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Nov 19, 1984 - LEANDEII [Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1272 (1984)1. Eqs. (3) should be q. In the line following Eqs. (3), v.V should be replaced by v V. A phase error in ...


53, NUMBER 21

19 NOVEMBER 1984


High-Spin Consequences of Octupole Shape in Th. W. NAZAREwrcz, P. OLANNuclei around DERS, I. RAGNARSSON, J. DUDEK, and G. A. LEANDEII [Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1272 (1984)1. A phase error in the computer code affected de0. The nutails of the results for P3a0 and cu that are quoted merical values of V, (m), and (j„) In the inaccurate. somewhat in the text are thus lower part of Fig. 2, the lowest s =i orbital should have more alignment, leading to a simplex inversion at Ace=0. 1 MeV and a large- V band crossing the already at h co = 0.2 MeV. Correspondingly, solid theoretical curve in Fig. 3 adheres more closely to the solid experimental points, at all rotational frequencies, after correction of the phase error.


Relaxation of PhoFemtosecond Orientational toexcited Carriers in GaAs. J. L. OUDAR,

Eqs. (3) should be q. In the line following Eqs. (3), v. V should be replaced by v V.

Derivation of the Optical Constants of Gold from Transmission Diffraction Measurements in the 280-640-eV Range. R. TATCHYN, I. LINDAU, E. KA'LLNE, and E. SPILLER [Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1264 (1984) ].

The following acknowledgment was inadvertently omitted. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. DMR 81-0431. The experiments were performed at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory which is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, and the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research.

A. MIGUS, D. HULIN, G. GRILLON, J. ETCHEPARE, and A. ANTQNETTI [Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 384 (1984) ]. There is a typographical

error in Eq. (6), which

should read e

= sin 2 P [ ( p/po) —1 ] /4.

Resonant Microwave Absorption of Selected DNA Molecules. G. S. EDwARDS, C. C. DAvIs, J. D. SAFFER, and M. L. SwICORD [Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1284 (1984)]. The equation correct form is

Magnetic Field-Line Reconnection

Plasma. and








in a Toroidal H. TANACA,

Rev. Lett. 53, 918

(1984)]. The right-hand


side of the second equation


on page

1286 is incorrect.

(n+ I)u„„,„i,„=vi, (n+ ,')vi;„„,=vl. Note also that the plasmid (not 2734) and the fragment long is in fact 1792-bp long. affect any of the conclusions


used is 2740-bp long referred to as 1786-bp None of these errors drawn in the paper.