LOT 2- Ganze Pumping & Mid height. Pumping Station works for Ganze Bamba. Water system. KRCS/PRF00013/2016. 10th Jan
TENDER NOTICE The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) in partnership with the County Government of Kilifi is undertaking the rehabilitation and improvement of the Ganze - Bamba Water Supply System under the WASH in Kenya project. The project is jointly funded by the British Red Cross (BRC) through the “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Kenya Project” and the County Government of Kilifi.
KRCS is currently seeking for qualified and eligible firms to undertake the following works and supplies: Tender Description
Tender number
Closing date
LOT 1- Laying of Pipes & Pipeline Ancillaries works for Ganze Bamba Water system
KRCS/PRF00011/2016 10th January 2017
LOT 2- Ganze Pumping & Mid height Pumping Station works for Ganze Bamba Water system
KRCS/PRF00013/2016 10th January 2017
LOT 3- Supply of Pipes for Ganze Bamba water system
KRCS/PRF00010/2016 10th January 2017
Interested and qualified firms are invited to inspect and download the bid documents free of charge from the Kenya Red Cross Society website www.redcross.or.ke or the County Government of Kilifi website www.kilifi.go.ke website. Those who download the documents and intend to submit a bid must forward their particulars to the tenders email address indicated on the website for recording and for the purpose of receiving any clarification and addenda. All bidders or their representatives are requested to attend a mandatory site visit on Monday 19th December or Tuesday 20th December 2016 at 10:00am. Bidders will converge at the KRCS Kilifi offices at 10:00am on whichever day is suitable and must obtain a signed certificate of site visit which should be submitted with the bid. All queries and request for clarifications to be sent to
[email protected] on or before 29th December 2016 and all responses will be posted on the website by 4th January 2017 for all to view. Complete Tender Documents should be clearly marked tender number and tender description “TENDER NO: KRCS/PRF000………/2016 for the ‘’LOT…….……….’’ should be addressed to;
The Secretary General, Kenya Red Cross Society P.O Box 40712 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya And must be deposited in the Tender Box located at the Reception on the Ground Floor of the Kenya Red Cross Society Headquarters in South C, Redcross Road, off Popo Road, Nairobi on or before noon, Tuesday January 10th 2017. Late submissions will not be accepted. Tenders will be opened at 12.00 noon at the Society’s Headquarters on the same day in the presence of the bidders and/or their representatives who choose to attend. Group Head of Procurement, For, Secretary General