14 Aug 2013 ... Monday 19th August Book Week begins .... Please contact Sam Hamilton / Kate
Marshall at the ... and return them to us as soon as you can.
Newsletter to Parents Kooringal Public School PRUDENS FUTURI – Thoughtful of the Future Phone (02) 6922 6443 Fax (02) 6926 2034
Week 5 Term 3
Wednesday 14th August 2013
Calendar of Events Term 3 2013
Thur 15th August
Wagga Public Speaking Finals
Friday 16th August
SRC Mufti Day and Pancake Recess
Sat 17th & Sun 18th August
Sydney Band Festival
Monday 19th August
Book Week begins
One of our core values is ‘Responsibility’. Responsibility takes many forms. One of the easiest forms of responsibility is that we can encourage our students to care for their own belongings and for their environment. We urge families to encourage their children to become more responsible for these things too. Keeping track of their belongings, packing their own bags, cleaning up after themselves are a few basic ways in which students can show responsibility.
Monday 19th August
Basketball Game KO
Tuesday 20th August
Canteen Baking Cooking 9.30am— 11am P&C Meeting 7.30pm in Staff Room
Tuesday 20th August Thursday 22nd August Tuesday 27th August
Book Character Parade 12.15pm COLA PSSA Soccer Griffith
Never too old to learn! These teachers and support learning staff completed a ten week after school online course titled
“Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders”
Unfortunately the dirt car park is becoming an issue again. The Drop off Zone is not for parking but to simply stop long enough so as a student can get out of the car and enter the school grounds or get picked up in the afternoons. There appears to be an increasing number of parents who are stopping for an extended period and blocking traffic flow. This is resulting in traffic queues on Lake Albert Road. It is also becoming apparent that parents are entering the car park and not going in a circular manner and are then cutting cars off once in the car park. Speed is also becoming an issue. If the car park continues to be a safety risk we will have no option but to close it permanently to all but staff. Road Safety is an important issue at any location but at a busy school it is vital. We have noticed that an increasing number of parents and grandparents have been endangering their children by crossing Lake Albert Road rather than walking the few extra metres to the traffic lights. It is only a matter of time before an accident happens. Parents and carers need to think carefully about what message this practice is teaching their children. Parents and carers need to model the correct behaviour to students in all areas, none more important or unforgiving than road safety.
ARRIVING AT SCHOOL IN THE MORNING School commences at 9.20am. If students arrive after 9.20am, parents must attend the office to sign their child in as a late entry. Late entry students are noted on the roll. Late entry to class is disruptive to both the students concerned and their classmates. Students who leave before 3.20pm must also be signed out in the front office. This is Department of Education Policy. This system also ensures that in the event of an emergency, all students can be accounted for. Parents who drop their children off late without signing them in will be asked to return to school to complete the signing in late process.
KINDER MURRAY ASSEMBLY Dear Parents, Kinder Murray will be performing an item at the K-2 Assembly on: Friday 23rd August at 2pm in our school hall. We look forward to seeing you there! Mrs Thame
Merit Awards Week 4
K-6 Hawkesbury
Kinder Murray
Enrolments for Kindergarten 2014 are now being accepted. Children born between 1st August 2008 and 31st July 2009 are eligible to enrol. Parents wishing to enrol a child for school next year should contact the school office. In order to receive the Application for Enrolment package, please bring with you - child’s birth certificate for proof of age, passports and visas for families born overseas and proof of residence (current council rate notice or lease agreement and 2 (two) utility bills e.g. gas or electricity account, plus mobile or landline telephone account). You will also need to bring your child’s up to date immunisation certificate.
