Term 1 2013-14 Week 1 - Architectural Association School of ...

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Sep 30, 2013... school, 36 front entrance hall,. September 2013, Photo Valerie Bennett. Term 1 . W eek 1. Monday 30 September – Saturday 5 October 2013 ...
Events List

Architectural Association School of Architecture

Image: New students arriving at the school, 36 front entrance hall, September 2013, Photo Valerie Bennett

Monday 30  September  –  Saturday 5 October 2013    

Exhibition Openings AA Gallery, Front Members’ Room, AA Bar, Back Members’ Room, 6.30pm

Sat 5

Members’ Event San Rocco AA Gallery Talk, 11am



Term 1 Week 1

Fri 4


Exhibitions Private views: Friday 4 October, 6.30; exhibitions are then open from Saturday 5 October to Saturday 2 November, Monday to Friday 10.00–7.00, Saturday 11.00–3.00 San Rocco: Book of Copies AA Gallery The Book of Copies project is a collection of images that takes the form of a library and online database. Comprising themed sets of A4 photocopies organised according to a precise set of rules by a multitude of producers, the books are available to viewers to copy and assemble into their own unique book of copies. AA Honours 2013 Front Members’ Room Four AA School students graduating this year join luminaries such as Peter Ahrends and Sir Nicholas Grimshaw in receiving full Honours for their studies at the AA School. This accolade recognises prestigious excellence and talent and is the highest award the School can bestow on a student. The 2013 recipients are Friedrich Gräfling (Dip 4), Ja Kyung Kim (Dip 5), Mond Qu (Dip 6) and Antoine Vaxelaire (Dip 9), and this exhibition explores their work across a range of issues – investigations into the contemporary court, gender politics at the DMZ, fictional web-based islands and cities that have shed their past.

Lectures and Events Saturday Gallery Talks San Rocco Saturday 5 October, 11.00 AA Gallery AA Saturday Gallery Talks begin this term in conjunction with San Rocco: Book of Copies, with Giovanni Piovene and Pier Paolo Tamburelli leading an informal tour through the exhibition. Fresh coffee and pastries will be provided. All welcome

Notices Diploma Registration On Monday 30 September all Fourth and Fifth Year students must register with Marilyn Dyer in the South Jury Room (Ground Floor 36 Bedford Square) and collect a counter-signed unit choices form. Diploma Unit Introductions Lecture Hall Monday 30 September 9.45 Introduction Brett Steele 10.00 Diploma 1 Tobias Klein 10.30 Diploma 16 Jonas Lundberg and Andrew Yau 11.00 Diploma 17 Theo Sarantoglou Lalis and Dora Sweijd 11.30 Diploma 2 Didier Faustino and Kostas Grigoriadis 12.00 Diploma 3 Daniel Bosia, Marco Vanucci and Adiam Sertzu 12.30 Diploma 5 Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda 1.00 Lunch Break 1.30 Interview process Q&A for students (led by present students) 2.00 Diploma 4 John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog 2.30 Diploma 8 Eugene Han 3.00 Diploma 10 Carlos Villanueva Brandt 3.30 Diploma 14 Pier Vittorio Aureli and Maria Giudici 4.00 Diploma 18 Enric Ruiz-Geli, Pablo Ros and Felix Fassbinder 4.30 Diploma 9 Natasha Sandmeier 5.00 Diploma 11 Shin Egashira 5.30 Diploma 7 David Greene and Samantha Hardingham 6.00 Diploma 6 Liam Young and Kate Davies 6.30 Informal meeting for Diploma Staff and Students AA Dining Room Diploma Interviews At 9am on Tuesday 1 October Fourth and Fifth Year students should hand in their completed unit choices form to Studio 2 (Second Floor 36 Bedford Square). Please note that forms will be posted into a box, and the allocation of interview times is an entirely random process.

At 12 noon lists will be available in Studio 2 allocating interview times and places. Please ensure you take your portfolio to your interviews. Confirmation of unit acceptances must be given to Sanaa in the Undergraduate Office (Second Floor 36 Bedford Square) as soon as possible after your interviews. Official unit confirmation lists will be posted outside the Undergraduate Office at approximately 5.30pm on Thursday 3 October. Intermediate Registration On Monday 30 September and Tuesday 1 October all Second and Third Year students must register with Marilyn Dyer in the South Jury Room (Ground Floor 36 Bedford Square) and collect a counter-signed unit choices form. Intermediate Unit Introductions Tuesday 1 October Lecture Hall 9.45 Introduction Brett Steele 10.00 Inter 13 Miraj Ahmed and Martin Jameson 10.30 Inter 11 Manuel Collado, Nacho Martin and Manijeh Verghese 11.00 Inter 3 Nannette Jackowski and Ricardo de Ostos 11.30 Inter 12 Tyen Masten and Inigo Minns 12.00 Inter 9 Christopher Pierce and Christopher Matthews 12.30 Inter 4 Nathalie Rozencwajg and Michel Da Costa Goncalves 1.00 Lunch Break 1.30 Interview process Q&A for students (led by present students) 2.00 Inter 10 Valentin Bontjes Van Beek 2.30 Inter 1 Mark Campbell and Stewart Dodd 3.00 Inter 5 Ryan Dillon 3.30 Inter 2 Takero Shimazaki and Ana Araujo 4.00 Inter 8 Francisco Gonzalez de Canales and Nuria Alvarez Lombardero 4.30 Inter 6 Jeroen van Ameijde and Brendon Carlin 5.00 Inter 7 Maria Fedorchenko 6.00 Informal meeting for Intermediate Staff and Students AA Dining Room

