the arkansas family historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society

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Mar 1, 2011 ... On the Cover: The Loftis family from Van Buren County in the late 1920s. ...... QUINN – Seeking information on Lorenzo and John T Quinn from.


March 2011

Arkansas Genealogical Society P.O. Box 26374 Little Rock, AR 72221-6374 Publications: Membership: AGS E-Zine: Questions: Website:

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Officers and Board Members President 1st Vice-president 2nd Vice-president Recording Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Historian Parliamentarian

Russell P. Baker Linda Fischer Susan Gardner Boyle Rita Benafield Henard Whitney McLaughlin Rebecca Wilson William T. Carter Lynda Suffridge Bob Edwards Wensil Clark Suzanne Jackson Richard Butler Rufus Buie Euna Beavers George Mitchell Ginney Pumphrey Catherine Hickerson Sheryll Miller Jane Wilkerson

Mabelvale Stuttgart Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff No. Little Rock Russellville Little Rock No. Little Rock Little Rock Rison Morrilton Pine Bluff Little Rock No. Little Rock Lonoke Little Rock

2012 2012 2011 2013 2012 2011 2013 2013 2012 2013 2012 2011 2012 2012 2011 2012 2011 2013 2012

Editorial Board Susan Gardner Boyle, Editor Rebecca Wilson, Technical Editor Rita Benafield Henard, Contributing Editor Whitney McLaughlin, Contributing Editor Bob Edwards, Contributing Editor Russell P. Baker, Contributing Editor

On the Cover: The Loftis family from Van Buren County in the late 1920s. Pictured left to right: Bessie Viola Cates holding Wilma Lorene Cullum, Lona Viola Loftis Cates holding Elbert Cates, Martha Quattlebaum Loftis, and Laborn B. Loftis. The children standing in front are Dicie Cates Graham (left) and Robert Cates (right). Photograph compliments of the late Martha Loftis Kehoe. The article begins on page 3.


Number 1

March 2011


Martha Loftis Kehoe ............................................................................. 3

BLUE AND GRAY REUNION, HEBER SPRINGS, AUGUST 1916 Transcribed by Russell Baker ..............................................................10 CIVIL WAR LETTER: HARMON ROCKETT TO HIS WIFE MARTHA CHILES ROCKETT, 1862

Transcribed by Jan Hearn Davenport ..................................................18


Surveyed, transcribed and annotated by Bill Hanks .............................19


William T. Carter ................................................................................29


Contributed by Mildred Tatum ............................................................39


Rebecca Wilson ..................................................................................48


through Benjamin F. Medlock .................................................57

ARKANSAS QUERIES ......................................................................... 58 BOOK REVIEW The Root Family, A Journey Through America David D. Root and Lue Ann Kingcade Root ................................... 62

TREASURER’S REPORT, 2010 ....................................................... 63

© Copyright 2011. Arkansas Genealogical Society (AGS), Little Rock, Arkansas (ISSN 0571– 0472). The Arkansas Family Historian is sent quarterly to all members of the society and to libraries by subscription. Periodicals postage is paid at Little Rock, Arkansas.

EDITOR’S NOTES The photo on the cover of this issue introduces the Laborn Loftis family of Van Buren County. Laborn and a younger brother arrived in Arkansas a decade or more after the end of the Civil War. Research shows that extended family members and old neighbors and acquaintances from Jackson County, Tennessee, were here before them. Loftis descendants intermarried over time with members of the same families and left a large interrelated community in Van Buren County. Martha Loftis Kehoe submitted her information on these families prior to her death in November. We are pleased to publish it now in her memory. This year, 2011, marks the sesquicentennial of the beginning of the Civil War. The Arkansas Genealogical Society and the editorial board of this quarterly intend to publish as many Civil War related articles as possible during the next four and a half years. In this issue you will find a list of Civil War veterans and their wives who gathered for a reunion in Heber Springs in 1916. In addition a soldier’s simple letter written to his wife as he goes off to war gives us a good look at the matter-of-fact way in which he accepted his latest responsibility. We would enjoy receiving your family’s Civil War stories or transcriptions of interesting records that would help family historians understand the time period better. We invite you to document your family and its Civil War connection by filling out a Civil War Ancestry Certificate application. Often family historians are able to trace ancestors through census, land, tax, and court records, but finding dates and places of death and burial is sometimes more difficult. In this issue you will find death information from four different sources: a cemetery; obituaries from an early twentieth-century county newspaper; 2010 California obituaries of former Arkansans who moved west; and the family record pages of a Bible. A new Arkansas Ancestry Certificate application lineage chart, four pages of your queries and a book review complete this issue. AGS treasurer Whitney McLaughlin has prepared the financial statement of income and expenses for 2010 for society members’ perusal. Susan G. Boyle

Loftis Family



Laborn Barton Loftis was born 28 March 1854 in Jackson County, Tennessee, and died 10 November 1930 at Bee Branch, Van Buren County, Arkansas. Like many Arkansans, his ancestral family’s migration stretched from Maryland through Virginia to the Carolinas, into Tennessee and on to Arkansas during the century that began before the American Revolution and ended after the Civil War. Laborn’s father was Henry Reuben Loftis who was born in 1827 in Tennessee and went by the name of Ruby. Laborn’s mother was Mary Holcomb, born about 1828 in North Carolina. Ruby and Mary married probably about 1845 or 1846 as they had three-year-old John, two-yearold William and one-month-old Lafayette in their household at the time of the 1850 census. 1 By 1860 Ruby and Mary had added to their family with Laborn in 1854, James born about 1856, and Missouri born about 1859. They were living within two households of Ruby’s widowed mother “Milla” Loftis who, at age sixty, still had four grown children in her household, three of whom were deaf and dumb. 2 Ruby was recorded as having $1000 in personal property and Milla with $3000 in real estate and $1000 in personal property. In 1862 “Milley” Loftis owned 550 acres in District 9 of Jackson County. It was valued at $1800 and assessed for six dollars and thirty cents. She was assessed also on 150 acres valued at $689 in the Second Civil District of adjoining Overton County. 3

1 1850 U.S. Census, Jackson County, Tennessee, District No. 9, p. 186B, dwelling and family 394, Loftis household; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing National Archives (NA) microfilm M432, roll 885; the given name of the head of household was written over and smudged. 2 1860 U.S. Census, Jackson County, Tennessee, District No. 9 South of Cumberland River, p. 254, dwelling and family 761, Ruby Loftis household [indexed as Ruty], and 763, Milla Loftis household; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA microfilm M653, roll 1258. 3 United States Internal Revenue Tax Assessment Lists 1862-1918, Tennessee Lists, 1862, Hancock through Lawrence Counties and Marion through Roane Counties; digital images, ( accessed 7 January 2011).


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Ruby’s father and Laborn’s paternal grandfather was John L. (called Jack) Loftis, born 7 October 1791 in South Carolina and died before 1845 in Jackson County, Tennessee. According to a family story, his death was the result of a mill stone accident. Jack married Emilla Dill who was born between 1800 and 1805 probably in South Carolina. She is said to have died after 1880, but has not been located in the census of that year. According to the family legend, Jack and Emilla married while traveling in a wagon train from South Carolina to Jackson County. The Dill and Loftis families lived near each other in the Tyger River area of Greenville County in northwest South Carolina before moving to Tennessee. Emilla was the daughter of Archibald Dill who was born about 1748 in Kent County, Delaware, and died in 1839 in Jackson County, Tennessee. Archibald had served during the Revolutionary War in the North Carolina line. 4 Emilla’s brother Roland C. Dill and her husband Jack’s brother William Loftis owned considerable land together on Blackburn’s Fork in Jackson County, Tennessee. In 1850, Emilla Loftis was a head of household with twenty-fouryear-old Archibald Loftis next door and John age twenty, Emilla age eighteen, William age sixteen, Rowland L. D. age fourteen, Marian age twelve, Francis age ten, and Varenda age seven in her household. John, Marian, and Francis were reported to be deaf and dumb. 5 Late in 1862, the year in which Laborn became eight years old, his father Ruby traveled south to McMinnville to enlist in the Confederate army. Ruby Loftis served as a Private in Company I of the 25th Tennessee Infantry from November 1862 to August 1863. He is said to have lost his sight in one eye as the result of an injury occurring during his service, but his official record mentions no injury. 6 Ruby Loftis survived the Civil War and the 1870 census reflects the birth of three additional children to him and Mary in the preceding 4

Archibald Dill, Revolutionary War Pension Application, Soldier’s File S3285; digital image, Heritage Quest ( accessed 7 January 2011). 5 1850 U.S. Census, Jackson County, Tennessee, population schedule, District No. 9, p. 176, dwelling and family 248, Archibald Loftis household, and 249, Emilla Loftis household; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA microfilm M432, roll 885. 6 Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Tennessee, Ruby Loftis, compiled military record (private, Co. I, 25th Infantry Regiment), digital image, ( accessed 6 January 2011).

Loftis Family


decade: Stanton about 1862, Nancy about 1866, and Parlee in April of 1870. 7 The value of Ruby’s property was greatly reduced to $250 in real estate and $300 in personal property. Laborn was enumerated as age fourteen in this census and called Labin. Laborn and his younger brother Stanton left Jackson County, Tennessee, and migrated to Bee Branch in Van Buren County, Arkansas, before 1880. Their father is reported to have died between 1870 and 1880 and their mother and other siblings are not located in the 1880 census. Apparently Laborn married for the first time before the age of twenty-five and his wife died. At the time of the 1880 census he was enumerated as a widowed farmer and was called nephew in the household of William Gather, also a widower. 8 Besides four children under age ten, William Gather’s 1880 household also contained “mother” Elizabeth Loftis, a widow, and her son David W. Loftis, age twenty-one, and called “nephew” to William. On 11 June 1870 Wm. B. Gaither had been enumerated in the household of Elizabeth Loftis and four Loftis children: Amanda age 23, Winfield S. age 17, David age 9, and America age 11.9 Within the month, on 10 July 1870, Manda J. Loftis, age 23, became the wife of William Gather. 10 It appears Amanda bore at least four children and died before 1880. Thus, Elizabeth Loftis, “mother,” in William’s household in 1880 was actually his mother-in-law. The 1860 census reveals Elizabeth’s husband as Barton O. Loftis, age 39. Their children in the household at the time were Polly, Manda, John T. and Winfield S., the latter born in Arkansas. Laborn may have been called nephew in 1880 because of his relationship to Elizabeth. 11 7

1870 U. S. census, Jackson County, Tennessee, District No. 9, Gainsboro post office, p. 216, dwelling and family 84, Ruby Loftis household [indexed as Buby]; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA M593, roll 1539. 8 1880 U.S. census, Van Buren County, Arkansas, enumeration district (ED) 4, Cadron Township, p. 373B, dwelling 38, family 39, William Gather household; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA T9, roll 58. 9 1870 U.S. census, Van Buren County, Arkansas, Cadron township, Quitman post office, p. 7B, dwelling and family 72, Elizabeth Loftis household; digital image, ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA M593, roll 66. 10 Gather-Loftis marriage, Arkansas County Marriages 1837-1957, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 January 2010), citing Van Buren County, Arkansas, Marriage Book 1865-1877, p. 167, Family History Library microfilm 1031200, item 2. 11 1860 U.S. census, Van Buren County, Arkansas, Cadron township, Quitman post office, p. 381, dwelling 290, family 292, Barton O. Loftis household; digital image,


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Laborn subsequently married Martha Ann Elizabeth Quattlebaum on 17 April 1881. 12 Martha Ann was born 28 October 1853 in Alabama and died 14 September 1941 in Bee Branch. Laborn was crippled at some point in an accident involving an axe. He was a farmer and is said to have come in from plowing the fields one day with a bloody stump. Martha Ann Elizabeth Quattlebaum’s sister Lou Ellender Quattlebaum married Laborn’s brother William Loftis on 3 November 1895. 13 The sisters were daughters of Phillip and Levicy (Still) Quattlebaum. Following the frontier, Phillip had moved his family from South Carolina to Alabama in 1834 and Levicy died there in 1855. Phillip married Mary Monk on 3 December 1857 and continued his westward migration to White County, Arkansas, and later into Van Buren County. He acquired considerable property near Bee Branch where he donated the land for the Quattlebaum Cemetery. He died 21 November 1888 and was the first person buried in the cemetery for which he had provided. Phillip’s daughter Martha Ann Elizabeth (Quattlebaum) Loftis often told her grandchildren of walking to Arkansas from Alabama behind a team of oxen and a covered wagon. Laborn and Martha’s first child was Clinton Lafayette (called Fate) Loftis who was born in February 1882 and married Ellen Castleberry on 21 September 1902 in Conway County, Arkansas. Ellen was born 4 May 1881, the daughter of Robert Wesley and Charity Emaline (Spence) Castleberry. Ellen died 10 September 1956. Fate and Ellen had nine children, including three sets of twins, but only five children lived to adulthood. The oldest child of Fate and Ellen Loftis was Levi Boleth Loftis who was born 19 October 1903 and died 8 June 1973. He married Eura Les Webb who was born 9 February 1897, the daughter of Martha Webb. Levi and Eura married on 15 February 1923 at Formosa in Van Buren County. Eura died 18 September 1939 and Levi married three other times. However, his daughter Martha Austell (Loftis) Shirley buried him in Quattlebaum Cemetery beside his first wife, Eura, and they share a double gravestone. ( accessed 20 December 2010), citing NA M653, roll 51. 12 L. B. Loftis to M. E. Quattlebaum, Van Buren County, Arkansas, Marriage Book 3, p. 87, Family History Library microfilm 1031201. 13 William Loftis to L. E. Quattlebaum, Van Buren County, Arkansas, Marriage Book 6, p. 91; Family History Library microfilm 1031202.

Loftis Family


Fate and Ellen Loftis became the parents of twins on 23 May 1915 and named them Minnie Esther and Thomas Lester. Minnie married first Roland Manning in 1931 and second Johnny McCullar on 28 July 1945. She died in October 1991. Lester married Faye Cullum, daughter of Andrew “Dick” Cullum and Martha Luvinia Roberts, on 11 July 1938 in Van Buren County. Lester died 23 May 1956 and is buried in Union Valley Cemetery near Coy, Arkansas. Luther Clinton Loftis, born 2 June 1918 at Center Ridge in Conway County, Arkansas, was the fifth child born to Fate and Ellen Loftis. He married Ola FATE AND ELLEN LOFTIS McKim on 3 January 1938 in CHILDREN: LEVI AND ELVY England, Lonoke County, Arkansas. She was born 27 July 1915 at Bee Branch, daughter of John Calvin McKim (1892-1960) and Willie Lee Gray (1894-1976). Luther died 9 October 1993 and is buried next to his parents at Quattlebaum Cemetery. Ola died 4 February 1993 at North Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, and is buried next to her parents at Quattlebaum Cemetery. Luther and Ola’s first child, Wanda Lee Loftis Whittaker, rests next to her mother and is the fifth generation Quattlebaum, fourth generation Loftis and fourth generation McKim buried at Quattlebaum Cemetery. The youngest child of Fate and Ellen Loftis, Ruby Floyd, born 4 June 1923, died 19 May 1995 at Beebe, White County, Arkansas, and is buried there at Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens. Floyd had a twin brother Lloyd who did not survive childhood. Floyd was a natural poet and developed a reputation for his poetry in later years. Laborn and Martha Loftis’s first daughter was Mary Levicy born 11 May 1883. She married first to Tom Castleberry in 1901 and secondly to


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Henry Stripling, born 22 June 1880 and died 18 November 1952. Henry and Levicy are buried in Quattlebaum Cemetery. Laborn and Martha Loftis’s second son Phillip Luther Loftis was born 27 January 1885 in Ozark County, Missouri, and died 16 November 1996 at Stuttgart, Arkansas County, Arkansas. He married Cora Ellen McKnight at the home of Thomas Paul Quattlebaum, son of Phillip and Mary Monk Quattlebaum, in Bee Branch on 27 September 1903. Cora was born 27 September 1886 at Marianna, Mississippi, to Hugh Franklin and Lucy Ann Virginia (Synco) McKnight. Phillip and Cora and both sets of parents are buried at Quattlebaum Cemetery. The second daughter of Laborn and Martha was Lonnie Viola Loftis, who was born in March of 1887 and died in 1971. Lonnie married Henry F. Cates (1880-1954) and both are buried in Quattlebaum Cemetery. The fifth child of Laborn and Martha Loftis was Laborn Benjamin (called Bennie) Loftis who was born 2 September 1889 in Bee Branch, Arkansas. On 9 October 1910 at Clinton in Van Buren County, he married Lizzie Louise (called Lou) Cullum who was born 16 September 1893, the daughter of James Andrew and Maude (Roberts) Cullum. Lizzie died 11 February 1974 and Bennie followed on 29 October of the same year. Both are buried in Quattlebaum Cemetery. Eustice Emanuel Loftis, the son of Bennie and Lou Loftis, was born 6 March 1918 at Formosa, Arkansas, and married Mildred McKim on 18 November 1939 at England, Arkansas. Mildred was born 26 January 1921 in England, Arkansas, to John Calvin and Willie (Gray) McKim. Mildred was the sister of Ola McKim who married Eustice’s cousin Clinton Luther Loftis, son of Fate and Ellen Loftis. The sixth child of Laborn and Martha Loftis, Ruby S. Loftis, was born in March 1883 and died in 1939. He married Vivian Stripling, the daughter of Henry and Exie (Barker) Stripling, on 9 November 1919 at Clinton. She died 28 January 1939 and is buried at Quattlebaum Cemetery, as are her husband and her parents. Arthur Loftis, the youngest child of Laborn and Martha Loftis, was born 11 August 1896 and died 11 June 1984. He married first, in 1917, Nancy Sisson (1903-1936) and second, in 1945, Victoria Mackey (19001976). All are buried at Quattlebaum Cemetery. Laborn’s brother William Loftis was born 27 June 1847 in Tennessee, the second child of Henry Rueben and Mary Jane (Holcomb) Loftis. A family story says that as a youth William and his brothers, Laborn and Kins, swam in the Roaring River and the Cumberland River

Loftis Family


in Jackson County. William married first about 1883 in Jackson County a woman named Nancy J. and they had two daughters, Eliza Arizona born in August 1883 and Landona born in June 1886, both in Tennessee. The family story places William’s move to Arkansas following Nancy’s death. On 3 November 1895, William married Martha Ann Elizabeth Quattlebaum’s sister, Lou Ellender Quattlebaum, in Van Buren County, Arkansas. Lou Ellender was born in May 1848 in Alabama and died in 1910 in Van Buren County. She was buried in Quattlebaum Cemetery in Bee Branch, Van Buren County. William and Lou Ellender had no children together. In 1932 William moved to Ozark County, Missouri, where he died and was buried in Isabell Cemetery. Laborn Barton Loftis’s brother George Stanton Loftis was born about 1862 in Tennessee and married Elizabeth Linn on 14 July 1881 in Van Buren County. 14 Elizabeth was born about 1856 in Van Buren County to Daniel Monroe (born 1834) and Martha Louise (Patterson) Linn (born 1835), who, like the Loftis family, moved from Jackson County, Tennessee. At the time of the 1880 census, Stanton was enumerated as a servant doing errands in the household of Asa and Sarah Linn, both in their sixties. 15 Laborn’s sister, Parlee Loftis, was born in April 1870 in Jackson County, Tennessee, and died 11 November 1951. On 23 September 1888, she married George B. McKim who was born 26 September 1862 in Indiana and died 30 October 1951 in Arkansas. George was the great uncle of Mildred McKim Loftis and Ola McKim Loftis and the brother of Isaac Grason McKim, twice elected county judge of Van Buren County and the grandfather of Ola and Mildred. Note: Martha Jean Loftis Kehoe died on 10 November 2010. Marti was a Life Member of AGS and well-known in Arkansas historical and genealogical societies. She is greatly missed. She had submitted this article for publication in The Arkansas Family Historian early in 2010. We are pleased to print it in memory of her and her love for her family, both living and in the past. Documentation of some information has been added by the editor. 14

Stanton Loftis to Elisabeth Linn, Arkansas Marriages 1837-1957, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 January 2011), citing Van Buren County, Arkansas, Marriage Book 3, p. 110, Family History Library microfilm 1031201. 15 Asa Linn household, 1880 U.S. census, Van Buren County, Arkansas, ED 2, Davis township, p. 419, dwelling and family 66; NA microfilm T9, roll 58.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

BLUE AND GRAY REUNION HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS 10 AUGUST 1916 Submitted by Russell Baker 6525 Magnolia Dr. Mabelvale, AR 72103

Following is a list of Civil War veterans from both the Union and Confederate armies who attended the annual Blue and Gray Reunion held at Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, in 1916. The original copy was found in the Arkansas Confederate Pension application of Mary Ann Long of Heber Springs who applied for a pension in 1927. She was the widow of Henry C. Long who died in July of 1917. The original pension applications are held by the Arkansas History Commission (State Archives) and researchers may access them there on microfilm. Mary’s application can be found on Military 39, roll 65. The list includes the veteran’s name (and sometimes the name of his wife or widow), post office, and unit information. At some point, death information was added for some veterans. This is followed by a list of “Widows [of veterans] of Cleburne County.” A number of “new enrollees” for the reunion were added to the end of the list. Most entries were typed, but annotations and additions were handwritten. The copy is difficult to read, but effort has been taken to transcribe it as accurately as possible. Soldiers Registered at 27th Annual Reunion, Heber Springs, Ark. August 10, 1916 John N. Ritter Heber Springs, Ark Co. E of 8th Ark. Inf. G.W. Rodebush Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A of 86 Ill. Inf. J. H. Myatt Heber Springs, Ark. Co. D of 12 Mo. Cav. S. B. Russel Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A of 57 N. C. Inft. C. J. McCarroll Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A of 5 Tenn. Cavy. T. J. Andrews & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A of 3 Mo. Cavy. [Note in margin: Dead 5/5/23] Mrs. Nettie Lathrop (widow of G.B. Bailey) Heber Springs, Ark. Neb. Regt. Mrs. Dora Finch (daughter of W. W. Hammons – Union Soldier)

Blue and Gray Reunion


A. K. Lewis Heber Springs, Ark. [Note in margin: Dead Sept. 27/16] Maj. C. M. Spellman & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Jno. H. Wilson & wife Heber Springs, Ark. J. H. Smith & wife

Heber Springs, Ark.

