Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional ... - ftp
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Jun 1, 2012 - sharing and recursion [3] by dropping the restriction to a tree structure, which we have for ...... script, available from the author's web site, 2012. ... [16] Joseph A Goguen, James W Thatcher, Eric G Wagner, and Jesse B Wright.
and exploited by extending the TGRS model with records where access to ... play the role of a generalised implementation model for a variety of (possibly.
oretical backbone of functional programming languages. For the design ...... oretical Computer Science, Bombay, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Email: [email protected]. This work was done ... Functions have fixed matching templates, one level deep,.
of nodes of the graph representing the database that are connected by a path ..... is a rewriting of Q0 wrt Q if for every database DB, answer(expandF(L(R));DB).
Feb 2, 2017 - Fellowship, ... ACM Transact,om onPmgrzummngLanguage8and Systems,VO116,NO 3, May 1994,Pages493- ... list of copies of its argument:.
Aart Middeldorp and Hans Zantema. Simple termination revisited. In. Proc. 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, volume 814 of Lec-.
Term graph rewriting is about the representation of functional expressions as graphs and their evaluation by rule-based graph transformation. The motiva-.
sequences based on Boudol's work on the semantics of term rewriting, it shows that .... Although the rst two sequences are equivalent to the last sequence they.
equips any arbitrary graph rewriting system with a contextual semantics and a ..... Theorem 1.11 is quite robust with respect to the equivalence under consider-.
Introduction. The concept of a Term Rewriting System (TRS) is paradigmatic for the ..... is from Nederpelt 73]; (6) is proved in Klop 80a]; for (7) see Exercise.
rewriting. Therefore, we allow the * symbol to represent repetition in a sig- nature: signature set(ELEM*) -> SET variables. E. -> ELEM. Es[123] -> ELEM*.
Fraction x x y y. Below. Below. Above. Above. (b). (c). (a)? ? Line. Fraction ?x ..... because a hierarchically structured graph can easily be translated into a flat graph, with the ...... graph has a dominant tree part, enriched by various context s
then one backtracks on the (i - 1)th P-vertex; if i = 1, all s-parts have been enumerated ... {a backtrack traversal is finished; a new search traversal must start}.
Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional ... - ftp
needed for storing (converting data to string) and retrieving (by means of a parser) of ..... S uch mobi le e x p r ess io ns can be used to realize plug-ins which canĀ ...