of uprisings (61 to 99) and the three having the lowest frequency of uprisings (25 to 29), and the data were analyzed with a 4 X 2 (Seasons X High vs.low frequency) ANOVA. As was expected from Lombroso's description of the results, a strong season effect emerged, with summer being the



most popular time period for uprisings, F(3, 16) = 7.55, p < .0 I. Indeed, the summer average was significantly higher than any other period (all ps < 5)5). One obvious question at this point is why Lombroso's (1899/ 1911) uprising data are so strongly related to season, given that Schwartz (1968) found little evidence relating temperature to political violence. One possibility concerns methods. It may be that in Schwartz's geographic regional analysis the political climate of his sample of nations was correlated with temperature and region in such a way as to hide any true temperature effects. Lombroso's seasonal analysis within countries eliminates many such confounds. Within Spain, for example, which experienced 99 incidents, the political climate probably was pretty much the same in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. A second possibility is that the definition of countable incidents varied between the two studies. Schwartz's (1968) definition seemed to be based on planful acts of rebellion or revolution rather than on more spontaneous forms of aggression. In any case, Lombroso's (1899/1911) uprising data lend further support to the temperature-aggression hypothesis, though the lack of specific methodological detail warrants some reservations. Rotton and Frey (1985) examined the relations among air pollution, temperature, humidity, and two types of aggressive behavior (assaults and family disturbances) in Dayton, Ohio, for a 2-year period (1975-1976). A variety of complex regression analyses were reported, most of which are beyond the scope of this article. The basic findings of relevance here were that both types of aggressive behavior were significantly influenced by season (ps < 00001). Specifically, assaults and family disturbances were most frequent in summer and least frequent in winter. Chang (1972) reported the frequency of three categories of assault (assault, injury, other assault) and rape by season in Korea in 1964. After correcting for slightly differing numbers of days in the seasons, I computed a chi-square for each type of aggressive crime. In each case the summer months were associated with the highest frequency of aggressive crimes (ps < 0101). Figure 1 displays the results of these studies via a plot of the percentage of the total violent incidents by time period. Note that the Anderson (1987) and the Leffingwell (1892) results are by quarter; the others are by season. Effects of Hot Months The majority of time period studies used months as the unit of analysis. In this section all such studies having sufficient information for statistical analysis by month are presented. For ease of exposition the studies are grouped by type of aggression measure. Homicide. Five studies each included large numbers ofhomicides and were gathered over periods of time ranging from 2 to 6 years. Each of these five is reviewed briefly. Then, I present an aggregate analysis to get a good overall look at monthly effects on homicide. Such an analysis across studies and years is useful both as a meta-analytic tool and because it reduces any unwanted distortions in observed effects due to extraneous factors such as unusual temperature patterns and unusual distribution of high-violence days (e.g., weekends) by month in a particular year.





-a- Uprisings -I- Family Disturbances


i b

-a- Violent Crime





51- -- Assault

~.... Rape



.... 0














Figure 1. Quarterly and seasonal distribution of aggressive behavior. (Quarterly data are from Anderson, 1987 [violent crime], and Leffingwell, 1892 [murder and rape]. Seasonal data are from Lombroso, 1899/ 1911 [uprisings], Rotton and Frey, 1985 [family disturbances and assault (solid line)], and Chang, 1972 [rape and assault (diamonds)].)

Brearley (1932) examined homicide rates for the entire United States by month (corrected to 31 days per month) for the years 1923-1928. Although Brearley claimed that these data contradict the temperature-aggression hypothesis, a reanalysis yields somewhat different conclusions. I performed a 12 X 6 (Month X Year) ANOYAon these data, using the interaction term for an error term. The analysis yielded both a significant month effect, F(ll, 55) = 7.28, p < 1,1, and a significant year effect, £(5, 55) = 39.17, p < 00001. The pattern of monthly means yielded one major and one minor anomaly from the view of the temperature-aggression hypothesis. December was considerably too high, and November was slightly too high. I will return to these in a moment. The strong year effect was that the number of homicides increased linearly and dramatically with time. There are at least three plausible sources of this effect. First, these data were not corrected for increases in population size. Second, the actual rate of homicide may also have been increasing during this time period. Third, the reporting rate of homicide may have been increasing (on the basis of definition or detection changes). Correcting for this time trend artifact resulted in monthly averages more in line with the results of other studies and the temperature-aggression hypothesis. Specifically, homicide was most frequent during the hot summer months of July and August. December still was abnormally high, but the Christmas effect most likely accounts for this. Cohen ( 1941) reported a study of homicide and assault in the United States from 1935 to 1940. (The assault data are reported in the next section.) Within each year, the monthly rate was expressed as a percentage of the annual rate, then converted to a base of 100. The monthly averages of these scores were then

