Jul 19, 2016 - Conference of the Parties (COP) at its eleventh session (decision 23/COP.11) to facilitate a two-way ...
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TERMS OF REFERENCE For the elaboration of a report on: the potential of Sustainable Land Management practices to create synergies between addressing desertification, land degradation and drought, and climate change mitigation and adaptation Consultancy reference number CCD/16/STI/43
BACKGROUND The Science-Policy Interface (SPI) was established in accordance with a decision of the UNCCD Conference of the Parties (COP) at its eleventh session (decision 23/COP.11) to facilitate a two-way science-policy dialogue and ensure the delivery of policy-relevant information, knowledge and advice on desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD). The SPI work programme for the biennium 2016-2017 was approved by the twelfth session of the UNCCD COP1. Objective two of the work programme 2016-2017 requests the SPI to “Highlight the science-based synergistic potential of sustainable land management (SLM) practices to address DLDD, climate change mitigation and adaptation” (decision 21/COP.12). The corresponding deliverable is a report which covers the linkages between SLM practices to address DLDD and (I) climate change mitigation, (II) climate change adaptation and (III) resulting synergies and trade-offs. In light of decision3/COP.12 which calls to make Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15.3 on striving to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) a strong vehicle for driving the implementation of the UNCCD, this work programme objective should take into due account the LDN concept in general and, in particular, the outcome of objective one of the SPI work programme 2016-2017 which is the development of a LDN conceptual framework. In line with decision 19 /COP.12 the elaboration of this report will be commissioned to a qualified institution or a consortium while the SPI will act as supervising and reviewing body. The document at hand outlines the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the commissioned entity DELIVERABLE A report on the potential of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices to create synergies between addressing DLDD and climate change mitigation and adaptation TARGET AUDIENCE The expected use and target audience of the Report includes: -
The Parties of the UNCCD
International and national policy- and decision-makers in the fields of land use planning, agriculture, climate change and natural resource management Agricultural advising and extension services and other land use knowledge providers
SPI work programme 2016-2017 http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Science/International-ScientificAdvice/Documents/SPI_WP2016-2017.pdf
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Other science-policy interfaces to enhance synergies between the three Rio conventions Other stakeholders , inter alia, land user associations, scientists and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) The broader, interested public.
BASIS OF THE REPORT An assessment process is needed that extracts, evaluates and synthesizes knowledge on SLM and restoration/rehabilitation practices and their potential to contribute to land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation. In addition, the Report should assess synergies and trade-offs of SLM strategies regarding their potential to simultaneously address DLDD, climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as identifying pathways to create an enabling environment for adoption of SLM. In order to ensure coherence with the latest policy developments in these fields the report will also have to consider relevant documents from UN and/or other international organizations. Against this background, the report will have to take into account, but not being limited to, the following information sources: -
Scientific and grey literature on SLM practices and land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation SPI work programme 2016-2017 (decision 21/COP.12) The LDN Conceptual Framework (being developed by the SPI until May 2016) Impulse Report for the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference: “Climate change and 2 desertification: Anticipating, assessing & adapting to future change in drylands” Outcomes from the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference: “Climate change and land 3 degradation: Bridging knowledge and stakeholders” Policy-oriented proposals developed by the SPI based on the outcomes of the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference4 and the related decision 18/COP.125 “Monitoring the contribution of sustainable land use and management to climate change 6 adaptation/mitigation and to the safeguarding of biodiversity and ecosystem services” “Land matters for Climate”7 “Pivotal Soil Carbon”8 Databases on SLM and restoration/rehabilitation practices, in particular World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
http://3sc.unccd.int/documents-outputs/preparatory-documents/impulse-report http://3sc.unccd.int/documents-outputs/outputs/climate-change-and-land-degradation-bridging-knowledgeand-stakeholders-outcomes-from-the-unccd-3rd-scientific-conference 4 http://www.unccd.int/Lists/OfficialDocuments/cop12/cst2eng.pdf 5 http://www.unccd.int/Lists/OfficialDocuments/cop12/20add1eng.pdf 6 http://www.unccd.int/en/about-the-convention/officialdocuments/Pages/SymbolDetail.aspx?k=ICCD/COP(12)/CST/INF.1&ctx=COP(12)/CST 7 http://www.unccd.int/Lists/SiteDocumentLibrary/Publications/2015Nov_Land_matters_For_Climate_ENG.pdf 8 http://www.unccd.int/Lists/SiteDocumentLibrary/Publications/2015_PolicyBrief_SPI_ENG.pdf 3