S. W. Wright & wife

Heber Springs, Ark

Co. H of 8th Ark. Inft. Co I of 1st Mo. Cavy. Venable’s Co. 10 Ark. Reg. Co. B of Adam’s Miss. Cav. Co. D of 52 Ky. Moun. Inft. Co. A Smith’s Mo. Cav. Co. E Ill. Pa.[sic] Inft. Co. G 20 Ky. Inft.

T. H. B. McClure Heber Springs, Ark. B. J. Matteson & wife Heber Springs, Ark. J. E. Southerland Heber Springs, Ark. & wife James Allen Sr. Heber Springs, Ark Venable’s Co. 10 Ark. & wife Reg. E. Koenbraun Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A of 27 Ill. Inft. John Trump and wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. E of 10 Ohio Cavly. C. M. Hammock Heber Springs, Ark. Reeve’s Co. Forest & wife Brigade G. W. Cheesebro Heber Springs, Ark. Co. “I” 11 Wis. Inft. & wife [Note in margin: Dead 2/6/17] J. P. Wood & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. B 39 Ala. Inft. J. D. Slocum Heber Springs, Ark. Co. A 29th Ark. Cavly. Dr. A. J. Underwood Heber Springs, Ark. Co. G 26 Miss. Inft. J. S. Gromer & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. E 66 Ind. Inft. H. C. Long Heber Springs, Ark. Co. K. 37 Ark. Cavly. [Note in margin: Dead 7/17/17] J. P. Bickle & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. F Newton’s Ark. Reg. W. H. Garrison & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. D of 38 U. S. Vol. Inft. G. P. Holmes & wife Heber Springs, Ark. Co. C McGee’s Ark. Reg. Mrs.Margaret E. Harrington (widow of Chas. Harrington) 32 Ill. Inft. Mrs. Margarite Myer (widow of Martin Myer) Co. A 49 Ind. Inft. Mrs. Mattie Sykes (widow of J. B. Sykes) Co. A 17 Ill. Inft.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

William Whitehead

Heber Springs, Ark.

J. J. Clark and wife B. S. Cooley Wm. Johnson Wm. J. Allison N. S. Norton

Heber Springs, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark.

Taylor Sisk T. J. Corn W. H. Hart

Brookland, Ark. Sweet Home, Ark. Sweet Home, Ark.

R. E. Faulkner P. G. Turney & wife J. E. Ramer

Sweet Home, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Shiloh, Ark.

C. W. McCrory John King

McCrory, Ark. McCrory, Ark.

Col. R. T. Martin Howell, Ark. W. J. Ritter Edgemont, Ark. Henry Harlpole Edgemont, Ark. J. C. Galloway Edgemont, Ark. J. J. Martin & wife Ida, Ark. G. L. Morris & wife Searcy, Ark. [Note in margin: Dead 5/3/17] J. S. Vinson & wife Hiram, Ark. Wm. Sills Hiram, Ark. J. H. Chandler & wife Hiram, Ark. [Note in margin: Dead 1/29/17] G. A. Jenkins Bogota, Texas S. R. Gray Leslie, Ark. B. F. Rush W. B. Brown J. W. Goss W. K. Elliott & wife L. A. Jenkins Jno. T. Lester & wife

Earl, Ark. Wynne, Ark. Floral, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Quitman, Ark.

Crabtree’s Co. Snavell’s Ark Cav. Co. E 3 Ky. Inft. Co. A of 9th Minn. Inf. Co. H of 8th Ind. Cavly. Co. A of 13th Va. Inft. Co. B of 6th N. C. Cavly. Co. B. of 13th Ark. Cav. Co. K of 32 Tenn. Inft. Co. A of McRae’s Ark. Reg. Co. A of 1st Ark. Inft. Co. A of 10th Ark. Inft. Bradley’s Co., Price’s Brig. Co. G of 32 Ark. Inf. Co. B 5th Trans. Miss. Reg. th Co. G of 29 Ark. Inft. Co. E 8th Ark. Inft. Co. F of 18th Miss. Inft. Co. G 20th Ala. Cavy. Co. M. of 3rd Ark. Cav. Co. A Gauze’s Ark. Reg. Co. D of 50 Tenn. Inft. Co. C 2nd Ky. Cavy. Co. D 8th Ark. Vol. Inft. Co. B 26th Ark. Cavy. Co. A of 4th Bat. Ark. Cavly. Co. H of 1st Ark. Cav. Co. A of 29th Ark. Cav. Co. D of 38th Ga. Inft. Co. E of 8th Mo. Cav. Co. B of 28th Ark. Cav. Co. E of 154 Ill. Inft.

Blue and Gray Reunion

Jno. M. Williams & wife Quitman, Ark. R. P. Vaughn Quitman, Ark. C. R. Jones Rose Bud, Ark. Brig. Gen. John H. Dye Searcy, Ark. Nelson Steadman & wife Dug Hill, Ark. J. L. Gunter Dug Hill, Ark. J. P. Corn Dug Hill, Ark. Maj. W. H. Ramsey & wife Argenta, Ark. Ruben Marlar Harmony, Okla. Phillip Holman Pearson, Ark.


Co. H Glenn’s Ark. Inf. Co. I of 3rd Ark. Cav. Ala. Home Guard Co. E 7th Ark. Inft. Co. H 145 Pa. Inft. Co. G 2nd Ark. Cav. Co. G 58th Ind. Inft. Co. C 11th Ga. Inft. Co. A of 9th Ala. Cav. Kelley’s Co. 100th Mo. Cav. Co. F of 106th Ill. Inft. Co. C 5th Tenn. Cav. Co. A 8th Ark. Cav. Co. B 26th Ga. Inf. Co. B of 10th Ark. Reg. Co. I of 36th Ga. Inft. Co. D of 10th Ark. Reg. Co. D 36th Iowa Inft. Co. B 29 Ark. Inf. Co. C 7 Mo. Vol. Cav. Co. D of 20th Ark.

Levi Vance & wife Wolf Bayou, Ark. W. T. Tillery Wolf Bayou, Ark. Sam Elms Wolf Bayou, Ark. J. R. Hipp Woodrow, Ark. R. W. Harrison Plummerville, Ark. J. C. Rice & wife Madelia, Ark. Capt. John B. Miller Miller, Ark. H. Varner & wife Zephry Hill, Fla. W. W. Hendricks Letona, Ark W. M. Allison Quitman, Ark. T. G. Brewer Shiloh, Ark. [Marginal note: Dead 4/5/17] Joseph W. Cook Heber Springs, Ark. Co. D 1st R. I. Cav. Wm. Thomas Dug Hill, Ark. Co. G 58th Ind. Inft. Jno. M. Clayton Pearson, Ark. Co. I 31st Ark. Inft. J. L. Parmentur Wilburn, Ark. Co. B 145th Pa. Inft. J. A. Pool Brownsville, Ark. Co. K Kitchens Ark. Cav. Wm. Heigel Heber Springs, Ark. Co. E 32nd Ind. Inft. J. E. Nored Shiloh, Ark. Harrel’s Co. Coffey’s Regt. Mrs. Levi Vanover, Widow of Levi Vanover Co. C 13th N. Y. Cav. G. W. Hammock Quitman, Ark. Reason’s Co. Maj. Stark Com.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Absentees of Last Year Jno. Whit Clark S. S. Gentry Bent Stark Dr. T. J. Major Capt. J. M. Lay J. M. Burlison Thos. H. Berry M. W. Bailey W. P. Babb A. R. Betts Cincinnattus Calvert Calvin Chastain L. T. Cranford Lafayette Cole R. B. Cole Wm. Deckard R. G. Dunaway H. T. Epperson A. T. Fredeking J. H. Grimes L. H. Harris Polk Holmes E. P. Jackson J. A. Keeber Jno. Killion G. T. Mix C. B. Marr Henry C. McDougal J. D. McMurray R. G. Parrott J. L. Porter F. W. Richards J. P. Rogers Geo. A. Sharp J. C. Spears W. F. Smith

Shiloh, Ark. Co. A of 10th Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Quitman Rose Bud, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Pearson, Ark. Brownsville, Ark. Hiram, Ark. Dead Monette, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Hot Spgs, Ark., R. R. #1 Quitman, Ark. Ida, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Banner, Ark. Dead Banner, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Sidon, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Morgantown, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Wilburn, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Banner, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Hiram, Ark. Caldron, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Pearson, Ark.

Blue and Gray Reunion


Handwritten entries: Thompson, Jno. M. Pearson Tarver, Geo. H. Trawick, Geo W. Turnage, W. A. Wilkes, J. B.

Quitman Quitman Higden Heber Spgs.

D 2nd Ga Inf

Widows of Cleburne County Mrs. Mary Akins Mrs. Rachel Anglin Mrs. Rebecca J. Allen Mrs. M. J. Berry Mrs. Mary E. Bennett Mrs. Jemine E. Bittle Mrs. A. J. Burgess Mrs. Mary E. Bettis Mrs. Arilda Brock Mrs. Annie Cannon Mrs. Polly Cargile Mrs. Almeda Cathey Mrs. Elizabeth Coffman Mrs. Nancy A. Copeland Mrs. Frances E. Carr Mrs. Lizzie Casey Mrs. Jane E. Verser Mrs. Bethana Wideman Mrs. R. E. Williams Mrs. Julia Wilson Mrs. S. J. Wortham Mrs. Mary F. Wells Mrs. Angeline Whitaker Mrs. Laura V. Cox Mrs. A. A. Eddins Mrs. Mary Hicks Mrs. Nancy Haskins Mrs. Martha A. Houston

Miller, Ark. Wilburn, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Banner, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Morehead, Ark. Pearson, Ark. Almond, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Damascus, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Heber Springs, Ark. Prim, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Woodrow, Ark. Wilburn, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Wilburn, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Almond, Ark. Higden, Ark. Banner, Ark. Hiram, Ark. Hiram, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Pangburn, Ark.

Dead 8/1/16


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Mrs. Eliza Hartwick Mrs. Tennie C. Hastings Mrs. Mary Ann Hall Mrs. C. A. Hooper Mrs. Josephine Hunt Mrs. Mary J. Jackson Mrs. Martha C. Kirk Mrs. Lucy Lackey Mrs. D. A. Lackey Mrs. M. I. Lafferty Mrs. Mary F. Little Mrs. Lee Manship Mrs. Sarah P. McClenney Mrs. A. J. McDearman Mrs. M. E. Neighbors Mrs. Mary Jane Petty Mrs. M. E. Phillips Mrs. Bettie Ann Parrot Mrs. Sarah Ann Pate Mrs. Emily M. Rollins Mrs. Mary Lewis Mrs. Lucinda C. Reades Mrs. E. F. Rule Mrs. Exy E. Sharp Mrs. Emeline Simmons Mrs. L. E. Simmons Mrs. Elizabeth Stair Mrs. Minerva J. Southerland Mrs. Sylvia Ann Spears Mrs. Emma C. Sanders Mrs. Nancy Salmon Mrs. Elizabeth C. Spradling Mrs. S. O. Teague Mrs. S. Linda Brisendine

Wolf Bayou, Ark. Stark, Ark. Snell, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Higden, Ark. Pearson, Ark. Georgetown, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Shiloh, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Letona, Ark. Wilburn, Ark. Pearson, Ark. Wilburn, Ark Joy, Ark. Higden, Ark.

Dead Dead Dead July 4/17

Wilburn, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Pearson, Ark. Wolf Bayou, Ark. Banner, Ark. Higden, Ark. Floral, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark. Quitman, Ark. Heber Spgs, Ark.


Dead Dead

Blue and Gray Reunion


New Enrollment – [handwritten entries] R. D. Almond, Confederate Home M. D. Vance,

Stanford’s Baty. Light Artly.

Springdale, Ark. Co. D. Harrell’s Batt. Cabell’s Brig. N. B. Clifton Higden, Ark. Co. M., 11 Ill. Cavly. Jos. H. Johnson Thermone, Mo. M 60 Ill. Cav. Wesley Wilmore Delaplaine, Ark. A 18 Ill. Inf. W. C. Coe Pearson, Ark. H 16 Ark. Cav. W. D. Baker Bee Branch, Ark. E 25 Ten. Inf. A. J. Faulkner Mt. Vernon C 35 Ky. Inf. Dennis Pagett Heber E 25 Inf. Ind. J. D. Mummert Heber K 130 Ind. Inf. S. A. Neal Morganton, Ark. Crandall’s Reg. W. D. Holmes Fairbanks, Ark. Newton’s Reg. J. B. Wilkes Heber Mrs. J. T. Davis Vaiden, Miss. B 43rd Miss. [Davis entry lined through] J. T. McNeill Kensett, Ark. 32nd Ark. Inf. J. L. Belcher Mariana, Ark. D 9th Ala. Inf. W. M. McCallee Saint Jo A 11 Miss. Cavly. W. M. Quarles Enders, Ark. G 3rd Ark. Inf. G. W. Thorlton Heber F 31 Ind. Inf. Clara C. Chesseford Bee Branch, Ark. B 8th Ten. Inf. Mrs. Eliza Ellis Roosevelt Mrs. J. T. Davis Vaiden, Miss B 43 Mis Inf. Mrs. Rate H. Phillips wid. Capt. J.W. Eldrige Batt – [marginal entry Memphis Bryton, Smith Brig of Tenn Artly]


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011


The letter below was written by Harmon Rockett to his wife, my great-aunt Martha Chiles Rockett. Harmon survived the Civil War, but Martha died in 1864. The original letters were in the possession of my cousin Dixie Compere when she died in 1994. I have no idea what happened to them. There were several letters kept in a little tin box. After Martha died, her mother Sarah Frances Chiles kept the letters; they passed to my grandmother, Ida Hearn, and at her death to her twin sister Ora Witcher, then to her daughter Dixie. I can only hope that the letters have survived and will be put in a repository where they can be preserved and made accessible to researchers. _______________________________________________________ Clarksville, March 17th 1862

dear wife, we have landed at Clarksville to day[.] Squire and I overtook the comand the third day beyond bonham[.] it only cost us fifteen cts apiece[.] we have had a very heavy rain on us one knigh and day[.] our horses have stood the trip very well concidering ther packs[.] I haven’t been very well for some days[.] I have taken more cold than my shere but I feel better this eavening[.] we have marching orders to march to vandarn [Van Buren] as soon as we can get thare[.] we may start tomorow if not the day after[.] It is hard to tell what we will do[.] the boys are all well[.] Martha you must do the best you can[.] I know it will be hard on you but these are hard times[.] if we only can gain our independence is all I argue and be permitted to get home is all I argue[.] I want you to write to me as soon as you get this[.] you must direct your letter to fort smith Cap Ragan, Corn Johnson Regiment. your husband, H J R

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery


MT. PISGAH CEMETERY LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS Surveyed, transcribed, and annotated by Bill Hanks

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery is situated on land that was originally acquired from the U. S. government by Baxter B. Benge, 1 but I found no record indicating he donated the land for a cemetery. The oldest marked grave dates back to 1878. On 7 June 1954, A. B. and R. Adell Hamilton sold for one dollar to the Mt. Pisgah Community for Church and Cemetery purposes “three acres in the extreme North East corner of the South East quarter of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of Section 10, Township 6 North, Range 27 West” and granted the continued right to use the road running from the county road. 2 My primary interest in this cemetery is my great-great-grandfather John L. Russell and my great-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. H. White who are buried there, although I am also related to many of the other people interred there. The common ancestors for many of the people buried in the cemetery are Jacob and Janatta (Evans) Pierson who arrived from Indiana when the area was still a part of early Scott County. Mt. Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian Church stood to the west of the main body of the cemetery. Later the Stewart and Jorden families started burying to the west of the church, creating the appearance of two cemeteries. After 1975 the church was not used and fell into disrepair and eventually disappeared. As time went by the space occupied by the church started to fill in with a few graves. I surveyed and copied this cemetery in 1982 and returned to update the survey in 2009. There are 154 marked graves and fewer unmarked graves. Where possible I have added full names, full dates and family relationships. To reach the cemetery, go north from Magazine on State Highway 109. After about two miles turn left onto White Road which is unpaved. Go about a mile to Boley Stafford Road and turn right. Continue on until you see the cemetery on the left. The distance is about seven miles from Magazine.


Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Baxter B. Benge, 120 acres, Doc. 2239, 30 December 1882 [patented after he died], Original Homestead Entry; accessed at 8 December 2010. 2 Logan County Clerk, Deed Book 49:77, Logan County Courthouse, Booneville, Arkansas.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

MT. PISGAH CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS In alphabetical order by surname, and with additional information added by the transcriber, those known to be buried in Mt. Pisgah and/or with legible stones are the following: Barnes, James Curtis, Sr., 18 June 1946-24 February 2006, Sp 4, U.S. Army, Vietnam, Purple Heart. Bartley, Robert Moses, April 1854-June 1946; married 1) 12 December 1880, and 2) Mrs. Linnie E. (Doran) Boles 14 December 1898; son of Robert and Mary Bartley buried Spring Hill Cemetery. Bartley, Sarah Ellen, wife of R. M., 31 December 1857-25 June 1898; daughter of John L. & Turley (Friddle) Russell, of Bedford County, Tennessee; she has two monuments. Bartley, Martha J., daughter of R. M. & S. E. Bartley, 13 September 1884-8 June 1895. Bartley, Willie T., son of R. M. & S. E. Bartley, 8 August 1895-28 July 1905. Bartley, A. Frank, son of R. M. & S. E. Bartley, 23 November 1881-23 February 1924. Bean, Martha Lou “Mattie,” wife of William, 12 August 1893-18 December 1959; daughter of Joseph M. & Eliza Jane (White) Stewart. Beck, Buren I., 12 November 1906-15 November 1938; married Verna Stafford; son of John Henry and Julia Ann (Bailey) Beck who are buried at Liberty-Coleman Cemetery. Beck, Verna, 22 July 1906-23 December 1954, wife of B. I.; daughter of Robert L. and Sarah Jane (Johnson) Stafford; she md 2) ( ? ) Rogers. Beck, Mammie Fern, daughter of Buren I. & Vernie (Stafford) Beck, 11 November 1931-30 July 1933. Benge, Elizabeth “Betsey,” wife of B. B., circa 1821-circa 1894, unmarked, daughter of Jacob and Janatta (Evans) Pierson.

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery


Benge, Baxter Berry, 12 December 1816-11 September 1879; married circa 1841, son of Rev. Richard and Jane (Hinshaw) Benge of Wilkes County, North Carolina. Benge, Orlas D., 1910-1912. Benge, Joseph Newton, December 1858-1 April 1930; married 11 September 1884, had no children, son of Baxter B. and Elizabeth (Pierson) Benge. Benge, Rosie, wife of J. N., November 1866-11 January 1933; daughter of Alexander and Mary Durham. Benge, James A., 12 June 1848-29 December 1940; married Emaline Friddle circa 1870; she is buried at Landmark Cemetery; he was son of Baxter B. and Elizabeth (Pierson) Benge. Best, Norzlette, 1 October 1879-10 July 1885, daughter of J. D. & C. T. Best. Best, Susan Catherine Tennessee, wife of J. D., 19 March 1843-24 December 1910; daughter of Baxter B. and Elizabeth (Pierson) Benge. Best, John Dolphus, 1 March 1841-19 December 1928. Best, James Calvin, 9 November 1871-12 September 1944; married 6 September 1893, son of John D. and Susan C. T. (Benge) Best. Best, Emma Dora, 27 January 1877-4 September 1932, wife of J. C.; daughter of Reuben F. and Brancy (Hall) Harper. Best, Hattie Pearl, 17 April 1900-14 November 1977. Billingsley, John C., 20 December 1879-10 October 1884, son of James F. & Mattie J. Blend, Winnie Louise, 13 December 1857-30 June 1911; wife of Charles F.; he is buried at Old Union Cemetery; he married 2) Alta A. Vedder 3 July 1912. Coffer, Odel, 17 March 1908-27 January 1909, son of G. Ike & Sallie (Ladd) Coffer. Cole, Becky, wife of James, January 1870-21 May 1953, unmarked; obituary says daughter of James A. and Emaline (Friddle) Benge. Dempsey, Mary, sister of George W. Dempsey, no dates; born circa 1887, married E. O. Johnson 12 September 1907, daughter of Orange Birdine and Margaret Jane (Wilson) Dempsey. Dempsey, Margaret Jane, mother of George W. Dempsey, 18 October 1854-1 April 1926, wife of Orange Birdine, daughter of William Wilson. Dempsey, John, brother of George W. Dempsey, circa 1870-September 1950, son of Orange Birdine and Margaret Jane (Wilson) Dempsey.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Dempsey, John L., 17 January 1904-February 1974; son of George W. and Mittie M. (Johnson) Dempsey; he married Mollie Lee 14 November 1922, divorced. Dempsey, George Washington, 18 December 1877-15 November 1966; married 16 December 1897, son of Orange Birdine and Margaret Jane (Wilson) Dempsey. Dempsey, Mittie Matilda, wife of G. W., 28 October 1880-12 April 1963; daughter of Reuben James and Molissa Adaline (Mathews) Johnson. Dempsey, Alma, baby of George W. & Mittie M. (Johnson) Dempsey, 1915, 2 years. Dempsey, Alfie, baby of George W. & Mittie M. (Johnson) Dempsey, 1911, 7 months. Downs, Manda Ellen, wife of T. M., 2 August 1873-10 December 1960; daughter of Samuel and Mary (Kirkpatrick) Barnes. Downs, Thomas Matthew, 29 April 1867-16 August 1947; married 16 August 1888; son of Andrew M. and Mary A. (Hill) Downs. Downs, Andrew Moody, 13 April 1839-21 June 1908, Sgt, Co. L, 2 Kan. Cav., USA; married 5 November 1862 at Caddo Gap, Arkansas. Downs, Mary Armindia, wife of A. M., 25 December 1836-20 August 1929, unmarked; daughter of Dempsey Hill in 1850 Poinsett County and 1860 Polk County, Arkansas. Downs, Bessie, daughter of T. M. & M. E. Downs, 19 October 1903-5 January 1904. Downs, Dewayne Lewis, son of Clement & Julia (Hayes) Downs, 23 July 1941. Downs, Edward H., 31 July 1929-23 November 1975, son of Anderson M. and Lola Pearl (Yancy) Downs. Downs, Larry Joe, son of Mr. & Mrs. E. H., 9 June 1964-6 April 1966. Downs, Kevin Lee, son of Willard Oneal Downs, 1975-2003. Downs, Lola Pearl, wife of Anderson M., April 1898-6 November1942; daughter of Steve C. and Emma (Trickett) Yancy. Downs, Anderson Martin, 29 January 1898-6 March 1964, son of Thomas Matthew and Manda Ellen (Barnes) Downs. Downs, Mathew T., 13 February 1901-18 October 1985; married 13 November 1921; son of Thomas M. and Manda Ellen (Barnes) Downs. Downs, Beulah M. (Johnson), 6 November 1901-19 January 1997, wife of M. T.

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery


Downs, Clemon Arvel, 5 April 1917-18 January 1988, Pfc, U. S. Army, WW II; son of Anderson M. and Lola Pearl (Yancy) Downs. Downs, Julia Belle, wife of C. A., 29 November 1916-10 June 2002; daughter of Grant Washington and Hettie (Tidrick) Hayes. Downs, Norris Gene, 31 May 1943-1 September 1984, son of Clemon A. and Julia B. (Hayes) Downs. Downs, Earline (Peugh), wife of N. G., 14 January 1945- no death date. Downs, Willard Oneal, 30 October 1947-8 February 1988, Sp 4, U. S. Army, Vietnam, daddy of Lawanna, Dalelinda Gay, Steven Oneal, Kevin Lee and Edward Kyle. Downs, Willard “Bill” Odell, 29 June 1929-1 June 2006; married 22 September 1943; son of Anderson M. and Lola Pearl (Yancy) Downs. Downs, Charlene Bynum, wife of W. O., 28 June 1926-no death date; parents of Charles Odell, Gaylon Joyce, Willard Oneal, Carol June, Jerry Dewayne and Charlotte Kay. Durham, Rev. James Lewodus, 7 November 1846-11 March 1925; married 4 September 1865 Sevier County, Arkansas; son of James Singleton and Syntha (Hames) Durham buried Old Union Cemetery. Durham, Martha Jane (James), wife of Rev. J. L., 2 August 1849-4 August 1904. Durham, J. L., 10 May 1902-6 August 1902, son of Thomas Harvey and Dora T. (Vaught) Durham. Durham, Thomas Harvey, 28 August 1868-22 December 1915; married Dora T. Vaught 25 February 1899; son of Rev. James Lewodus and Martha J. (James) Durham, unmarked. Estep, Francis “Frank” Asberry, 15 November 1847-23 January 1903, married 1) Martha Vaught 30 July 1868 and 2) circa 1876; son of Eli C. and Rachel (Shasted) Estep of Johnson County, Arkansas. Estep, Mary Elizabeth, 2nd wife of F. A., 31 January 1859-26 November 1902, daughter of George Washington and Martha Jane (Pierson) White buried in field across road from Landmark Cemetery. Farmer, Richard Ervin, 1870-February 1951. Farmer, Minnie Lee, wife of R. E., 1876-October 1955. Fox, Emma, 11 July 1927-13 July 1927. Fox, Manley, 16 July 1919-1919. Fox, Lyndel “Jack,” 28 August 1923-6 November 1995, married 1 February 1946. Fox, Vassie M., wife of L. J., 27 February 1928-8 February 1997.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Fox, Cora M., wife of J. A., February 1890-1952; daughter of Alson Browning & Amanda Jane (Marshall) Spain buried Liberty-Coleman Cemetery. Fox, John Anderson, November 1884-1979; married 31 August 1913, son of Henry M. & Lidy Jane (Wilson) Fox buried Liberty-Coleman Cemetery. Fox, Betty Lou, 25 November 1955-15 February 1957. Fox, Judy Diana, 11 October 1956, infant of V. O. & Charlene Fox. Goebel, Donna, 23 August 1935-25 February 1989. Haller, Shirley Faye, 23 August 1939-14 July 1976, loving daughter and mom. Haller, Travis, 4 June 1959-22 September 2007. Haller, Samuel Truitt, 8 August 1927-24 September 1988, Pfc, U.S. Army Air Corps, WW II. Harper, Brancy, wife of R. F., 7 August 1855-1 November 1923; married 29 September 1875, daughter of Hiram M. and Cynthia (Vaught) Hall. Harper, Reuben F., 23 April 1854-14 January 1933; son of Leonard G. and Elizabeth Harper. Harper, Newton R., 26 October 1868-23 February 1891; married Mary D. Moore 21 April 1889; son of James Hamlet and Sarah Harper. Hayes, Frank D., 19 December 1927-no death date. Hayes, Dorothy N., wife of F. D., 3 February 1933-19 April 1996. Helker, Deler M., daughter of Lizzie Helker, 5 March 1906-29 January 1907. Hill, Robert A., son of W. J. & M. E. Hill, 11 October 1889-aged 9 yrs. Howard, Michael, 3 February 1971-15 January 2007. Johnson, Andrew, 30 April 1879-2 November 1879. Johnson, James A., 16 August 1873-17 September 1880, son of Reuben James and Molissa Adaline (Mathews) Johnson. Johnson, Alle N. W., 7 February 1885-31 September 1885. Johnson, Molisey Adaline, wife of R. J., 26 January 1844-20 December 1913; married 21 November 1872; daughter of James and Allia Mathews. Johnson, Reuben James, 20 October 1842-14 March 1920, Co. H, 1 Ark Inf , USA; son of Mormon Johnson. Johnson, Canzada, 11 March 1860-1 March 1916, wife of John Wiley Johnson who is buried at Paint Rock Cemetery; daughter of Richard Franklin and Mary A. Bell; she md 1) Anthony Pugh circa 1875.

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery


Johnson, Charles “C. D.,” 17 November 1931-28 August 1977; married 19 March 1971. Johnson, Johnnie “J. J.,” wife of C. D., 26 December 1941-no date. Johnson, Troy D., 18 February 1972-9 June 1992. Jones, Emily, 14 November 2000-15 January 2007. Jorden, Jonathan William, 22 June 1888-12 May 1971; married 4 August 1909; son of John Green and Nancy Caroline (Cates) Jorden buried Landmark Cemetery. Jorden, Mary Emaline, wife of J. W., 11 March 1891-14 July 1940; daughter of Joseph McDonald and Eliza Jane (White) Stewart. Jorden, A. Clayton, 1914-17 August 1922. Jorden, T. Glen, 29 November 1921-15 April 1996, Pfc. U.S. Army, WW II. Jorden, Virginia Ruth (Fox), 20 March 1919-28 March 1956. Lantz, Edward M., 29 June 1906-20 September 2003. Marshall, Lonia, 10 June 1898-5 July 1898, son of Albert Lafayette and Cordie B. (Durham) Marshall. Mathews, Amanda H., 4 December 1877-8 October 1899; married James William Mathews 7 November 1897; daughter of William Harrison and Eliza Diana (Russell) Benge. Miller, William E., 3 March 1878-20 December 1948. Moore, Oma L., 3 October 1891-15 October 1892. Pierson, Disa, wife of A. J., born circa 1821 Ill.-24 February 1907, age 86 yrs; she married 1) circa 1836 Marcus D. Stafford born circa 1811 Tennessee. Pierson, Andrew Jackson, born circa 1823-20 August 1878, Co. B, 2 Ark Inf., USA; married 1867; son of Jacob and Janatta (Evans) Pierson from Putnam County, Indiana; oldest marked grave. Pool, Dorshe Elizabeth “Lizzie,” wife of Harry, 1? March 1896-11 August 1952 FHM; married 16 February 1916; daughter of Joseph M. and Eliza Jane (White) Stewart. Popejoy, Edward Hoyel Downs, 23 September 1985-16 October 2005. Potter, Jennifer, 19 October 1976-15 January 2007. Robertson, Guss V., 1901-1940, son of William M. and Ella (Johnson) Robertson. Robertson, William Martin, October 1871-17 September 1948; married 4 May 1890; son of Mark R. and Docia Ann (Johnson) Robertson, the latter buried at Center Point Cemetery under the name Hardin.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Robertson, Ella, wife of W. M., March 1872-November 1958; daughter of Adrian and Mary Elizabeth (Grant) Johnson. Robertson, Elgan R., 13 September 1909-15 March 1984, son of William M. and Ella (Johnson) Robertson. Robertson, Ella M., 4 January 1899-31 December 1994. Rose, Rev. Charles M., 20 August 1874-10 December 1908, married Julia/Maude C. Durham 9 August 1900. Russell, John L., 2 October 1828-14 March 1918; son of William and Eliza (Lucas) Russell; md 1) Turley Friddle 21 August 1851; married 2) 21 September 1863 Bedford County, Tennessee. Russell, Emeline, 2nd wife of J. L., 29 March 1830-19 June 1920, daughter of Martin and Diana (Hudlow) Friddle of Bedford Co., Tenn. Russell, A. B., 24 March 1910-31 August 1910, son of James D. and Joyce E. (Hardin) Russell. Russell, James D., 1 January 1874-12 July 1925, son of John L. and Emeline (Friddle) Russell; married 1) Mary C. Boles 10 March 1892, divorced; 2) 13 October 1901. Russell, Joyce “Jottie” Elizabeth, 2nd wife of J. D., 7 June 1880-18 June 1968; daughter of Neely LaFayette and Mary Elizabeth (Hooper) Hardin buried Center Point Cemetery; md 1) W. A. Grimes 8 June 1898, divorced. Russell, David Simpson, unmarked; obituary: 4 July 1888-August 1967. Stewart, Enola, 17 November 1914-6 July 1916, daughter of James Andrew and Maude C. (Durham) Stewart. Shelton, Betty Joe, daughter of V. C. & Millie (Downs) Shelton, born & died 11 April 1934. Shelton, Virgil Clarence, 17 September 1894-8 May 1952, Pvt, 162 Depot Brigade, WW I; son of James Henry and Rosanna (Tomlinson) Shelton buried Paint Rock Cemetery. Shelton, Millie, wife of V. C., 26 December 1905-27 October 1982; daughter of Thomas M. and Manda Ellen (Barnes) Downs. Spain, Arthur Deloyd, 9 November 1880-6 June 1946; married 27 March 1904; son of Alson Browning and Amanda Jane (Marshall) Spain buried Liberty-Coleman Cemetery. Spain, Susan, wife of A. D., 15 June 1882-15 August 1962; daughter of James A. and Emaline (Friddle) Benge. Spain, Mamie, 19 January 1905-9 May 1907. Spain, Clifford, 3 March 1907-22 May 1909.

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery


Stafford, Bollie Lee, 1 May 1898-24 February 1982; son of Robert L. and Sarah Jane (Johnson) Stafford. Stafford, Rita Gay, 4 May 1933. Stafford, Sarah Jane, wife of R. L., 25 December 1877-17 August 1957; daughter of Reuben James and Molissa Adaline (Mathews) Johnson. Stafford, Robert L., 30 August 1875-21 January 1946; married 27 December 1896; son of John W. and Mary J. (Barnhill) Stafford buried Barnhill Cemetery. Stafford, Loyd E., 24 April 1908-4 December 1978. Stafford, Mrs. Ollie B., 4 March 1908-17 September 1953. Stewart, Thomas Riley, 8 October 1914-23 February 1915, son of N. B. “Brown” Stewart. Stewart, Eliza Jane, wife of J. M., 22 April 1861-19 August 1953, daughter of George Washington & Martha Jane (Pierson) White buried in field across road from Landmark Cemetery. Stewart, Joseph McDonald, 15 October 1857-7 April 1942, married 16 December 1880. Taylor, William Oscar, 24 March 1878-6 May 1954 FHM; son of Berry K. and Sarah J. Taylor; married Truly Corley 15 January 1914. Taylor, Bernie Raymond, 16 November 1907-25 November 1984. Trickett, Singleton Govan, July 1865-March 1939; married 17 October 1883; son of Albert and Demila (Durham) Trickett buried Old Union Cemetery. Trickett, Emily Jane “Emmer” (Greenlee), wife of S. G., June 1866November 1943. Trickett, Margie E., wife of B. W., 7 September 1904-22 December 1956; daughter of George F. and Nancy L. (Hardin) Moon. Trickett, Boley W., 17 June 1900-8 April 1957; married 9 May 1923; son of George Albert and Sarah Elizabeth (Estep) Trickett. Trickett, Sally Mae, wife of G., 16 January 1894-1 October 1976. Trickett, Garland, 3 August 1892-29 July 1975; married Rosetta Kemp 15 December 1912; son of George Albert and Sarah Elizabeth (Estep) Trickett. Trickett, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of G. A., 30 April 1869-2 November 1933; daughter of Francis “Frank” Asberry and 1st wife Martha (Vaught) Estep of Johnson County, Arkansas. Trickett, George Albert, 20 June 1869-23 January 1924; married 21 July 1887; son of Albert and Demila (Durham) Trickett buried Old Union Cemetery.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Trickett, Doris Luise, 27 July 1932-29 July 1932. Tyler, James Lee, 19 July 191?-8 September 1918. Tyler, Lora Vergina, 19 November 1915-11 January 1916. Vaught, Alfred Taylor, unmarked; September 1850-26 October 1917; married circa 1876; obituary: son of Hiram M. and Sarah (Ballard) Vaught; 1860 Polk County, Arkansas. Vaught, Mary Jane, wife of A. T., 24 May 1852-19 July 1915, unmarked, daughter of William and Sarah Ann (Pierson) Barnard. Ward, Lucy J., daughter of W. J. & M. R. Ward, 1 March 1893-8 March 1896. White, Alpha Lee, son of Omer L. & Bertha M. (Martin) White, 30 May 1915-24 September 1918. White, Henry Harrison Higgins, 8 October 1853-7 June 1891; married 27 October 1875; son of George Washington and Martha Jane (Pierson) White buried in field across road from Landmark Cemetery. White, Mary Jane, wife of H. H. H., 23 July 1852-9 May 1916; daughter of John L. and Turley (Friddle) Russell. White, Luther L., infant son of Noah L. & Zelda (Penicks) White, 25 November 1914. White, Eupha Inez, infant daughter of Noah L. & Zelda (Penicks) White, 18 August 1916. White, Elgin Lee, infant son of Noah L. & Zelda (Penicks) White, 19 June 1922. Woods, William Homer, 21 July 1926-19 November 1978. Woods, Wilma Fay (Fox), wife of W. H., 2 June 1918-10 May 2003. Yancy, King S. “Dors,” 2 September 1887-2 February 1970; married 6 May 1907; son of Steve C. and Mary Emma (Trickett) Yancy. Yancy, Mary Ellen “Mollie,” wife of K. S., 26 August 1890-29 August 1981; daughter of Thomas M. and Manda Ellen (Barnes) Downs. Yancy, Charles Lee, son of Floyd T. & Mazie Yancy, 1937. Yancy, Ester Pearl, 11 April 1910-30 June 1999, mama. Yancy, Floyd Thomas, 4 June 1908-2 August 1998, son of King S. “Dors” and Mary E. (Downs) Yancy. Yancy, Mazie Jane, wife of F. T., 17 March 1913-14 September 2000. Young, Mary (Kirkpatrick), 16 June 1841-17 February 1928; widow of Samuel Barnes; married 2) 29 July 1886 Rev. Isaac W. Young buried Ellington cemetery.

