Earle E. Cairns. Textbook/ Required Reading Books List. Fall 2012 ... MDiv. & MA
1st year .... United Kingdom: Oxford: How To Books, 2009. Dawson, Catherine.
Textbook/ Required Reading Books List Fall 2012 **Price for each book is subject to change. Subject/ Title
Call No. (ITS Library)
Copies in Library
PA 817 .C65 2001
MDiv. & MA 1st year BG 11 Greek I (Wyatt) A Beginner's Reader Grammar for New Testament Greek/ Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-156563-599-9 ISBN-10: 1-56563-599-X ST 11 Hermeneutics & Prolegomena (Loucks) Systematic theology by L. Berkhof ; with a complete textual index., Grand Rapids, Mich. : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., ISBN: 0802830200 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible/ Kregel Academic & Professional ISBN: 978-0-8254-3490-3 ME 11 Cultural Anthropology (Dharmaraj) Cultural anthropology/ Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1983.
Ernest Cadman Colwell & Ernest W. Tune Berkhof, Louis Robert L. Plummer
Paul G. Hiebert,
BT75 .B38 1996 BS476 .P58 2010 GN316 H53
Gn316 H53 1983
EM 11 Foundations of Ed'l Ministry (Palmer) Required Textbook Introducing Christian Education
Michael J. Anthony
Foundations for Christian Education
Daniel & Wade
BV1471.3 .I58 2001 BV1471.2 .F673 1999
2 1
$22.85 Amazon
$2.45 ↑ Amazon
Recommended Reading
Foundations of Ministry: An introduction to Christian education for a new generation
Introduction to biblical christian education Foundational Issues in Christian Education: An Introducation in Evangelical Perspective Christian Education: seeking to Become like Jesus Christ
Michael J. Anthony and the christian education faculty of biola university talbot school of theology Graendorf Robert W. Pazmino Richards, O. Lawrence
BV1473 .F69 1992
BV1471.2 .I57 BV1471.2 .P39 1988 BV1464 .R48 1988
1 2 1
MDiv. & MA 2nd year BH 11 Hebrew I (Lee) A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, Revised Edition (GBH) C.L. Seow Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon/ Hendrickson ISBN-10:1565632060; ISBN-13:9781565632066 NT 11 NT I (Wyatt) An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd edition
D.A. Carson
Ref. PJ 4567 .S424 1987
Ref PJ 4833 B68 1996
BS 2330.3 .C37 2005
CH 11 Church History I (Palmer) Required Textbook A History of Christianity Volume 1
KS. Latourette
Christianity Through the Centuries
Earle E. Cairns TestbookList_Fall 2012
BR145.2 .L1997 V.1 BR 145.2 .C28 1981 BR 145.2 .C28 1996
2 3 1 5
Reference The Story of Christianity V.1, The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation/ ISBN-10:006-1855X ISBN13:978-0061855887 The Story of Christianity V.2, The Reformation to the Present Day/ ISBN-10:0060633166 ISBN-13:978-0060633165
Justo L. Gonzalez
Justo L. Gonzalez
Recommended Reading A short history of christianity
Martin E. Marty
Church History in Plain Language
Bruce L. Shelley organizing editor, Tim Dowley; consulting editors, John H.Y. Briggs, Robert Linder, David F. Wright.
Introduction to the History of Christianity
BR 142 .G66 2010 v.1
BR 142 .G66 1984 v.2
BR 142 .G66 2010 v.2
BR146 .M28 BR150 . S52 1982
BR150 .S52
BR150 .I58 1995
Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Noll, Mark A. Christianity A Global History of Christians: How Everyday Believers Paul R. Spickard Experienced Their World and Kevin M. Cragg
BR145.2 .N65 1997 BR145.2 .S73 2001
Dates with Destiny: The 100 most important dates in church history
A. Kenneth Curtis, J. Stephen Lang, and Randy Petersen
BR148 . C77 1991
The Oxford Illustrated history of Christianity
edited by John McManners
BR145.2 .O86 1990
BS 1225.52 .A445 2012
James L. Kugel
Ref. BS 1225.2 .K84 1997
$6.07/used $20.27/new
Robert Alter
BS 580 .H24H34 2006
Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ/ NavPress ISBN: 978-1-57683-296-7
Dallas Willard
BV4511 .W535 2002
Taught by God: Teaching and Spiritual Formation/ Chalice Press ISBN: 978-0-827236-49-3
Karen Marie Yust & E. Byron Anderson
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation/ IVP ISBN: 978-0-8308-3333-7
Ruth Haley Barton
OT 11 Pentateuch (Lee) From Paradise to the Promised/ Baker Academic/ ISBNDesmond Alexander 0801025974 The Bible as it was/ Belknap Press of Harvard University Press/ ISBN: 0674069412 Hagar, Sarah, and their Children: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives/ Phyllis Trible, Letty M. Russell/ ISBN: 0664229824 EM 17 Teaching & Spiritual Formation (Choi)
Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life/ Henri J. M. Nouwen Ave Maria Press ISBN: 0-87793-072-4 Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered: Growing in Christ through Community/ Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Wilhoit, J. Academic, 2008/ ISBN# 978-0-8010-2776-5
TestbookList_Fall 2012
2 1
$20.22 BV4501.3 .B385 2006
BV 4501.3 .N675 2004
BV4511 .W53 2008
MDiv. & MA 3rd year PR 11 Homiletics (Dharmaraj) Between Two Worlds/ William B. Eerdmans Publishing John Stott Company ISBN:0-8028-0627-9 PM 11 Spiritual Formation of a Christian Leader (McKinley) Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, published Barton, Ruth Haley by Downers Grove: IVP, 2008
BV4211.2 S8 1982
BS 580.M6 B37 2008
Desiring God's Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart Benner, David G. of God, published by Downers Grove: IVP, 2005
BV4647.A25 B46 2005
Surrender to Love, published by Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 2003 * The gift of being yourself : the sacred call to self* discovery / ME 14 Church Growth (Dharmaraj)
Benner, David G. Benner, David G.
