International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 5 n. 1, pp. 59-63
Inhibition of Corrosion of Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid by Bambusa Arundinacea by A. S. Abdulrahman, Mohammad Ismail, Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain .
Abstract - The inhibitive property of green plant inhibitor (Bambusa Arundinacea) on the corrosion of mild steel strip in 1M HCl were studied using weight loss technique. Inhibition efficiency of 72.84% at 10% v/v of extract concentration for 72 hours exposed time for Bambusa arundinacea was achieved. Adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on mild steel strip surfaces was consistent with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Copyright © 2011 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Keywords: Acid Solutions, Mild Steel, Weight Loss, Acid Inhibition, Acid Corrosion
HCl C M MS Ρ %I ∆W A t θ Fe H γ K
NOMENCLATURE Hydrochloric Acid Concentration Molarity Mild Steel Corrosion Rate Percentage Inhibition Efficiency Weight loss Sectional area Exposure time Surface Coverage Iron Hydrogen Gamma Adsorption equilibrium constant
Mild steel is one of the most versatile and widely used construction materials, and in the manufacturing of installations for the petroleum industries. The action of environmental factors such as acids, acidic rain water, alternate wetting and thawing, temperature variations and ground moisture could seriously affect the strength and durability of mild steel [1]. The study of mild steel corrosion phenomena has become important particularly in acidic media because of the increased industrial applications of acid solutions. For instance, refining of crude oil usually results in a variety of strong acid attacking the equipment surface and industrial cleaning processes such as pickling and acid de-scaling [2]. Among the acid solutions used for industrial cleaning, hydrochloric acid is one of the most widely used agents
Manuscript received January 2007, revised January 2007
[2]. Due to the viability of mild steel, its high cost of production and installations, most industries have adopted various steps aimed at prolonging the life span of this valuable metal. However, one of the most practicable and preferred method used to remedies this problem is the inhibitors [3]. The principle of corrosion inhibitor is to prevent the chloride ions from reacting with the steel surface. Thus, corrosion inhibitors are chemical substance which decreases the corrosion rate when present in the corrosion system at a suitable concentration without significantly changing the concentration of any other corrosive agent. Although many synthetic compounds show good anticorrosive action, most of them are highly toxic to both human beings and environment [4]. These inhibitors may cause temporary or permanent damage to human organ such as kidney or liver [5]. The known hazardous effects of most synthetic organic inhibitors and restrictive environmental regulations have now made researchers to focus on the need to develop cheap, non-toxic and environmental friendly natural products as corrosion inhibitors. These natural organic compounds are extracted from aromatic herbs, spices and medicinal plants. The use of these natural products such as extracted compounds from leaves or seeds as corrosion inhibitors have been widely reported by many researchers [6-9]. The natural organic plant extracts contains electronegative functional groups and in triple or conjugated double bonds. For these compounds the presence of heteroatoms (such as sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen) and aromatic rings in their structures facilitates the adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal surface [10-17]. However, the use of ethanol extracts of leaf Bambusa Arundinacea has not been reported. Therefore, the objective of the present study is aimed at investigating inhibitive and adsorption property of ethanol extracts of this leaf for the corrosion of mild steel in HCl.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
A. S. Abdulrahman, Mohammad Ismail, Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain
II. II.1.
Preparation of plant extracts
Fresh leaves of Bambusa Arundinacea (Indian Bamboo) was washed under running water, shade dried and ground into powder. The powdered leaf was extracted using 95% ethanol. 5g of powered leaf was soaked in 200ml in ethanol as in previous work [8] for 14 days and thereafter filtered. In order to free the leaf of ethanol, the filtrates was subjected to evaporation using a rotary evaporator as shown in Figure 1. The evaporated filtrate was diluted with appropriate quantity of 1M HCl solution to obtain inhibitor test solutions of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% v/v concentrations[18]
degree of surface coverage were calculated using equations below according to [3],[9]. Corrosion rate Inhibition Efficiency (%I) Surface Coverage
(1) (2) (3)
Where is the weight loss, and are the corrosion rates of the mild steel strip coupons in absence and presence of inhibitor, A is the sectional area and t is the exposure time
III. Results and Discussion
Mild steel strip (MS) specimen of size 4 2.5 0.1cm in triplicate were immersed in 100ml of 1M HCl (electrolyte) with and without the addition of different concentrations of inhibitor at 250C (room temperature) for 24, 48 and 72 hours exposure time. The mild steel strip coupons were weighed and suspended in the beaker with help of tripod stand and thread. After every 24 hours, each sample was withdrawn from the test solution, washed in double distilled water and dried with acetone and re-weighed [7]. The weight loss in grammes, was taken as the difference in the weight of the mild steel strip coupons before and after immersion in test solution. The corrosion rate (ρ) (g/cm2h) in absence and presence of inhibitor, inhibition efficiency (%I) of the inhibitor,
