Temperature and Emissivity Separation from Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) Data Yang Hang, Zhang Lifu, Gao Yingqian, Hu Shunshi, Li Xueke, Zhang Genzhong, and Tong Qingxi
Abstract The Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) acquires 32 bands to provide continuous spectral coverage in the wavelength range of 8 to 11.5μm. The instrument was used during a field campaign in the City of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China, in 2010. Land surface temperature and emissivity were measured near simultaneous with the airborne campaign for calibration and validation of the instrument. Radiance calibration was performed band-by-band using calibration coefficients, and atmospheric correction was performed using data from in situ measurements and the MODTRAN model. Surface temperature and emissivity separation were determined using the ASTER temperature-emissivity separation (ASTER_TES) and iterative spectral smooth temperature and emissivity separation (ISSTES) methods. The ASTER_TES method resulted in satisfactory agreement with ground data, with root mean square error (RMSE) values of 2.2 K for temperature and 0.0460 for broad-emissivity. The ISSTES method provided better ground validation results, with a RMSE for temperature of 1.8 K and a RMSE for broad-emissivity of 0.0394. The emissivity shapes acquired by the two methods were very similar. The results have relevance to studies of global climate change, environmental monitoring, classification, feature mining, and target recognition.
Introduction Temperature and emissivity separation is an important and challenging objective for many quantitative remote sensing applications. In the radiative transfer model, land surface temperature and emissivity are coupled. The retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity is an ill-posed problem because the N + 1 unknown is solved with N equations (Borel, 1997; Momeni et al., 2008), and it is difficult to solve the group of equations for each unknown value. Surface temperature and emissivity are critical parameters in the study of global processes, such as the role of land surface temperature in studies of global climate change, radiative balance, energy balance, and the environmental monitoring of arid areas (Xiao et al., 2008; Peña et al., 2009; Rajasekar et al., 2009). The surface emissivity spectrum, which provides important information regarding object identification and
Yang Hang, Zhang Lifu, Hu Shunshi, Li Xueke, Zhang Genzhong, and Tong Qingxi are with the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, 100101 (
[email protected]). Gao Yingqian is with The Fifth Institute of the Second Artillery Equipment Academy, Beijing, China. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING
interpretation characteristics such as mineral mapping, is an important physical quantity (Schmugge et al., 2002; Vaughan et al., 2005). Remote sensing has the characteristic of being macro-dynamic and fast, with many other unique advantages for the study of surface temperature and emissivity. Many recent studies have focused on temperature and emissivity separation and have proposed a number of important methods. To reduce the number of unknowns, these algorithms make different assumptions, which can be grouped into three main families: determination of temperature but not emissivity, determination of spectral shape but not temperature, and extraction of both temperature and emissivity. The objective of split-window (SW) (Price, 1984) or dual-channel methods is to obtain surface temperatures. If the objective is to retrieve a relative spectral shape, several methods can be selected, such as the reference channel method (Kahle et al., 1980), normalized emissivity method (NEM) (Gillespie, 1985), alphaderived emissivity (ADE) (Kealy and Gabell, 1990; Tang et al., 2007), mean maximum-minimum difference method (MMD) (Matsunaga, 1992), spectral ratio method(Watson, 1992), and temperature-independent spectral indices (TISI) (Schmugge et al., 1998). If the objective is to retrieve both spectral shape and temperature, the methods available include the day/ night method (Wan, 1997), ASTER temperature and emissivity separation (ASTER_TES) (Gillespie et al., 1998), and iterative spectral smooth temperature and