Understanding church growth (fully revised/ William Eedmans Publui)
BV 4817 B356 2003 BV 4501.3 .B457 2004
BV652.25 .M293 1980
BV652.25 .M293 1990
$14.14 (new) $0.59+ $3.99 (used)↑
Collin Hansen & John Woobridge
BV 3770 .H26 2010
Martin, Walter
BL2525 .M366 2003
BV4511 .W535 2002
Donald A. McGavran
PM 14 Theology of Ministry (Elec.) (Ling) N/A
ThM & Dmin CH 55 Modern Renewal Movement (Loucks) A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories that Stretch and Stir/ Zondervan/ ISBN: 978-0-310-32703-5 NT 59 Biblical Theo. And Cult Doctrine (Wyatt) The Kingdom of the Cults: the Definitive Work on the Subject, published by Bethany House, ISBN: 0-764228218 EM 17 Teaching & Spiritual Formation (Choi) Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ/ NavPress/ ISBN:978-1-57683-296-7
Dallas Willard
Taught by God: Teaching and Spiritual Formation/ Chalice Press, ISBN: 978-0-827236-49-3
Karen Marie Yust & E. Byron Anderson
BV 1471.3 .Y87 2006
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation/ IVP/ ISBN: 978-0-8308-3333-7
Ruth Haley Barton
BV4501.3 .B385 2006
BV4501.3 .B385 2006
BV4511 .W53 2008
Blanchard, K., & Hodges, P.
BV 4597.53 .L43 B575 2005
Hunter, J.C.
Ref HD57.7 .H878 2004
Wilkes, C.G.
Ref. BV 4597.53 .L43 .W55 1998
Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life/ Henri J. M. Nouwen Ave Maria Press ISBN: 0-87793-072-4 Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered: Growing in Christ through Community/ Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Wilhoit, J. Academic, 2008/ ISBN# 978-0-8010-2776-5 PM 51 Leadership in 21th Century (McKinley) Lead like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All time/ Nashville, 2003 The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to become a servant leader/ Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2004. Jesus on Leadership: Discovering the Secrets of Servant Leadership/ Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1998. TG 11 Theological German (Wyatt)
TestbookList_Fall 2012
Collins German Dictionary, published by Thumb Indexed
Cassell's new German and English dictionary
Breul, Karl Hermann
The New Cassell's German dictionary
Betteridge, Harold T.
The Bantam new college German & English dictionary
Traupman, John C.
German Quickly: A Grammar for Reading German, published by Peter Lang, ISBN: 0-8024-0341-5 ME 14 Church Growth (Dharmaraj)
April Wilson
Understanding church growth (fully revised/ William Eedmans Publui)
Donald A. McGavran
Ref. PF3640 .B84 1929 Ref. PF3640 .B45 1965 Ref. PF 3640 .T68
1 1 1
PE3112 .W55 2007
BV652.25 .M293 1980
BV652.25 .M293 1990
Ref. LB 2369 .T8 2007
LB 2369 .T8 2007
$16.51 (new) $5.51+$3.99 (used)↑
Research Formatting (Required) (Zo) A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago style for students and researchers / Research Methodology (Required) (Nash) Required Reading: Introduction to Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Anyone Undertaking a Research Project. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford: How To Books, 2009
The Craft of Research. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c1995 ISBN# 0-226-06584-7
Kate L. Turabian ; revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams
Ref. Q Dawson, Catherine. 180.55.M4 D36 2009
Q180.55.M4 B66 1995
Q180.55.M4 B66 2008
John W Creswell
Ref. H62 .C6963 2009
Mildred L. Patten.
Ref. Q180.55.P7 P37 2010
2009/ $72.77 2010/$67.75(new ) $59.48(used)
Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes, and Malcolm Tight
Ref. Q 180.55.M4 B59 2010
2010/ $30.41
Ref. PJ 4567.3 .K43 1992
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams.
$10.05/ 3rd edition
Recommended Reading: Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Inc., 2009. ISBN# 141296557 Proposing Empirical Research: A Guide to the Fundamentals. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Pub., c2002
How to research
Chinese Program CBH 11 Hebrew I (Chen) Biblical Hebrew : an introductory grammar / Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, c1992/ ISBN: 0802805981 (pbk.) A grammar for Biblical Hebrew (Chinese edition/ 聖經希伯來文文法)
Page H. Kelley
PJ 4567.3 .K43 1992 Ref. Choon-Leong, Seow PJ4567.S46 2005 Chinese
TestbookList_Fall 2012
$25.74 1 1
Korean Program KEM 12/54 LifeSpanDevel.&Learning (Choi) Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Education (Korean edition/ 기독교 교육학사전)
Michael J. Anthony
The Critical Journey (Korean edition/ 더 깊은 믿음으로의 여정 )
Janet O. Hagberg & Robert A. Guelich
Ref. BV 1461 .E93 2010 Korean BV 4501.2 .H248 2005 Korean
Winterim Dec. 3-7 (English Class) & 10-14 (Chinese Class), 2012 PM 55 Reformed Worship (Ling) N/A updated Sep. 17 2012
TestbookList_Fall 2012