TestManager Excel Plug-In

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User Guide 1: Updating TestManager data used in selection lists. ... User Guide 3 : Changing the configuration values of the TestManager plug-in ......... 15.
TestManager Excel Plug-In User Guide

Larry Quesada IBM Rational Software 5/22/2006


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

Introduction ........................................................................................... 3 User Guide.............................................................................................. 6 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 6 User Guide 1: Updating TestManager data used in selection lists .............................. 7 Updating TestManager data values ................................................................ 7 Changing the Data Validation of an Excel cell................................................ 8 User Guide 2: Importing Test Cases ......................................................................... 9 Importing Test Cases ................................................................................... 11 User Guide 3: Changing the configuration values of the TestManager plug-in ......... 15 User Guide 4: Setting your password ..................................................................... 17 User Guide 5: Creating a Test Case Status Report................................................... 19 Creating a test case report ........................................................................... 20 User Guide 6: Setting Test Case States in batch from the TestManager Excel Plug-in23 User Guide 8: Working with Test Case States from TestManager ............................ 26 Viewing test case state from the properties of a test case.............................. 26 Viewing test case state from a test plan........................................................ 27 Updating the state of a test case from a Test Plan ........................................ 28 Updating the state of a test case from result log. .......................................... 28 User Guide 9: Creating a Test Plan Status Report ................................................... 29 Creating a Test Plan Status Report ............................................................... 29 User Guide 10: Creating a Test Input Status Report ................................................ 31 Creating a Test Input Status Report.............................................................. 31 User Guide 11: Creating a Test Plan Status Report by Configured Test Case ........... 33 Creating a Test Plan Status Report by Configured Test Csae ......................... 33 User Guide 12: Creating a Test Input Status Report by Configured Test Case .......... 35 Creating a Test Input Status Report by Configured Test Case........................ 35


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

Introduction The TestManager Excel plug-in is a set of macros embedded into Excel, which extend the functionality of TestManager. Test discipline practitioners may use the plug-in in conjunction with TestManager throughout the test cycle to aid in test case development, import of test cases into TestManager as well as reporting. QA management may use the plug-in to access status of the test effort without having to launch the tool. Finally, once the reports are created in Excel, one may use any Excel capability such as copying and pasting from the Excel worksheet into a word document, creating trends and charts, pivot tables, formulas, creating print regions, etc. Test Case Import This utility provides a configurable import tool, which imports test cases from an Excel sheet into a selected test plan. Test cases are validated prior to import. The import tool supports test case name, description, preconditions, post conditions, test inputs, acceptance criteria, owner, custom fields and configuration.

Support for UCBT Test Case Worksheet The import tool supports importing test cases represented in the test case grid as described in Jim Heumann’s white paper "Generating Test Cases from Use Cases." Columns that contain data elements and conditions that do not map to a TestManager Test Case field are appended to the end of the description field.

Set Password This tool allows an end-user to set their password without having access to the Rational Administrator project password.


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

Test Case Report This configurable report lists the fields of each test case in a selected TestManager test plan. The report supports test case name, description, pre-conditions, post conditions, acceptance criteria, test inputs, custom fields, owner, suspect, owner, test case state, report date and configured test case states. Test case states and configured test case states are color-coded.

Set Test Case States This tool sets all of the states of a selected test plan to a selected state (un-attempted, attempted, passed, failed, deferred, or blocked). Test Plan Status Report For a selected set of test plans, this report lists the number of test cases that are implemented, planned, passed, failed, blocked, deferred, attempted and un-attempted. Configured test cases are not included in the summations.

Test Input Status Report: For a selected set of RequisitePro requirements (specified with requirement tags), this report lists the number of test cases that are implemented, planned, passed, failed, blocked, deferred, attempted and un-attempted. Configured test cases are not included in the summations.