emissivity separation (ISSTES) (Borel, 1998 and 2008). To extract and separate both temperature and emissivity, Gillespie et al. (1998) considered many methods, such as the ASTER_TES, reference channel method, NEM, ADE, MMD, spectral ratio method, and TISI, and concluded that ASTER_TES was the best option for ASTER thermal infrared data. Several authors have examined the ASTER_TES and SW methods for airborne thermal infrared multi- or hyper-spectral scanners with ASTER_TES-derived temperatures showing the best agreement with ground data (Coll et al., 2001 and 2003; Sobrino et al., 2006 and 2008). For satellite thermal infrared multi- or hyperspectral scanners, over vegetation and water, the MODIS SW products are more accurate than standard ASTER-TES (AST08), while over bare surfaces, ASTER is more accurate (Hulley et al., 2012; Gillespie et al. 2011). Perhaps the main reasons are inaccurate compensation for atmospheric emission and absorption, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Vol. 79, No. 12, December 2013, pp. 1099–1107. 0099-1112/13/7912–1099/$3.00/0 © 2013 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 10.14358/PERS.79.12.1099 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3 1099
incomplete calibration, scaling problems, and instrument noises. However, the differences between ASTER_TES and ISSTES have not been examined. This study investigated the feasibility of retrieving the land surface temperature and emissivity from Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) data and compared the results obtained using the ASTER_TES and ISSTES methods with ground-measured data. TASI is well suited to numerous critical applications including mining exploration, geophysical mapping, and materials identification, such as rock types, soil classes, metals, plastics, and other man-made materials (http://www.itres.com/products/imagers/tasi600/). This paper is organized as follows. First, the ground measurements and airborne experiments are presented. Next, we describe the ASTER_TES and ISSTES algorithms and the theoretical background of thermal infrared. The processing of TASI data is then outlined, including the atmospheric correction using National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data with the moderate-resolution atmospheric transmission (MODTRAN) radiative transfer code (Berk et al., 1989 and 1999), and the radiance calibration of TASI data. We then present our results, including the temperature and emissivity obtained for different targets, and compare these values with ground measurements. Finally, the main conclusions are presented.
Study Region and Data Used Airborne Data Experimental data are important to validate and test the algorithms developed for temperature and emissivity separation using TASI. As part of the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), aircraft images and in situ data were acquired simultaneously during field campaigns at Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, in 2010. The airborne thermal infrared sensor (i.e., TASI) was imported from Canada. The basic specifications of TASI are listed in Table 1. The study region (see Figure 1) is located at 38°0'10"
Basic specification
Spectral range/µm
8.0 to 11.5
Band number
Spectral resolution/nm equivalent noise radiation
0.1095 µm 2.5907 × 10-10w/m2
noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD)
0.26 K
Signal to noise
Scan field/°
Quantitative value/bit
~ 38°6'20"N, 114°26'34.01" ~ 114°30'0.01"E, extending 30 km north/south and 5.03 km east/west, and covering an area of 57.34 km2. The aircraft campaign was conducted from 25 July 2010 to 15 August 2010 during three time phases (morning, noon, evening). TASI images were acquired at two heights (0.5 km and 1 km). Details of the flights are listed in Table 2. Vertical Earth observation reduced the angle effect for each image. Field Data Surface Temperature Measurements In the field campaign, the typical surface temperature and emissivity were measured in step with the airborne campaign. The temperature measurement was made in five minutes before or after the passage of the aircraft. For each sample pixel, about 20 to 30 temperature values were measured and an average was calculated to represent the true temperature for
Figure 1. Map of the study area.
