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lEC 60898-1,. IEC:60898-2,. IS 12640 (Part-I),. IS 12640 (Part-2),. IS3427,/IEC: 298. lEC 61008-1,. lEC 61008-2-1,. lEC 61008-2-2,. lEC 61009-1,. lEC 61009-2- 1,.
Central Power Research Institute STDS, Govindpura, Bhopal-462 023 TEST FEASIBILITY FOR VARIOUS EQUIPMENTS Sheet No.1 of 10 Sl. No.






H.V. Circuit Breaker & Switchgear Panel with Circuit Breaker


IS:13118 /IEC Pub. 56, IEC-62271-100, IS: 12729, IEC:62271-1, IEC; 62271-110, IS:3427, IS:14659, IEC:62271-201, IEC-60529, IS:12063, IEC /TR 62271-308, IEC 62271-200, IEC 62271-202 BS 6581

Test upto 50kArms at 12kV, 11kArms at 24kV, 16.0kArms at 36kV. Test upto 400A, 3 at 12kV, 1200A, 1 at 12kV & 15kV. Test upto 400A, 3 at 12kV, 1200A, 1 at 12kV & 15kV. Test upto 200kArms for 1.0 second with 565kApeak








H.T. Switches/ Line Sectionalizer/ Capacitor Switch/ Load Break Switch


Short circuit current making and breaking test. Capacitive current switching test. Cable/Line Charging Current Breaking Test. Short time withstand current & peak withstand current test. Dielectric tests (wet/Dry). Mechanical operation test at ambient air temperature. Lightning Impulse voltage withstand test Temperature rise test Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit. Out-of-phase making & breaking capacity test.

Upto 10,000 operations

Test upto 132kV class Test upto 25,000 Amps Upto 100 millivolt at 100Adc

Test upto 50kArms at 12kV, 11.0kArms at 24kV, 16.0kArms at 36kV. Test upto 6.6kV& 3.3kV at 100 & 300 Amps Upto 50 kArms at 12 kV, 11.0 kArms at 24kV, 16.0kArms at 36kV for 0.2 second. IP-1X to 6X and IP-X1 to X6.

Inductive load Current switching test. Internal arc test.

Test to verify the degrees of protection of enclosure Rated short circuit making capacity test.

Test upto 132kV class.

IS:9920-1/ IEC:60265-1, IS:9920-2/ IEC:60265-2, IS:9920-3, IS:9920-4, IEC 62271-1, IEC:62271-103

Test upto 125kApeak at 12kV, 27.5kApeak at 24kV, 40.0kApeak at 36kV. Upto 630Amps at 12kV (3). Upto 800Amps at 27.5kV (1).


Rated making and breaking capacity test.


Short time withstand current and peak withstand current test.


Single capacitor bank switching test. Dielectric tests (Wet & Dry) Lightning Impulse Voltage withstand test Mechanical endurance test Temperature rise test

Test upto 400A, 3 at 12kV, 1200A, 1 at 12kV & 15kV.

Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit.

Upto 100 millivolt at 100Adc.


200kArrns for 1 sec. with 565kApeak

Test upto 132kV class. Test upto 132kV class. Upto 1,000 operations. Test upto 10000Amps.

Sheet No.2 of 10 Sl. No.




Isolators and Earthing Switches


Short time withstand current and peak withstand current.


Dielectric tests (wet & dry) Mechanical endurance test Temperature rise test



Surge Arrestors



H.T. Fuses/ Distribution Fuse Boards and Cut outs




Line Traps


Motor Terminal Box



IS:9921-1, IS:9921-2 & 3, IS:9921-4 & 5, IEC 62271-102.

Test upto 200kArms for 1.0 second with 565kA peak upto 33 kV class; upto 80kArms for 3.0 seconds with 200 kA peak for above 33 kV class. Test upto 132 kV class Upto 1,000 operations. Tests upto 6300 Amps

Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit Lightning Impulse voltage withstand test Partial Discharge test

Upto 100 milli Volt at 100 A DC.

