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Russia, contaminated by fallout from the Kyshtym accident in 1957. ...... zoobenthos), and providing shelter for fish and thereby increasing fish production and ...
6. Summary and conclusions

Many people probably still believe in the view conveyed by most textbooks on lakes that information on lake size and form is of interest “here and there” and mainly for descriptive purposes. This book takes a holistic ecosystem perspective and focuses on lake structure and function. From that perspective, this book demonstrates a totally different view. Lake morphometry influences almost all transport processes in lakes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, mixing, diffusion, burial and outflow. Therefore, lake morphometry regulates concentrations of contaminants in water and sediments, and hence also ecosystem effect related to such concentrations. These transport processes are general and apply to all substances (nutrients, metals, organics, radionuclides, etc.). So, lake morphometry also regulates the nutrient concentrations from nutrient loading to lakes, and hence also primary production, and secondary production of zooplankton, zoobenthos and fish. Such relationships have been discussed in this book, where the aim has been to try to clarify the role of lake morphometry in contexts of mass-balance calculations and lake foodweb interactions. It has been demonstrated by numerous examples for different types of lakes that these aspects are fundamental for a basic understanding of how lakes work.

From the analysis related to the “interpretational key” in this book, it is possible to quantify the role of lake morphometry for important lake variables and relate variations among lakes to differences in catchment area characteristics, climatological factors, measurement uncertainties and lake morphometry. Conservative substances are much less influenced by lake morphometry than reactive substances, that is, substances participating in lake processes. The interpretational key should be of great interest in comparative lake studies to gain an understanding why certain lakes react as they do to, for example, contaminating substances or remedial measures. This knowledge is fundamental for lake management, and the basic understanding is fundamental for lake science.


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8. Appendices

These appendices include information that may not be so vital to an understanding of the basic topics of this book. They provide more detailed information on regression analyses, on some of the lakes discussed in chapter 4, on models to predict water discharge and lake temperatures from standard map data and on the basic equations for the LakeMab and LakeWeb models.

8.1. Basic concepts in regression analysis

Regression analyses could be performed for many reasons, for example, to compare values predicted from models (generally x) with empirical data (y), to test hypotheses about relationships, and to develop statistical/empirical models. Many textbooks examine regression analyses (see Draper and Smith, 1966; Mosteller and Tukey, 1977; Pfaffenberger and Patterson, 1987; Newman, 1993). This appendix (basically from Håkanson and Peters, 1995) presents a brief summary of basic concepts that must be understood to use this textbook. Fig. 8.1 summarizes some central concepts in regression analyses that are of particular interest in lake studies.

Any regression is based on pairs of data (xi, yi). Generally, the x and the y samples should be normally distributed. If a normal distribution is not the case for the absolute values, different types of transformations (Box and Cox, 1964) can be used to obtain more compatible, and more normally distributed, x- and y-variables. Some common transformations are the logarithmic (log10 = log or ln = logn), or different exponentials like √x = x0.5, x2, x-1, or 1/(x+const). The data could also be ranked relative to the highest and/or lowest numerical value in the series. Certain transformations (like ex) maximize the weight of high values in regressions. Others, such as log(x), minimize the weight of high values. There are linear regressions (y = a·x + b), non-linear regressions (for example, y = a·log(x) + b) and multiple regressions (like y = a·x1 + b·log(x2) + c·10x3 + d). The x and the y values may be either single values or functions (like x = a·z1 + b/z2). Two fundamental characteristics of any regression analysis are the number of data (n) used in the regression and the range of the x- and y-variables. Very different assumptions are implied in building predictive regression models if: (1) the empirical data base is very small (n 17 or Dmv < 2 then MMHT = MAET else MMHT = SMTH(MMET1,!MAET/(0.51·MAET)/(0.5/(1.1/(D mv+0.1)+0.2)) Month:" " 1 " 2" 3" Temp norm: -8.0 " -2.0 " 0 "

4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 2.0 " 8.0 " 20.0 " 8.0 " 2.0 " 0 "

10" 11" 12 -2.0 " -8.0 " -20.0

Fig. 8.6. The sub-model for lake temperatures (compiled from Ottosson and Abrahamsson, 1998).


Fig. 8.7. Illustrations of the temperature sub-model. A. Predictions in the dimictic default lake. B. Predictions if this lake is at altitude 1000 m.a.s.l. C. Predictions if this lake is at latitude 40 °N. D. Predictions if this lake is 1000 km from the ocean.


Structure of LakeMab model Total inflow Fin

Surface water

Mixing FDWSWx Sedimentation to deep water FSWDW

Outflow Fout = Qout·CSW

Resuspension from ET areas to surface water FETSW Mixing FSWDWx

Sedimentation on ET areas FSWET

ET areas

Deep water Resuspension from ET areas to DW FETDW Diffusion FADW

Sedimentation on A areas FDWA

A areas

Burial Fbur

Fig. 8.8. Illustration of the basic features of the abiotic part of the LakeMab model, which includes the following compartments: (1) the surface-water compartment (SW), (2) the deep-water compartment (DW), (3) the ET areas and (4) the A areas.


Number of first order food choices for SU (NR, here NR = 2)

Consumption rate SU to PD2

Turnover time SU (Tsu)

Elimination ELsu Metabolic efficiency ratio SU for PU2

Normal consumption rate SU

Normal biomass of SU (NBMsu)

Initial production of SU from PU2

BMsu Consumption of SU by PD1

Consumption rate PU2 of SU

Consumption of PU2 by SU

Consumption of SU by PD2

Distribution coefficient PU1/PU2 to SU

Initial production of SU from PU1

Consumption rate SU to PD1

Metabolic efficiency ratio SU for PU1 Consumption rate PU1 to SU Abbreviations: Consumption of PU1 by SU BM = Biomass CON = Consumption (= out) CR = Actual consumption rate DC= Distribution coefficients, e.g., for food choices EL = Elimination related to death MER = Metabolic efficiency ratio NCR = Normal consumption rate NR = Number of first order food choices IPR = Initial production (= in) PR = Production PU1 and PU2 = Primary unit 1 and 2 PD1 and PD2 = Predator unit 1 and 2 (feeding on the secondary unit) SU = Secondary unit (e.g., herbivorous zooplankton) Set-up using: T = Turnover time • 2 primary production units, • 2 predatory units and for fish also: • 1 secondary unit, the target unit in this set-up MIGin = migration into the lake MIGout = migration from the lake

Fig. 8.9. The set-up of each secondary unit in the LakeWeb model. The figure also gives general abbreviations.


Backside text “Genes and environment” regulate the characteristics of a human. “Lake morphometry and other causes” regulate the characteristics of a lake. This book introduces an interpretational key to quantify how much of the variations among lakes in fundamental ecosystem characteristics may be related to lake morphometry, catchment area features, climatological factors and measurement uncertainties. The size and form of lakes regulate many general transport processes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, diffusion, mixing, burial and outflow, which in turn regulate many abiotic state variables, such as concentrations of phosphorus, suspended particulate matter, pH and many water chemical variables, color and water clarity, which in turn regulate primary production, which regulates secondary production, for example of zooplankton and fish. This book discusses such relationships using both empirical/statistical analyses and mechanistic principles and models. These relationships are basic for an understanding of lake function and structure. And this book is intended as a basic textbook (2nd or 3rd semester) in limnology.

There exist many good textbooks in limnology, but there is none giving the perspectives of this book. So, it ought to attract a considerable interest from researchers and students in limnology, as well as from consultants and administrators interested in management and studies of lake systems.