Ephram Abdel-Malak
Krystel Tye Joshua Southam Sydney Wang
Kinder Snowy
Kinder Fish
Androw Abdou Logan Todd Casey Walsh
Kirianah Wallace Cameron Tonkin Grace Sison
1 Darling Seth Fletcher Titus Madeley Lilly Lewis
1 Tuross
2 Daly Kaeleb Little Brielle Tremain Tyler Lewis Gemma Lidden
2 Jardine Aiden Barratt Elijah Redmond Connor Southam Andrew Oxley
3 Eyre Madison Crawford Sophie Leach Lindsay Mayfield Olivia Casey
3 Wallaga Hayley Goodhew Rachel Hall Maya Whitmore Maria Hernandez
3/4 Armadeus Jessica Wild Alifaleti Mone Samuel Jones Taya McGuinness
4 Menindee Lillian Kelleher Connor Allan Ebony SandlandKynaston Connor Irlam
4/5 Hume Claudia Boulton Connor Willis Courtney Harp Mitchell Hansen
5 Blowering Faith Zirkzee Koby Wilson Kato Pallister-Kelly Grace Rosser
5/6 Keepit Chelsie McEwan Harry Moorby Jesse Taylor
6 Talbingo Connor Hurst Zahra Griffiths Indiya Fikkers
Sally Davidson—Principal
GATES Front gates shut at 9.20am Dirt carpark gate shuts at 2.30pm and re-opened at 3.20pm Back pedestrian gate shuts at 9.20am and re-opened between 3pm and 3.30pm and then is locked again at 3.45pm.
Thomas Maloney Olivia Gardiner Hayley Thompson
UNSW Science Competition Distinction Recipients Congratulations to Sally Custance, Dekota Jones, Blake Smith, Lindsay Mayfield and Thevindu Wijesundara for achieving a Distinction Award in the recent Science Competition placing them in the top 5% of their peers in the state.
Congratulations to Sally Custance, Tegan Eastwood, Nathanial Galvin and Courtney Harp who recently presented their EnviroChamps project at Charles Sturt University. The students worked as a team to deliver the power point presentation about the new fruit trees at our school Another fantastic effort—well done!
A fantastic effort, well done!
Julie Smith UNSW Competition
Kim Baker
PREMIER’S SPORTING CHALLENGE This week marks the half way point for the PSC which many of our Stage 2 and Stage 3 classes are involved in. The PSC aims to engage our students in sport and physical activity and encourage them to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Classes are accumulating time spent in a broad range of sports and recreational pursuits during lunchtime, in school sports programs, class time, after school or in weekend physical activity. 4/5 Hume Comments about the PSC Oliver: “PSC helps kids get more active. I’ve been doing extra running at home.” Amelia: “ I’m doing more sport now and jumping on the trampoline more often”. James: “I have been going outside more, going to the local park to play basketball hoops with my neighbour”. Jordan: “I have been going outside whenever I get
the chance to kick the football with my brother and play fetch with my dog”.
Kindergarten Enrolments for 2014 now being taken
READ ACROSS THE UNIVERSE Next week will see us celebrate Children’s Book Week beginning with our whole school silent reading at Monday’s assembly. This is always a great challenge for us as we enjoy delving into our favourite stories in the hall. BOOK CHARACTER PARADE Thursday 22nd August TWO WEEKS to go to complete your Premier’s Reading Challenge. Kindergarten students have been busy sharing books with their classes. Miss Cooley has been assisting with their log on. Students can log their books on using their DEC password on the PRC site. Congratulations to the 54 students who have already completed the challenge . Visit the library and borrow some books from the list to get you iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiacross the finish line.
Winsome Cox Teacher Librarian
Year 3 Girls Netball Gala Day Last Wednesday the Year 3 girls participated in a netball gala day along with various other Wagga schools. The girls were split into 3 teams and each played a total of 7 games. The girls had a lot of fun learning and improving their netball skills and enjoyed playing different positions. Thank you to all parents for your support throughout the day and a special thank you to Sharee Esler, Simone Crawford and Michelle Castle for their assistance in managing the 3 teams. Morgan Davy
Year 4 Trent Barrett Shield Helpers Needed We require parent volunteers to help manage our boys rugby league and Girls Oz Tag teams for the Trent Barrett Shield to be held on Thursday 29th August. Parents would assist by substituting players on and off the field during the games and some basic coaching on the day. Please contact Sam Hamilton / Kate Marshall at the school if your are able to assist. Thank you Sam Hamilton
LOST PROPERTY There is a large number of labelled jumpers, jackets and hats in the lost property cupboard could you please collect your belongings. Please remember to clearly label ALL clothing.