Dallas County Obituary Abstracts


DALLAS COUNTY, ARKANSAS, OBITUARY ABSTRACTS From the Tri-County Advocate, Fordyce, Arkansas William T. Carter

The newspaper issues from which these abstracts come are available at the Arkansas History Commission on microfilm MFILM NEWS 00180 Roll 1 Tri-County Advocate, Fordyce, 3 September 1925-1 July 1926. The newspaper was published on Thursdays. The abstractor has arranged the items in alphabetical order. The first date in each entry is the newspaper issue date. Alexander, J. D., 17 June 1926, p. 5, col. 1; killed in auto accident on Saturday, funeral at Keo. Alsobrooks, B. B., 25 March 1926, p. 6, col. 2; p. 8, col. 3; and p. 9, col. 3; died 17 March 1926, buried at old New Hope Cemetery on Thursday; killed self; survived by parents & three brothers. Alsobrook, B.B., 1 April 1926, p. 4, col. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scrimshire & others attended funeral. Banks, Mrs., 29 October 1925, p. 1, col. 1; age about 80, of Carthage; body found in room Wed. morn, died in the night; buried in Tulip Cemetery on Thursday. Banks, Mrs. C. R., 12 November 1925, p. 7, col. 4; Card of Thanks. Barnes, Mary Elvira, 4 February 1926, p. 1, col. 3 & p. 9, col. 1; died 25 January 1926 of pneumonia, age 1½ , daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Barnes; buried Bucksnort Cemetery. Barnes, Elvira, 11 February 1926, p. 9, col. 3; age 12; error in previous paper, age should have been 12. Barrett, Lucy (Aunt), 25 March 1926, p. 9, col. 2; died last Monday night at home of "Dock" Quarles near here. Baughm, Dave, 3 December 1925, p. 1, col. 3; killed by insane son, Diamond Baughm, who was taken to State Asylum for the Insane. Bell, W. A., 22 October 1925, p. 1, col. 4; died in Miami, Fla.; buried in Rome, N.Y.; his son is Harold Bell Wright, both formerly of Dallas Co. Brazile, Elmer, 3 June 1926, p. 6, col. 1; died on Thursday last, at Rison, age 22, buried at Chapel Hill on Friday.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Bridges, Mrs. B. L., 24 December 1925, p. 5, col. 1; died 12 December 1925 at Paragould; survivors: husband, son, parents Dr. & Mrs. Moore, two sisters, one being Mrs. L. L. Jacks of this place. Brown, Dick, 18 February 1926, p. 6, col. 4; died 8 February 1926 at home of son; survived by five sons & four daughters; service at De Lamar Cemetery at Manning. Butler, Ella Maude, 17 June 1926, p. 10, col. 1; died 10 June 1926, age nine months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butler of Pine Grove; leaves parents, three sisters and two brothers. Butler, Ella Maud, 24 June 1926, p. 7, col. 3; died 10 June 1926, age seven months, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Butler; buried at Sardis cemetery. Calaway, Mart, 17 December 1925, p. 6, col. 4; age about 70; of Smead in Calhoun Co.; buried on Sunday at Salem cemetery; leaves wife and grown children. Calaway, P. N., 20 May 1926, p. 9, col. 1; died 7 May 1926, age 63; leaves wife and seven children, twenty-seven grandchildren & one great-grandchild. Childers, John C, 18 March 1926, p. 1, col. 5; age 80, of Cleveland Co., died last Monday; born and raised in Cleveland Co.; leaves wife and children; buried at Kenaly [Kennedy] graveyard. Childers, John, 25 March 1926, p. 6, col. 2 & p. 10, col.1; grandson Pink Childers of Tyler, Texas, called to Arkansas by grandfather John Childers’ death. Clark, Mary, 10 June 1926, p. 1, col. 4; died Monday at home of daughter Mrs. C. E. Mann; age 79, widow of N. A. Clark; daughter of Major Joe Gray; leaves five daughters. Clawson, Aubrey, 14 January 1926, p. 11, col. 6; died Saturday, son of Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Clawson; shot while hunting; buried City cemetery; leaves parents, brothers and sisters. Cox, Lizzie, 25 March 1926, p. 9, col. 2 and p. 10, col. 1; died Thursday, age 69, of Saline; Mrs. Charles Talbert and Mrs. Fayette Wille are nieces; buried Hampton Cemetery. Crary, W. F., 6 May 1926, p. 5, col. 4; died Saturday, age 68, born at Rutland, Vermont; leaves widow and two sons. Culp, Jim, 25 March 1926, p. 8, col. 3; his cousin Mrs. F. C. Huggins returned Monday from his funeral in Bearden.

Dallas County Obituary Abstracts


Cuthbertson, Lurena, 11 February 1926, p. 4, col. 1; age 75, died at home of daughter Mrs. James A. Kelly; leaves four sons, three daughters, and two sisters. Daniel, Zack, 31 December 1925, p. 8, col. 3; died 19 December 1925 in Memphis, age 25, son of L. H. Daniel; born 24 December 1899; buried 20 December at Sardis Cemetery, survived by father, sister and brother. Daniels, Dixie, 1 July 1926, p. 4, col. 4; died Tuesday at Stamps. Dedman, Caroline, 26 November 1925, p. 1, col. 4; died last Friday at the home of son P. W. Dedman, age 84; buried at Princeton; born in Person Co., North Carolina; two sons. DeLamar, H. B., 28 January 1926, p. 4, col. 5; NOTICE: First Annual Settlement, P. H. DeLamar, Administrator Ellis, Orian C., 22 October 1925, p. 7, col. 4; died Sunday night; leaves wife, two children, father, mother, and brother. Ennis, J. O., 10 December 1925, p. 1, col. 5; died last Friday in car accident; buried on Saturday at Princeton Cemetery; survived by wife, two daughters, two sons, and mother. Ennis, J. O., 17 December 1925, p. 10, col. 4; extension of sympathy upon death of J. O. Ennis. Erwin, Ethel, 18 February 1926, p. 10, col. 1; daughter of A. J. & Jeanie Cathey and wife of Oder Erwin; buried in Williams Cemetery. Fisher, Millie, 18 March 1926, p. 2, col. 3; died 7 March 1926, age 85, of Manning; buried at Tulip Cemetery. Ford, Infant, 18 March 1926, p. 7, col. 4; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ford of Link; buried at Wright cemetery on Monday afternoon. Frazell, Mrs., 7 January 1926, p. 9, col. 4; wife of Dr. Frazell of Banks; buried at Williams Cemetery on Christmas day. Furlow, W. H., 31 December 1925, p. 7, col. 4; nephew Dan Speer attended the burial at Hampton Wednesday. Garrett, Lucy, 5 November 1925, p. 5, col. 2; died 24 October 1925, age 81, survived by two daughters and three sons; buried at New Hope Cemetery. Garrett, Lucy, 5 November 1925, p. 9, col. 2; died 24 October 1925, born in North Carolina; five children: T. C., W. A., and I. D. Garrett, Mrs. Annie Hanle and Mrs. Repple Rogers. Glover, Lucy, 6 May 1926, p. 10, col. 4; died Monday, 26 April 1926, at home of sister, Mrs. Wallingford, in Arkadelphia; leaves two daughters, three sisters, and two brothers.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Golden, H. (Mrs.), 28 January 1926, p. 9, col. 4; of Pine Bluff; nephews Earl and Otis Stratton attended funeral near Bearden. Gray, Cecil (Mrs.), 1 July 1926, p. 1, col. 6; died Wednesday of blood poisoning; buried at Chambersville cemetery. Gresham, John W., 10 December 1925, p. 1, col. 5; died last Thursday at home; born in this county, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gresham; survived by wife, two sons, and one daughter. Grisham, Lil, 4 February 1926, p. 9, col. 3; buried in Oak Grove Cemetery on Thursday of last week. Halton, J. F., 3 June 1926, p. 12, col. 2 & 3; died Tuesday in a Texarkana hospital; he was from Stephens. Hammons, Kate, 18 March 1926, p. 7, col. 3; of Temperance Hill; husband is James Hammons. Hansel or Hansell, Mrs. (Grandma), 11 March 1926, p. 7, col. 1 & 3; age 82, died last Monday at home of daughter Mrs. Alice Rogers; buried at Shady Grove; born in Pennsylvania. Hargus, Lee, 10 June 1926, p. 1, col. 4; died at Norphlett hospital; burned to death in car along with lady friend. Harper, Geo. (Mrs.), 25 February 1926, p. 7, col. 3; died Sunday; of near Thornton; leaves husband, a number of children and grandchildren. Harper, Jeff, 11 February 1926, p. 10, col. 2; died Sunday; of near Thornton; leaves a large family; wife died several years ago. Harris, Mrs. Naimo, 24 September 1925, p. 5, col. 1; died at Bearden 16 September 1925, wife of Floyd Harris; two children: Eugene & Charles Dean; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mills. Harrison, Olive, 17 December 1925, p. 10, col. 2; died at Manning; sister of Mrs. John De Laughter. Harrison, Olive Estell, 24 December 1925, p. 5, col. 1; died 11 December 1925, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Harrison of Manning; survived by parents, six sisters, one brother; buried at Sparkman Cemetery on Sunday. Haygood, Lynn, 17 December 1925, p. 6, col. 3; died Friday in San Francisco, California; buried in California. Brother is Herman R. Haygood. Hays, Annie (Dr.), 4 March 1926, p. 7, col. 1; died at Austin, Texas, 24 February 1926; of Johnson County; brother is C. E. Hays of Sparkman.

Dallas County Obituary Abstracts


Hearnsberger, Jim (Mrs.), 22 April 1926, p. 10, col. 3; buried in Oak Grove cemetery on Wednesday of last week. Hollis, Duil Benjiman, 19 October 1925, p. 7, col. 1; died of pneumonia 14 October 1925, age 3 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Hollis; buried Benton Cemetery. Holmes, H. L., 4 March 1926, p. 8, col. 2; died 25 February 1926; buried in Princeton Cemetery; leaves wife and son Harold of Douglas, Arizona. House, Dock, 15 April 1926, p. 9, col. 3; died Saturday morning; of Tulip; leaves one brother, three sons, and one daughter. House, Elvis (Rev.), 28 January 1926, p. 9, col. 1; funeral was on Saturday; reared here (Holly Springs & Fruit Ridge). House, J. Elvis (Rev.), 28 January 1926, p. 9, col. 1; funeral conducted at Stony Point Saturday; leaves wife and six children. House, Laura, 17 June 1926, p. 8, col. 3; died at Sheridan, age 43; was buried here; leaves husband, two sons, one daughter, father Ab Humphries of Texas, three brothers, four sisters. Hurley, W. F., 11 March 1926, p. 2, col. 2; died Saturday near Nix, age 75; leaves wife and four small children; and another daughter and son; buried at Tulip Cemetery. Hurley, W. F., 18 March 1926, p. 2, col. 3; died last Sunday, age 72; survived by wife and six children; buried at Tulip Cemetery. Hutchens, Mrs., 31 December 1925, p. 8, col. 4; died at Malvern this past Wednesday; mother of Mrs. Gordon Merritt, formerly of Sparkman now of Russellville. Jacobs, Jesse, 18 March 1926, p. 7, col. 2; died 9 March 1926, age 45, of Malvern; leaves wife, four daughters, two sons, three grandchildren, one brother and two sisters, buried at Cypress Cemetery. Johnson, J. E. (Prof.), 13 May 1926, p. 1, col. 6; died 7 May 1926, Negro teacher of Thornton killed on way to Fordyce. Johnson, J. E. (Prof.), 20 May 1926, p. 4, col. 3; Murder Suspect Released. Jolly, J. C., 1 October 1925, p. 1, col. 5; died of tuberculosis in Washington D.C., September 1925; editor of the Warren Eagle; wife died a year ago, leaves three children. Jones, Betty, 18 February 1926, p. 11, col. 2. Jones, Erma, 18 February 1926, p. 11, col. 2.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Jones, George W., 10 December 1925, p. 14, col. 1; died 30 November 1925, age 48; came to Arkansas in 1890; married 1904 to Miss Jane Gertrude Cason; survived by widow and three sons; buried in city cemetery. Knight, Alfred Benton, 10 June 1926, p. 4, col. 3; died 2 June 1926; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knight of Manning, accidentally killed by brother, Henry, at Nix. Launius, George Russell, 29 April 1926, p. 7, col. 1; died 12 April 1926, age 49; son of C. E. and Mary Sue Launius; leaves wife, four sons, one daughter, three brothers, and one sister. Love, T. D., 22 April 1926, p. 11, col. 3; age 77, died at home of son Carroll Love; leaves three daughters and four sons; buried at Prosperity cemetery. Lupo, M. (Mrs.), 1 April 1926, p. 5, col. 1& 2; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tipton and daughter Mrs. Quinnie Finley came for funeral. Lupo, Marjorie, 1 April 1926, p. 8, col. 5; died on Friday afternoon last; funeral on Sunday; leaves husband, three children, father, two sisters, and three brothers. Martin, Henry, 13 May 1926, p. 8, col. 1 & 2; died Friday, 8 May 1926, of Pine Grove; buried at Bethel Cemetery; leaves wife and several children. McKenzie, Henrietta, 3 June 1926, p. 12, col. 4; died 29 May 1926 in Little Rock hospital, age 35; wife of T. T. McKenzie; leaves one son, mother, step-father, sister, and half siblings. McKnight, Mrs., 7 January 1926, p. 9, col. 2, wife of Dr. Jacob McKnight of Leola; funeral at Tinsman at the first of the week; brother Dan Speer. McManus, F. M., 25 March 1926, p. 10, col. 2, Notice, Sterling H. Abernathy, Administrator of the Estate of F. M. McManus, deceased. McManus, F. M., 17 June 1926, p. 3, col. 6; Notice of Administrator's Sale, Sterling H. Abernathy, Administrator of the Estate of F. M. McManus, deceased. Mellard, Etta, 11 February 1926, p. 4, col. 1; died 5 February 1926, wife of Rev. J. J. Mellard of Eudora; leaves husband, four sons, one daughter, two brothers named Worthington and one sister. Moore, Clara, 26 November 1925, p. 4, col. 2; died 15 November 1925, at Benton Harbor, Michigan; lived here about five years ago;

Dallas County Obituary Abstracts


leaves husband and seven children, one being Mrs. Wm. B. Speck. Morgan, Frank, 5 November 1925, p. 5, col. 5; died Saturday at his home; of Warren; buried Sunday in Morgan Cemetery. Morgan, Howell, 10 June 1926, p. 7, col. 1; died in Little Rock hospital, age 34; survived by two sisters and five brothers; buried at Morgan Cemetery. Nix, Emma, 25 February 1926, p. 10, col. 1; died 14 February 1926, wife of the late H. F. Nix of Vaden; survived by two sons and two daughters; buried at Chapel Hill Cemetery. Nix, Infant Son, 5 November 1925, p. 10, col. 4; died last Friday, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nix. Nutt, Male, 8 April 1926, p. 6, col. 3 & 4; died last Thursday, 1 April, age about 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nutt; buried at Tanyard cemetery on April 2. Parish, Carolyne Frances, 24 September 1925, p. 7, col. 2; died 31 August 1925, age 75; husband died forty-seven years ago; three children: Mrs. Ola Acox (dead), Mrs. Anna Cathey, and Sam Parish; buried Good Hope Cemetery. Paschal, Jack, 24 June 1926, p. 1, col. 2; killed at New Edinburg by Coot Hall. Pool, W. H., 11 February 1926, p. 1, col. 5; died at Nachitoches, La., on Monday, age 82; leaves wife, two sons, and three daughters. Raper, J. J., 17 June 1926, p. 9, col. 2; died in Bakahoma, Oklahoma; son is Dempsey Raper of Warren. Reiser, Dr., 18 February 1926, p. 11, col. 1 & 2; died last Saturday, 13 February 1926, near Princeton; buried in Liberty Cemetery on the 14th. Rhodes, Sarah Elizebeth, 14 January 1926, p. 1, col. 5; died 12 January 1926 at home of son, E. I. Rhodes, in Warren; born in Hardeman County, Tennessee, daughter of James and Sarah Prudence Rose. Riggan, James Thomas "Tom", 14 January 1926, p. 9, col. 4; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram J. Riggan; word was received on Sunday; leaves wife, two children, one brother, and four sisters; buried at Hopewell cemetery. Riley, Mr., 8 April 1926, p. 8, col. 2; he was visiting daughter Mrs. W. L. Huie in Louisiana when he died; he lived in Arkadelphia. Rogers, D. N. (Mrs.), 27 May 1926, p. 7, col. 1; son is H. J. Rogers; her funeral was last Saturday.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Rowland, Helen, 1 July 1926, p. 1, col. 5; killed in auto accident on Monday. Russell, Jim, 18 February 1926, p. 8, col. 3; news received Wednesday; of Bearden; wife Edna (Peterson) Russell. Russell, J. F., 25 February 1926, p. 8, col. 4; J. T. Peterson attended the funeral of his brother-in-law J. F. Russell of Bearden on Wednesday. Rutledge, John, 1 April 1926, p. 6, col. 1; of Rison; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fielder and Dick attended funeral on Saturday; he was Mrs. Fielder's brother. Sadler, Henry Davis, 5 November 1925, p. 1, col. 5; died 28 October 1925; born in Cleveland County; buried at Greenwood cemetery; survived by Mrs. Annie Sadler, three sons, one sister, and two brothers. Scott, Mr., 24 December 1925, p. 7, col. 4; died 16 December 1925; of Wamble. Scrimpshire, Jim (Mrs.), 18 March 1926, p. 2, col. 2; died 9 March 1926; survived by husband, daughter, parents Mr. & Mrs. Will Nix, two sisters, and four brothers. Scrimshire, James (Mrs.), 18 March 1926, p. 7, col. 2; died 9 March 1926, age 20; buried at Cypress Cemetery; leaves husband, infant, parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Nix, two sisters, and five brothers. Shaddock, child, 24 December 1925, p. 7, col. 4; twin baby of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shaddock of Mt. Olivet; buried Saturday the 19th. Sharp, W. D. (Mrs.), 8 April 1926, p. 8, col. 1; died 31 March 1926 at Sparkman; buried Thursday at Junction City Cemetery; survived by three daughters and five grandchildren. Sharp, (Mrs.), 15 April 1926, p. 6, col. 3; Rev. Butts, his wife and daughter of Joplin, Missouri, are here for Mrs. Butts' mother’s funeral. Shelton, Baby, 1 July 1926, p. 10, col. 1; baby of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Shelton died Friday. Smith, Etta Borage, 24 December 1925, p. 1, col. 1; died 19 December 1925, age 82; born in Pine Bluff, daughter of Judge Joseph Borage; survived by two daughters and one son. Smith, Etta B., 24 December 1925, p. 7, col. 6; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Denesson went to Pine Bluff Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Etta B. Smith.

