International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. xx, n. x
Network alert management based on multi agent systems for surveillance and supervising software and hardware components K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4 Abstract – As mobile devices (MD) continue to grow in popularity and functionality, the demand for advanced ubiquitous mobile applications in our daily lives also increases. Modern network security systems endorse monitoring as well as control functions in a remote fashion, thus implementing the pervasive computing paradigm; moreover, the intelligence is now often embedded into modern applications. This work presents an intelligent and a pervasive supervising system for network security based on multi-agent systems (MAS) which detects and classifies events and sends notification to user mobile phones. The proposed platform is formed by two components: The first one consists of a Central Software Component (CSC); the supervisor application that manages devices and evaluates logs and alarms of the supervised components. The second one consists of an Embedded Software Component (ESC) on the MD with an ANDROID OS. The purpose of a network alert management is to inform the user of failures and impending issues in due time so that he can fix them before they adversely affect the operation of the Information System (IS).In our platform, we have implemented agents on ESC using JADE-LEAP android, JADE API on CSC and the communication between these two components is performed using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.Copyright © 2009 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems, JADE-LEAP android, mobile device, network security, ANDROID OS.
Nowadays, citizens express a vital need for fast, reliable, cheap, friendly, and flexible ways of accessing any kind of information. This is the reason why the majority of people have become obsessed with mobile phones and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), to be able to get the information from anywhere, and at any time. One of the major security commandments in an Information System (IS) is based on the importance that must be accorded to log files. Log events provide valuable information about what’s happening in the IS. There is a wealth of information that can be derived from log data whether it originates in applications, databases, servers, network devices or endpoint systems. By automating the collection, organization, analysis, and filtering of all log data, it becomes easy for managers to act quickly and in advance against crushes and malfunctions that might affect the information system.
Manuscript received January 2007, revised January 2007
In this respect, we suggest an intelligent and a pervasive supervising system for network security based on MAS which: Automate log centralization, classification and filtering, Identify anomalies in applications, databases, systems and devices in real time, Automate real-time notification and alerting. The platform under discussion incorporates two parts: CSC and ESC: CSC is the supervisor application that manages devices and evaluates the logs as well as the alarms of the supervised components; generally, the system stores any relevant events and determines whether to initiate an alarm or not in accordance with a set of severity levels. ESC is the software on the MD with an ANDROID OS, whose function is to manage alerts which are received and sent by the server. We took advantage of the personal agents [23] that are running in mobile devices for the simple reason that they support wireless communication with service-providing agents running in the server. In our platform, we implemented personal agents on smartphones. We also chose these devices for the following reasons:
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4
First, they handle an operating system that supports the TCP/IP set of protocols. Secondly, they offer a wide range of alternatives concerning wireless connection namely; 3G, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WLAN, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and Bluetooth. Thirdly, the code of the agents does not depend on the connection type. Hence, it could be used with any other type of physical connection without any modification. Fourthly, the feedback information from the mobile device to the main system can be transmitted at real-time, or stored in order to be sent again if there is no communication, and finally, note that the system also performs a complete log of all events, each stored with a severity level, a timestamp and a description, so that it will be possible to analyze who, why and when a given alarm notification has been triggered. In the next sections of the article, we describe the multi-agent approach used for the conception and the implementation of our architecture. Then, we explain the different parts of the proposed architecture as well as the conception of the platform. To validate our architecture, an intelligent and a pervasive supervising system for network security has been realized in our laboratory. This article ends with conclusions and perspectives.
Multi Agent Approach
Agent-based systems are one of the most vibrant and important areas of research and development to have emerged in information technology in the 1990s. Put at its simplest, an agent is a computer system that is capable of flexible autonomous action in dynamic, unpredictable, typically multi-agent domains. In particular, the characteristics of dynamic and open environments in which, for example, heterogeneous systems must interact, and operate effectively within rapidly changing circumstances and with dramatically increasing quantities of available information, suggest that improvements on traditional computing models and paradigms are required. Thus, the need for some degree of autonomy, to enable components to respond dynamically to changing circumstances while trying to achieve over-arching objectives, is seen by many as fundamental[16].