Intermediate Interviews At 9am on Wednesday 2 October Second and Third Year students should hand in their completed unit choices form to Studio 2 (Second Floor 36 Bedford Square). Please note that forms will be posted into a box and the allocation of interview times is an entirely random process. At 12 noon lists will be available in Studio 2 allocating interview times and places. Please ensure you take your portfolio to your interviews. Confirmation of unit acceptances must be given to Sanaa in the Undergraduate Office (Second Floor 36 Bedford Square) as soon as possible after your interviews. Official unit confirmation lists will be posted outside the Undergraduate Office at approximately 5.30pm on Thursday 3 October. Complementary Studies Course Booklet 2013/2014 Copies of the Course Booklet will be available from Monday 30 September. Undergraduate students can collect these outside the Undergraduate Office, Second Floor 36 Bedford Square. The booklet contains the full outline of required courses in History and Theory Studies (HTS), Technical Studies (TS), Media Studies (MS), Professional Practice (PP Third Year), Architectural Professional Practice (APP Fifth Year); the Complementary Studies Timetable; Submission Hand-In Requirements; and Hand-In Dates. Complementary Studies Course Introductions All Complementary Studies Courses will be introduced on Friday 4 October (see relevant Diary entries). All students are required to attend the relevant introductions. Complementary Studies Term 1 Courses Term 1 courses will start in the week of 7 October. Please refer to the timetable in the Complementary Studies Course Booklet and next week’s Events List for times and venues.

Graduate Programme Introductions Wednesday 2 October Lecture Hall Graduates must attend their programme presentations. It is also recommended that students attend other presentations for an overall idea of the Graduate School. Planned drinks in Rear Second Presentation Space from 5.30pm (new Graduate School students only). 12.30 Introduction Brett Steele 12.35 AAIS 1.00 PhD Programme 1.30 MPhil in Architecture (Projective Cities) 2.00 Design & Make 2.30 Sustainable Environmental Design 3.00 History and Critical Thinking 3.30 Housing and Urbanism 4.00 Landscape Urbanism 4.30 Architecture & Urbanism (AADRL) 5.00 Emtech 5.30 Drinks Rear Second Presentation Space Student-Only Event AA Film Club: Sub-Culture Season Wednesday 2 October, 6.30 AA Cinema Kamikaze Girls (2004), directed by Tetsuya Nakashima Drinks and snacks provided Term 1 Library Tutorials The library will be offering individual library tutorials on weekday mornings during Term 1. Please see Aileen, Bea or Simine in the library back office.

Advance Notices Save the Date: AA Birthday Party Tuesday 8 October, 4.00–1.00 36 Bedford Square The AA Council and School Director Brett Steele would like to invite all members of the Architectural Association to a celebration of the founding of the AA on this date 166 years ago. The extravaganza will include piñatas, singing, readings, video, music and dance. Prizes and gifts will be awarded throughout the evening. All students, tutors, members and their guests welcome. Black-and-white attire only. AA Library Closure The library will close at 4pm on Tuesday 8 October for the AA Birthday Celebrations.

Term Dates for 2013/14 Term 1 Monday 30 September to Friday 20 December (12 weeks) Closed from Saturday 21 December to Sunday 5 January inclusive Term 2 Monday 13 January to Friday 28 March (11 weeks) Closed from Saturday 29 March to Monday 21 April inclusive Term 3 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June (9 weeks) Graduate School MA/MSc Students  Research/Preparation/Submission of Final Dissertation Term 4 Monday 30 June to Friday 26 September (13 weeks)

Week 1 Diary Mon 30 September 9.45–6.30 Diploma Introductions See Notices

Tues 1 October 9.45–6.00 Intermediate Introductions See Notices

Wed 2 October 12.30–5.30 Graduate School Introductions See Notices 6.30 AA Film Club Kamikaze Girls AA Cinema

2.00 Technical Studies Second and Third Year Course Introductions Rear Second Presentation Space 3.00 History and Theory Studies Second and Third Year Course Introductions Rear Second Presentation Space 4.00 Media Studies Second Year and MS Lab Course Introductions and Registration Rear Second Presentation Space 6.30 Exhibition Openings San Rocco: Book of Copies AA Honours 2013 See Exhibitions

Sat 5 October 11.00 Gallery Talk: San Rocco AA Gallery See Lectures and Events

Thurs 3 October 10.00 SED MSc / MArch Phase 1 Student Introductions Rear Second Presentation Space

Fri 4 October 10.00 History and Theory Studies Fourth and Fifth Year Course Introductions and Registration Rear Second Presentation Space 11.30 Technical Studies Fifth Year TS5 Introduction Rear Second Presentation Space 12.30 Media Studies First Year Programme Introduction First Year Studio 1.00 Architectural Professional Practice Fifth Year Course Introduction Rear Second Presentation Space

AA Members can access a black-and-white and/or larger print version of Events List by going to the AA website at aaschool.ac.uk. For the audio infoline, please call 020 7887 4111. Events List online: aaschool.ac.uk/eventslist Email: [email protected] Published by the Architectural Association, 36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES T 020 7887 4000 F 020 7414 0782. Edited by the Print Studio. Printed by Aquatint | BSC. Architectural Association (Inc.), Registered Charity No. 311083. Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 171402. Registered Office as above.