Test upto 132 kV class Test upto 100 kV, 50 Hz.

IS:3070-1, IS:3070-3, IEC:60099-1, IEC:60099-4, IEC:60099-5 Short circuit breaking IS: 9385-1, capacity test IS:9385-2, IS:9385-3, IS: 9385-4, Dielectric test. IEC: 60282-1, Temperature rise Test. IEC: 60282-2, Test for time current IS: 2675, characteristics. IS:13947 (Part-1), IEC:60947-1, Power dissipation Test. IS:12063,1, Creepage and Clearance IEC60529 test Test to verify the degrees of protection. Short time current IS: 8792, test. IS: 8793, IEC:60353 Short circuit tests.

- Through fault current test. CPRI Document No. TOP-01. - Internal fault current test.


Spacers for Bundle Conductor.

- Fault current test.


Insulator strings

- Power Arc tests.


HT Contactor

- Rated making and Breaking Capacity test. - Dielectric tests. - Mechanical endurance test. - Temperature rise test.

IS: 10162, CPRI Document No. TOP-01. CPRI Document No. TOP-01. IS: 9046, IEC: 60470, IS:5561

Test upto: 50 kArms at 12kV, 11 kArms at 24kV, For high Current test & low Current test. Test upto: 50 kArms at 12 kV, 11 kArms at 24 kV, 16 kArms at 36 kV. Test upto 132 kV class Test upto 630 Amps. Test upto 100kA. Upto 110 Watts. Upto 33kV. IP-1X to 6X and IP-X1 to X6 12 kV, 50 kAmps for 0.2Sec.

Upto 200kArms for 1.0 Sec. Upto 50 kArms for 0.2 Sec. at 12 kV, upto 11kArms for 0.2 Sec. at 24 kV, 16kArms for 0.2 Sec. at 36 kV Upto 50 kArms for 0.1 Sec.

50 kArms at 12 kV 11 kArms at 24 kV 16 kArms at 36 kV Test upto 4 kArms at 12kV. Test upto l32kV Class. Upto 12kV Class.

- Dimensional Check.

Test upto 25000 Amps with driving voltage of 40 Volts. Upto 12kV Class.

- Visual Examination.

Upto 12kV Class.

- Short time current Test.

Upto 200 kArms for 1 Second with 565kApk.

Sheet No.3 of 10 Sl. No. 11

NAME OF THE TYPES OF TESTS EQUIPMENT Power & Distribution - Measurement of Transformers, winding resistance. Traction Transformers, - Measurement of Inductors voltage ratio and And Dry type check of voltage Power transformers vector relationship. -

Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit Impedance and load loss.


Measurement of no-load loss and current. Measurement of Insulation resistance.


Bus ducts, panels. MCB boards. Distribution pillars, distribution fuse boards and cut out etc.

Test upto 40 MVA, 132/33 kV class Upto 10 G at 5kV.

Lightning Impulse Voltage withstand Test.


Temperature rise test.

Upto 25 MVA, 66kV class


Short circuit tests.


Induced over voltage test.

Upto 60 MVA, 220 kV class subject to impedance of Transformer Test upto 1000 Volts, 200Hz, 66 kV, 120 Hz.


Partial Discharge Measurement Air Pressure test

100kV IS: 1180 (Part-1&2)

100 kVA

IS: 1180 (Part- 1 & 2)


- Test to prove mechanical IS: 7567, operation test. ANSI/IEEE C-37.60 IS:13118, - Temperature rise test. IS: 12729 - Operating Duty test.


Verification of the short circuit withstand strength - Short time current test -


Neutral Grounding Resistor units

Test upto 40 MVA, 132/33 kV class




Ratio upto 400

Test upto 20 MVA, 66kV Class Test upto 5 MVA, 66kV class; 10 MV A, 33/11kV Class

- Short time current Test. 1 13

Upto 300 ohms.

