Thank you to everyone who participated in LevelUP and the first ...

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Thank you to everyone who participated in LevelUP and the first session of the Seniors Only Series (SOS) this past week!
Thank you to everyone who participated in LevelUP and the first session of the Seniors Only Series (SOS) this past week! Those interested in connecting with the many alumni and friends that made these events successful are welcome to reachout to Career Services at [email protected] for assistance in facilitating that connection. -Dinardo Rodriguez '19 UPCOMING EVENTS: Spotlight: During Spring Term, Career Services will be celebrating student achievements with Spotlight! We want to recognize students who have secured a summer internship or research position, graduate school acceptance or full-time employment by celebrating their achievements through posters around campus and online. Please report here. Tuesday, April 24 Summer Internship Orientation: Those who have secured summer internships are required to attend an orientation to gain support and resources for your upcoming summer experience! At the orientation we will discuss how to establish formal methods of feedback from your supervisor and on campus advisors; your internship goals, and how to articulate those goals with your employer to maximize your summer opportunity. 11:00 a.m. – noon; Seeley G. Mudd Library Room 214 Northeast WI LGBTQ+ Career Fair: In an effort to help LGBTQ+, allied students and graduates find employment opportunities with companies that are committed to pro-fairness values, the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber is hosting the 2018 Northeast WI LGBTQ+ Career Fair! This event is an opportunity to connect diverse individuals with companies in the area seeking talent, to fill full-time, part-time or internship positions. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.; WCC Esch Hurvis Room Wednesday, April 25 Careers in Government Conversation with Bill Baer '72 and Nancy Hendry: Swipe in and join Distinguished Scarff Professors Bill Baer '72 and Nancy Hendry as they discuss careers in government and best practices in applying and interviewing for internships and full-time positions. 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.; WCC, Perille Dining Room *1:1 Chats with Bill Baer '72 and Nancy Hendry 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.; WCC, Arthur Vining Davis 4th Floor Thursday, April 26 Work / Life Integration, Be Passionate! - Cabinet Answers Your SOS! (Seniors Only Series): Join Brian Pertl, Dean of the Conservatory of Music, for an inspiring discussion about finding the right balance between your personal and professional lives after you leave Lawrence. Also learn how to stay passionate about your new career! Refreshments provided! 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.; WCC Esch Hurvis Room *Advanced registration on LUWorks required CONSERVATORY CORNER: Long Island University Post Chamber Music Festival: Join The Pierrot Consort and guest artists such as Imani Winds for three weeks of chamber music study. Opportunities to earn college credit are available! VII International Piano Competition (in memoriam of Vera Lotar-Shevchenko): Have the opportunity to win up to $10,000 and a chance to perform in Russia. Applications due Friday, June 1. The Great Composers Competition: Submit your recordings now for various open competitions! Check back every month to see what competitions are being held. All submissions are FREE of charge. INTERNSHIP HIGHLIGHTS: Other Summer Internship Orientations: Those of you unable to attend the required Summer Internship Orientation this week are welcome to join one of the other orientations taking place later on in the term. They will be on Thursday, May 3; Wednesday, May 9; Monday, May 14; and Thursday, May 24. Lawrence University, Various, See LUWorks. Several internships available in the Diversity & Inclusion Office, Briggs, ACE, Annual Giving Office, and more! Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Summer Organizing Fellowship, Job ID: 29490 New Zoo & Adventure Park, Various, See LUWorks.

Drop - In Hours: Monday 3-4:30 p.m. Tuesday 4-7 p.m. Wednesday 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday 3-4:30 p.m. (Conservatory) Friday 9:30-11:30 a.m.