Dallas County Obituary Abstracts


Smith, J. L., 24 September 1925, p. 1, col. 1; died of congestion 19 September 1925; son of J. A. Smith of Cleveland County; leaves widow. Smith, Rual, 1 October 1925, p. 7, col. 4; service last Sunday. Sparks, Mrs. Walter, 3 December 1925, p. 8, col. 2; died last Tuesday at Little Rock; buried at Liberty Cemetery on Friday. Steed, Sobe (Mrs.), 11 March 1926, p. 2, col. 3; died Monday, 8 March 1926; of near Saline, leaves husband and four children, one an infant. Stell, Minerva, 3 December 1925, p. 8, col. 1; died Saturday, age 76; wife of Asbury Stell for fifty years; leaves husband and several children; buried at Temperance Hill Cemetery. Taylor, Charley, 21 January 1926, p. 10, col. 6; died Sunday night, 17 January 1926; of Cotton Belt Camp. Taylor, Charlie, 28 January 1926, p. 9, col. 4; several people attended funeral last Tuesday at Taylor cemetery near Jacinto. Taylor, Leon, 17 June 1926, p. 7, col. 3; died Saturday in Rison, age 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Taylor of Whiteoak Community; buried in Black Cemetery. Tripplett, Gray, 25 March 1926, p. 6, col. 2; killed in St. Louis last Sunday; mother is Laura Davis. Tucker, Infant Daughter, 14 January 1926, p. 9, col. 1; died 6 January 1926, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tucker; buried at De Lamar cemetery. Ulmstead, Sidney A., 5 November 1925, p. 1, col. 1; wealthy oil man of Camden died in Memphis Tuesday. Vaulx, Dolly Smith, 5 November 1925, p. 2, col. 4; wife of Sheriff Sam F. Vaulx of Pine Bluff; born there; leaves mother Mrs. E. B. Smith, husband, son, two sisters, and one brother. Wagnon, Infant Son, 5 November 1925, p. 10, col. 1; died 28 October 1925, age 5 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wagnon; buried at Williams Cemetery on Friday. Walter, Lizza, 24 June 1926, p. 8, col. 3; age 67, died 21 June 1926 at home of niece Mrs. W. W. Everitt; buried at Raleigh. Webb, Wesley, 18 March 1926, p. 8, col. 4; Notice: W. R. Benton, Administrator of the Estate of Wesley Webb, Deceased. Webb, Wesley, 25 March 1926, p. 10, col. 2; Warning Order: Fordyce Lumber Co. vs. Estate of Wesley Webb.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Whitener, Minnie Nutt, 7 January 1927, p. 9, col. 6; age 47, died Wednesday, 6 January 1926, at home of son Robert Whitener; leaves husband, two sisters, and three brothers. Wilcox, Berry, 22 April 1926, p. 11, col. 1; killed by train in Conway; brother Gus Wilcox of Fairview. Wilkins, Lawrence, 17 December 1925, p. 10, col. 1; died 6 December 1925 at home of Mrs. Fannie Brown; son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkins; buried Chapel Springs Cemetery on Sunday. Williams, Margie, 22 April 1926, p. 10, col. 2; died Sunday; leaves aged mother, husband John W. Williams, four sons, Ray, Clark, Lewis, and Elbert and one daughter, Irene. Willis Infant, 17 June 1926, p. 7, col. 1; died 13 June 1926, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willis. Wilson, Fate, 1 July 1926, p. 8, col. 4; died last Thursday in Pine Bluff. Wood, Infant Child, 17 December 1925, p. 7, col. 4; child of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wood of Tulip; buried in Liberty Cemetery on Sunday. Womack, Bob, 4 March 1926, p. 9, col. 1; died on Saturday, of near Sparkman; sisters Mrs. Jim Gill and Mrs. Lou Rogers. Wright, John (Mrs.), 1 April 1926, p. 6, col. 2; received message Sunday of death of Mrs. John Wright of El Dorado; leaves husband and adopted daughter. Yeager, Emma, 3 December 1925, p. 8, col. 1; died 24 November 1925, wife of Jeff Yeager; two sons, Guy and Ernest Yeager; buried at Moss Cemetery.

Bakersfield, California Obituaries



AGS member and California resident Mildred Tatum abstracts obituaries of deceased Arkansas natives that appear in her local newspaper, the Bakersfield Californian, and posts them to the AGS List at [email protected]. She has given us permission to reprint her abstracts in The Arkansas Family Historian. The dates which follow the notices are the dates they appeared in the newspaper. To see the complete obituaries, go to Roxie J. Weir was born 3 October 1915 in Zack, Arkansas, to Thomas and Vicey Beck. She later moved to Oklahoma where she married Andrew Weir in 1931 before they moved to California. Her services were held 14 January 2010. 1-13-2010. John Braxton Gillett, called Snookie, was born 10 November 1921 in Fayetteville, Arkansas, to V. E. “Bill” and Mary Mairs Gillett. The family moved to Bakersfield in 1929. John joined the Navy after Pearl Harbor and served as an aircraft mechanic. He married Barbara Force in 1942. She died in 1989. Later he married Doris Fox, who survives him. He died 22 January 2010. 1-27-2010. Ray Dean Ford was born 20 June 1921 in Prescott, Arkansas, to Fred and Abbey Stroud and died 22 January 2010. She was married to Raymond B. Ford who died after forty-six years of marriage. She is survived by a daughter, nieces, nephews, and other relatives. 1-27-2010. Faye Louise Belcher Regan was born in June 1919 near Oden, Arkansas, after which her family moved to McFarland, California. She married John Regan in 1939 and he predeceased her. She died 22 January 2010. Services were held in Los Osos, California, on 29 January 2010. 1-272010. L. C. Kendig was born 9 May 1931 in Van Buren, Arkansas, to Clyde and Florence Kendig. The family moved to Wasco, California, in the


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

1940s. L. C. died 22 January 2010, survived by a son, two daughters, and grandchildren. 1-22-2010. Pansy Faye Stout was born 6 November 1913 in Little Rock, Arkansas, to William and Cordelia Branstetter. She grew up in Hartville, Missouri, and married Russell Stout in Ava, Missouri. She died 3 February 2010, preceded in death by her husband and survived by children, grandchildren, and a sibling. 2-7-2010. Virginia Collins was born 22 May 1926 in Arkansas to Joe and Alice Lewis. The family migrated to California in the 1930s. Virginia married Frank Collins in 1948. He died after sixty-two years of marriage. She died 7 February 2010. 2-7-2010. Versa Blind was born 1 December 1917 in Marmaduke, Arkansas, to William and Lillie Jenkins. Her family moved to Bakersfield in the 1940s. She was preceded in death by her husband Ralph Blind. She died 10 February 2010. 2-13-2010. Lester (Scottsman) Dean McDougal was born 13 March 1947 in Denmark, Arkansas, to Loyd and Mary Van Winkle McDougal. He served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. He died 11 February 2010, survived by Linda, his wife of twenty years. 2-14-2010. Nadean M. White was born 28 April 1925 in Roland, Arkansas, to William and Ellon Boshears Whitfield. She married Woodrow White, Sr., in 1946. He predeceased her. She died 12 February 2010. 2-19-2010. Raymond Miller was born 24 April 1933 near Paris, Arkansas, to Jim and Clara Miller. He retired from the Kern County Parks Department at age fifty to travel with his wife, Valerie, who survives him. He died 16 February 2010. 2-21-2010. Nora Lacie Coffman was born 18 July 1913 in Mulberry, Arkansas, to Jesse and Nancy Campbell. She grew up in the piney woods of Arkansas. She married Nural S. Coffman in New Mexico in 1932, after which they moved to California. She died 26 February 2010, preceded by Nural, but survived by children and grandchildren. 3-2-2010.

Bakersfield, California Obituaries


William E. Jones, “Bill”, was born on 26 February 1923 in Conway, Arkansas, to John Samuel and Dorothy Jones. He served in the U.S. Army as a medic for twenty-one years. He met his wife Virginia in Kansas and they settled in Bakersfield. They were married fifty-seven years when he passed away on 28 February 2010. 3-4-2010. Wilma Jean Wright was born in Arkansas on 9 January 1926. She died 7 March 2010, survived by her daughters and their families. Services were held in Taft, California. 3-9-2010. Stephen Wayne Cravens, Jr., was born 20 November 1943 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Stephen W., Sr., and Dollye Hefner Cravens. He was married to his wife Nancy for thirty-eight years. He served with the U.S. Marines in Vietnam and attended the University of Tulsa and Purdue University. He was a businessman, and he and Nancy ministered to street people. He died 5 March 2010. 3-10-2010. Ressie Angelica Adams was born 14 October 1927 in Harrison, Arkansas, to Joseph and Sophie Zurga. She married Charles Adams and they moved to Bakersfield, California, where they raised their family. He preceded her in death. She died 6 March 2010. 3-14-2010. Elsie Fay Jones was born in Tyronza, Arkansas, on 1 July 1930 to Rufus and Erie Burns. Her husband Rufus Jones preceded her in death. She worked for forty years as a PBX operator for Memorial Hospital. A memorial service was held 13 March 2010. 3-11-2010. Freida Lorine Pollick was born 1 March 1934 in Garfield, Arkansas, to Henry and Lorine Scantling. She died 8 March 2010, survived by children and grandchildren. 3-11-2010. Thelma Ann Bushnell-Hinds was born 21 April 1913 in Camp, Arkansas, to James and Mary Effie Tiller. She moved to Oklahoma and married Clarence Bushnell. They moved to California and bought the Bernard Hotel. Her second husband was Conrad Hinds. She died 23 March 2010 and was buried in Tehachapi Cemetery. 3-31-2010.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Evelyn Morse was born 17 April 1923 in White River, Arkansas, to Columbus and Wilma Stacy. She died 29 March 2010, survived by her siblings and grandchildren. 3-31-2010. Beatrice Easley was born 26 November 1921 in Omaha, Arkansas, to Carl and Macie Faris. She married Carl Easley in 1938 and died 16 August 2009, survived by her children. 5-5-2010. Elzie C. Woolfolk, Sr., was born 5 November 1933 in Altheimer, Arkansas, to Joseph and Carrie Woolfolk and grew up in Wabbaseka, Arkansas. He married Viola Bingham in 1956, after which they moved to California and had five children. She died after forty-nine years of marriage and he died 19 May 2010. 5-26-2010. Mabel Irene Phinney was born 26 August 1922 in Alma, Arkansas, before her family moved to California. She married second to Rex Phinney, combining her children and his into one family. She died 29 May 2010 survived by Rex and children. 5-26-2010. Allie Jane Rogers was born 17 April 1941 in Paragould, Arkansas, and moved to Bakersfield in 1962. She and her husband Darwin Frank Rogers lived in Wofford Heights, California, since retirement. She died 24 May 2010 survived by her husband, children, and grandchildren. 531-2010. Virdell Minnie Comstock was born 12 October 1929 in Palestine, Arkansas, to Frank and Virginia Conner and moved to California with her parents. Her husband J. C. Comstock died many years ago. She died 29 May 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. 6-42010. Coleen “Punky” Gray was born 13 August 1940 in Dover, Arkansas, to Ervin and Edna Didion Hatfield. Her husband Bruce died when their four children were young. She became a registered nurse and lived in Arkansas, Arizona, and California. She died 3 June 2010 in Placerville, California, and was buried in Phoenix, Arizona beside Bruce. 6-17-2010. Helen Marie Brixey was born 17 March 1930 in Mena, Arkansas, to Albert C. and Ethel Henson Lawrence. In 1947 she married James L.

Bakersfield, California Obituaries


Brixey of Waldron, Arkansas. He preceded her in death. She died 8 June 2010, survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. 6-10-2010. Wanda Pardue Heldebrand was born 19 May 1921 in Springdale, Arkansas, to William and Lula Daniels Pardue. She met her husband George Hildebrand in Wasco, California, and they were married sixtyfour years before his death. They had a beach home in Grover City, owned businesses, and traveled. She died 25 June 2010 and was buried in Los Osos Memorial Cemetery. 7-3-2010. Reba Cleo Eakle was born 4 October 1931 in Charleston, Arkansas, to Charley and Edna Pierce. She married Harlan Eakle in Oklahoma and they came to California, lived on a ranch, and raised their family. She died 4 July 2010 survived by children and grandchildren. 7-7-2010. Jack Turnage was born 2 July 1930 in Mena, Arkansas. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and later was a logger in Oregon and a working cowboy in Arizona where he met his wife Phyllis Clark. They were married fifty-two years. He came to Bakersfield to manage a ranch and retired in 2009. He died 20 June 2010. 6-25-1910. William Carrel Rhodes was born 13 January 1921 in England, Arkansas, to William and Emma Westerman Rhodes. His family moved to California in 1937 when he was sixteen years old. The family lived in a tent by the river and the boys picked fruit and cotton, giving their earnings to their mother. They lived there three years until they got better paying jobs and moved to a house. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. His first wife Aletha Crase and his second wife Jeanne Pratt preceded him in death. Services were held 3 July 2010. Donna Faye Banducci was born 28 April 1941 in Rudy, Arkansas, and her family moved to California when she was young. She died 4 July 2010, survived by her husband Rudy Banducci and her son and daughter and their families. 7-7-2010. Cipriana Salazar was born 21 September 1953 in Luxora, Arkansas, to Guadalupe Ramos and Rita Castro. She worked for BARC for more than twenty years. Her husband Roque Salazar preceded her in death. She died 20 June 2010 survived by her mother, son, and siblings. 6-23-2010.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Patricia Garside was born 25 November 1941 in Manila, Arkansas, to Ernest and Helen Caldwell, and the family moved to Bakersfield in 1950. She was a telephone operator for thirty-four years. She died 5 July 2010 survived by her husband Loyde, children and siblings. 7-8-2010. Cecil E. “Red” McDole was born 14 May 1923 in Arkansas. He moved to California when he was thirteen years old. He served in Europe during World War II and worked in the oil industry in the western states. His wife Charlotte predeceased him. He died 9 July 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. 7-14-2010. Donna L. Banks was born 19 December 1938 at Arbuckle Island, Arkansas, to C. W. and Ruth Lawson and moved to California in 1939. She was married to Ralph Banks for forty-nine years. She died 12 July 2010 survived by her husband, children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. 7-15-2010. Roy Harrison Davis, Sr., born 22 October 1943 in Little Rock, Arkansas, to Paul and Ila Davis, served in the U.S. Army, and was a correctional officer and a Juvenile Detention officer. He died 12 June 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. He was buried at the National Cemetery near Arvin. 7-20-2010. Norma Jean Mosley was born in 1926 in Arkansas. She died 14 July 2010 in Searcy, Arkansas, where she had gone to live with family. Her husband Charles Mosley preceded her after a marriage of over sixty years. She was survived by her son and his family. She was buried in Bakersfield, California, beside Charles. 7-20-2010. Marie Kettner West Simmons was born 23 September 1921 in Huntsville, Arkansas, to James and Odie Kettner. She died 21 July 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and greatgreat-grandchildren. 7-24-2010. James “J. D.” Darle Roe was born 12 August 1926 in Mulberry, Arkansas, to Foister and Flora Roe. He was a long time resident of Boron, California, and retired from U.S. Borax. He died 18 July 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. 7-27-2010.

Bakersfield, California Obituaries


Gladys Mae Helm-Murphy was born 13 September 1927 in Nashville, Arkansas, to Wilburn and Ora Mae Lowe. She was preceded in death by husband Rev. L. Jackson Helm. She died 27 July 2010 survived by husband James Murphy, children and siblings. 7-31-2010. John Melvin Gibson was born 13 February 1923 in Arkansas. His family survived the Depression and the Dust Bowl. He joined the U.S. Navy at age sixteen and was a proud survivor of Pearl Harbor. He was married to wife Anna Laura for more than fifty-six years before she died. He died 29 July 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and siblings. 8-1-2010. Frances Blagg-Williams, “Fran,” was born in 1931 in Biggs, Oklahoma, and grew up in Gravelly, Arkansas. She died 23 August 2010. 8-252010. Mildred Joyce Stenehjem was born 30 January 1923 in Patrick, Arkansas, to Otis and Maude Montgomery. She graduated from Kern County High School and became a dental assistant. Her husband Orion preceded her in death. She died 9 September 2010 survived by children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 9-16-2010. Rita Jane McCluskey was born 27 October 1931 in Henderson, Arkansas, to Ralph and Ola Cox. Her family moved to California when she was six years old. She worked for Texaco Oil Company and married Jack Browne by whom she had two children. She later married Jim McClusky. She died 20 September 2010. 9-26-2010. Jimmie Dale Goddard was born 15 September 1928 in Waldron, Arkansas, to Jim and Mary Bell. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1953 and came to California following his army service. He would have been married to his wife Reba McWhorter forty-nine years in December 2010. He died 24 September 2010 survived by Reba, their daughter, and siblings. 9-30-2010. Jeanetta Belle West was born in February 1923 at Denver, Arkansas, to Arlis and Nola Jones, the seventh of thirteen children. She married Aaron Willard West who joined the U.S. Navy and served during WWII. She worked in an assembly plant on the first military jet aircraft for the U.S. She and Aaron were in the ministry until 1995. She died 2 October 2010,


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

survived by Aaron, a son, a daughter, grandchildren and three brothers. Burial was in the military cemetery. 10-7-2010. Gene Vance was born 30 October 1924 in Fall Creek, Arkansas. He lived much of his life in Kern County, California, and had thirty years of service with the Kern County Fire Department. In retirement he was a gunstock maker. He died 12 October 2010, survived by his wife Jean, daughter, son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 10-14-2010. Clifford Franklin Hedrick was born 15 September 1916 in Osage, Arkansas, to George and Sally Hedrick. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII and was a loving man who enjoyed spending time with his family. He died 16 October 2010, survived by Rene, his wife of sixtyeight years, a son, a granddaughter and many relatives and friends. 1020-2010. Anthony Gage was born 9 March 1944 in Arkansas. He resided in Kern County, California, for forty years. He died 19 Oct 2010 and was buried in Marvel, Arkansas. 10-20-2010. Thelma Mae Collins was born 2 October 1918 in Camp, Fulton County, Arkansas, and came to Kern County, California, in 1934. She was married to Fred Collins and they had two daughters, Vera and Frances. She and Fred owned and operated grocery stores. She was preceded in death by her daughter Vera. Thelma died 10 November 2010. 11-162010. Prentice Bishop, Jr., was born 7 March 1941 in Cleveland, Arkansas, to Prentice and Mary Bishop. The family moved to Lamont, California, and Prentice helped his sister raise their siblings. He married Hazel Townson in 1958, and he died 18 November 2010. 11-20-2010. Pauline David was born 3 November 1918 in New Edinburg, Arkansas, to Herbert and Sallie Landers. She married Leo David who preceded her in death. She died 19 November 2010. 11-23-2010. Bessie Berry was born 18 April 1932 in Danville, Arkansas, to Eugene and Lavada Moudy. Her husband Don Berry preceded her in death. She

Bakersfield, California Obituaries


died 18 November 2010 and was buried in Mojave Cemetery. 11-232010. Lucille Crump Key was born 28 September 1918 in Forrest City, Arkansas, and later moved to Shreveport, Louisiana, before coming to California. She was preceded in death by her husband Rev. Robert Key. She died 17 November 2010, survived by seven children, twenty grandchildren, forty-five great-grandchildren, and twenty-five greatgreat-grandchildren. 11-26-2010. Fred Guerber was born 25 November 1935 in Batesville, Arkansas, to Fred and Flora Guerber. The family moved to California when he was six years old. He married Wanda Harp in 1958 and had his own business in McFarland, California. He died 28 November 2010, survived by his wife Wanda. 12-1-2010. Morris Ray Bowen was born 2 April 1938 in Morrilton, Arkansas, to Murriel and Hazel Bowen. He served in the U.S. Army as a paratrooper. He was married to his wife Charyle for seventeen years. He died 26 November 2010. 12-3-2010. Mary Alice Stafford was born 24 October 1920 on Seven Mile Creek in Arkansas to John and Sarah Reeves. She worked as a midwife and helped raise three sisters and a brother. She and her husband James Stafford had four children. She died 21 December 2010 and is survived by her son and grandchildren. 12-28-2010. Jessie Lee Ketcherside McGriff was born 8 May 1931 in Russellville, Arkansas, to Tilden and Viola Ketcherside. She was a retired director of Kern County Mental Health Association of Bakersfield, California. She died 24 December 2010, survived by a daughter and her family plus brothers and sisters. 12-30-2010. Dee Dolan Harris was born in Atkins, Arkansas, on 20 December 1916 to Charlie and Victoria Harris. When he came to California he worked as a movie extra for four dollars per night. He helped to train dogs for movies and later was in the trucking business for forty years. He died 26 December 2010, survived by Thelma, his wife of forty years, and their children. 12-30-2010.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

MEDLOCK AND WILSON BIBLE, FAMILY RECORD PAGES Columbia County, Arkansas Rebecca Wilson Little Rock, AR [email protected]

This Bible belonged to Mary Ella (Medlock) Wilson (1846-1925) and is in the possession of her great-granddaughter, Rebecca Wilson. It was printed in New York by the American Bible Society in 1881.

