Textbook and Supplemental Materials The textbook for the course is ...

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The textbook for the course is Giancoli's Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Ed. There are different packages offered at the bookstore. The additional study ...
Textbook and Supplemental Materials The textbook for the course is Giancoli's Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Ed. There are different packages offered at the bookstore. The additional study aids in the bookstore packages have been negotiated with the publisher at no extra cost to you. The math accompanier is very useful for review AND learning of the relevant math for the course. You can also buy textbooks from outside, or purchase electronic versions. An e-text version of the textbook available with Mastering Physics (see below) at additional cost. THIS SEMESTER (Fall 2013), HOMEWORK WILL BE DONE PRIMARILY ONLINE, which means you will have to purchase access to masteringphysics.com. However, this also means that you are NOT required to have the latest edition of the text. In fact, you could choose to use a different text entirely, since all HW problems will come from masteringphysics. Masteringphysics is also available coupled with the textbook as e-text. You can also check out availability and costs of the various components online to see if you get better prices. The additional study aids in the bookstore packages have been negotiated with the publisher at no extra cost to you. This course also requires the use of CLICKERS in every lecture, which will be loaned to you for the semester at no cost to you (you pay only if you lose it). (A) (not at the bookstore) Mastering Physics Standalone Access Kit for Giancoli, 4/e without eText The only place to get Mastering Physics without etext is directly from the website www.masteringphysics.com. At the point of purchase during registration, the student selects with or without etext. $66 TEXTBOOK PACKAGES (B) (C) (D) available at the UML bookstore (B) MasteringPhysics with E-book Student Access Kit for Physics for Scientists & Engineers Edition: 4th $133.50 (C) Physics for Scientists & Engineers V.1 (Chapters 1-20) 4/e Giancoli (Students can purchase this text for the first semester and then purchase V.2 for the second semester) Mastering Physics Student Access Kit with eText Math for Physics w/Calculus Das $189.00 (D) Physics for Scientists & Engineers (Chapters 1-37) 4/e Giancoli (For students who intend to take at least 2 or all 3 semesters of Intro Physics.) Mastering Physics Student Access Kit with eText Math for Physics w/Calculus Das $266.00 BOTTOM LINE: In order to be in the course, you will need to buy access to masteringphysics.com at the very minimum. Access to the course textbook is highly recommended but not absolutely required.