The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering – ICEE'2017 October 29th to 31st, 2017, Boumerdes, Algeria
After four successful editions, the Signals and Systems Laboratory (LSS) will organize the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering – ICEE’2017 that will take place at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IGEE, ex. INELEC), University of Boumerdes, in the wonderful city of Boumerdes, from October 29th to 31st, 2017. The ICEE’2017 aims to promote research in electrical engineering and electronics. It is an Conference Chair opportunity to exchange experiences and present research results in the fields of theoretical, Dr. Abdelhamid DAAMOUCHE, UMBB, experimental, and applied Electrical Engineering. The conference will bring together leading Algeria. researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Prospective Conference Co-Chairs authors are invited to submit four-page camera-ready manuscripts on topics related to, but not Dr. Mouloud CHALLAL, UMBB, Algeria. limited to, the following topics: Dr. Abdelmadjid RECIOUI, UMBB, Algeria. 1. Power Engineering Dr. Abdelmalek KOUADRI, UMBB, Algeria. Honorary Chairs Pr. Abdelhakim BENTELLIS, UMBB Rector, Boumerdes, Algeria. Dr. Aissa KHELDOUN, IGEE Director, UMBB, Algeria.
Dr. Mohamed BECHERIF, UTBM, France.
2. Telecommunications and Signal Processing
Local Organizing Committee Dr. Abderrahmane OUADI, UMBB, Algeria Dr. Brahim METIDJI, UMBB, Algeria Mr. Mourad AIT-TAHAR, UMBB, Algeria Mr. Youssouf Ismail CHERIFI, UMBB, Algeria Mr. Zakaria RABIAI, UMBB, Algeria Miss. Yasmina AZZOUGUI, UMBB, Algeria Miss. Yasmine MAKHLOUF, UMBB, Algeria Miss. Dyhia BOUHADJRA, UMBB, Algeria
3. Computer Engineering and applications 4. Control Systems Engineering
Technical Program Committee Please refer to the conference webpage.
For more details, please refer to the conference webpage. Paper Submission Submitted papers must be unpublished and not being currently under review for any other publication. Authors are invited to submit a 4-page full paper according to the IEEE template available at: All papers must be written in English and should be submitted in PDF format to the ICEE’2017 using the CMT online submission: All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity following a peer review process. One of the authors of an accepted submission must register, attend and present their work (in the form of either oral or poster presentation) as a condition of publication. Important Dates Paper submission deadline: Notification to authors: Final version due: ICEE2017 Conference:
Jun. 30th, 2017 Jul. 30th, 2017 Sep. 15th, 2017 Oct. 29-31, 2017
Contact Information ICEE2017 Conference Manager IGEE (ex. INELEC), University of Boumerdes, Boumerdes, Algeria. Tel/Fax:+, E-mail:
[email protected]