Medlock and Wilson Bible



The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Medlock and Wilson Bible



The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Transcription of Family Record from Medlock and Wilson Bible The relationship of each person to Mary Ella Medlock Wilson and other annotations appear in brackets. Births Flavious Josephus Wilson was born March the 22nd 1838 [husband] Mary Ella Wilson was born July the 5 1846 [self] Pennie Eliza Wilson was born September the 19 1863 [daughter] Joseph Benjamin Wilson was born Augst the 30 1865 [son] Anna Lula Wilson was born Febuary the 12 1868 [daughter] Johnnie Marshal Wilson was born January the 6 1871 [son] Julia Henrietta Wilson was born June the 8 1875 [daughter] Martha Fannie Wilson was born December the 31st 1877 [daughter] The births of F J and M E Wilson grandchildren Maudia Wilson the daughter of J B and M E Wilson was born December the 27 1887 Joseph Monroe Rogers the son of R A Rogers and P E Rogers was born Feb the 2 and 1885 Claudie Pearl Rogers the daughter of R A and P E Rogers was born Aug the 4th 1886 Sephos B. Wilson son of J. B. and M. E. Wilson was borned Feb the 20 1890 Larkin Wilson was born July 24 [1901] [son of Martha Francis Wilson & Charles Henry Wilson] Halmon Wilson was born June 7 1903 [son of Martha Francis Wilson & Charles Henry Wilson] Charles Medlock Sr was born AD 1781 [grandfather] Ma[r]tha Baugh Medlock was born March the 9 1796 [grandmother] M[ontgomery] S Medlock was born Nov the 23 1816 [uncle] B[enjamin] F Medlock Sr was born March the 5 1820 [father] Monroe Medlock was born August the 28 1818 [uncle] Martha Adaliza Medlock was born June the 15 1825 [aunt] Eliza Jane Medlock the wife of B. F. Medlock Sr was born Nov the 3rd 1822 in [mother] B[enjamin] F Burchfield was born October the 16 1880 [nephew - son of Julia A Medlock & Nathaniel D Burchfield]

Medlock and Wilson Bible


Marriages Flavus Josephas Wilson and Mary Ella Wilson was marrid November the 27 AD 1862 R. A. [Robert Ansley] Rogers and Pennie E[liza] Rogers was married the 17 of Jan 1884 [daughter] Joseph B[enjamin] Wilson and Mary E[llen] Wilson was married Feb the 10 1887 [son] Absalom Davis and Anna L[ula] Davis was married March the 21 1887 [daughter] Joseph [Andrew] Wilson [and Julia Henrietta] was married December the 23 189[7] [daughter] John M[arshall] Wilson and Sallie [Henrietta] Wilson was married January the 20 1898 [son] Fannie [Martha Francis] Wilson was married to Charlie [Charles Henry] Wilson January the [26] 1899 [daughter] Deaths Julia E. Burchfield daughter of B F and Eliza Medlock was born March the 1st 1857 and died May the 20 1888 [sister] Anna Eliza Burchfield died Janury the 4 1888 [possibly daughter of Julia E. Burchfield] Charles Medlock Sr died Feb the 26 1840 [grandfather] Martha Baugh Medlock died Feb the 4 1850 [grandmother] Monroe Medlock died Sept the 24 1819 [uncle] Adaliza Medlock died Nov the 11 1836 [aunt] E J Medlock died Dec 2nd AD 1872 [mother] B F Medlock Sr died March the 16 1893 [father] F J Wilson died Sept the 9 1899 [husband] Pennie E Rogers died January the 24 1900 the daughter of F. J. and M. E. Wilson [daughter] Mae Davis died Jan 14 1919 the daughter of AT and Lula Davis Dawson Wilson died Sept 12 1921 the son of J M Wilson & Sallie Wilson [grandson] The following notes were included in a bundle of papers in the Bible: Mrs. M. A. White Died December the 3rd 1906 10 minuits [sic] before 9 oclock morning and buried 12 oclock the 4 of December 1906 Elery Rogers the son of PE rogers Born Dec 1st 1896 Died Dec 18th 1902 age 6 y 18 days


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Mary Ella Medlock Wilson Mary Ella Medlock was about thirteen years old when she moved with her family to Columbia County, Arkansas, from Hancock County, Georgia, in 1859. Her family, which consisted of her father and mother, four brothers and two sisters, was relatively prosperous. In 1860 her father, Benjamin F. Medlock, paid tax on 331 acres, twenty-one slaves, a horse and carriage, and a few mules and “neat cattle.” 1 By 1861 he had $3000 loaned to others. 2 In 1861 the Civil War began to have a devastating effect on the family. Ella’s oldest brother Thomas joined the Confederate troops at Three Creeks, Union County, Arkansas, on 19 June MARY ELLA MEDLOCK WILSON 1861 along with a boy from a neighboring farm named Flavious Josephus Wilson. 3 This unit went to Lynchburg, Virginia, where it was assigned to the Third Regiment, Arkansas Volunteers as Company G. 4 In March of 1862 her next brother, William, joined the 18th Regiment of the Arkansas Infantry. 5 1

B.F. Medlock, Columbia County, Arkansas, 1860 Tax Record, Arkansas History Commission [AHC], Columbia County Records, microfilm roll 136. 2 B.F. Medlock, Columbia County, Arkansas, 1861 Tax Record, AHC, Columbia County Records, microfilm roll 137. 3 Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Arkansas, NARA M317, Thomas L. Medlock and Flavious J. Wilson, compiled military records (Co. G, 3rd Arkansas Infantry Regiment), digital images, ( accessed 16 January 2010). 4 Third Arkansas Regiment Infantry, CSA, Company G – “Three Creeks Rifles” by Bryan R. Howerton, 5 Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Arkansas, NARA M317, William Medlock, compiled military record (Co. I,

Medlock and Wilson Bible


In the following month, April 1862, Thomas died in Goldsboro, North Carolina, of disease 6 and in June, William died in Varona, Mississippi. 7 The neighbor boy, Flavious Josephus Wilson, known as “Seph”, was discharged in June because of illness8 and in November Mary Ella and F. J. Wilson were married in Columbia County, Arkansas. 9

‘GRANNY ON OLD PUSS’ WAS WRITTEN ON THE BACK OF THIS PHOTO He and Mary Ella settled on a 160 acre farm near the small community known as Snipe. 10 They had two sons and four daughters.

18th Arkansas Infantry Regiment), digital image, ( accessed 16 January 2010). 6 Thomas L. Medlock, Compiled Confederate Service Record, 3rd Arkansas Infantry. 7 William Medlock, Compiled Confederate Service Record, 18th Arkansas Infantry. 8 Arkansas Confederate Pension Application for Mrs. Ella Wilson, widow of F. J. Wilson, Application Number 16172, AHC Microfilm Military 39, Roll 118. 9 J. F. Wilson and Mary E. Medlock Marriage Record, Columbia County, Arkansas, Marriage Book A, p. 276, viewed on from Arkansas Marriages, 18371944. 10 Notes found in Family Bible of Mary Ella Medlock Wilson.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Ella’s Bible is dated 1881, but the handwriting on the family pages suggests that Ella did not begin making entries until about 1889 because the entries with dates through 1888 appear to have been written at the same time. The Bible was well read and Ella made notes and marked passages she felt were particularly important. It also contained a stack of notes, poems, bible verses, and newspaper clippings. The poems were written between 1889 and 1911 and some are dated and signed with statements such as “written by Ella Wilson in her hours of sufferings.” She may have been referring to stomach trouble because the stack of papers in the Bible also included some advertisements for a remedy for “Catarrh of the Stomach.” Josephus died on 9 Sep 1899 at age sixty-one and Mary Ella died 11 Nov 1925 at the age of seventy-nine. They are both buried in Ebenezer Cemetery along with all but one of their children.11


11 Gravestone of Flavious J. and Mary E. Wilson, Ebenezer Cemetery, Columbia Co., Arkansas

Arkansas Ancestry Certificates


Arkansas Ancestry Certificates Arkansas Antebellum Ancestry Certificate, for Rebecca V. Wilson Submitted by Rebecca V. Wilson 52 Coachlight Drive Little Rock, AR 72227 501-225-6364 [email protected]

Rebecca V. Wilson received a Certificate of Arkansas Ancestry for the Antebellum period based on documentation submitted for the following lineage. The Antebellum ancestor was Benjamin F. Medlock who was in Columbia County, Arkansas, on or before 25 September 1859 based on the Salem Baptist Church Minutes, Columbia County.


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Arkansas Queries Members may submit as many queries as they wish at any time. E-mail to [email protected] or post to AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374. ANDREWS – Ola Florence Andrews married Oscar Elmer Wilhite on 4 Dec 1913, b 10 Feb 1897 Little River Co AR, d 18 Apr 1965 North Little Rock AR. Looking for information on her parents and family. Nancy Bartlett, 5036 Crestwood Drive, Little Rock, AR 72207 AUTRY – Seeking information on Bushrod Autry (1843-?) m Nancy Jane (1858-?). Bushrod was born in Brinkley, Monroe Co AR and Nancy Jane was born in AR. Eddie Forbess, 79 Mill Street, Hayesville, NC 28904, [email protected] BRYANT – DAVIS – Looking for descendents of Anthony Bryant (Anthy) born 20 Jan 1818 TN and his wife Mildred Davis (Millie) born July 1824 TN. Both died in Cleveland Co AR: Anthy on 15 Aug 1866 and Millie on 14 Oct 1878. Mary Anne Berry, 1409 Willard, Canadian, TX 79014, [email protected] DOOLEY – Looking for information abt Hiram G Dooley, b. 1810 in TN, came to Arkansas w/ parents 1818-1819. He married Sarah Reid in 1838. They lived in Lafayette Co. He died in 1875, where? Where and when did Sarah die? Kay Gregory, #3 Hillside Ct., Austin, TX 78746, [email protected] FORBESS – Seeking information on Samuel H Forbess (1855-1877) m Rhoda Ann (1837-1877). Samuel was born in Wheatly, St. Francis Co AR and Rhoda Ann in Tipton Co TN. Eddie Forbess, 79 Mill Street, Hayesville, NC 28904, [email protected] JOHNSON – Who were the parents of Buster Johnson, born about 1874/5? He was age 5, born AR, parents born AR, in the 1880 federal census of Clark Co, Caddo township, p. 436. He was called grandson of the head of household, William C. Johnson, age 59, widower. Did Buster grow up and have descendants? Either of William C.'s daughters in the household, Catherine age 30 and Lydia age 22, could have been the

Arkansas Queries


mother. Catherine may have married Donald Gawf and had son James Monroe Gawf b 1881; she may have died 1885 when father requested a Methodist minister be allowed to preach his daughter's funeral at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church. Lydia married Charles Elliott in Oct 1880. Or did one of William C.'s sons, Josiah b 1846 or Willis S. b Apr 1850, survive to become the father of this Buster? No record of Josiah found after 1850 Clark Co. census and no record of Willis found after 1860 Panola Co MS census. Any information, thoughts, or theories appreciated. Susan G. Boyle, 57 Plantation Acres Dr., Little Rock, AR 72210-3627, 501-4559921, [email protected] JONES – STOUTENBURG – Seeking any relatives of Hannah Jones, born 1 Aug 1881 and married Moses Stoutenberg Jan 1897 Desha Co AR. They lived in Chicot and surrounding counties. Melvyn L. Gillette, 507 Wickson Ave #102, Oakland, CA 94610 KELLY – I need information about Lillie Rose Zinnia Bell Kelly (Kelley): Born Sep 1878 Logan Co AR. Who were her parents? She may have lived with a family named Wise. Was she related to that family? She may have had 3 brothers. Married 1st: James M Gilbert 1896 in AR, 1 son Jay Gilbert b Aug 1898. Married 2nd: Marcus Clyde Hill 27 Oct 1901 Madison Twp, Howard Co AR. Born to this marriage – 4 sons – 2 daughters. Margie Weatherford Hill, 5458 Sunshine Rd, Pearcy, AR 71964-9744, [email protected] LITTLETON – HUGHES – Eli Littleton, b. 1792-93 GA, d. 18 Sep 1875 Franklin Co, AR, m. Eda Hughes, 3 Dec 1818 Union Co IL. Eda Hughes (Ede, Edy) b. ca. 1798-1808 OH. Children: Male, b. bet. 18181820; Hannah, b. ca. 1820 IL; George Washington, b. ca. 1829 IL; Ellen, b. bet. 1829-1830 IL; Hiram, 1831 IL; Elizabeth Jane, b. 25 Apr 1835 Washington Co AR; William D., b. ca. 1837 in Ozark, Franklin Co AR. Mainly need parentage and siblings of Eli and Eda, but am interested in any information on this family. Yvonne Gilbreath, 3105 Glendale St, Monroe, MI 48162, [email protected] MASON – Need information about Nancy Sarah Mason married Samuel B Haggard. Later married Leroy Kizzia. Was in Izard Co 1830. Died Baxter Co AR, buried Ioka Cemetery Izard Co AR. Wanda Poteet


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Haggard, 1409 N Sherry [email protected]





McCURRY – WINCHESTER – Looking for information on the Samuel McCurry family who lived in Sebastian Co AR in the 1850s. Samuel McCurry, b. 13 Jan 1834 Marino Co MO, d. 13 Oct 1877 Eufala, Indian Territory OK, m. Margaret P Winchester 22 Nov 1853 Arkansas. Margaret Winchester, b. 30 Jul 1835 Rutherford Co TN, d. 11 Jan 1877. Children: Martha Jane , b. 24 Feb 1855 Hackett City, Sebastian Co AR; Sarah Catherine, b. 24 Oct 1857 Hackett City, Sebastian Co AR; Matilda Arthus, b. 24 Sep 1859 Sebastian Co AR; John Wilburn, b. 24 May 1862 Sebastian Co AR; James B., b. 20 Mar 1866 Ottawa, KS; Albert Robinson, b. 8 Feb 1870, d. 7 Nov 1872, buried Hackett, Sebastian Co AR. Alma L. Costello, 19488 Baker Rd., Bend, Oregon 97702, [email protected] MIGRATION SC→AR – Seeking information on any family that

migrated from Edgefield Co SC or surrounding areas, to southwestern Arkansas in early 1860. The family of Absalom Horne and Permelia Johnson made such a move to southern Clark Co AR, near Whelen Springs. Information about the migration at that time for any family would be helpful. John L Davis, 116 Silverwood Pt., Hot Springs, AR 71913, [email protected] O’NEAL – Looking for parents of Thomas York O’Neal born 1864 in Leslie, Searcy Co AR. He had a sister Sarah and 2 younger brothers. He married Demarice Drake 1887 Faulkner Co AR. Demarice was born in 1855. His mother’s maiden name was York. Denise L. Blaber, PO Box 194, Coggon, IA 52218, [email protected] QUINN – Seeking information on Lorenzo and John T Quinn from Roseville, Franklin Co AR. Anita B. Harris, 1859 Ward Rd, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433-0847, [email protected] RAY – Seeking information on Florence Ray, born about 1912, and her sister Betty J Ray, born 1928, both in Pulaski Co AR. Parents were Anderson “Boss” Ray (1880-1960) and Florence Allen (1890-1947).

Arkansas Queries


Who did they marry? Did they move? Cousin has Ray lineage back to 1720. Katrina M. Piper, [email protected] RILEY – I am trying to find the parents of Sarah Ann Riley who was born in TN and married William Moad 31 Jan 1829 Orange Co Indiana. They moved to Polk Co AR and then to Scott Co near White Church east of Waldron. Sarah Ann died in 1860. William Moad married Elizabeth after Sarah’s death. Children were Bertha, John, Elias, Amos, Savilla, Faraba, James, Wylie, and Sarah Ann. James B. McFerran, 825 North Kenwood Road, Texarkana, TX 75501-2622, [email protected] SCOTT – JAMISON – LOGAN – Looking specifically for descendants of Judge Andrew Scott of Pope Co AR. He was born 6 Aug 1789 and married Elizabeth Rice Jones 5 Nov 1811 Potosi Co MO and died 5 Mar 1835 in Pope Co AR. Have lots of information to share. Lynne E. Scott Drennan, [email protected] SHUMATE – Seeking information about Joseph T. Shumate, Sr. who lived in Russellville from about 1920-1940. He had a store. Jo Anna Dale, 1315 W. Johns Blvd, Raymore, MO 64083-9144, [email protected] WARREN – Joseph L and Massila A Warren lived in Wayne Co TN 1870 census; ch: Harriet J, Frances E, William L, Marion D, Mary Ann A, Sara D and “Eighter” (Ada?). Need additional info especially on Joseph, date and place of birth, etc. Joseph’s descendants lived in Conway Co 1910-60. Garry W. Warren, 832 Olde Mill Trace, Cottondate, AL 35453-9591, [email protected] WOHLENBERG – Info on Wohlenberg families residing Gravette and Rogers, 1946-1977, also Rich Mountain area of Mena 1870-1880. One son taken by Indians and recovered. Harold and Dan Wohlenberg, 1821 Annette Drive, Irving, TX 75061, tel. 972-579-0539 YORK – Need information on the York family of Waldron, Scott Co AR. Harold and Dan Wohlenberg, 1821 Annette Drive, Irving, TX 75061, tel. 972-579-0539


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Book Review The Root Family, A Journey Through America. By David D. Root and Lue Ann Kingcade Root. Privately printed, 2003. 792 pages. Hard bound. Photographs, images of documents and maps, full name index. Direct inquiries or orders to [email protected] or to the authors at P.O Box 1904, Enid, OK 73702-1904. The authors begin with the immigrant, John Root, who was born about 1774 in Schnedes, Germany, and died about 1846 in Miami County, Ohio. The first chapter contains information about him and his two wives and lists their children, Susannah, Abraham, Elizabeth, Mary, John, Samuel, Joel, Jacob, Barbara, Daniel, David, Andrew, and Sarah. The remaining chapters deal in turn with each of John’s children and their descendants. Descendants migrated to points west in the United States, with some becoming residents of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Each child and his descendants are presented in an NGSQ numbering system with the child as 1., his oldest child as 2., and his second child as 3. and so forth. The numbers denote their place in the genealogy of that branch of the family. The children of each couple are also given roman numerals i., ii., etc. denoting their place in their parents’ family. Children in any list have a + to the left if they are presented later with additional information. This book offers a significant collection of information for researchers of this particular Root family. The compilation of transcripts, correspondence, photographs, images of documents, census abstracts, news clippings, obituaries, and family stories can be used as a basis for further research and investigation by future generations into the lives of the members of this family. There is very little real text or narrative in the book. Much information is presented from computer program notes. There is no discussion of the information in relation to the big picture of the person’s life. No evidence from secondary sources seems to have been traced to its original source or analyzed for conflict with other sources. There are no discussions of the meaning, importance, or credibility of sources or evidence. Most transcripts and images are identified, but the provenance of letters and personal or family histories is not provided. That being said, the value of this book is in the large body of collected Root family information preserved for posterity. Susan G. Boyle, Little Rock, Arkansas



