Page 2 ..... none: no reordering, i.e. we keep the order that results from the grid refinement cyclic: cyclic ordering as described in section 2 and [6]; for acyclic ...
The appropriate numbering for the multigrid solution of convection dominated problems Wolfgang Hackbusch, Sabine Gutsch, Jean-Franc¸ois Maitre, Franc¸ois Musy Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨at zu Kiel, Mathematisches Seminar II, Lehrstuhl f¨ur Praktische Mathematik, Olshausenstr. 40, D-24098 Kiel UMR CNRS 5585, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Dept. Mathematiques Informatique, B.P. 163, F-69131 Ecully Cedex
Summary The well-known smoothing iterations for scalar elliptic problems can usually not be applied to the Stokes- or Navier-Stokes equations. The reason is that the matrices arising from FE- or FD-discretizations of saddle-point problems are no longer positive definite. One remedy is to use the squared system. This leads to convergence in the symmetric case, but does not work if there is dominant convection. In this paper we will describe efficient smoothing methods that depend on the ordering of the unknowns. We provide numerical results illustrating the improved convergence properties of the multigrid algorithm.
1 Introduction The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are an important model in Computational Fluid Dynamics that describes instationary, incompressible, viscous flows. They are given by the following nonlinear system of partial differential equations:
ut ? u + (u r)u + rp = f ru = 0
in (0; T); in (0; T);
(1.1) (1.2)
complemented with appropriate boundary and initial conditions. Here is a bounded domain in IRd where d = 2 or 3, and (0; T) is a given time intervall. The standard situation is that the convection is much stronger than the diffusion term ( 1), i.e. the problem is singularly perturbed. This leads to problems in the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations such as finding a stable (upwind) discretisation as well as designing robust multigrid methods for the arising linear subproblems.
In this paper we propose smoothing iterations for linear systems of the form
Ll zl = bl with
Ll =
Al BlT Bl 0
; zl =
ul pl
bl =
fl gl
that arise in the solution of the Stokes or Navier-Stokes equations. The index l denotes the level in the multigrid iteration. For the space discretization we use the stable modified Taylor-Hood element: The pressure is taken to be continuous piecewise linear, and for the velocity we use continuous piecewise linear functions on the triangulation obtained by dividing each triangle into four congruent subtriangles. For the convective part we employ an upwind technique that uses upstream differences as described in [11]. This leads to the block Al being a block diagonal matrix with its diagonal blocks corresponding to the (nonsymmetric) stiffness matrix of a (possibly singularly disturbed) convection-diffusion problem ?u+ < b; ru >= f . To demonstrate that the choice of discretization does not restrict the applicability of the smoothing iteration and ordering techniques that we will describe in this paper, we will also introduce a second discretization scheme (streamline upwind Petrov Galerkin) and apply the proposed ordering techniques to the resulting linear systems of equations. For the solution of the linear subproblems we use a global multigrid method. The multigrid method is described in detail in [5]. Multigrid methods perform very well for elliptic problems or for problems where the convection is of the same order as the diffusion. When the convection becomes dominant, the convergence rate may deteriorate. This is due to a weakened smoothing property as well as to problems in the coarse grid correction. Smoothing iterations developed for scalar problems like Gauß-Seidel or Jacobi are not applicable since the diagonal contains zeros in the lower block. In order to obtain a multigrid method that is robust in the presence of dominant convection, we construct an efficient smoother based on a (block) LDU decomposition of the stiffness matrix combined with an appropriate ordering of the unknowns. A similar decomposition was also used to construct efficient smoothers for the Stokes problem in [1], [3]. Similar ordering techniques in relation with the multigrid algorithm have also been employed in [2], [10] and [12]. The remainder is structured as follows: Section 2 contains the definition of a matrix graph and the ordering techniques we employ. The smoothing method is described in section 3, and section 4 provides numerical results for the proposed ordering techniques and smoothing methods applied to the (scalar) convection-diffusion equation as well as for the Stokes equations with a convective term.