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

Test Plan Status Report by Configured Test Case For a selected set of test plans, this report lists the number of configured test cases that are implemented, planned, passed, failed, blocked, deferred, attempted and un-attempted. Test Input Status Report by Configured Test Case For a selected set of RequisitePro requirements (specified with requirement tags), this report lists the number of configured test cases that are implemented, planned, passed, failed, blocked, deferred, attempted and un-attempted. Configured test cases are not included in the summations.


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

User Guide Objectives This user guide describes:



Updating TestManager data used in selection lists


Importing Test Cases


Changing the configuration values of the TestManager plug-in


Setting your password


Creating a Test Case Status Report


Setting Test Case States in batch from the TestManager Excel Plug-in


Working with Test Case States from TestManager


Creating a Test Plan Status Report


Creating a Test Input Status Report


Creating a Test Plan Status Report (configured test cases)


Creating a Test Input Status Report (configured test cases)

TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

User Guide 1: Updating TestManager data used in selection lists Some data, such as test case owner, custom field values and configuration names, must be valid in the target TestManager datastore or the import of the test case will fail. The TestManager plug-in uses Excel data validation to provide selection lists for the appropriate cells. The data validation uses named ranges that are stored in the sheet TestManager Data. The following are valid name ranges: •

UserNames: Valid user accounts in the target TestManager datastore

ConfigurationNames: Valid configuration names in the target TestManager datastore

Custom1Values: Valid values for the custom1 field of a test case in the target TestManager datastore.

Custom2Values: Valid values for the custom2 field of a test case in the target TestManager datastore.

TestPlanNames: Valid test plan names for the target TestManager datastore.

TestCaseStates: Valid test case states.

The TestManager Excel plug-in provides a macro to update these values automatically for a selected TestManager datastore.

Updating TestManager data values Steps


1. Open the TestManager Excel workbook. 2. When prompted, select Enable Macros.

3. Select the TestManager Data sheet. 4. Click on the Update button in the upper left corner.


TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

5. Select the appropriate TestManager datastore. 6. Enter a valid user name and password for the selected datastore.

7. The TestManager Excel plug-in updates the values on the TestManager Data sheet to match the selected datastore and displays a status window. 8. Select the OK button.

Changing the Data Validation of an Excel cell. Steps 1. From Excel, Select a cell or range of cells in TestManager. 2. Select Data->Validation. 3. On the Settings tab, set the allow field to list. 4. In the Source field of the settings tab, enter a reference to the named range. The format is =. For example =UserNames.



TestManager Excel Plug-in User's Guide

User Guide 2: Importing Test Cases The TestManager Excel plug-in imports test cases from Excel sheets. Two example sheets are provided, Test Case Import Sheet, and Test Case Import Sheet (UCBT). The importer treats each row in the import sheet as a single test case. Each column of the worksheet maps to a field in a TestManager test case. The mapping of import column to test case field is defined on the Config sheet of the Excel worksheet. The importer prompts the user for a target test plan and a target import folder. The importer creates the target folder at the top level of the target test plan. If the target folder exists, the importer creates a unique name by appending a one-up number to the end of the target folder name. All test cases are imported into the target test folder. If a test case row in the import sheet contains a value in the Folder column, the importer will create the folder within the target folder, and create the new test case within this folder. The importer creates the name of the test case by concatenating the test case id column and the test case name column. Configurations are also represented as columns in the import worksheet. A test case row may specify that multiple configurations should be created for the new test case by filling in the cell of a configuration column with a valid TestManager user name. The importer will create a new configuration for each cell in a configuration column, which contains a valid user name. The importer ignores configuration columns that are blank. The importer treats all columns up to and including the EndColumn as test case fields, and all columns after the EndColumn as configurations. The EndColumn may be specified on the Config sheet. Import columns may appear in any order or not at all. The only required column is the Name column. The table, below, lists each import column, the TestManager mapping and the validation the importer does for that column. Import Column Name

TestManager Field Mapping

Importer Validation


The importer will create this folder within the target import folder and place the test case within this folder.

Folder names must be 40 characters or less. Folder names can not contain the following characters: *|\”;:/?.>