INCOME Books, documents ..... 10,549.27 Donations.......................... 35.00 Dues ............................. 9,205.00 Interest income ................. 66.13 Other income .................. 188.23 Sales tax and shipping ................... 1,272.45 Salt Lake City trip income ................ -390.00 Seminar revenue .......... 4,385.00

Total Income .......... $25,311.08

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The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Index A Abernathy Sterling H., 34 Acox Ola, 35 Adams Ressie Angelica, 41 Akins Mary, 15 Alexander J. D., 29 Allen Florence, 60 James, 11 Rebecca J., 15 Allison W. M., 13 Wm. J., 12 Almond R. D., 17 Alsobrook B. B., 29 Alsobrooks B. B., 29 Andrews Ola Florence, 58 T. J., 10 Anglin Rachel, 15 Autry Bushrod, 58 Nancy Jane, 58

B Babb W. P., 14 Bailey G. B., 10 Julia Ann, 20 M. W., 14 Baker W. D., 17

Ballard Sarah, 28 Banducci Donna Faye, 43 Rudy, 43 Banks C. R., Mrs., 29 Donna L., 44 Mrs., 29 Ralph, 44 Barker Exie, 8 Barnard Sarah Ann, 28 William, 28 Barnes Alex, 29 Elvira, 29 James Curtis, 20 Manda Ellen, 22, 26, 28 Mary, 22 Mary Elvira, 29 Samuel, 22, 28 Barnhill Mary J., 27 Barrett Lucy, 29 Bartlett Nancy, 58 Bartley A. Frank, 20 Mary, 20 R. M., 20 Robert, 20 Robert Moses, 20 S. E., 20 Sarah Ellen, 20 Willie T., 20 Baughm Dave, 29 Diamond, 29 Bean Martha Lou, 20 Mattie, 20

William, 20 Beck B. I., 20 Buren I., 20 Henry, 20 Julia Ann, 20 Mammie Fern, 20 Roxie J., 39 Thomas, 39 Verna, 20 Vicey, 39 Belcher Faye Louise, 39 J. L., 17 Bell Jim, 45 Mary, 45 Mary A., 24 Richard Franklin, 24 W. A., 29 Benge B. B., 20 Baxter B., 19, 21 Baxter Berry, 21 Betsey, 20 Eliza Diana, 25 Elizabeth, 20, 21 Emaline, 21, 26 J. N., 21 James A., 21, 26 Jane, 21 Joseph Newton, 21 Orlas D., 21 Richard, Rev., 21 Rosie, 21 Susan C. T., 21 William Harrison, 25 Bennett Mary E., 15 Benton W. R., 37 Berry Bessie, 46


Don, 46 M. J., Mrs., 15 Mary Anne, 58 Thos. H., 14 Best C. T., 21 Emma Dora, 21 Hattie Pearl, 21 J. C., 21 J. D., 21 James Calvin, 21 John D., 21 Norzlette, 21 Susan C. T., 21 Bettis Mary E., 15 Betts A. R., 14 Bickle J. P., 11 Billingsley James F., 21 John C., 21 Mattie J., 21 Bingham Viola, 42 Bishop Mary, 46 Prentice, 46 Prentice, Jr., 46 Bittle Jemine E., 15 Blaber Denise L., 60 Blend Alta A., 21 Charles F., 21 Winnie Louise, 21 Blind Ralph, 40 Versa, 40 Boles Linnie E., 20 Mary C., 26 Borage Joseph, Judge, 36 Boshears Ellon, 40


Bowen Charyle, 47 Hazel, 47 Morris Ray, 47 Murriel, 47 Boyle Susan G., 59, 62 Branstetter Cordelia, 40 Pansy Faye, 40 William, 40 Brazile Elmer, 29 Brewer T. G., 13 Bridges B. L., Mrs., 30 Brisendine S. Linda, 16 Brixey Helen Marie, 42 James L., 43 Brock Arilda, 15 Brown Dick, 30 Fannie, 38 Jack, 45 W. B., 12 Bryant Anthony, 58 Bryton Memphis, 17 Burchfield Anna Eliza, 53 Benjamin F., 52 Julia E., 53 Nathaniel D., 52 Burgess A. J., Mrs., 15 Burlison J. M., 14 Burns Elsie Fay, 41 Erie, 41 Rufus, 41 Bushnell Clarence, 41

Thelma Ann, 41 Butler Ella Maud, 30 Roy, 30 Butts Rev., 36 Bynum Charlene, 23

C Calaway Mart, 30 P. N., 30 Caldwell Ernest, 44 Helen, 44 Patricia, 44 Calvert Cincinnattus, 14 Campbell Jesse, 40 Nancy, 40 Nora Lacie, 40 Cannon Annie, 15 Cargile Polly, 15 Carr Frances E., 15 Carter William T., 29 Casey Lizzie, 15 Cason Jane Gertrude, 34 Castleberry Ellen, 6 Emaline, 6 Robert Wesley, 6 Tom, 7 Castro Rita, 43 Cates Henry F., 8 Nancy Caroline, 25 Cathey A. J., 31


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Almeda, 15 Anna, 35 Jeanie, 31 Chandler J. H., 12 Chastain Calvin, 14 Cheesebro G. W., 11 Chesseford Clara C., 17 Childers John, 30 John C., 30 Pink, 30 Chiles Martha, 18 Sarah Frances, 18 Clark J. J., 12 Jno. Whit, 14 Mary, 30 N. A., 30 Phyllis, 43 Clawson Aubrey, 30 S. A., 30 Clayton Jno. M., 13 Clifton N. B., 17 Coe W. C., 17 Coffer G. Ike, 21 Odel, 21 Sallie, 21 Coffman Elizabeth, 15 Nora Lacie, 40 Nural S., 40 Cole Becky, 21 James, 21 Lafayette, 14 R. B., 14 Collins Frances, 46

Frank, 40 Fred, 46 Thelma, 46 Vera, 46 Virginia, 40 Compere Dixie, 18 Comstock J. C., 42 Virdell Minnie, 42 Conner Frank, 42 Virdell Minnie, 42 Virginia, 42 Cook Joseph W., 13 Cooley B. S., 12 Copeland Nancy A., 15 Corley Truly, 27 Corn J. P., 13 T. J., 12 Costello Alma L., 60 Cox Laura V., 15 Lizzie, 30 Ola, 45 Ralph, 45 Rita Jane, 45 Cranford L. T., 14 Crary W. F., 30 Crase Aletha, 43 Cravens Dollye, 41 Nancy, 41 Stephen W., Sr., 41 Stephen Wayne, Jr., 41 Cullum Andrew Dick, 7 Faye, 7

James Andrew, 8 Lizzie Louise, 8 Lou, 8 Maude, 8 Culp Jim, 30 Cuthbertson Lurena, 31

D Dale Jo Anna, 61 Daniel L. H., 31 Zack, 31 Daniels Dixie, 31 Lula, 43 Davenport Jan Hearn, 18 David Leo, 46 Pauline, 46 Davis Absalom, 53 Anna Lula, 53 Ila, 44 J. T., Mrs., 17 John L., 60 Laura, 37 Mae, 53 Mildred, 58 Paul, 44 Roy Harrison, Sr., 44 Deckard Wm., 14 Dedman Caroline, 31 P. W., 31 DeLamar H. B., 31 P. H., 31 Dempsey Alfie, 22 Alma, 22 G. W., 22


George W., 21, 22 George Washington, 22 John, 21 John L., 22 Margaret Jane, 21 Mary, 21 Mittie M., 22 Mittie Matilda, 22 Mollie, 22 Orange Birdine, 21 Denesson C. D., 36 Didion Coleen, 42 Edna, 42 Ervin, 42 Dill Archibald, 4 Emilla, 4 Millie, 4 Roland C., 4 Dooley Hiram G., 58 Doran Linnie E., 20 Downs Anderson M., 22, 23 Andrew Moody, 22 Bessie, 22 Beulah M., 22 Bill, 23 C. A., 23 Carol June, 23 Charlene Bynum, 23 Charles Odell, 23 Charlotte Kay, 23 Clement, 22 Clemon A., 23 Clemon Arvel, 23 Dalelinda Gay, 23 Dewayne, 23 Dewayne Lewis, 22 E. H., 22 Earline, 23 Edward H., 22


Edward Kyle, 23 Gaylon Joyce, 23 Jerry, 23 Julia B., 23 Julia Belle, 23 Julia Hayes, 22 Kevin Lee, 22, 23 Larry Joe, 22 Lawanna, 23 Lola Pearl, 22, 23 M. E., 22 Manda Ellen, 22, 26, 28 Mary Armindia, 22 Mathew T., 22 Millie, 26 N. G., 23 Norris Gene, 23 Steven Oneal, 23 T. M., 22 Thomas M., 26, 28 Thomas Matthew, 22 W. O., 23 Willard Odell, 23 Willard Oneal, 22, 23 Drake Demarice, 60 Drennan Lynne E. Scott, 61 Dunaway R. G., 14 Durham Alexander, 21 Cordie B., 25 Demila, 27 Dora T., 23 J. L., 23 J. L., Rev, 23 James Lewodus, Rev., 23 James Singleton, 23 Julia, 26 Martha J., 23 Martha Jane, 23 Mary, 21 Maude C., 26

Syntha, 23 Thomas Harvey, 23 Dye John H., Brig. Gen., 13

E Eakle Harlan, 43 Reba Cleo, 43 Easley Beatrice, 42 Carl, 42 Eddins A. A., Mrs., 15 Eldrige J. W., Capt., 17 Elliott Charles, 59 W. K., 12 Ellis Orian c., 31 Elms Sam, 13 Ennis J. O., 31 Epperson H. T., 14 Erwin Ethel, 31 Oder, 31 Estep Eli C., 23 F. A., 23 Francis Asberry, 23, 27 Frank, 23, 27 Martha, 27 Mary Elizabeth, 23 Rachel, 23 Sarah Elizabeth, 27 Evans Janatta, 19, 20 Janetta, 25 Everitt W. W., 37


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

F Faris Beatrice, 42 Carl, 42 Macie, 42 Farmer Minnie Lee, 23 R. E., 23 Richard Ervin, 23 Faulkner A. J., 17 R. E., 12 Fielder Dick, 36 Jim, 36 Finch Dora, 10 Finley Quinnie, Mrs., 34 Fisher Millie, 31 Forbess Eddie, 58 Rhoda Ann, 58 Samuel H., 58 Force Barbara, 39 Ford Jim, 31 Ray Dean, 39 Raymond B., 39 Fox Betty Lou, 24 Charlene, 24 Cora M., 24 Doris, 39 Emma, 23 Henry M., 24 J. A., 24 Jack, 23 John Anderson, 24 Judy Diana, 24 L. J., 23 Lidy Jane., 24 Lyndel, 23 Manley, 23 V. O., 24

Vassie M., 23 Virginia Ruth, 25 Wilma Fay, 28 Frazell Dr., 31 Mrs., 31 Fredeking A. T., 14 Friddle Diana, 26 Emaline, 21, 26 Emeline, 26 Martin, 26 Turley, 20, 26, 28 Furlow W. H., 31

G Gage Anthony, 46 Gaither Wm. B., 5 Galloway J. C., 12 Garrett I. D., 31 Lucy, 31 T. C., 31 W. A., 31 Garrison W. H., 11 Garside Loyde, 44 Patricia, 44 Gather William, 5 Gawf Donald, 59 James Monroe, 59 Gentry S. S., 14 Gibson Anna Laura, 45 John Melvin, 45 Gilbert James M., 59 Jay, 59

Gilbreath Yvonne, 59 Gill Jim, Mrs., 38 Gillett Barbara, 39 Bill, 39 Doris, 39 John Braxton, 39 Mary, 39 Snookie, 39 V. E., 39 Gillette Melvyn L., 59 Glover Lucy, 31 Goddard Jim, 45 Jimmie Dale, 45 Mary, 45 Reba, 45 Goebel Donna, 24 Golden H., Mrs., 32 Goss J. W., 12 Grant Mary Elizabeth, 26 Gray Bruce, 42 Cecil, Mrs., 32 Coleen, 42 Joe, Major, 30 Punky, 42 S. R., 12 Willie, 8 Willie Lee, 7 Greenlee Emily Jane, 27 Gregory Kay, 58 Gresham J. B., 32 John W., 32 Grimes J. H., 14 W. A., 26



Grisham Lil, 32 Gromer J. S., 11 Guerber Flora, 47 Fred, 47 Wanda, 47 Gunter J. L., 13

H Haggard Samuel B., 59 Wanda Poteet, 60 Hall Brancy, 21 Coot, 35 Cynthia, 24 Hiram M., 24 Mary Ann, 16 Haller Samuel Truitt, 24 Shirley Faye, 24 Travis, 24 Halton J. F., 32 Hames Syntha, 23 Hamilton A. B., 19 R. Adell, 19 Hammock C. M., 11 G. W., 13 Hammons James, 32 Kate, 32 W. W., 10 Hanks Bill, 19 Hansel Mrs., 32 Hardin Joyce E., 26 Mary Elizabeth, 26 Nancy L., 27

Neely LaFayette, 26 Hargus Lee, 32 Harlpole Henry, 12 Harp Wanda, 47 Harper Brancy, 21, 24 Elizabeth, 24 Geo., Mrs., 32 James Hamlet, 24 Jeff, 32 Leonard G., 24 Newton R., 24 R. F., 24 Reuben F., 21, 24 Sarah, 24 Harrington Chas., 11 Margaret E., 11 Harris Anita B., 60 Charles Dean, 32 Charlie, 47 Dee Dolan, 47 Eugene, 32 Floyd, 32 L. H., 14 Naimo, Mrs., 32 Thelma, 47 Victoria, 47 Harrison F. I., 32 Olive, 32 Olive Estell, 32 R. W., 13 Hart W. H., 12 Hartwick Eliza, 16 Haskins Nancy, 15 Hastings Tennie C., 16 Hayes Dorothy N., 24

F. D., 24 Frank D., 24 Grant Washington, 23 Hettie, 23 Julia, 22 Haygood Herman R., 32 Lynn, 32 Hays Annie, Dr., 32 C. E., 32 Hearn Ida, 18 Hearnsberger Jim, Mrs., 33 Hedrick Clifford Franklin, 46 George, 46 Rene, 46 Sally, 46 Hefner Dollye, 41 Heigel Wm., 13 Heldebrand Wanda Pardue, 43 Helker Deler M., 24 Lizzie, 24 Helm L. Jackson, 45 Hendricks W. W., 13 Henson Ethel, 42 Hicks Mary, 15 Hildebrand George, 43 Hill Dempsey, 22 M. E., 24 Marcus Clyde, 59 Margie Weatherford, 59 Robert A., 24


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

W. J., 24 Hinds Conrad, 41 Thelma Ann, 41 Hinshaw Jane, 21 Hipp J. R., 13 Holcomb Mary, 3 Mary Jane, 8 Hollis Duil Benjiman, 33 Jewel, 33 Holman Phillip, 13 Holmes G. P., 11 H. L., 33 Harold, 33 Polk, 14 W. D., 17 Hooper C. A., Mrs., 16 Mary Elizabeth, 26 Horne Absalom, 60 House Dock, 33 Elvis, Rev., 33 J. Elvis, Rev., 33 Laura, 33 Houston Martha A., 15 Howard Michael, 24 Hudlow Diana, 26 Huggins F. C., Mrs., 30 Hughes Eda, 59 Huie W. L., 35 Humphries Ab, 33 Hunt Josephine, 16

Lola Victoria, 57 Hurley W. F., 33 Hutchens Mrs., 33

J Jacks L. L., Mrs., 30 Jackson E. P., 14 Mary J., 16 Jacobs Jesse, 33 James Martha J., 23 Martha Jane, 23 Jenkins G. A., 12 L. A., 12 Lillie, 40 Versa, 40 William, 40 Johnson, 18 Adrian, 26 Alle N. W., 24 Andrew, 24 Buster, 58 C. D., 25 Canzada, 24 Catherine, 58 Charles, 25 Docia Ann, 25 E. O., 21 Ella, 25, 26 J. E., 33 J. J., 25 James A., 24 Jno. H., 17 John Wiley, 24 Johnnie, 25 Josiah, 59 Lydia, 58 Mary Elizabeth, 26 Mittie M., 22 Molisey Adaline, 24

Molissa Adaline, 22, 24, 27 Mormon, 24 Permelia, 60 R. J., 24 Reuben James, 22, 24, 27 Sarah Jane, 20, 27 Troy D., 25 William C., 58 Willis S., 59 Wm., 12 Jolly J. C., 33 Jones Arlis, 45 Betty, 33 Bill, 41 C. R., 13 Dorothy, 41 Elizabeth Rice, 61 Elsie Fay, 41 Emily, 25 Emma, 33 George W., 34 Hannah, 59 Jane Gertrude, 34 Nola, 45 Rufus, 41 Samuel, 41 Virginia, 41 William E., 41 Jorden, 19 A. Clayton, 25 J. W., 25 John Green, 25 Jonathan William, 25 Mary Emaline, 25 Nancy Caroline, 25 T. Glen, 25 Virginia Ruth, 25

K Keeber J. A., 14 Kehoe



Martha Jean Loftis, 9 Martha Loftis, 3 Kelly James A., Mrs., 31 Lillie Rose Zinnia Bell, 59 Kemp Rosetta, 27 Kendig Clyde, 39 Florence, 39 L. C., 39 Ketcherside Jessie Lee, 47 Tilden, 47 Viola, 47 Kettner James, 44 Marie, 44 Odie, 44 Key Lucille Crump, 47 Robert, Rev., 47 Killion Jno., 14 King John, 12 Kirk Martha C., 16 Kirkpatrick Mary, 22, 28 Kizzia Leroy, 59 Knight Alfred Benton, 34 E. E., 34 Henry, 34 Koenbraun E., 11

L Lackey D. A., Mrs., 16 Lucy, 16 Ladd Sallie, 21

Lafferty M. I., Mrs., 16 Landers Herbert, 46 Pauline, 46 Sallie, 46 Lantz Edward M., 25 Lathrop Nettie, 10 Launius C. E., 34 George Russell, 34 Mary Sue, 34 Lawrence Albert C., 42 Ethel, 42 Helen Marie, 42 Lawson C. W., 44 Donna L., 44 Ruth, 44 Lay J. M., Capt., 14 Lee Mollie, 22 Lester Jno. T., 12 Lewis A. K., 11 Alice, 40 Joe, 40 Mary, 16 Virginia, 40 Linn Asa, 9 Daniel Monroe, 9 Elizabeth, 9 Martha Louise, 9 Sarah, 9 Little Mary F., 16 Littleton Eli, 59 Elizabeth Jane, 59 Ellen, 59 George Washington, 59