2 Ordering techniques for non-symmetric matrices 2.1 Definition of a matrix graph We describe ordering algorithms in terms of graph theory: Let G = G(A) = (V; E) be the matrix digraph (directed graph) of A with a vertex set V corresponding to the indices of A (which for our choice of discretization correspond to the set of vertices in the triangulation) and an edge set E with edges corresponding to the dominant entries of A (due to dominant convection). One possibility is to define the graph G = (V; E) by edges
E = f(p; q) 2 V V : japq j > japp jg (2.5) with a mesh dependent parameter . Whereas in this definition we only compare the off-diagonal entries with the corresponding diagonal entry, definitions that take into account further entries per row or column or definitions that are based on a splitting of the matrix into its convective and diffusive part are also possible. Some choices for the set of edges have been discussed in [4]. In the special case that the resulting graph is acyclic, the numbering algorithm described in [6] provides an ordering following the strong connections so that the (reordered) matrix corresponding to the graph is a lower triangular matrix. Since the graph represents the strong matrix entries of A, one step of a Gauß-Seidel iteration as a smoother leads to good multigrid convergence. However, in practical computations we often have to deal with cyclic graphs. In the following we describe ordering algorithms for this type of graphs. 2.2 Ordering techniques for cyclic graphs We impose the following one-flow-direction condition on the planar graph G: The inward and outward edges Ei ; i = 1; ; k associated with a vertex v can be ordered periodically with respect to the angle such that for some m 2 f0; ; kg the edges Ei; 1 i m, are outward and the edges Ei; m < i k, are inward. Fig. 1 illustrates the one-flow-direction condition. For graphs resulting from the discretisation of partial differential equations the oneflow-direction condition is typically fulfilled. If the graph G has cycles, we propose three different ordering strategies:
cyclic ordering parallel ordering feedback vertex set ordering
inward sector Ek E m+1 E1= E right
Em= E left
outward sector situation with one-flow-direction condition
forbidden situation
Figure 1 One-flow-direction condition
The cyclic ordering has been described in detail in [6] as well as in [7]. The idea is to decompose the graph into a set of disjoint (concentric) cycles and to perform a block Gauß-Seidel method with these cycles as blocks. In this case we need a block solver for the periodically bidiagonal blocks. Another possibility is to simply take a (backward) Gauß-Seidel step. The parallel ordering combines two strategies: Following the flow while keeping the bandwidth of the resulting matrix low. The idea is to melt together neighbouring nodes if this preserves the one-flow-direction condition. This leads to a graph where each node represents one or more nodes of the original graph which are to be ordered as blocks. The blocks can be viewed as a collection of nodes neighboured in normal direction to the original cycle direction. The blocks of this reduced graph can be ordered by the cyclic ordering described above or the feedback vertex set ordering described below. In the feedback vertex set ordering we determine a feedback vertex set, that is a set of vertices such that when we remove these vertices from the graph, the remaining graph becomes acyclic (and can be ordered by the algorithm described in [6]). The problem of finding a minimal feedback vertex set is known to be NP-complete. In the case of a planar graph, a quasi-optimal algorithm with linear amount of work is proposed in [6]. A heuristic feedback vertex set algorithm that is neither optimal nor linear in time but works well for many cases and is easy to implement is given in the following. It is similar to a feedback vertex set algorithm described in [9] that is optimal for two way reducible graphs. The idea is to successively perform one of the following transformations where G n fvg denotes the graph G without the vertex v and its adjacent edges:
t1 - Let v be a node with a loop. Set G = G n fvg. t2 - Let v be a node with no successor. Set G = G n fvg. t3 - Let v be a node with no predecessor. Set G = G n fvg. t4 - Let v be a node with exactly one successor. Set G = G n fvg. t5 - Let v be a node with exactly one predecessor. Set G = G n fvg.