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land-leaving radiance (LLR) or radiance measured at ground level, which can be written as:
Noon, 25 July 2010
Evening, 25 July 2010
Evening, 27 July 2010
Morning, 29 July 2010
Morning, 7 Aug 2010
Noon, 15 Aug 2010
the sample pixel. The longitude-latitude coordinates were also recorded. Temperature measurements were made using different broadband and multiband field thermal radiometers. The MINOLTA/LAND infrared thermometer is a broadband radiometer, whereas the CIMEL CE312 model is a multiband radiometer. The accuracy of the two instruments is about 0.1 K. In addition two black bodies were used for calibration purposes. Field measurements included roads (cement and asphalt), crop type (maze, pachyrhizus, and peanut), building roofs, water bodies, and plazas. These measurements were used for the precision analysis of temperature and emissivity separation. Surface Broadband Emissivity (8 to 12 μm) Measurements Surface broadband emissivity was measured with a portable emissivity apparatus that was specifically developed for studies of this nature, as described in detail by Zhang (2009). The method is briefly described as follows. The measurement principle of this method is the same as that of the sealing-cavity method. There are two equations covering cool and hot environments: M s'
M s'
M B' 1 + (1 (1
M B' + (1 (1
)M E' 1
)M E' 2
' where M s1 is the objective radiant exitance in a cool environ' ment, M s 2 is the objective radiant exitance in a hot environ' ment, M B1 is the objective radiance in a cool environment, ' M B 2 is the objective radiance in a hot environment, M E' 1 is the atmospheric downwelling irradiance, M E' 2 is the irradi' ance within a cavity, and εB is the objective emissivity. M s1 , ' M s' 2 , M E' 1, and M E' 2 can be measured directly, and M B1 =M B' 2. There are hence two unknown numbers. On the basis of the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the emissivity can be calculated by the following equation:
⑀ = 1−
M S' 1 − M S' 2 T4 −T4 = 1 − S41 S42 ' ' ME1 − ME2 TE 1 − TE 2
where TS1, TS2, TE1, and TE1 are the temperatures of a black ' body that would have the same radiance as M s1 , M s' 2, M E' 1, and M E' 2, respectively.
Method for Temperature and Emissivity Separation
LLLR ,i + Latm t ↑ ,i
where Li is the radiance of channel i measured by the TASI sensor, Latm⇑, i is the upwelling path radiance, and LLLR,i is the PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING
Bi (T (Ts ) (
)Latm t ↓ ,i
where εi is the surface emissivity of channel i, Bi (Ts) is the Plank radiance at surface temperature, and Latm↓ ,i is the downwelling sky radiance. Most of the emissivity extraction methods obtain the optimal surface temperature Tinverse and then calculate the surface emissivity as follows: Li Latm t ↓ ,i ⑀i = (6) Bi (Tiinvverrse ) − L↓atm t ,i The magnitudes involved in Equations 4.5. and 6 are bandaveraged values using the spectral response functions. ASTER_TES Method The ASTER_TES method of Gillespie et al. (1998) estimates the LST and emissivity from multispectral thermal data for ASTER. As this algorithm was described in detail by Gillespie et al. (1998), a detailed description is not given here. Briefly, the method applies the radiative transfer equation (see Equations 4 and 5 to every band and includes three modules (NEM, RATIO, and MMD). NEM Module (Normalized Emissivity Method) To begin, the emissivity of each channel is assumed to be 0.97, in order to calculate a temperature and the other emissivities. These emissivities permit iterative correction for removing the effect of down-welling sky irradiance, and then an initial surface temperature Ts0 can be estimated. Ratio Module The relative spectral would be calculated by Equation 7. An important advantage of the method is that the emissivity spectral shape would be kept during the process of iteration.
i =
⑀i = ⑀ (1 N
Li / Bi (Ts0 ) N
i =1
∑ L ) / ( N1 ∑ B (T i
0 s
i =1
where, Li is the radiance of channel i after atmospheric correction; Ts0 is the initial temperature calculated by the NEM module; εi is surface emissivity of channel i; ⑀ is the average emissivity; N is the number of bands, for TASI data, N = 32. MMD Module uses a semi-empirical relationship determined from laboratory spectra between the minimum emissivity (εmin) and spectral contrast (maximum-minimum difference, MMD). Yang et al. (2010 and 2011) established a semi-empirical relationship for TASI data between εmin and MMD by analysis of the 274 laboratory reflectance spectra supplied by the ASTER and the MODIS spectral library, which is equivalent to emissivity by Kirchhoff’s Law. These reflectance spectra include 113 soil spectra, 11 sand spectra, 34 vegetation spectra, 99 general construction materials spectra, and 17 water, snow, ice spectra (Figure 1): MMD
⑀ min = 0.9924 − 0.9174 × MMD 0.9723 (r2 = 0.988,SD = 0.0156). (8)
Thermal Radiation For a Lambertian surface, land surface temperature (LST) retrieval based on the radiative transfer equation can be written in the thermal infrared region for a certain sensor band j as: Li
ISSTES Method The ISSTES method was first described by Borel (1998). The algorithm is based on the assumption that the surface emissivity is smoother than the atmospheric downward radiance across strong absorption lines. Given the definition of smoothness for emissivity curves, the smoothness of the family of emissivity curves can be calculated for different temperatures. December 2013
The optimal surface temperature corresponds to the smoothest emissivity curve in which the atmospheric absorption lines disappear. The smoothness indices for emissivity curves include variance and the first- and second-order differences of emissivity. In this study, a second-order difference was used with the following function: sn =
i −1
ii+ +1
) (n = 2,3.......,N-1)
i =2
where N is the band number of a sensor. The optimal emissivity spectra from this method keeps the shape of the true emissivity spectra but there may be a bigger difference between retrieved and real emissivity values (Figure 2). The real emissivity value can be further computed using the MMD method.