Dielectric tests.

- Permissible flux density & over fluxing Autoreclosures





RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS:2026-1, IS:2026-2, IS:2026-3, IS:2026-4, IEC:60076-1, IEC:60076-2, IEC:60076-3, IEC:60076-4, IEC:60076-5, IS:1180-1, IS:1180-2, IEEE C 57.12.00, IEEE C57.12.90, IS: 11171, IEC: 60076-11, IEC:60310,


IS 8623-I/IEC439-I, IS 8623-2/IEC439-2, lEC 61439-1, lEC 61439-2, IEC 61439-5 lEC 61439-6 High voltage power IS 8084, frequency test IS 13032, Temperature rise test IS 5039, Degree of protection IS 2675, Lightning impulse test IS 12063, Verification of clearances IS 13947 (Part-I), and creepage distance IS 4691, Verification of mechanical lEC 60529, operation lEC 60947-1, IS 2147, Internal Arc Tests IS 12063, IEC/TR 61641. Short Time Current test/ CPRI document No. Temp. rise test TOP-01

Upto 36kV Class. Test upto 400 Amps. Upto 50kArms at l2kV, 11kArms at 24kV, 200 kArms for 1.0 Sec. with 565 kApeak. Test upto 200kArms for 1 sec. with 565 kApk. Test upto 100kArms for 3 sec. with 250 kApk. Upto 132 kV class. Upto 25kA, 3 phase 40V. IP IX to 6X & IP XI to X6. Upto 132kV class. Upto 132kV class. 50 operations. 200 kArms for 1.0 Sec. with 565 kApeak. Upto 200 kArms for 1.0 sec.

Sheet No.4 of 10 Sl. No. 15

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT Current Transformer


Short time current test.


Transient response test.

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS:2705 (Part -1), IS:2705 (Part-2 to 4), IEC: 61869-1, IEC: 61869-2,


Temperature rise test. Lightning impulse voltage withstand test. - High voltage power frequency test (dry and wet).

Test upto 132kV class.

Determination of errors and other characteristics. - Terminal marking and polarity. - Over voltage interturn test.


Voltage transformers


Upto 200 kArms for 1 Sec. with 565 kApeak subject to impedance of current Transformer. Upto 400kV class. Test upto 25,000 Amps. Test upto 132kV class.




Test upto 10,000 A/1A and 5Amps. Upto 400kV class. Upto 400kV class.

- Composite error measurement test. - Turn ratio measurement test. - Secondary winding resistance measurement test.

Upto 400kV class.

- Knee point voltage and excitation current measurement test.

Upto 400kV class.

- Instrument security current test.

Upto 400kV class.

- Measurement of Partial Discharge - Short circuit withstand capability test. - Voltage Error and Phase Displacement Measurement Test - Terminal marking & Polarity test. - Lightning impulse voltage withstand test - High voltage power frequency test (Dry and Wet) - Temperature Rise Test - Induced Voltage Withstand Test. - Measurement of Partial Discharge - Measurement of winding resistance.

Test upto 100 kV, 50 Hz.

- Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit impedance. - Measurement of insulation resistance. - Dielectric tests. - Short time withstand current test. - Lightning impulse voltage withstand test. - Temperature Rise Test

Upto 400kV class. Upto 400kV class.

IS: 3156 (Part-1), IS: 3156 (Part-2 & 3), IEC: 61869-1 IEC: 61869-3

Test upto 132kV class. Test upto 1, 132/ 3kV, 3, 33kV. Test upto 132kV class Test upto 132 kV class. Test upto 132 kV class.

Upto 33 kV, 3-phase Test upto 1000 V, 200Hz Test upto 100 kV. IS:5553-2, IS:5553-3, IS:5553-4, IS:5553-6, IS:5553- 8, IEC:60076-6.

Upto 300 ohms. Upto 2 MVAr, 11kV.