In the transformations t4; t5 we also add edges between the predecessors (successors) and the one successor (predecessor) of the eliminated vertex. Vertices that are eliminated in t1 are added to the feedback vertex set. If there are still vertices left in the graph but no transformation is applicable, we eliminate an arbitrary node (or a node with a high number of adjacent nodes) and continue with the transformations locally. The graph algorithm is described formally by the following six Pascal-like procedures. It does not require any geometric information like vertex coordinates or the one-flowdirection condition as in the (quasi-optimal) algorithm described in [6]. For a directed graph G = G(V; E), let attr(i); i = 1; ; jV j be an array which holds attributes D; A or L for the vertices. D stands for deleted, A for active and L for listed. procedure findFVS( G(V,E) ); procedure addFVS( P ); begin begin FVS = ;; M := fsuccessors of P g n P ; for P 2 V do attr(P) = L; N := fpredecessors of P g n P ; for P 2 V do begin FVS := FVS [ P; if ‘attr(P) = L’ then transformZeroPred(P); G := G n P ; if ‘attr(P) = L’ then transformZeroSucc(P) attr(P) := D; end; for Q 2 M do while (not all vertices are deleted) do begin if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then begin while (9 a node P with attr(P) = L) do attr(Q) := L; begin transformZeroPred(Q) transformOneSucc(P); end; if ‘attr(P) = L’ then transformOnePred(P); for Q 2 N do if ‘attr(P) = L’ then attr(P) := A if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then begin attr(Q) := L; end; transformZeroSucc(Q) if ‘a node P with attr(P) = A exists’ then end end; addFVS(P) end end; procedure transformZeroPred( P ); procedure transformZeroSucc( P ); begin begin if ‘P has no predecessor’ then begin if ‘P has no successor’ then begin M := fsuccessors of P g; M := fpredecessors of P g; G := G n P ; G := G n P ; attr(P) := D; attr(P) := D; for Q 2 M do for Q 2 M do if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then begin if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then begin transformZeroPred(Q); transformZeroSucc(Q); if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then if ‘attr(Q) 6= D’ then attr(Q) := L attr(Q) := L end end end; end end end;
procedure transformOnePred( P ); begin if ‘P has exactly one predecessor R’ then begin for Q 2 fsuccessor of P g do E := E [ (R;Q); G := G n P ; attr(P) := D end; if ‘R has a self loop (R,R)’ then addFVS(R) end;
procedure transformOneSucc( P ); begin if ‘P has exactly one successor R’ then begin for Q 2 fpredecessor of P g do E := E [ (Q;R); G := G n P ; attr(P) := D end; if (R has a self loop (R,R))’ then addFVS(R) end;
The beginning of the procedure findFVS is just the numbering algorithm for acyclic graphs as described in [6]: All vertices without successors or predecessors are successively eliminated. The remaining part finds a feedback vertex set for the graph. Instead of choosing an arbitrary active node in the last but one line of the procedure findFVS, we suggest to choose an active node with high number of adjacent nodes. We use the resulting ordering in a pointwise (backward) Gauß-Seidel method.
2.3 Some examples In the following we give examples to illustrate the ordering techniques and resulting sparsity patterns of the reordered matrices for the convection-diffusion equation
?u+ < b; ru >= f on the unit square. We consider cyclic convection b with one cycle as well as with four cycles as depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Sample cyclic convection directions
The graphs that are created with criterion (2.5) with = 13 are shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 Triangulation and matrix graphs of strong convection
We apply the cyclic ordering and the feedback vertex set where we order the feedback vertex set vertices first and the remaining nodes in a downwind order following the flow. We also illustrate the parallel ordering where we first order the resulting blocks in a cyclic way and then with the feedback vertex set ordering. The resulting sparsity patterns of the dominant entries are given in Fig. 4 for the one-cycle example and in 5 for the four-cycle example.
Figure 4 Resulting sparsity pattern for one-cycle example: cyclic, feedback vertex set, parallel (cyclic) and parallel (feedback vertex set) ordering
Figure 5 Resulting sparsity pattern for four-cycle example: cyclic, feedback vertex set, parallel (cyclic) and parallel (feedback vertex set) ordering
3 Smoothing iteration for a general system The performance of the following smoother clearly depends on the ordering of the unknowns. The starting point to this smoother is a block LDU-decomposition
A B BT 0
I 0 B T A?1 I
A 0 0 ?S
I A?1 B 0 I
with Schur complement S := BA?1 B T . Let WS be an (easy to invert) approximation of S , and let WL , WA and WU be (easy to invert) approximations of A. We obtain the smoothing iteration
xi+1 = xi ? WK?1(Kxi ? b) where
WK =
I 0 B T WL?1 I
WA 0 0 ?WS
I WU?1 B 0 I
The performance of this smoother depends on the choice of approximations WL ; WA , WU and WS . For WL ; WA and WU we simply take matrices that correspond to one step of a backward or symmetric (block) Gauß-Seidel method. If the unknowns are ordered such that all dominant entries lie in the upper (or lower) triangular part of the block A, then this becomes a very good and easy to invert approximation of A. WS will correspond to the application of several iterations of some iterative method for solving B T WA?1 By = c. Here we use a bicgstab solver with diagonal preconditioning, and WA corresponds to one backward or symmetric Gauß-Seidel step. The number of inner bicgstab iterations improves the convergence of the overall method while increasing the work necessary per outer iteration step. Instead of taking a fixed number of inner iterations, we iterate until the residual is reduced by a certain factor, i.e. by 10?1 . Assuming WA = WL = WU , a straightforward calculation shows that we have for the iteration (3.7)
Mk = I ? W ?1 K = W ?1 K
WA ? A 0 0 B T WA?1 B ? WS
The interesting observation is that, for a sufficiently accurate approximation WS B T WA?1B , the error of the new approximate solution is (nearly) independent of the
p-component of the approximation from the previous step. Following [3], this iterative method is called u-dominant. Typically, u-dominant iterations possess good smoothing effects. If, on the other hand, WA A then the error of the new approximate solution is (nearly) independent of the u-component and the method is called p-dominant. We thus obtain a fast performable smoothing method. However, the effectiveness of this smoother depends crucially on the ordering of the unknowns since the order dependent Gauß-Seidel method is employed in several parts of the smoother.
