Let us slave over the hot stoves ... Choice of apple, pumpkin or brown butter bourbon pecan. Call with your order today,
+ OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY! 11:00 – 3:00 We will be serving a delicious, traditional Thanksgiving menu at Wright’s and River Tavern. Let us slave over the hot stoves while your family enjoys a relaxing holiday with us! PIES TO GO! Wright’s will be selling homemade gourmet pies that can be picked up the day before or on Thanksgiving Day. All pies are $20. Choice of apple, pumpkin or brown butter bourbon pecan. Call with your order today, or visit our website and order online
Wrights 78 Main Street Centerbrook 860-767-2440 wrightssteak.com
River Tavern 23 Main Street Chester, CT 860-526-9417 rivertavernrestaurant.com
$45 for adults $25 for children 12 and under Price includes choice of one appetizer, one entrée, 3 sides + dessert
Appetizers winter squash soup baked oysters with saltines, cream, lemon + thyme radicchio, pear, walnut + gorgonzola salad artichoke dip charcuterie plate- to share Entrees traditional roast turkey roast prime rib of beef roast salmon with béarnaise sauce lasagna with wild mushrooms, cheeses + herbs Sides traditional stuffing with apple, sage + bacon sautéed mushrooms creamed pearl onions yorkshire pudding mashed potatoes winter squash gratin gratineed brussel sprouts with bacon green beans homemade gravy and cranberry sauce Desserts pumpkin pie/apple pie/pecan pie ginger cake with whipped cream date pudding with rum caramel sauce