Upto 10 G at 5 kV. Test upto 132kV Class (PF) 200kArms for 1.0 sec. with 565 kA peak , subjected to impedance of reactors. Test upto 132kV Class. 100Amps.

Sl. No. 2 18

1 19



Cables, joints and terminations of polymeric cables

Bushing, power connectors, Insulators

TYPES OF TESTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

LV fuses, fuse holders/base, Rewirable type fuses, fuses (cutouts) Auxil1iary terminal blocks & interconnecting units, cartridge fuses, D type (AC/DC) fuses, semiconductor fuses, fuses with enclosure

Sheet No.5 of 10 RANGE OF TESTING Upto 132 kV class Upto 25kA, 3 ph. 200kArms for 1 sec. with 565 kApk Upto 300kV, 700A Upto 132kV class. Upto 132kV class. Upto 132kV class. Upto 132kV class. IP 1X to 6X & IP X1 to X6 Test upto 200kArms for 1 sec. With 565 kApk.

IS 13573, IS 1554 (Part- 1& 2), IS 5819, Lightning Impulse test Upto 132 kV class. IS 7098 (Part-I), Dielectric test IS 7098 (Part-2), CPRI 100 kV class. Conductor resistance test Upto 300. Document No.TOP-02 Insulation resistance meas. Upto 10G at 5kV.

1 Short time current test 2 HV power frequency test Lightning impulse test 3 4 5 6 7


High voltage test Temperature rise test Short circuit tests Switching Test Mechanical test Insulation test Lightning impulse test Mechanical endurance Degree of protection Dynamic & thermal short circuit test

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS 8468, lEC 60214-1, IEC:60214-2, lEC 60542, IS 13947 (Part-I), lEC 60947-1 IS 12063, lEC 60529.

Temperature rise test Visual inspection Electrical routine test Verification of dimensions Puncture test

1 Breaking capacity tests** Performance under short 2 circuit conditions** Cut-off current 3 characteristics* * I2t characteristics and over 4 current discrimination** Mechanical strength of 5 fuse holder Verification of resistance 6 To heat Non-deterioration of insulating parts of fuse 7 links, fuse base and contacts Protection against 8 electric shock 9 Temperature rise test 10 Degree of protection Time current 11 characteristics** Conventional time and 12 current** 13 Visual examination 14 Test for dimensions 15 Mechanical endurance 16 Mechanical strength 17 Withdrawal force 18 Insulation resistance 19 Dielectric test 20 Electrical endurance** Test for water absorption 21 (Non ceramic) Test for water absorption on 22 ceramic material 23 Temperature cycle test 24 Verification of the continuity of the protective circuit

IS 2099, IS 7421, IS 5561, IS 5621, IS 2544, IS 731, lEC 60273

100 kArms for 3 secs. with 250kApk. Upto 132kV class

Upto 25kA, 3 ph. with driving voltage of 40V, Upto 132kV class. Upto 132 kV class. Upto 132kV class. Upto 132kV class. IS 13703 (Part-1), **Range- Test upto IS 13703 (Part-2/Sec.1), 200kArms at 1.1 kV IS 13703 (Part-2/Sec.2), and upto 80 kA d.c at IS 2086, 1.55 kVd.c. # BS 88 (Part-I), BS 1361, 100kArms at 550V and upto 80kA BS 7657, IS 8187, Upto 1250A, 1000V IS 13703 (Part-4), IEC 60269-1, Upto 1250A, 1000V IEC 60269-2, IEC 60269-3, IEC 60269-4, Upto 1250A, 1000V IS 10027, IS 10027, IS 13947(Part-I), Upto 1250A, 1000V IEC 60947-1. IS 9926. Upto 25kA, 3 ph. with driving voltage of 40V. IP1X to 6X & IPX1 toX6 Upto 1250A, 1000V rating. 100kArms at 550V and upto 80kArms a Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 2000M, 500V. Upto 10kV. -Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V. Upto 100Amps, 415V.