Agent Technology
Agent technology is becoming more and more prevailing as the availability of network access, and the demand for the end uses of agents are getting larger day after day. It has been argued during the few past years that intelligent software agents [1] have a set of properties that makes them very adequate to provide services to citizens [2]. Among these features we can find: Reactivity. An agent perceives its environment and responds in a timely fashion to changes that Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
occur in it [22]. Ubiquitous computing environments contain components, which are fixed or mobile, such as mobile devices and PDAs that enter and exit routinely. Thus, an agent allows users to become aware of the available of services or users with whom to interact. Autonomy: An agent is not passively subject to a global, external flow of control in its actions. That is, an agent has its own internal thread of execution, typically oriented to the achievement of a specific task, and it decides for itself which actions it should take and at what time. Learning: they can apply machine learning techniques to construct automatically a user profile and adapt their actions to the user’s preferences. Proactivity: In order to accomplish its design objectives in a dynamic and unpredictable environment, the agent may need to ensure that its earlier set goals are achieved and that new goals are opportunistically pursued whenever appropriate. Social ability: a personal agent can get in touch with other agents that provide information about any domain in which the user may be interested (restaurants, cinemas, tourist events, medical centers, etc.), request the information that the user needs and present it in a friendly and personalized way. The key point towards a widespread acceptance and use of personal agents by citizens is their deployment in the mobile devices that they commonly use: PDAs and mobile phones. There is not a universally accepted set of standards for developing multi-agent systems. However, the suggestions of FIPA (Foundation for Physical Intelligent Agents) [3] are gaining a growing acceptance and are beginning to become a standard in this field. II.2.
Multi-Agent Systems
A multi-agent system (MAS) consists of a collection of autonomous agents that communicate and collaborate to solve a complex problem. The multi-agent system is expected to be robust, adaptable, autonomous, and sometimes distributed and fault-tolerant [4][5][7][8]. A multi-agent system offers modularity by having agents as modular components that specialize to solve a specific part of a complex problem. This modularity allows the decomposition of a complex problem and coordination between the modules helps to manage possible interdependencies in the complex problem [6]. MAS offer a new dimension for cooperation and coordination in a distributed collaborative environment. It can provide an effective platform for coordination and International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4
cooperation to help team members to manage knowledge. Therefore, MAS are best suited for use in open systems such as distributed knowledge management systems with a large and varying number of agents. One of the most important concepts in a multi-agent system specification is that of communication and interaction among the agents themselves. Several communication frameworks have been presented in the literature. Some of them are based on the fundamentals of logic in artificial intelligence as presented by Ilsson in [8] and others oriented to negotiation between agents as in the case of the contract net protocol used in holonic manufacturing control [3][7]. Another important aspect of a MAS framework is the architecture of the intelligent agents that form the overall system. The concepts from single agents as ―perception and action‖ and ―belief, desire and intention‖ are being extended to the concept of multiagent systems [7]. The architecture of a single intelligent agent can be reactive, deliberative or a hybrid of both. Furthermore, the abstract architecture of a single intelligent agent presented by Wooldridge in [7] and [8] allows the representation of reactive, deliberative or hybrid agents in a higher level of abstraction. There are several proposed frameworks and architectures for multi-agent systems and they focus on solving specific problems or controlling certain complex applications. Typically, architectures for multi-agent systems are problem dependent. II.3.
Agent on Mobile Devices
A number of efforts have been made at deploying intelligent agents on mobile devices including PDAs and mobile phones. One example of an agent platform for mobile devices is the lightweight and extensible agent platform (LEAP) [9]. Developed under the auspices of the European Union’s Information Society Technology (IST) program, LEAP supports the deployment of agents on a heterogeneous network of fixed and mobile devices. Though capable of operating on normal workstations, LEAP has evolved from, and is thus compliant with, the JADE [10] platform. A similar approach has been taken with micro FIPA-OS [11]. This is an extension of the well-known open source platform FIPA-OS [12] and, again, agents use almost identical APIs. KSACI [13] proposes a communication infrastructure that facilitates the exchange of information between agents embedded on handheld devices and other embedded agents, or indeed agents operating on desktops. Examples of other systems that have been extended to support mobile devices include Tacoma [14] and Grasshopper [15].
