Textbook List: Spring 2014 - SUNY Downstate Medical Center

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Textbook Title: Basic Biostatistics – Statistics For Public. Health Practice. Author: B. ... Usha Govindarajulu. Textbook Title: Applied survival analysis: Regression.
Textbook List: Spring 2014

Note: All books will be available on ‘Special Reserve’ in the SUNY Downstate Medical Library. Course


BIOS 5200: Principals of Biostatistics

Carl Rosenberg

BIOS 5203: Survival Analysis

Usha Govindarajulu

BIOS 5204: Statistical Computing

Michael Joseph

BIOS 5304: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials

Carl Rosenberg

BIOS 7202: Statistical Inference

Michael Szarek

CHSC 5203: Sex, Gender, Race and Ethnicity CHSC 5205: Urban Health Issues CHSC 5206: Program Planning and Evaluation CHSC 7202: Methods of Community Intervention and Practice CHSC 7204: Health Promotion Seminar EOHS 5201: Introduction to Management, Policy and Law

Text Title Textbook Title: Basic Biostatistics – Statistics For Public Health Practice Author: B. Burt Gerstman Publisher: Jones And Bartlett Publishers Edition/Year: 2008 ISBN #: 978-0-7637-3580-7 Textbook Title: Applied survival analysis: Regression modeling of time-to-event data Author: Hosmer D, Lemeshow S, and May S. Publisher:Wiley Edition/ Year 2nd edition / 2008 ISBN# 978-0-471-75499-2 Textbook not required. Textbook Title: Fundamentals of Clinical Trials Author: Lawrence M. Friedman, et. al. Publisher: Springer Edition/Year: 4 th Ed, 2010 ISBN #: 978-1441915856 Textbook Title: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Author: Paul G. Hoel Publisher: Wiley Edition/Year: 5th Edition/1984 IBSN: 0471890456

Judie LaRosa

Textbook not required.

LeConte Dill

Textbook not required.

Aimee Afable-Munsuz

Tracey Wilson

TBD Contact instructor prior to the semester Textbook Title: Planning health promotion programs : An intervention mapping approach Author: L. K. Bartholomew, Publisher: Jossey-Bass Edition/Year: 3rd edition; 2011 ISBN #: 978-0470528518

Denise Bruno

Textbook not required.

Paul Landsbergis


EOHS 5205: Public Health Aspects of Physical Trauma

Mira Grice Sheff

EOHS 7202: Advanced Topics in Risk Assessment Management

Laura Geer

EOHS 7204: Organization of Work, Occupational Stress, and Health

Paul Landsbergis

EPID 5200: Principles of Epidemiology

Simone Reynolds

EPID 5203: Chronic Disease Epidemiology

Elizabeth Helzner

EPID 5205: Epidemiologic Research Methods II

Janet Rosenbaum

EPID 5311: The Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious Diseased

Michael Walsh

HPMG 5201: Health Policy in the Delivery System

Textbook Title: Injury Epidemiology: Research and Control Strategies Author: Leon S. Robertson Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA Edition/Year: 3 edition (July 3, 2007) ISBN# 0195313844 Textbook Title: Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment Author: National Research Council of the National Academies Publisher: Washington D.C. Edition/Year: 2009 ISBN #: 9780309120463 or contact the instructor for a pdf file Textbook Title: Unhealthy Work: Causes, Consequences, Cures Author: Schnall P, Dobson M, Rosskam E, Gordon D, Landsbergis P, Baker D. (Eds.) Publisher: Baywood, Amityville, NY. Edition/Year: 2009 ISBN #: 9780895033352 Textbook Title: Epidemiology Author: Leon Gordis Publisher :Elsevier Edition/Year: 5th ed/2013 ISBN#: 978-1-4557-3733-8 Textbook Title: Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Control Author: Remington, Brownson and Wegner Publisher: APHA Press Edition/Year: 3rd edition/2010 ISBN #: 9780875531922 Textbook Title: Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Author: Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill. Publisher: Cambridge Edition/Year: 2006 ISBN #: 9780521686891. Textbook not required. Textbook Title: Health Care USA: Understanding its Organization and Delivery Author: Sultz H and Young KM Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Edition/Year: 8th/2014 ISBN#9781284029888

Daniel Ehlke

Textbook Title: The Social Transformation of American Medicine Author: Starr P Publisher: Basic Edition/Year: 1st/1983 ISBN#9780465079353

HPMG 5202 Health Care Advocacy and Politics

HPMG 5203: Health Management Concepts HPMG 5204: Access, Cost and Quality of Care HPMG 5207: Principles in Hospital Management

PUBH 7200: Public Health Policy and Politics Seminar

PUBH 7201: Study Design in Public Health Practice

Daniel Ehlke

Textbook Title: Health Politics and Policy Author: Litman T, Morone J, Robins L (and Ehlke D) Publisher: Cengage Delmar Edition/Year: 5th/2014 (if available) 4th/2008, if not ISBN# 9781111644154 (5th ed.) ISBN# 9781418014285 (4th ed.) Textbook Title: Improving Health Care Through Advocacy Author: Jansson B Publisher: Wiley Edition/Year: 1st/2011 ISBN#9780470505298

Judie LaRosa

Textbook not required.

Karen Benker

Textbook not required.

Karen Benker

Daniel Ehlke

Textbook Title: Hospitals: What they Are and How They Work Author: Donald J. Griffin, (editor) Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC Edition/Year: 4th Edition, 2012 ISBN#: 9780763791094 (pbk) Textbook Title: Essentials of Health Policy and Law Author: JB and Wilensky SE Publisher: Jones and Barlett Publishers, Sudbury MA Edition/Year: 2007 ISBN #: 9780763734428 Textbook Title: Policy Paradox: the Art of Political Decision Making Author: Stone D Publisher: WW Norton & Co, New York Edition/Year: revised edition, 2002 ISBN #: 9780393976250 Textbook Title: Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform Author: Paul Starr Publisher: Yale University Press Edition/Year: 2011 ISBN #: 9780300171099

Elizabeth Helzner

Textbook not required.

The model for citations and references used in course work is the American Medical Association (AMA) style as detailed on pages 28-51 of American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors, 9th Edition, edited by Iverson C, Flanagin A, and Fontanarosa PB, et al. Journals names should be abbreviated according to the Journals List in PubMed. Revised 12/12/13