Sheet No.6 of 10 Sl. No. 22

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT L V Switchgear and Control gear


RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD 1 Making & breaking IS/IEC 60947 -1, Capacity IS/IEC 60947 -2, IS/IEC 60947 -3, 2 Short circuit making IS/IEC 60947 -4-1, Capacity 3 Short time withstand current IS/IEC 60947 -5-1, lEC 60947-1, lEC 60947-2, 4 Fuse protected short lEC 60947-3, circuit withstand lEC 60947-4-1, 5 Fuse protected short circuit lEC 60947-4-2, making lEC 60947-5-1, 6 Rated service short circuit lEC 60947-6-1, breaking capacity lEC 60947-7-1, 7 Rated ultimate short circuit IS/IEC 60898-1, breaking capacity IS/IEC 60898-2, lEC 60898-1, Rated short time withstand IEC:60898-2, 8 current IS 12640 (Part-I), 9 Short circuit Breaking IS 12640 (Part-2), capacity at Maximum short IS3427,/IEC:298 time withstand current lEC 61008-1, 10 Short circuit at selectivity limit lEC 61008-2-1, current. * lEC 61008-2-2, lEC 61009-1, 11 Short circuit at 1.1 times lEC 61009-2-1, protective current* lEC 61009-2-2, 12 Short circuit at ultimate short IS 10027, circuit breaking capacity* lEC 60755, IS 13032, 13 Individual pole short lEC 60695-2-1/0, circuit breaking capacity* IS 14659, lEC 60466, 14 Switching duty test* IS 9000(Part-VIII) 15 Verification of rated making and breaking capacities, change over ability and reversibility* 16 Discrimination between SCPD and overload relay* 17 Verification of conventional Operational performance * 18 Performance under short circuit conditions* 19 Verification of ability to withstand overload current* 20 Performance at reduced short circuit currents* 21 Conditional short Circuit current* 22 Verification of rated making and breaking capacity* 23 Verification of the Rated residual making and breaking capacity* 24 Verification of the coordination at the rated making and breaking capacity* 25 Verification of the coordination at rated conditional residual short circuit current* 26 Verification of the coordination at rated conditional residual short circuit current*

RANGE OF TESTING Range - 100kA for 3 secs. 550V, 80 kA for 3 secs. 726V Upto 200 kA for 1 sec. with 565 kApk at 1.1 kV and upto 80 kAdc at 1.55 kVdc.

Sheet No.7 of 10 Sl. No.

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT L V Switchgear and Control gear

TYPES OF TESTS 27 Short circuit Performance at l500A 28 Service short circuit capacity 29 Performance at rated short circuit capacity* 30 Circuit fault current test* 31 Rated earth fault breaking current test* 32 Flexible cord test* 33 Temperature rise verification 34 Dielectric properties 35 Leakage current 36 Strength of actuator mechanism 37 Operational performance* 38 Tripping limits and characteristics 39 Mechanical operation and operational performance capability 40 Overload performance* 41 Verification of Overload releases 42 Marking dimensions, visual examination, General 43 Mechanism/Trip free mechanism 44 Indelibility of marking 45 Clearances and creepage distances 46 Non Interchangeability 47 Reliability of screws, current carrying parts and connectors 48 Reliability of terminals for external conductors 49 Protection against electric shock 50 Resistance to heat 51 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire 52 Resistance to rusting 53 28-day testing 54 Mechanical and electrical* endurance test 55 Trip and non trip test 56 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact 57 Voltage drop/effective earthing 58 Environment test 59 Moisture and humidity test 60 Verification of operation and operating limits 61 Verification of ability to withstand overload currents 62 Verification of mechanical properties of terminals 63 Vibration test 64 Time current characteristics* 65 Insulation resistance