JADE is a set of Java classes that allow a developer to build a FIPA-compliant multi-agent system quite easily. It provides a set of graphical tools that facilitate the complex task of implementing a multi-agent system [21]. JADE ANDROID is a JADE add-on that provides support for using JADELEAP on Android Platform. Android is the software stack for mobile devices including the operating system released by Google within the Open Handset Alliance. The possibility of combining the expressiveness of FIPA communication supported by JADE agents with the power of the ANDROID platform brings a strong value in the development of innovative applications based on social models and peer-to-peer paradigms. The JADE-ANDROID add-on has been designed to support this kind of applications. By means of it an ANDROID application can easily embed a JADE agent and therefore become part of a wider distributed system possibly including other mobile devices (not necessarily ANDROID enabled). More in details the add-on provides an interface that allows the application to start a local agent, trigger behaviors and more in general exchange objects with it. It is therefore possible to discover remote peers, carry out probably complex conversations with them, and exploit the JADE ontology support to handle structured messages, perform background activities according to the behavior composition model and, in general, take advantage of all features of the JADE platform. In order to be compatible with the Dalvik JVM and to properly cope with the limitations and constraints of mobile devices and wireless networks, the add-on makes use of the JADE-LEAP version for JAVA CDC (JAVA Connected Device Configuration) and the split-container execution mode (see Fig. 1). This allows limiting communications over the wireless link as much as possible and obtaining very fast communication between mobile peers.
Fig. 1. Jade and the Java World
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4
III. Proposed Architecture The proposed architecture is designed on a multi-tier model, which consists of three layers (see Fig 2): Connector and user MAS Layer: provides mechanisms to facilitate the connection of different types of MD system and the list of MD GUI. It contains one or more MD agent and the connections controller agent. Communication MAS Layer: that ensures transparent communication between the connector and user MAS Layer and CSC MAS. It consists of a coordinator agent and MD profile agent. The agents are self-contained entities in this layer and do not need to be aware of the physical network. CSC MAS layer consists of link-agent and CSC agent, it receives the requests of users, and forwards those to the server or the model and return back the response if there is any.
The architecture of the multi-agent system shown in Fig 3 illustrates eight types of agents, dispatched in two main components, ESC and CSC. III.1. Embedded Software Component ESC is an application embedded in the form of a service which turns permanently tuned to new data to synchronize them with CSC. The synchronization is realized in an automatic way without intervention of the user: once the PDA is switched on, the synchronization is automatically established, and if the ESC receives a new data, a notification appears in the taskbar [20]. ESC is composed of several agents: MD MAS: a collaboration of several MD agents and a connection controller agent. MD Agent: running on the user’s mobile phone and it provides a graphical interface (GUI) that allows the user to send requests and to see the result of his request. Connection controller agent: detects different connection types over MD, and chooses the appropriate one depending on bandwidth and debit …and then sends the user request. It facilitates also the connection taking into account the connection protocol. User MAS: provides functionalities related to users. It is composed of a user profile agent and a localization agent.
Fig. 2. Abstract view of proposed architecture
The platform stores any relevant event, should it determine an alarm or not, in accordance with a set of severity levels.
User Profile Agent: it manages information about the user characteristics (identity, role, etc.). A user agent profile is used for the management of security including authentication and access control. Users must be authenticated by providing a username and password, to be able to own or perform actions on a component of the platform. Localization Agent: it captures the location of the user to adapt the query result to the user's profile. Communication MAS: provides an interface that makes transparent communication between users and IS. It is composed of a DM profile agent and a coordinator agent. DM profile agent groups the characteristics of DM, among which there are various aspects such as technical constraints and connection of DM, and its behavior in certain types of network, etc…
Fig. 3. Proposed architecture
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Coordinator agent is in constant communication with the connection controller agent to check the connection status of DM International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
ESC MAS Syslog agent
agents. If there are problems with the connection controller agent, for example, if the connection controller agent fails, the coordinator agent will attempt to temporarily store data in a local database on the MD.
Syslog agent
III.2. Embedded Software Component CSC is the supervisor application that manages devices and evaluates logs and alarms of the supervised components. It encapsulates a CSC MAS. CSC MAS: is responsible for all treatments in the central server. It is composed of a link agent and a CSC agent. Link agent: receives requests sent from MAS communication and redirects them to IS agents. It checks if the query results are consistent with the user's profile by inspecting the privileges of the user or services requested. CSC agent: receives the user request from the relay agent. It is responsible of seeking answers in the information system IS. Once the query result obtained, it will be returned back to the high level of the architecture.