Data Processing Radiance Calibration of TASI Data Before measuring the objective radiance, it is necessary to conduct radiance calibration of every band. Thus, the digital number values (DNs) recorded by the thermal infrared imaging spectrometer must be translated into spectral radiance values. The radiance calibration method for TASI data is based on the assumption of a linear sensor response function, and calibration coefficients are implemented by measuring two known temperatures and emissivities of standard black-body sources, which are viewed for every mirror scan. First, it is assumed that the DNs recorded by TASI have a linear relationship with the radiance. Then radiance can be calibrated band by band as: c1 × DN + c2
where c1 and c2 are the gain and offset, respectively, of the instrument’s spectral response functions. Atmospheric Correction Atmospheric correction transforms the radiance acquired by sensors into ground-leaving radiance. Assuming the land surface is Lambertian, and by combining with Kirchhoff’s law, the atmospheric correction of TASI imagery was performed using the radiative transfer calculation given by Equation 4, from which the land-leaving radiance (LLLR,i) can be obtained from the at-sensor radiance after compensation for atmospheric effects as follows: (11) LLLR ,i ( Li Latm )/i t ,i
Figure 2. The exponential relationship between ε_min and MMD.
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The upwelling path radiance (Latm↑ ,i), the downwelling sky radiance (Latm↑ ,i), and the atmospheric transmittance (τi) for the TASI images involved in atmospheric correction were obtained using local atmospheric profiles for the study area and the MODTRAN radiative transfer code (Berk et al., 1999). The local atmospheric profiles were obtained from NCEP reanalysis data, recorded almost simultaneously with the TASI overpasses. The atmospheric profiles included profiles of air temperature and humidity. Profiles of air temperature were corrected using air temperatures from a local weather station which lies in the experimental area, and profiles of air humidity were corrected using in situ measurements of atmospheric column water vapor content made by a CE318 automatic sun tracking photometer. The profiles were then resampled to the longitude and latitude of the TASI images by using bilinear interpolation. Standard profiles of aerosol (urban, visibility of 5 km), ozone (mid-latitude summer), and carbon dioxide (MODTRAN software) were used. The computed spectra of atmospheric upwelling and downwelling radiance were integrated to TASI channels using the corresponding filter function. Figure 3 shows the upwelling path radiance and downwelling sky radiance over the 8.0 ~ 11.5 μm region consisting of the TASI channels by the MODTRAN software. Figure 4 shows the atmospheric transmittance spectrum over the 8.0 ~ 11.5 μm region.
Results and Analysis An evaluation of retrieval accuracy is important for practical applications. The advantages and disadvantages of the two algorithms presented above can be evaluated using simulated data or field data. In this study, field measurements were used to evaluate the retrieval accuracy of temperature and emissivity. The root mean square error (RMSE) and temperature biases (ΔT) were selected as indicators of accuracy. Analysis of Temperature Accuracy Before determining the accuracy of temperature, the infrared temperature must be converted into the true temperature for a black body. The spatial resolution of TASI images is 0.59 m at 0.5 km flying height and 1.19 m at 1 km flying height. During the field campaign, the precise coordinates of the measurement sites were known. Therefore, pixels in the TASI images could be located according to the latitude and longitude coordinates of the measurement sites and the retrieved temperature could be compared with the measured temperature.