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS/IEC 60947 -1, IS/IEC 60947 -2, IS/IEC 60947 -3, IS/IEC 60947 -4-1, IS/IEC 60947 -5-1, lEC 60947-1, lEC 60947-2, lEC 60947-3, lEC 60947-4-1, lEC 60947-4-2, lEC 60947-5-1, lEC 60947-6-1, lEC 60947-7-1, IS/IEC 60898-1, IS/IEC 60898-2, lEC 60898-1, IEC:60898-2, IS 12640 (Part-I), IS 12640 (Part-2), IS3427,/IEC:298 lEC 61008-1, lEC 61008-2-1, lEC 61008-2-2, lEC 61009-1, lEC 61009-2-1, lEC 61009-2-2, IS 10027, lEC 60755, IS 13032, lEC 60695-2-1/0, IS 14659, lEC 60466, IS 9000(Part-VIII)

RANGE OF TESTING Range - 100kA for 3 secs. 550V, 80 kA for 3 secs. 726V

Upto 25 kA, 3 ph. With driving voltage of 40V Upto 100kV class. 1000V, 0 to 10 A. 18 gms to 13.38 kgms. -Upto 100kA. Upto 100kA, 1000Volts Class.

Upto 100kA.

Upto MCB rating of 125A.

Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. 10-120cNm, 1-6Nm, 2.5-11Nm

50N-100N , 10-120cNm, 1-6Nm 2.5-11 Nm Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. Upto MCB rating of 125A. 0-100A, 50 V -10°C to 100°C, 20% to 98% RH -10°C to 100°C, 20% to 98% RH Upto 1000V class. Upto 10,000Amps. Upto 1000Volts. Upto 510 kg-f.

Upto 2000 M at 500V

Sheet No.8 of 10 Sl. No.

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT L V Switchgear and Control gear

TYPES OF TESTS 66 Transformer (current) balance test 67 Test for determination of test device ampere turns 68 Test for sensitivity 69 Shock test 70 Verification of performance of test device 71 Degree of protection 72 Lightning Impulse 73 HV test 74 Over current device calibration test* 75 Operation of the test device at the limits of rated voltage* 76 Behaviour of the RCCB in case of failure of the line voltage 77 Limiting values of the non operating currents under overcurrent conditions 78 Resistance against unwanted tripping due to current surges 79 Resistance of the insulation against impulse voltage 80 Behaviour of RCCB in case of earth fault current comprising a d.c. component


Single phase, Three phase, Energy meters and tri-vector meters

81 Reliability 82 Ageing of electronic Component 83 Controls, Sequence and limits of operation 84 Residual operating characteristics 1 Impulse voltage test

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS/IEC 60947 -1, IS/IEC 60947 -2, IS/IEC 60947 -3, IS/IEC 60947 -4-1, IS/IEC 60947 -5-1, lEC 60947-1, lEC 60947-2, lEC 60947-3, lEC 60947-4-1, lEC 60947-4-2, lEC 60947-5-1, lEC 60947-6-1, lEC 60947-7-1, IS/IEC 60898-1, IS/IEC 60898-2, lEC 60898-1, IEC:60898-2, IS 12640 (Part-I), IS 12640 (Part-2), IS3427,/IEC:298 lEC 61008-1, lEC 61008-2-1, lEC 61008-2-2, lEC 61009-1, lEC 61009-2-1, lEC 61009-2-2, IS 10027, lEC 60755, IS 13032, lEC 60695-2-1/0, IS 14659, lEC 60466, IS 9000(Part-VIII)


0 - 30 A 100Amps, 300mAmps 100Amps, 300mAmps 100Amps, 300mAmps

IP 1Xto6X&IPX1 toX6 35kV peak 100kV ---

Upto 100A, 300mAmps

Upto 100A, 300mAmps

Upto 100A, 300mAmps

Upto 100A, 300mAmps.

Upto 100A, 300mAmps.