ErinEarth Open Day ls! r i G Go PANCAKE RECESS AND MUFTI DAY FRIDAY 16th AUGUST SRC will be holding another fundraiser to help raise money for our KPS Breakfast Club. The monies raised will help purchase breakfast supplies which are currently being donated. Children can wear mufti clothes this Friday and bring a gold coin donation. There will also be pancakes for sale at recess on Friday for .50 cents each. Thanks to the families of the SRC for helping with ingredients for the pancakes. Thanks Kate Marshall & SRC
Uniform Shop Roster Wednesday 14th August (2.45—3.45pm) Megan Ruigrok Thursday 15th August (2.45- 3.45pm) Michelle Burton Friday 16th August (9.00am—10.00am) Rachel Lidden
Saturday 17 August 2013 9:30am – 3:00 pm 1 Kildare Street, Wagga Wagga Donation only. Enjoy a walk around the dam and wetlands with local native and other drought tolerant plants, vegetable gardens and a solar passive home. 10:30am – 12:00pm 100% Renewable Energy? How Australia can repower its electricity economy on 100% renewable energy in 10 yrs for 3% GDP and create new jobs. Speaker Mark Spain from Beyond Zero Emissions for The Academy of Science, Canberra. For sale: A small selection of groundcovers useful for nature strips.
Student medical forms During Terms 3 and 4 we will be updating our medical records systems to ensure we have the most up-to-date information on your child’s health. If you have a child with a medical condition you should have received a copy of the new forms in the mail last week and will need to fill them out and return them to us as soon as you can. The good news is we have already started collecting some of this information, which means less for you to do. The new forms will help us collect your child’s important medical information and the introduction of new systems will mean we'll be able to better manage the daily and emergency health needs of your child. We appreciate your support as we start collecting the information, and if you have any questions please call.
NOTES WITH THIS NEWSLETTER Went home on Tues 13th August
KPS Canteen Baking/Cooking Morning Canteen Special Lunch Order Form Australian Cybersafety Summit P&C News Band Sleepover Duffy Bros flyer
CANTEEN ROSTER Week 6 Term 3 Please call Colleen on 6922 6443 if you can help one day per fortnight, month or term. Even if you can only do an hour or so. Monday 19th August CANTEEN CLOSED MONDAYS Tuesday 20th August Wednesday 21st August Tania Smith Thursday 22nd August Bernadette Priest Friday 23rd August Trudi Lewis & Barb Cole Please make sure you are using the Salmon coloured price list. If you do not have one, please pick one up at the Canteen or Office.
We will be selling fried rice at recess in cups for $1 on Thursday only. If there is any leftover they will be on sale at lunch time. Please note: noddles are NOT gluten free
Concert Band IMPORTANT DATES Wednesday 14th August- Final rehearsal before Sydney - Compulsory for everyone please! Saturday 17th August- NSW Band Festival Wednesday 21st August- Concert Band rehearsal postponed Monday 26th August- Catch up rehearsal with Mr Lingard (Mr Walton on holidays) Wednesday 28th- Concert Band rehearsal Thursday 29th August- Eisteddfod performance
REMINDERS / SPECIAL NOTES MONEY DUE Trent Barrett money and note due by Friday
16th August Year 4 Borambola Balance Payment due Wed 28th August Stage 3 Excursion to Ballarat payment due Wed 28th August Life Education Van money and note due by Wednesday 4th September
P & C NEWS FATHERS DAY Don’t forget your Father’s Day order. We have sourced some wonderful gifts for this year’s Father’s Day Stall. The cost per gift is $5.00 & order forms are available at the KPS office. Money is due back Friday 23rd August to KPS money box. The stall will now be held Tuesday 27th August due to the availability of the hall.
SCHOOL BANKING – HUME BUILDING SOCIETY A reminder to all students & parents that KPS has the facility for students to do weekly banking with Hume Building Society. Deposits are picked up each Friday from the school. Please drop your bank book into the box provided or if you would like to open an account please visit a local branch of Hume.
Next Meeting— All Welcome Tuesday 20th August 7:30pm KPS Staffroom
Life Education NSW – Healthy Harold will be visiting KPS from Monday 9th September to Wednesday 18th Sept. Cost $2 per student. The cost included
student workbook & a sticker per student. Notes available from the office. For parent and student information on Life Education go to www.lifeeducation.org.au