Figure 3. The upwelling path radiance and downwelling sky radiance determined by the MODTRAN software for the TASI data.
Surface type
in situ T/K
Bolin residential roof
ISSTES/K 306.3
Lianqiang residential roof
Cement plaza
Asphalt road
Cement road
Grass in field
Maze crown
Grass in park
Granite pavement in park
Water in park
River water
Black cloth
White cloth
Figure 4. The atmospheric transmittance determined by the MODTRAN software for TASI data.
Figure 5. Differences between retrieved and measured temperatures.
Table 3 presents the temperatures retrieved using the two methods described above and the field-measured temperatures in 11 plots. Column 1 of Table 3 lists the surface types of the plots. Figure 3 compares the temperature biases between retrieved and measured temperature. In Figure 5, the symbol “•” indicates the difference (ΔTASTER_TES) between TASTER_TES and measured temperatures, and “
” indicates the difference (ΔTISSTES) between TISSTES and measured temperatures. From Table 3 and Figure 5, it can be seen that the RMSE between the retrieved temperature from the ASTER_TES algorithm and the field-measured temperature is 2.2 K, the correlation coefficient (R2) is 0.87, and ΔTASTER_TES varies from −3.9 to 3.8 K. For the ISSTES algorithm, the RMSE is 1.8 K, R2 is 0.94, and ΔTISSTES varies from −2.6 to 3.7 K. This suggests that the ISSTES algorithm provides better results than does the ASTER_TES algorithm. This is because the TES calibration curve is not optimized for urban materials, which typically not represented well in the εmin versus MMD regression, mainly because the maximum emissivities of urban materials are normally lower than natural materials. Figure 6 shows the temperature differences (ΔTASTER-ISSTES) between the ASTER_TES and ISSTES methods. It can be seen that ΔTASTER-ISSTES is negatively related to LST with R2 of 0.8379. The two maximum ΔTASTER-ISSTES values are −4.5 and −3.6 K corresponding to asphalt road (316.2 K) and black cloth (311.2 K), respectively. For asphalt road, ΔTASTER_TES is −3 K, and ΔTISSTESS is 1.5 K; for black cloth, ΔTASTER_TES is −3.9 K, and ΔTISSTESS -0.3 K. This suggests that the ISSTES method achieves better results for land surfaces with high temperatures. Figure 7 shows the temperature images obtained using the two methods. The correlation coefficient between the methods is 0.99. Figure 8 presents histograms of the temperature images, which have a bimodal distribution. In the study region, the range of temperatures determined by the ASTER_TES method is 302.0 ~ 344.4 K and the mean temperature is 316.5 K. The range of temperatures determined by the ISSTES method is 300.9 ~ 347.6 K and the mean temperature is 319.1 K. Analysis of Emissivity Accuracy Emissivity accuracy was validated using surface broad-band and narrow-band emissivity. First, in order to analyze the December 2013
Figure 6. Temperature differences between the ASTER_TES and ISSTEs methods.
surface broadband emissivity accuracy, the surface narrowband emissivity of TASI was converted into the surface broadband emissivity. Table 4 shows a comparison of retrieved emissivity and field-measured surface broadband emissivity. The RMSE between retrieved emissivity from ASTER_TES and field-measured surface broadband emissivity is 0.046. The RMSE between ISSTES and field-measured data is 0.0394. The TASI sensor has 32 bands between 8 and 11.5 μm, and TASI data can thus reflect fine features of emissivity. We further analyzed the differences between the retrieved emissivity spectrum and the true values. In Figure 9, the retrieved emissivity values for typical surfaces (e.g., granite, brick, or
soil) are compared with the emissivity values measured in a laboratory which is determined by measuring their reflectance with a TIR spectrometer combined with an integrating sphere and converting the reflectance to directional-hemispherical emissivity by the use of Kirchhoff’s law. The retrieved emissivity value differs from the laboratory emissivity value, and the difference is very large for some bands. There are two reasons that caused this difference: one is the atmospheric correction and the retrieval which may lead to larger uncertainty, the other is the difference of surface roughness and particle size between the laboratory and pixel scales, at which emissivity can vary widely. For TASI the sub pixel (0.59 m at 0.5 km height, 1.34 m at 1 km height) surface roughness effect may be coarser than lab measurement. Weeks et al. (1996), Mushkin et al. (2005) and Sabol et al. (2009) founded that surface reflectance is dominated by surface roughness at the 10−2 ~ 10 m scale. Surface emissivity is same as surface reflectance based on Kirchhoff laws. So it is important to remove the atmospheric effects in TASI data and to consider the sensitivity to surface roughness for laboratory measurements. However, for similar surface types, a similar emissivity shape is produced, and hence the retrieved emissivity can be used for classification, feature extraction, and object recognition.