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CONTENT The content of the report will be developed according to the provisions made under objective 2 of the SPI work programme 2016-2017: Report Objective: Highlight the science-based synergistic potential of sustainable land management (SLM) practices to address DLDD, climate change mitigation and adaptation Section 1: Foster and facilitate the adoption of SLM practices which address DLDD while mitigating climate change i)
Explore the potential of SLM practices to contribute to both climate change mitigation and addressing DLDD; ii) Review incentives and obstacles for the adoption of sustainable land use practices at different scales; iii) Provide options for enhancing climate change mitigation (increasing carbon sequestration and/or reducing emissions) and addressing DLDD through SLM practices. Section 2: Foster and facilitate the adoption of SLM practices which address DLDD while enhancing climate change adaptation This section will present state-of-the-art knowledge on experience in land management practices that can qualify as land-based climate change adaptation practices. The report will also summarize land users’ responses to drought in affected areas over several millennia and provide information on responses to emerging occurrences of droughts. Based on this information the report will: i)
Provide guidance for SLM practices that could increase adaptability to climate change projections in affected areas ; ii) (ii)Provide relevant information for supporting informed policymaking and inform policymakers, research funding bodies and the scientific community on existing knowledge gaps in terms of achieving land-based climate change adaptation; iii) Identify existing knowledge gaps in terms of achieving land-based climate change adaptation; iv) Review incentives and obstacles for the adoption of sustainable land use practices at different scales. Section 3: Critically evaluate the conclusions of 2a and 2b to ensure the clear understanding of synergies and trade-offs between climate change mitigation and adaptation, and SLM practices which reduce land degradation This section will provide a critical analysis of the potential synergies and trade-offs between climate change mitigation and adaptation, and SLM practices which reduce land degradation in different biomes and regions. In line with the proposed modalities for the review of SPI products, the report will undergo a threestep review process, including an internal review and external peer-review and a review by the COP Bureau TENTATIVE TIMETABLE AND MILESTONES The consultancy will be carried out over 4,5 months in the period September 2016-March 2017. It is expected that the commissioned experts will participate in a scoping meeting with the SPI team
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leaders. The organization of this meeting could be either a physical 2-days workshop at the UNCCD headquarters in Bonn, Germany or by electronic means. The timeline foresees following phases and milestones:
Scoping workshop with commissioned experts and SPI team leaders. Outcome detailed, annotated outline
12 weeks: Preparing first draft of the Report
2 weeks: Internal review of the first draft of the Report by SPI supervising teams
2 weeks: commissioned experts address SPI comments and develop second draft
2 weeks: External review process
2 weeks: commissioned experts addresses external review comments and presents the final Report
2 weeks: review by the UNCCD COP Bureau
2 weeks: commissioned experts and SPI team leaders address comments from the COP Bureau
FORMAT OF THE REPORT The Report has to be written in English. The main text (around 100-120 pages), should present the gathered information in a coherent and very clearly structured format well-supported by scientific evidence, but written in language accessible to a wide, well-informed audience. The Executive summary of the Report will not exceed 15 pages. Annexes to the Report are not limited by the volume. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE IMPLEMENTING ENTITY With the aim to produce a coherent, state-of-the-art publication of high scientific standards the SPI decided to commission the development of this report to a qualified institution or consortium with a proven track record to elaborate high-quality and well written technical reports in the field of land degradation, sustainable land management, climate change and/or natural resource management. Any qualified institution or a consortium can participate in the bidding. In the case of a consortium different institutions may develop the individual sections according to their expertise. However, the consortium would then be responsible for the necessary coordination and ensure the delivery of a consistent report as “one package”. FORMAT OF OFFERS Interested institutions are invited to submit a budgeted offer that outlines their approach to elaborate the report (max. 5000 words). The offer shall cover both report content and proposed modalities for implementation such as expert workshops or synergies with conferences. All proposed activities will need to be clearly budgeted. As a reference you are kindly requested to attach to your offer a list of technical reports that your institution has elaborated during the past five years. Furthermore, you are requested to submit the CVs of the author team.
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Applications should be submitted by e-mail to
[email protected], specifying the position CCD/16/STI/43 in the subject line. The deadline of applications is 26 August 2016. Only applications submitted by the deadline will be considered. No telephone calls will be returned. Please address your application as indicated above and please do not address your application to or copy it to an individual at the secretariat Date of Issuance: 19 July 2016