IV. Case Study We have chosen a specific application to test our novel architecture and the implementation of personal agents in MD. We implemented a multi-agent system that allows us to manage efficiently the logs of computing equipment. Indeed, optimal functioning and protection of the information system require a lot of time, planning and effort. Hence, we concluded that the most reliable strategy for an optimal proactivity is to actively monitor the event logs of IS components and to set up a system for real-time notification of critical events. In this context, we have implemented a platform for automating the monitoring and filtering log files. This platform consists of two software components: Fig 3 A client embedded on a mobile (ESC). A central log management (CSC). The communication between these two components is performed using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, with a secured wireless connection [20]. Fig. 4. illustrates an abstract view of the alerts management platform, which gathers log files of the supervised components using syslog agent, and centralizes these files in the CSC MAS, and synchronizes data with remote MD.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
Syslog agent
Fig. 4. Abstract view of the alerts management platform
IV.1. Mobile development Platform: Most mobile embedded systems are closed products. The current tendency is about open source embedded systems. Given the multitude of mobile development platforms, we have established a detailed comparative study between different mobile platforms. TABLE I COMPARISON BETWEEN MOBILE PLATFORMS Platform specifications Android -Free Distribution -Programming language: Java -free development environment Symbian - open source Distribution OS - free development environment Windows non-free Distribution Mobile -Programming language: C + + or. NET -require a Windows PC for personal development iPhone -Objective-C or Java (Developing iPhone Applications using Java) - owner -exclusive-use of equipment from one manufacturer. Palm OS
-Non-open source -Palm OS applications coded in C / C + + -free suite of development: Palm OS Developer Suite (PODS)
After fully considering the characteristics of the existing smartphone operating systems, we decided to develop our monitoring application with the Android operating system because of several interesting features such as: Opening; Portability of the code; Performance; Real-time architecture; Support of the majority of network devices. International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4 Encoding exchanged data: is assured by SSL protocol implementation.
We opted for the Android platform as it is one of the most exploited systems for mobile phones in the time being in addition to the fact that it consists of a promising market for end users.
Security management: is based on the features offered by the Android kernel.
IV.2. Android architecture Android is a free mobile platform built on linux kernel giving the authorities to customize any software layer operating system, middleware and applications. The software development kit (SDK) is available for free to download and use and it includes components such as emulator, libraries, debugging tools and source codes too. Its architecture allows the developer to construct a high quality application for the best experience of the consumer. Android is an open source concept and the majority of it is licensed under Apache2. It came into limelight after November 5, 2007; a date when Open Source Alliance marked the history with more than 30 members including mobile handset makers, application developers, some mobile carriers and chip makers gathered together [6]. The architecture of Android consists of five layers: Kernel: a layer of low level, based on a kernel Linux, which assures the communication between the software layer and a physical layer. Libraries: libraries coded in C/C ++. Environment of execution in the form of virtual machine Dalvik conceived for environments having constraints connected to the resources limited enough (Memory, CPU and Battery). Framework which groups includes a set of applications and APIs written in Java. IV.3. Requirements The platform must meet the following requirement: Automatic and real-time synchronization with a central system Use of the mobile technologies UMTS, GPRS, GSM and 3G… Encoding exchanged data using SSL protocol, consequently HTTPS requests. Manage access security. To implement these requirements we considered the following: [20] Application layer: formed by an open source application conceived with the Java programming language
IV.4. Syslog / Syslog-ng Service Syslog-ng is a log file manager that implements the new generation of Syslog protocol. It centralizes the logs of the components of an IS. Open source and runs on many systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Solaris or even AIX, Syslog-ng effectively replaces the basic syslogd daemon. It helps to compensate for its many deficiencies, such as:
Portability, Very advanced basic configuration, Log export receipts to a mySQL server, Ability to encrypt the logs sent via SSL technology, Use UDP and TCP in the transport of logs, Ability to sort the logs according to the contents, their origin or even ease, and being able to use regular expressions. IV.5. Conception The server uses case analyses, as shown in Fig. 5, consists of two actors and their associated use cases: The Administrator can sign in/out of the system, add/delete/configure or view a user, activate or deactivate service. The mobile device can sign in/out of the system, upload data to server and download data from the server, view data, update data and lunch or stop the service on mobile device.
Data Management: if no network support is available, the application would work in disconnect mode. The data, ready to be synchronized with the central system, would be temporarily stored in a local database SQL LITE. Fig. 5. Use Cases Diagram Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x
K. Moummadi1, R. Abidar2, F. Moutaouakkil3, H. Medromi4
Each agent can connect to the system or disconnect voluntarily and can communicate and/or cooperate with other agents in order to accomplish individual and collective tasks. And finally, agents that run on MD can communicate through the platform. Fig. 6. Shows the hierarchy of agents in the MD MAS.