Conclusions LST is an important parameter in many environmental fields, such as energy balance, evapotranspiration, global circulation models, and vegetation monitoring. In recent years, many airborne thermal infrared sensors with several thermal bands, such as the Spatially Enhanced Broadband Array Spectrograph System (SEBASS), Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS), MODIS/ASTER airborne simulator (MASTER), and Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS), have been developed
Figure 7. Temperature images retrieved by the two methods: (a) ASTER_TES, and (b) ISSTES.
December 2013
Surface type
True ε
Cinder track
Sports ground
Red plastic track
Fake pasture
Green asphalt felt with fine sand
Lianqiang residential roof
Aluminum foil on roof
Grass in park
Asphalt road 1
Asphalt road 2
Granite road in park
Cement plaza of a supermarket
Cement plaza of a school
Marble plaza
Black cloth
White cloth
and made available for temperature and emissivity imagery acquisitions. The data extracted from these sensors allow the retrieval of LST with a very high spatial resolution, which is important for applications such as precision agriculture, vegetation stress monitoring, Geologic mapping, and instrument precursor measurements (e.g., MASTER). The TASI sensor, with 32 or 64 thermal bands covering the wavelength range between 8 and 11.5 μm, is an example of an airborne sensor with hyperspectral thermal infrared capabilities.
Figure 8. Histograms showing the temperatures retrieved by the two methods.
The feasibility of retrieving temperature and emissivity from 32 TASI thermal bands was analyzed in a field-airborne synchronal campaign in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. For this purpose, the ASTER_TES and ISSTES methods were adapted to TASI characteristics. Both algorithms were validated using ground data and had different levels of accuracy. ASTER_TES provided satisfactory results according to the validation with ground data, with a RMSE for temperature of 2.2 K and a RMSE for broad-emissivity of 0.0460. For the ASTER_TES algorithm, a priori assumptions regarding the maximum emissivity were used when known, but in most cases surface emissivity was unknown. Surfaces with low maximum emissivity produce higher errors (Payan and Royer, 2004). The ISSTES method provided better results, according to the validation with ground data, with RMSE values of 1.8 K for temperature and 0.0394 for broad-emissivity. The emissivity spectra obtained with the two methods were validated against laboratory data, and the emissivity shapes acquired by the two methods were found to be very similar. The ISSTES method also solves the problem of the uncertainty over the initial emissivity value. In addition, the temperature differences between the two methods are negatively related to land surface temperatures, with the ISSTES method producing better results for land surfaces with high temperatures. For the two methods, noise impact from TASI instrument is an important uncertainty source. For TASI, noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) is 0.26 K and signal to noise is 5415.16. We can regard that noise impact is constant for accuracy of temperature and emissivity. The additional uncertainty source for TES is inaccurate atmospheric correction. The errors increase with increasing surface temperature. Therefore, to obtain such results, an accurate atmospheric correction should be applied to the TASI data.
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Figure 9. Comparison of the retrieved emissivity curve and a laboratory-acquired emissivity curve for (a) Granite, (b) Soil, and (c) Brick.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 41201348) and the National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2012AA12A301, 2013AA12A302). We also thank Professor Zhang Renhua (IGSNRR, CAS) for his assistance with TASI data.
December 2013
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December 2013