4 Numerical results 4.1 The convection-diffusion equation1 We consider the two dimensional convection-diffusion problem
?u + b ru = f
with boundary conditions
u 0
on @
where is a polygonal domain. A triangulation Th of being given, the application of the streamline upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG) method [8] with piecewise linear functions leads to the formulation: Find uh 2 Vh such that
ruu rvh + ac (uh ; vh ) =
fvh + Lc (vh ) 8vh 2 Vh
(b ruh )vh + k (b ruh )(b rvh ) k k2Th X Z k f(b rvh ): Lc (vh ) =
ac (uh ; vh ) =
k is a parameter defined p on each element k of Th by k =
p mes(k) jbj if mes(k)jbj
and k = 0 if > mes(k) jbj. jbj is the Euclidean norm of b, and > 0 is a sufficiently small real. In the sequel we present numerical results which concern the influence of on the convergence of the multigrid method.
Let be the unit square. We construct a family of nested triangulations by dividing each triangle into four congruent subtriangles. The initial triangulation is given in Fig. 6.
Figure 6 Coarse grid for convection-diffusion example (left); coarse grid for pressure (middle) and velocity (right) for Stokes example
We restrict our study to four examples of convection vector b: 1 computed by the French project partners
example 1: example 2: example 3: example 4:
b(x;y) = (1; 0)T ; b(x;y) = (1; 1)T ; b(x;y) = (?1; 1)T ; b(x;y) = (1 ? y; x ? 1)T .
The first two examples correspond to the case where the direction of b at each node of the mesh coincides with the direction of an edge. The graph of the matrix A constructed from the bilinear form ac (; ) is defined by
1 ja j : E = (p;q) 2 V V : japq j > 2 max r pr
For 1:1, we obtain acyclic graphs. The numbering algorithm described in [7] is applied. For the multigrid method, we use a V-cycle with six levels and two steps of Gauß-Seidel iteration as a smoother. The following table gives the values of = fkdik=kd0kg1=i for i = the defect after i iterations and k k corresponds to the L2 norm in Vh .
ex 1 ex 2 ex 3 ex 4
5 where di is
Table 1 Convergence rates for different values of with = 0:0001.
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 div 0.010 0.016 0.069 div div 0.613 div 0.632
0.60 0.124 0.150 0.437 0.311
0.70 0.175 0.005 0.299 0.246
0.80 0.227 0.039 0.267 0.230
0.90 0.240 0.088 0.266 0.237
1.00 0.237 0.127 0.272 0.249
1.10 0.233 0.156 0.282 0.278
Only for the first two examples we observe very small convergence rates:
= 0:010 for = 0:45 in example 1; = 0:005 for = 0:70 in example 2: However, for values of in [0:7; 1:1] we obtain good convergence rates ( < 0:3) in the four examples. We refer to [4] where various further numerical results are p rovided for different initial triangulations, graph definitions, convection directions and ordering techniques.