III.1 Weight loss measurement, corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency The weight loss, corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency for mild steel in 1 M HCl solution at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 %v/v in the absence and presence of plant extract Bambusa Arundinacea are given in Table 1. The anodic dissolution of iron in acidic media and the corresponding cathodic reaction has been reported as follows [9]: Fe = Fe2+ + 2e(4) 2H+ + 2e =2Hads = H2 (5) As a result of these reactions, including the high solubility of the corrosion products, the metal loses weight in the solution. From Table1 it is very clear that the weight loss of mild steel strip in the test solution increases with time. The corrosion rate (g/cm2hrs) and inhibition efficiency of mild steel exposed to 1M HCl at 250C as a function of concentration leaf extract. It was observed that the corrosion rate of the mild steel strip decreased on the increasing inhibitor concentration, while the inhibition efficiency increases with the increase in the concentrations up to 72.84% for Bambusa Arundinacea being the highest at the 72 hours exposure time. These behaviours could be attributed to the adsorption of the inhibitor onto the mild steel strip surface leading to corrosion inhibition phenomenon. Meanwhile, Bambusa Arundinacea main chemical constituents are silica 90%, silacum, potash, lime, aluminia, cholin, betain, hydrate of silicic acid, nuclease, urease, proteolytic enzyme, cyanogentic glucoside and an alkaloid. Alkaloids are a group of nitrogen-containing bases [19]. The 72.84% obtained in this research for Bambusa Arundinacea confirmed the presence of heteroatom’s compounds which is responsible for the adsorption phenomenon as earlier reported by several researchers [20-27]. Corrosion inhibition is initiated by the displacement of absorbed water molecules by the inhibitors species leading to specific adsorption of the inhibitor on the surface as reported in previous work [4], [9]. Also, adsorption process which has been generally accepted to be the mechanism responsible for the inhibitory action of
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5 n. 1, pp. 59-63
Fig.1. Rotary evaporator II.2.
Specimen preparation
Mild steel (MS) strips were obtained from Structure and Materials Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM, of unknown chemical composition. The mild steel was mechanically press-cut into coupons, each of dimensions 4 2.5 0.1cm was used for weight loss. These coupons used were mechanical polishing and degreased in absolute ethanol, dried in acetone and stored in moisture-free desiccators prior to use. II.3.
Gravimetric Analysis (Weight loss Measurement)
A. S. Abdulrahman, Mohammad Ismail, Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain
green organic corrosion inhibitors can affect the corrosion rate in two ways: by decreasing the available reaction area; the so called geometric blocking effect and (ii) by modifying the activation energy of the cathodic and/or anodic reactions occurring in the inhibitor free metal in the course of the inhibited corrosion process. However, during the mild steel strip dissolution reaction, FeOH and [FeClOH]- are formed as intermediates. The intermediates convert to -Fe2O3 and -FeOOH and formed oxide layer according to [20]
Inhibi tor B
Conc (%v/v), C 2.5 5.0 7.5 10
Log C
0.398 0.699 0.875 1.000
@ 48 h
@ 72 h
Log(C/ ) @ 24 h
Log(C/ ) @ 48 h
Log(C/ ) @ 72 h
0.54 0.57 0.64 0.65
0.60 0.62 0.61 0.70
0.65 0.69 0.69 0.73
0.67 0.94 1.07 1.19
0.62 0.91 1.09 1.16
0.59 0.86 1.04 1.14
Inhibito rs
Conc.( %v/v) C
Weight loss (g/cm2) 24h
Corrosion rate (g/cm2h) 24h 48h 72h
Inhibition efficiency (%I) 24h 48h 72h
0.98 0.90 0.76 0.74
1.10 1.04 1.05 0.83
1.26 1.10 1.12 0.97
4.08 3.80 3.17 3.08
2.29 2.17 2.19 1.73
1.75 1.53 1.56 1.35
53.79 56.65 64.10 65.12
59.75 61.86 61.51 69.60
64.79 69.22 68.61 72.84
Blank Bambus a Arundin acea
2.5 5 7.5 10
III.2 Adsorption considerations Fig. 2. Langmuir adsorption of inhibitor
The adsorption characteristics of ethanol extract of Bambusa Arundinacea was also investigated by fitting data obtained for the degree of surface coverage using Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The assumptions of Langmuir adsorption isotherms can be expressed as follows [3]: C/ = 1/k + C (6) Where C is the concentration of the inhibitors in the bulk electrolyte is the degree of surface coverage of the inhibitors and K is the adsorption equilibrium constant. Taking logarithm of equation 6 yields equation 7, Log(C/ ) = logC – logK (7) Figures 2, shows Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ethanol extract of Bambusa Arundinacea on the mild steel strip surface. Values of adsorption parameters deduced from the isotherms are presented in Table 2. From the results obtained, it is significant to note that these plots are linear with the slopes equal to unity, which indicates a strong adherence of the adsorption data to the assumptions establishing Langmuir adsorption isotherm. As can be seen from Figure 2, Bambusa arundinacea inhibitor was found to have the best fit of Langmuir Adsorption isotherm. Adsorption involving organic molecule at the metal solution interface might have occurred in any of the following way [3],[28]: (i) The electrolytic attraction between charged molecule and the charged metal, (ii) Interaction of unshared electron pairs in the molecules with the metal, (iii) Interaction of with metal, and (iv) combination of the above.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Inhibition efficiency depends on several factors, such as the number of adsorption sites and their charge density, molecular size, heat of hydrogenation, mode of interaction with the metal surface and the formation of metallic complexes.