Each alert is stored with a detailed description and a timestamp.
Fig. 7. System alert list
Fig. 6: Class diagram of MD MAS
IV.6. Implementation To implement and develop the supervising platform in discussion, we opted for the tools listed in the table below (see table II). TABLE II DEVELOPMENT TOOLS
Ubuntu server SYSLOG-ng GNS3, Dynamips Eclipse IDE and ADT plugin
operating system for server Centralize and filter log files Simulation of network equipment ADT plugin adds functionality to Eclipse specialized in developing Android
Apache Tomcat
An Open Source JSP and Servlet Container from the Apache Foundation Data Persistence Mechanism synchronized data are stored in a mysql database Openssl protocol to encrypt the data stream
HIBERNATE mySQL database Openssl protocol
Below the main HMI (Human Machine Interfaces) of the implemented platform: Fig. 7 presents an interface that allows the user to list the set of alert notifications that have been gathered from the supervised components thanks to syslog agents embedded in ESC. The user can also refresh this list instantly, erase, filter it by keywords and return back to the list of the last established connection.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Conclusion and Future work
This paper describes an open architecture used as a test to build adaptable enterprise applications for pervasive environments. Mobile computing offers considerable scope for the deployment of innovative and imaginative applications. Embedded agents encapsulate a number of concepts and principles that facilitate the design and delivery of realtime adaptive intelligent systems which both perceive and affect the environment. The proposed architecture is based on MAS whose main characteristics are intelligence and autonomy. This platform, which offers remote monitoring and real-time notification, reduces costs by minimizing IT security deployments unnecessary costs to control remote sites, unnecessary phone calls or overtime lost looking for the cause of a very long error in the log files. Future work will focus on the following issues: Integrating the distributed aspect in CSC. [20] [21] Ameliorating security and resource allocation management like autonomy of the platform. Validating the architecture by implementing other applications in different domain like health, and agriculture based on wireless sensor networks [18].
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Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Authors’ information 1
Team of systems architecture, lab of computer science, systems and renewable energy, National school of electricity and mechanic, Hassan2 University, PO Box 8118 Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco. Email:
[email protected] 2
Team of systems architecture, lab of computer science, systems and renewable energy, National school of electricity and mechanic, Hassan2 University, PO Box 8118 Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco. Email:
[email protected] 3
Team of systems architecture, lab of computer science, systems and renewable energy, National school of electricity and mechanic, Hassan2 University, PO Box 8118 Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco. Email:
[email protected] 4
Team of systems architecture, lab of computer science, systems and renewable energy, National school of electricity and mechanic, Hassan2 University, PO Box 8118 Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco. Email:
[email protected]
Kamal Moummadi Was born in Casablanca in 1981, he received his computer engineer in computer science in 2005 at the National Institute of statistics and applied economy (INSEA) school, Rabat, Morocco. In 2009, he joined, as a PhD student, the System Architecture Team of the National and High School of Electricity and Mechanic (ENSEM), Casablanca, Morocco. He is a member of IEEE. His actual main research interest is about modeling, simulating and implementing, remote control and complex systems based on Multi-agent Systems. 2
Rachida Abidar Was born in Agadir in 1982, she received his computer engineer in computer science in 2006 at the Hassania (EHTP) School, Casablanca, Morocco. In 2009, she joined, as a PhD student, the System Architecture Team of the National and High School of Electricity and Mechanic (ENSEM), Casablanca, Morocco. She is a member of IEEE. His actual main research interest is about modeling, simulating and implementing, remote control and complex systems based on Multi-agent Systems. 3
Fouad Moutaouakkil received the PhD in computer science from the ENSEM, Hassan II University in November 2010, Casablanca, Morocco in 2005 he obtained the Engineer Degree in industrial automation from the ENSEM, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco. In 2006 he rejoined the system architecture team of the EN SEM. His actual main research interests concern Remote Control over Internet Based on Multi agents Systems. 4
Hicham Medroumi received his PhD in engineering science from the Sophia Antipolis University in 1996, Nice, France. He is responsible of the system architecture team of the ENSEM Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco. His current main research interests concern Control Architecture of Mobile Systems Based on Multi Agents Systems. Since 2003 he is a full professor for automatic productic and computer sciences at the ENSEM School, Hassan II University, Casablanca.
International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. xx, n. x