reported by Cohen. A reanalysis of these data resulted in a highly significant month effect (p < 0101). The hotter months and December had the most homicides. Iskrant and Joliet (1968) reported the percentage of U.S. homicides occurring in each month during the years 1959 through 1961, out of a total of over 25,000. Lester (1979) reported the average number of homicides per month in the United States during 1972 (50% sample) and 1973, with a total of over 30,000. In both sets, homicide was most frequent in the hot summer months. Furthermore, as in earlier homicide studies, there was also an increase in December. These month effects were highly significant for each study (ps < 0101). Michael and Zumpe (1983) examined monthly changes in murder, rape, assault, and robbery in 12 states, Puerto Rico, and 3 cities (Honolulu, Los Angeles, and San Francisco). For each of these 16 locations, monthly totals of these crimes were obtained for at least 2 years, but for no more than 4 years, from 1975 to 1979. Despite the relative infrequency of some of these crimes (especially murder) and the short duration of the study, analyses were conducted separately for each location. (The rape and assault results are presented in later sections.) The data analysis of primary relevance here was a cosinor method for determining the presence of statistically significant annual rhythms. Briefly, a best fitting cosine function is fit to the monthly data, the significance is estimated, and the timing of the annual rhythm maximum is estimated. Murder did not show consistent cosine patterns. Although these murder data cannot be seen as supporting the temperature-aggression hypothesis, the failure here is most likely due to the relative infrequency of murder and the corresponding high instability of murder rates within limited time frames. To ex-




9.0 8.8

i ~ b

8.6 8.4

= ~


\tot Q


8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6


Mar. Feb.

May Apr.

July June

Sept. Nov. Aug. Oct. Dec.

Month Figure 2. Monthly distribution of homicides. (These averages are based on data from Brearley, 1932, Cohen, 1941, Iskrant and Joliet, 1968, Lester, 1979, and Michael and Zumpe, 1983.)

amine this possibility, I totaled the homicide figures by month across all 16 locations.4 Even though the total number of murders was still considerably smaller than that in the previous four studies, the pattern was essentially the same. There was a significant effect of month (p < 1)1), with the highest monthly totals in the summer and in December. To get a better overall look at the monthly variation in homicide, I calculated the percentage of yearly murders that occurred in each month, for each of the five studies, adjusting for the number of days in each month. An ANOVA on these percentages yielded a highly significant effect of months, F( 11, 44) = 13.06, p < 01.1. As can be seen in Figure 2, July and August were the high murder months, closely followed by December. Assault. Seven major data sets on the monthly distribution of assaults were located. Each is reviewed briefly. Then I present an aggregate analysis to get a better look at the overall month effect. Dexter (1899) examined the effects of temperature-related variables on two aggression measures, assaults in New York City from 1891 to 1897 and murders in Denver from 1884 to 1896. (The Denver murder data were not presented in a fashion allowing meaningful statistical analysis and were not considered in the previous section.) Although Dexter's assault data were not in a form easily amenable to statistical analysis, enough information was presented to allow a reanalysis by months of the year. For each month I was able to estimate the average number of assaults per day in that month, averaged across years. Dexter also reported the average daily temperature for each month. Thus, one can see if the hotter months tended to have the highest assault rates. As was expected, the monthly assault rates were highly correlated with temperatures (r = 8686, p < 1)1). The

summer assault rates were about 20 per day, whereas the winter rates were about 12.5 per day. Recall that Cohen (1941) also reported monthly assault rates in the United States from 1935 to 1940, using a base of 100. As was expected, the peak in assaults occurred in July, August, and September, whereas the valley occurred in January (p < 0101). Michael and Zumpe's (1983) analysis of assaults in 16 different locations further supported the temperature-aggression hypothesis. Their cosinor analyses of assaults revealed significant annual rhythms for 12 of the 16 locations (ps < 5)5). For all 16 locations the rhythm maximum occurred in July, August, or September. Perry and Simpson's (1987) study of violent crime in Raleigh, NC, yielded a significant month effect on aggravated assault (p < 1)1). The largest number occurred in July. Aschaffenburg (1903/1913) presented a data set consisting of the monthly distribution of 15 categories of crime in Germany during the period 1883-1892. The monthly distribution of each crime type was standardized by Aschaffenburg to a rate of 100 per day. Thus, for any crime, a monthly figure of 100 meant that exactly the average annual rate per day of crime was obtained in that month. Higher figures indicated proportionally higher rates per day; lower figures indicated proportionally lower rates per day. Two of the categories were assaults, simple and aggra4

I am extremely grateful to Richard P. Michael and Doris Zumpe

for providing me with the data necessary for these computations. Note that they also provided their data necessary for the aggregate analyses and the figures on monthly distributions of homicide, assault, rape, and wife beating. In all cases these data were adjusted to correct for the different number of days in different months.



vated. In my reanalysis, each type of assault was treated as a separate replication in a one-way ANOVA. As was expected, the relative frequency of both types of assaults peaked in the hotter months, whereas the colder months displayed the fewest assaults,F(II, 11)= 153,p