4.2 The Stokes problem with a convective term2 Here numerical results are presented for the 2D Stokes problem with a convective term
?u + (b r)u + rp = f ru = 0 u =
in := (0;1) (0;1); in ; u0 on ? := @ :
We have investigated the following test problem:
u(x;y) = (sin x sin y; cos x cos y)T p(x;y) = 2 cos x cos y + C f(x;y) = (2( ? 1) sin x siny + b0(x;y) cos x siny + b1(x;y) sin x cos y; 2(1 + ) cos x cos y ? b1(x;y) cos x sin y ? b0 (x;y) sin x cos y)T u0(x;y) = u? (x;y)
We performed tests on the unit square with an initial triangulation as shown in Fig. 6. The finest level is obtained by five regular refinements resulting in 16129 unknowns for the velocity and 3969 unknowns for the pressure, yielding 36483 degrees of freedom on the finest level (in the two dimensional case). On the coarsest grid we have only 27 unknowns. Throughout this section all errors are measured by the euclidean norm of the residuals. We report the number of iterations necessary to reduce the residual by a factor of 10?4 and the average convergence rates = (kri k2=kr0k2)1=i where ri is the residual after i steps. We carried out at most 40 steps. For inner iterations to solve the Schur complement problem we used a bicgstab iteration until the residual was reduced by 10?1, but at most we performed 20 steps. If after 20 steps the desired reduction has not been achieved yet we take the iterate that corresponds to the so far smallest residual. All computations start with p0 = 100:0 and u0i = 100:0. The tests were performed on a Sparc Ultra 2. In Table 4.2 we display numerical results for the Stokes problem (i.e. b = 0) where we used a multigrid iteration on five levels. We tested for several values for , several numbers of pre- and postsmoothing steps and for the V- as well as the W-cycle. The approximations WL ; WA ; WU and WS in (3.8) are taken as one step of a symmetric Gauß-Seidel method, and the unknowns are ordered by the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm. From the results we conclude that the method is robust also for very small . Table 4.2 shows convergence rates for the test problem where the convection is dominant. For all numerical examples we chose = 0:0001. The convection directions CURVE, CIRCLE and 4CIRCLE are shown in Fig. 7. The approximations WL ; WA ; WU and WS in (3.8) are taken as one step of a backward Gauß-Seidel method. The abbreviations stand for the following orderings: 2 computed by the German project partners
Table 2 Number of iterations and convergence rates for Stokes problem.
10?2 10?4 10?6 10?8
pre/post smoothing 1/1 2/2 1/1 2/2 1/1 2/2 1/1 2/2 1/1 2/2
V-cycle W-cycle steps rate steps rate 4 0.10 4 0.08 3 0.03 3 0.02 4 0.09 4 0.07 3 0.03 3 0.02 4 0.07 3 0.04 2 0.01 2 0.01 6 0.16 5 0.14 3 0.05 3 0.04 8 0.28 8 0.25 5 0.13 5 0.11
Figure 7 Convection directions CURVE, CIRCLE and 4CIRCLE, resp.
none: no reordering, i.e. we keep the order that results from the grid refinement cyclic: cyclic ordering as described in section 2 and [6]; for acyclic graphs an upper triangular form is obtained cyclic-parallel: parallel ordering as described in section 2; the resulting blocks are ordered cyclic; p-fvs-parallel: parallel ordering as described in section 2; the resulting blocks are ordered with the quasi-optimal feedback vertex set algorithm p-fvs: ordering with a quasi-optimal feedback vertex set algorithm for planar graphs as described in [6] h-fvs: ordering with a heuristic feedback vertex set algorithm for general graphs as described in section 2
We observe that for nearly all test problems the proposed cyclic or feedback vertex set orderings improve the convergence behaviour of the method, in particular if only one smoothing step is applied. In the four cycle example the method even diverges without appropriate ordering.
Table 3 Number of iterations and convergence rates for Stokes equations with convective term.
convection CURVE
pre/post smoothing 1/1
ordering none cyclic cyclic-parallel none cyclic cyclic-parallel none cyclic cyclic-parallel p-fvs-parallel p-fvs h-fvs none cyclic cyclic-parallel p-fvs-parallel p-fvs h-fvs none cyclic cyclic-parallel p-fvs-parallel p-fvs h-fvs none cyclic cyclic-parallel p-fvs-parallel p-fvs h-fvs
V-cycle W-cycle steps rate steps rate 17 0.57 25 0.68 5 0.16 5 0.14 5 0.11 4 0.10 10 0.37 8 0.30 3 0.03 3 0.03 3 0.02 3 0.03 27 0.71 30 0.73 13 0.48 14 0.47 7 0.25 5 0.12 7 0.25 6 0.20 7 0.25 6 0.20 6 0.21 6 0.19 9 0.36 7 0.25 7 0.25 7 0.23 3 0.04 3 0.03 4 0.08 4 0.07 4 0.08 4 0.07 4 0.09 4 0.07 div 24 0.67 10 0.39 8 0.29 13 0.48 11 0.41 10 0.38 6 0.19 10 0.38 6 0.19 9 0.35 6 0.18 9 0.36 7 0.24 6 0.20 5 0.14 7 0.25 4 0.10 4 0.10 4 0.08 4 0.10 4 0.08 6 0.20 4 0.10
Comparing the results for the quasi-optimal and the heuristic feedback vertex set ordering, we observe that their performance is very similar. As mentioned before, the convergence rates depend on the number of inner iterations that are performed. It is an area of current research to relat e the convergence rate of the inner iteration with the outer convergence rate.
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