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Institute of Neuroscience/Newcastle University Institute of Ageing, Newcastle University ... environment and attentional demand on saccade frequency and trial.
Visual exploration during gait in Parkinson’s disease and association with cognitive characteristics Stuart S, King, H, Galna B, Godfrey, A, Lord S, and Rochester L Institute of Neuroscience/Newcastle University Institute of Ageing, Newcastle University http://research.ncl.ac.uk/hmst |

@HMSTeam |


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Table 3 – Summary of Spearman’s rho Correlations



Visual exploration of the environment is vital for safe and effective walking [1], and is influenced by cognitive processes. Cognitive impairment is common in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and is likely to affect visual exploration. This study describes preliminary analysis of visual exploration during walking in PD in response to environmental and attentional demand, and the association between exploration and cognition.

• PD participants had significantly impaired cognition and vision compared to HC (Table 1) • PD participants took significantly longer to complete trials (p=.015, Table 2) • PD participants made less frequent saccades (p=.009, Table 2) than HC during all trials, particularly during dual task (Fig 4) • Saccade frequency significantly increased with environmental complexity (p