IV. Conclusion The extracts of Bambusa arundinacea inhibits the corrosion of mild steel strip in 1M HCl solutions, with inhibition efficiency of 72.84% at 10% v/v of extracts concentration for 72 hours exposed time, which are effective in reducing corrosion of the mild steel strip at temperature of 250C. The adsorption of the inhibitors molecules was consistent with Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all those who contributed toward making this research successful. Also, we would like to thank all the reviewers for their insightful comment. This work was sponsored by the Research Management Unit, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and supported by Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria.
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A. S. Abdulrahman, Mohammad Ismail, Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain
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Authors’ information Engr.Abdulrahman Asipita Salawu is presently working as a Lecturer 1 at Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria. He holds M.Eng in Production Engineering and currently pursuing his PhD degree at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is a Chartered Engineer practicing in Nigeria and a Fellow Nigerian Metallurgical Society (FNMS). He has authored many research articles. His research interests include development of green corrosion inhibitors, research on foundry sands and Alloying of cast ferrous and non ferrous metals. Department of Structure and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia/Mechanical Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria. Email
[email protected]
Dr. Mohammad Ismail obtained his B.Sc. (Hons) Civil Eng. from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. He obtained M.Sc. (Eng) from University of Liverpool, UK and Ph.D from Aston University, UK. He is a Professor at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He teaches various subjects at the under graduate and post graduate levels focusing on civil engineering materials, design and structural assessment & repair. His research interests include concrete durability, corrosion of reinforcement, NDT and structural forensic engineering, sustainable construction materials and environmental engineering. He has published more than 60 papers for various journals, conference proceedings and keynote address. Among the positions held in UTM for the past 25 years are: Head of Department, Head of Laboratory and Chairman of committees and
International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5 n. 1, pp. 59-63
A. S. Abdulrahman, Mohammad Ismail, Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain
international conference. He is a member of BEM, MSSA and PERKOM. Email:
[email protected]
Dr Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain, PhD (Aston) FIMF, FIMMM, CEng. He obtained PhD in Materials (1991) sponsored by Philips Electronics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Dr Hussain is a Chartered Engineer (CEng); Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK); Fellow of the Institute of Metal Finishing (UK). During his undergraduate studies Dr Hussain received specialized training in surface engineering based at W Canning Materials plc (Birmingham) and after completing his PhD Dr Hussain managed his own Surface Engineering business in Birmingham catering mainly for the European car manufacturing industry. He remained in touch with Higher Education in England by teaching BEng degree programs of University of Central England in Birmingham (now City University of Birmingham) and Wolverhampton University as a Visiting Lecturer/Visiting Professor. He has received further specialized training and carried out full-time research on the latest developments in the fields of atomistic modeling and nanotechnology based in the Materials Science and Metallurgy Departments of University of Cambridge and Cranfield University (2000-2003). Before joining the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM in 2009 Dr Hussain spent 5 years as a Nanotechnology Specialist based mainly at the National Nanotechnology Center, King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, a Saudi Government Strategic Planning- Science and Technology National Policy making establishment. Dr Hussain is an associated editor in international journals. Currently he is working as a guest editor for two separate journals in Nanomaterials. He is also publication editor of “ESciNano2010”. His current research interest is in the synthesis of nano-materials by both top-down and bottom-up processes; characterization of nano-materials using various methods including Nano-mechanical testing. Dr Hussain’s current inventions include: Direct nanocrystalline Ni plating on Al without any pre-treatment, Nanocrystalline Ni deposition by high speed electroforming, Synthesis of nano-aggregated elemental particles (Ni, Cr and Fe) by chemical reduction process; synthesis of nano-crystalline elemental and binary/ternary alloys of Ni/Cr/Al (MCrAlY) by mechanical attrition/mechanical alloying to be used in the synthesis of Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) – Industrial Gas Turbines, catalysts and electronic devices.
[email protected]
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5 n. 1, pp. 59-63