Upto 100A, 300mAmps. Upto 100A, 300mAmps. Upto 100A, 300mAmps. Upto 100A, 300mAmps. S 13779, IS 13010, IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-11 IEC 62053-21 IEC 62053-22 IEC 62053-23 CBIP report No.88 CBIP Manual No 304, IS 14697,

250 V to 10 kVp

Sheet No.9 of 10 Sl. No.

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT Single phase, Three phase, Energy meters and tri-vector meters

TYPES OF TESTS 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


36 37 38

AC voltage test Insulation test Test on limits of errors* Interpretation of test results Test of meter constant* Test of starting condition, initial start up of the meter Test of no load condition Ambient temp. influence+ Test of repeatability of error+limits of error due to influence quantities+ Voltage variation+ Frequency variation+ Reversed phase sequence+ Voltage unbalance+ DC & even harmonics in current circuit+ Continuousmagnetic induction of external origin + Magnetic induction of external origin + Stray d.c.magnetic induction of external origin + Abnormal d.c.magnetic Induction of external origin+ Stray a.c.magnetic induction of external origin+ Abnormal a.c.magnetic Induction of external Origin (10 mT) + Abnormal a.c.magnetic induction (0.2T) + Test of Power Consumption Influence of supply voltage+ Short time over current Test+ Influence of self heating+ Influence of heating+ Test of immunity to Earth/phase fault + Fast transient burst test Electrostatic discharge Dry heat test Cold test Damp heat cyclic test Spring Hammer Test/ mechanical test of meter case Protection against penetration of dust and water Test of resistance to heat & fire Auxiliary voltage  15% + Phase of auxiliary Supply changed by 120° +

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD S 13779, IS 13010, IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-11 IEC 62053-21 IEC 62053-22 IEC 62053-23 CBIP report No.88 CBIP Manual No 304, IS 14697,

RANGE OF TESTING Upto 5 kV Upto 2000 M + Current : 1.2mA to 120A + Voltage : 40 to 480V

250 V to 4.4 kV Contact discharge: 10 kV Air discharge: 15 kV Upto 75°C Upto -25°C RH 30% to 98%, -25°C to 75°C  0.22Nm

Sheet No.10 of 10 Sl. No.

NAME OF THE EQUIPMENT Single phase, Three phase, Energy meters and tri-vector meters

TYPES OF TESTS 39 Range of adjustment. + 40 Independence of adjustment. + 41 Sustained accuracy test+ 42 Oblique suspension. + 43 Mechanical load of either single or multirate Resister + 44 Test on material used in dial + 45 Running at low load Magnetic field of an Accessories + 46 General, meter case, window, Terminals, terminal cover, Protective earth terminal. Clearance & creepage distances, Insulating encased meter, Display of measured values, output device

RELAVENT LATEST STANDARD IS 13779, IS 13010, IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-11 IEC 62053-21 IEC 62053-22 IEC 62053-23 CBIP report No.88 CBIP Manual No 304, IS 14697,

47 Marking of meters 48 Register( counting mechanism) 49 Direction of rotation & marking of the rotor, Speed of Rotation 50 Radio Interference measurement 51 Test of Immunity to electromagnetic HF Fields. 52 Test of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by Radio frequency field. 53 Vibration test 54 Shock test 55 Physical communication interface 56 Communication requirement 57 System level test + 58 Operation of an Accessories + 59 Waveform 10% of harmonic in the current+ 60 Harmonic component in current and voltage circuit + 61 Sub harmonic in ac current circuit 62 Odd harmonics in ac current circuit* 63 Surge immunity test 64 Damped oscillatory wave immunity test. 65 Verification of antitamper CPRI document No. features * TOP-04


All ratings

All ratings

9.0 kHz to 2 GHz 10 kHz to 3 GHz

150 kHz to 250 MHz

Sign and random 0.1 Hzto 3.5 kHz Half sign

1st to 10th harmonics 1st to 10th harmonics 1st to 10th harmonics

200 V to 6.0 kV 200 V to 4.0 kV 1mA to 120 A 40 to 480V