Hannah, 59 Hiram, 59 William D., 59 Loftis Amanda, 5 America, 5 Archibald, 4 Arthur, 8 Barton O., 5 Bennie, 8 Clinton Lafayette, 6 David, 5 David W., 5 Eliza Arizona, 9 Elizabeth, 5 Ellen, 6, 7, 8 Emilla, 4 Eustice Emanuel, 8 Fate, 6, 7, 8 Francis, 4 George Stanton, 9 Henry Reuben, 3, 8 Jack, 4 James, 3 John, 3, 4 John L., 4 John T., 5 Kins, 8 Labin, 5 Laborn, 5, 7, 8 Laborn Barton, 3 Laborn Benjamin, 8 Landona, 9 Layfayett, 3 Lester, 7 Levi Boleth, 6 Lloyd, 7 Lonnie Viola, 8 Lou, 8 Lou Ellender, 9 Luther, 8 Luther Clinton, 7 Manda, 5 Manda J., 5 Marion, 4 Martha, 7 Martha Ann Elizabeth, 6


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Martha Austell, 6 Mary Jane, 8 Mary Levicy, 7 Mildred McKim, 9 Milla, 3 Milley, 3 Minnie Esther, 7 Missouri, 3 Nancy, 5 Nancy J., 9 Ola McKim, 9 Parlee, 5, 9 Phillip Luther, 8 Polly, 5 Rowland L. D., 4 Ruby, 3, 4 Ruby Floyd, 7 Ruby S., 8 Stanton, 5 Thomas Lestter, 7 Varenda, 4 Wanda Lee, 7 William, 3, 4, 6, 8 Winfield S., 5 Long H. C., 11 Henry C., 10 Mary Ann, 10 Love Carroll, 34 T. D., 34 Lowe Gladys Mae, 45 Ora Mae, 45 Wilburn, 45 Lucas Eliza, 26 Lupo M., Mrs., 34 Margorie, 34

M Mackey Victoria, 8 Mairs Mary, 39 Major

T. J., Dr., 14 Mann C. E., Mrs., 30 Manning Roland, 7 Manship Lee, 16 Marlar Ruben, 13 Marr C. B., 14 Marshall Albert Lafayette, 25 Amanda Jane, 24, 26 Cordie B., 25 Lonia, 25 Martin Bertha M., 28 Henry, 34 J. J., 12 R. T., Col., 12 Mason Nancy Sarah, 59 Mathews, 25, 27 Allia, 24 James, 24 James William, 25 Molissa Adaline, 22, 24, 27 Matteson B. J., 11 McCallee W. M., 17 McCarroll C. J., 10 McClenney Sarah P., 16 McClure T. H. B., 11 McCluskey Rita Jane, 45 McClusky Jim, 45 McCrory C. W., 12 McCullar Johnny, 7

McCurry Albert Robinson, 60 James B., 60 John Wilburn, 60 Martha Jane, 60 Matilda Arthus, 60 Samuel, 60 Sarah Catherine, 60 McDearman A. J., Mrs., 16 McDole Cecil E., 44 Charlotte, 44 Red, 44 McDougal Henry C., 14 Lester Dean, 40 Linda, 40 Loyd, 40 Mary, 40 Scottsman, 40 McFerran James B., 61 McGriff Jessie, 47 McKenzie Henrietta, 34 T. T., 34 McKim George B., 9 Isaac Grason, 9 John Calvin, 7, 8 Mildred, 8 Ola, 7, 8 Parlee, 9 Willie, 8 McKnight Cora Ellen, 8 Hugh Franklin, 8 Jacob, Dr., 34 Lucy Ann Virginia, 8 Mrs., 34 McManus F. M., 34 McMurray J. D., 14


McNeill J. T., 17 McWhorter Reba, 45 Medlock Adaliza, 53 Benjamin F., 52, 53, 54, 57 Charles, 52, 53 Eliza Jane, 52, 53 Julia A., 52 Martha Adaliza, 52 Martha Baugh, 52, 53 Mary Ella, 48, 54, 55, 57 Monroe, 52, 53 Montgomery S., 52 Thomas, 54, 55 William, 54, 55 Mellard Etta, 34 J. J., Rev., 34 Merritt Gordon, Mrs., 33 Miller Clara, 40 Jim, 40 John B., Capt., 13 Raymond, 40 Valerie, 40 William E., 25 Mills John, 32 Mix G. T., 14 Moad Amos, 61 Bertha, 61 Elias, 61 Elizabeth, 61 Faraba, 61 James, 61 John, 61 Sarah Ann, 61 Savilla, 61 William, 61 Wylie, 61


Monk Mary, 6 Montgomery Maude, 45 Mildred Joyce, 45 Otis, 45 Moon George F., 27 Nancy L., 27 Moore Clara, 34 Dr., 30 Mary D., 24 Oma l., 25 Morgan Frank, 35 Howell, 35 Morris G. L., 12 Morse Evelyn, 42 Mosley Charles, 44 Norma Jean, 44 Moudy Eugene, 46 Lavada, 46 Mummert J. D., 17 Murphy Gladys Mae Helm, 45 James, 45 Myatt J. H., 10 Myer Margarite, 11 Martin, 11

N Neal S. A., 17 Neighbors M. E., Mrs., 16 Nix Emma, 35 H. F., 35

Sam, 35 Will, 36 Nored J. E., 13 Norton N. S., 12 Nutt Albert, 35

O O’Neal Sarah, 60 Thomas York, 60

P Pagett Dennis, 17 Pardue Lula, 43 Wanda, 43 William, 43 Parish Carolyne Frances, 35 Sam, 35 Parmentur J. L., 13 Parrot Bettie Ann, 16 Parrott R. G., 14 Paschal Jack, 35 Pate Emily M., 16 Patterson Martha Louise, 9 Penicks Zelda, 28 Peterson Edna, 36 J. T., 36 Petty Mary Jane, 16 Peugh Earline, 23


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Phillips M. E., Mrs., 16 Rate H., 17 Phinney Mabel Irene, 42 Rex, 42 Pierce Charley, 43 Edna, 43 Reba Cleo, 43 Pierson A. J., 25 Andrew Jackson, 25 Disa, 25 Elizabeth, 21 Jacob, 19, 20, 25 Janatta, 19, 20 Janetta, 25 Martha Jane, 23, 27, 28 Sarah Ann, 28 Piper Katrina M., 61 Pollick Freida Lorine, 41 Pool Dorshe Elizabeth, 25 Harry, 25 J. A., 13 Lizzie, 25 W. H., 35 Popejoy Edward Hovel Downs, 25 Porter J. L., 14 Potter Jennifer, 25 Pratt Jeanne, 43 Pugh Anthony, 24

Q Quarles

Dock, 29 W. M., 17 Quattlebaum Levicy, 6 Lou Ellender, 6, 9 Martha Ann Elizabeth, 6 Mary Monk, 8 Phillip, 6, 8 Thomas Paul, 8 Quinn John T., 60 Lorenzo, 60

R Ragan Cap., 18 Ramer J. E., 12 Ramos Guadalupe, 43 Ramsey W. H., Maj., 13 Raper Dempsey, 35 J. J., 35 Ray Anderson "Boss", 60 Betty J., 60 Florence, 60 Reades Lucinda, 16 Reeves John, 47 Mary Alice, 47 Sarah, 47 Regan Faye Louise, 39 John, 39 Reid Sarah, 58 Reiser Dr., 35 Rhodes Aletha, 43 E. I., 35

Emma, 43 Jeanne, 43 Sarah Elizebeth, 35 William, 43 William Carrel, 43 Rice J. C., 13 Richards F. W., 14 Riggan Hiram J., 35 James Thomas, 35 Tom, 35 Riley Mr., 35 Sarah Ann, 61 Ritter John N., 10 W. J., 12 Roberts Martha Luvinia, 7 Maude, 8 Robertson Docia Ann, 25 Elgan R., 26 Ella, 25, 26 Ella M., 26 Guss V., 25 Mark R., 25 W. M., 26 William M., 25, 26 William Martin, 25 Rockett Harmon, 18 Martha Chiles, 18 Rodebush G. W., 10 Roe Flora, 44 Foister, 44 J. D., 44 James Darle, 44 Rogers Alice, 32 Allie Jane, 42 Claudie Pearl, 52 D. N., Mrs., 35 Darwin Frank, 42


Elery, 53 H. J., 35 J. P., 14 Joseph Monroe, 52 Lou, Mrs., 38 Pennie E., 53 Pennie Eliza, 53 Robert Ansley, 53 Sarah Jane, 20 Roosevelt Eliza Ellis, 17 Root Andrew, 62 Daniel, 62 David D., 62 Jacob, 62 Joel, 62 Lue Ann Kingcade, 62 Samuel, 62 Sarah, 62 Rose Charles M., Rev., 26 James, 35 Sarah Predence, 35 Rowland Helen, 36 Rule E. F., Mrs., 16 Rush B. F., 12 Russel S. B., 10 Russell A. B., 26 David Simpson, 26 Edna, 36 Eliza, 26 Eliza Diana, 25 Emeline, 26 J. D., 26 J. F., 36 James D., 26 Jim, 36 John L., 19, 20, 26, 28 Jottie, 26


Joyce E., 26 Joyce Elizabeth, 26 Sarah Ellen, 20 Turley, 20, 28 William, 26 Rutledge John, 36

S Sadler Annie, 36 Henry Davis, 36 Salazar Cipriana, 43 Roque, 43 Salmon Nancy, 16 Sanders Emma C., 16 Scantling Freida Lorine, 41 Henry, 41 Lorine, 41 Scott Andrew, 61 Mr., 36 Scrimpshire Jim, Mrs., 36 Scrimshire James, Mrs., 36 Joe, 29 Shaddock Eugene, 36 Sharp Exy E., 16 Geo. A., 14 Mrs., 36 W. D., Mrs., 36 Shasted Rachel, 23 Shelton Betty Joe, 26 James Henry, 26 Jessie, 36 Millie, 26 Rosanna, 26 V. C., 26

Virgil Clarence, 26 Shirley Martha Austell, 6 Shumate Joseph T., 61 Sills Wm., 12 Simmons Emeline, 16 L. E., Mrs., 16 Marie, 44 Sisk Taylor, 12 Sisson Nancy, 8 Slocum J. D., 11 Smith E. B., Mrs., 37 Etta B., 36 Etta Borage, 36 J. A., 37 J. H., 11 J. L., 37 Rual, 37 W. F., 14 Southerland J. E., 11 Minerva J., 16 Spain A. D., 26 Alson Browning, 24, 26 Amanda Jane, 24, 26 Arthur Delovd, 26 Clifford, 26 Mamie, 26 Susan, 26 Sparks Walter, Mrs., 37 Spears J. C., 14 Sylvia Ann, 16 Speck Wm. B., Mrs., 35 Speer Dan, 31, 34


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Spellman C. M., Maj., 11 Spence Emaline, 6 Spradling Elizabeth C., 16 Stacy Columbus, 42 Evelyn, 42 Wilma, 42 Stafford Bollie Lee, 27 James, 47 John W., 27 Loyd E., 27 Marcus D., 25 Mary Alice, 47 Mary J., 27 Ollie B., Mrs., 27 R. L., 27 Rita Gay, 27 Robert L., 20, 27 Sarah Jane, 20, 27 Verna, 20 Stair Elizabeth, 16 Stark Bent, 14 Maj., 13 Steadman Nelson, 13 Steed Sobe, Mrs., 37 Stell Asbury, 37 Minerva, 37 Stenehjem Mildred Joyce, 45 Orion, 45 Stewart, 19 Brown, 27 Eliza Jane, 20, 25, 27 Enola, 26 J. M., 27 James Andrew, 26 Joseph M., 20, 25

Joseph McDonald, 25, 27 Maude C., 26 N. B., 27 Thomas Riley, 27 Still Levicy, 6 Stout Pansy Faye, 40 Russell, 40 Stoutenberg Moses, 59 Stratton Earl, 32 Otis, 32 Stripling Exie, 8 Henry, 8 Vivian, 8 Stroud Abbey, 39 Fred, 39 Ray Dean, 39 Sykes J. B., 11 Mattie, 11 Synco Lucy Ann Virginia, 8

T Talbert Charles, Mrs., 30 Tarver Geo. H., 15 Tatum Mildred, 39 Taylor Bernie Raymond, 27 Berry K., 27 Charley, 37 Charlie, 37 Fay, 37 Leon, 37 Sarah J., 27 William Oscar, 27

Teague S. O., Mrs., 16 Thomas Wm., 13 Thompson Jno. M., 15 Thorlton G. W., 17 Tidrick Hettie, 23 Tiller James, 41 Mary Effie, 41 Thelma Ann, 41 Tillery W. T., 13 Tipton Horace, 34 Tomlinson Rosanna, 26 Townson Hazel, 46 Trawick Geo. W., 15 Trickett Albert, 27 B. W., 27 Boley W., 27 Demila, 27 Doris Luise, 28 Emily Jane, 27 Emma, 22 Garland, 27 George Albert, 27 Margie E., 27 Mary Emma, 28 S. G., 27 Sally Mae, 27 Sarah Elizabeth, 27 Singleton Govan, 27 Tripplett Gray, 37 Trump John, 11 Tucker J. D., 37 Turnage



Jack, 43 Phyllis, 43 W. A., 15 Turney P. G., 12 Tyler James Lee, 28 Lora Vergina, 28

U Ulmstead Sidney A., 37 Underwood A. J., Dr., 11

V Van Winkle Mary, 40 Vance Gene, 46 Jean, 46 Levi, 13 M. D., 17 Vanover Levi, 13 Varner H., 13 Vaughn R. P., 13 Vaught Alfred Taylor, 28 Cynthia, 24 Dora T., 23 Hiram M., 28 Martha, 23, 27 Mary Jane, 28 Sarah, 28 Vaulx Sam F., 37 Vedder Alta A., 21 Verser Jane E., 15 Vinson J. S., 12

W Wagnon, 37 Wallingford Mrs., 31 Walter Lizza, 37 Ward Lucy J., 28 M. R., 28 W. J., 28 Warren Eighter, 61 Frances E., 61 Garry W., 61 Harriet J., 61 Joseph L., 61 Marion D., 61 Mary Ann A., 61 Massila A., 61 Sara D., 61 William L., 61 Webb Eura Les, 6 Martha, 6 Wesley, 37 Weir Andrew, 39 Roxie J., 39 Wells Mary F., 15 West Aaron Willard, 45 Jeanetta Belle, 45 Marie, 44 Westerman Emma, 43 Whaley Eliza Jane, 57 Whitaker Angeline, 15 White Alpha Lee, 28 Bertha M., 28 Elgin Lee, 28 Eliza Jane, 20, 25 Eupha Inez, 28

George Washington, 23, 27, 28 Henry H. H., 19 Henry Harrison Higgins, 28 Luther L., 28 Martha Jane, 23, 27, 28 Mary Jane, 28 Mrs. M. A., 53 Nadean M., 40 Noah L., 28 Omer L., 28 Woodrow, 40 Zelda, 28 Whitefield Ellon, 40 Nadean M., 40 William, 40 Whitehead William, 12 Whitener Minnie Nutt, 38 Robert, 38 Whitfield Ellon, 40 Nadean M., 40 William, 40 Whittaker Wanda Lee, 7 Wideman Bethana, 15 Wilcox Berry, 38 Gus, 38 Wilhite Oscar Elmer, 58 Wilkes J. B., 15, 17 Wilkins Elmer, 38 Lawrence, 38 Wille Fayette, Mrs., 30 Williams Clark, 38 Elbert, 38


The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 49, Number 1 – March 2011

Fran, 45 Frances Blagg, 45 Irene, 38 Jno. M., 13 John W., 38 Lewis, 38 Margie, 38 R. E., Mrs., 15 Ray, 38 Willis Alex, 38 Wilmore Wesley, 17 Wilson Anna Lula, 52 Charles Henry, 52, 53 Dawson, 53 Fate, 38 Flavious Josephus, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57 Jno. H., 11 John Marshall, 53, 57 Johnnie Marshall, 52 Joseph Andrew, 53 Joseph Benjamin, 52, 53 Julia, 15 Julia Henrietta, 52, 53 Larkin, 52 Lidy Jane, 24 Louie Paul, 57 Margaret Jane, 21 Martha Fannie, 52

Martha Francis, 52, 53 Mary Ella, 48, 53, 56 Mary Ellen, 53 Maudia, 52 Pennie Eliza, 52 Rebecca, 48 Rebecca Victoria, 57 Sallie, 53 Sallie Henrietta, 53, 57 Sephos B., 52 William, 21 Winchester Margaret P., 60 Witcher Ora, 18 Wohlenberg Dan, 61 Harold, 61 Womack Bob, 38 Wood J. P., 11 Willis, 38 Woods William Homer, 28 Wilma Fay, 28 Woolfolk Carrie, 42 Elzie C., 42 Joseph, 42 Viola, 42 Wortham S. J., Mrs., 15 Worthington, 34 Wright

Harold Bell, 29 John, Mrs., 38 S. W., 11 Wilma Jean, 41

Y Yancy Charles Lee, 28 Dors, 28 Emma Trickett, 22 Ester Pearl, 28 Floyd T., 28 Floyd Thomas, 28 King S., 28 Lola Pearl, 22, 23 Mary Ellen, 28 Mary Emma, 28 Mazie, 28 Mazie Jane, 28 Mollie, 28 Steve C., 22, 28 Yeager Emma, 38 Ernest, 38 Guy, 38 Jeff, 38 Young Isaac W., Rev., 28 Mary, 28

Z Zurga Joseph, 41 Ressie Angelica, 41 Sophie, 41

Certificate of Arkansas Ancestry Or

Arkansas Civil War Ancestry From the Arkansas Genealogical Society Do you have ancestors who resided in Arkansas or had Arkansas Civil War service or pension? AGS offers certificates in five different categories of residency. In which category does your ancestor belong? A little research will qualify you for a certificate giving recognition to your family’s pioneers and settlers of Arkansas. The categories are:

Colonial This certificate is for an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 1 January 1804.

Territorial This certificate is for an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 15 June 1836.

Antebellum This certificate is for an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 6 May 1861.

Nineteenth Century This certificate is for an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 31 December 1900.

Civil War Ancestry This certificate is for an ancestor who served in a Union or Confederate Arkansas unit between 1861 and 1865, or applied for an Arkansas Confederate pension, or whose widow applied for such pension, or a Union soldier or soldier’s widow who applied for a U.S. pension while living in Arkansas. To prove ancestry in Arkansas, a lineage of the direct ancestor must be submitted to AGS along with source documents to prove these facts. A family group sheet of the ancestor who resided in Arkansas must be completed with primary sources as proof. All sources must be cited, photocopied and submitted with the application. Examples of acceptable documents include: census records, church or Bible records, tax lists, court records, military records, land patents, deeds, newspaper items, Civil War service record, or Arkansas Confederate or U.S. pension record. Applications will be filmed by the Arkansas History Commission. Print the application from the AGS website at or write to Tommy Carter, 10106 Sulphur Springs Rd., Pine Bluff, AR 71603 and send your address with $1.00 for postage. Complete the application form and return it with $10.00.

Arkansas Genealogical Society Membership Application or Renewal Form Benefits of membership:

∙ Quarterly issues of The Arkansas Family Historian ∙ Queries published in The Arkansas Family Historian

Membership dues are payable annually and entitle members to a year’s subscription to the Society’s periodical. New memberships may be submitted at any time of the year.

Check one:

_____ New Membership _____ Renewal

Name: Address: City:



E-mail: Type of Membership:

_____ Individual ($25/yr)

_____ Household ($35/yr)

_____ Foreign Resident ($50/yr)

Query for The Arkansas Family Historian Members may submit queries that pertain to Arkansas families. Please try to mention the county or region of Arkansas involved and a full name and date, if possible. Queries are printed in the order received. They may be sent at any time by email to [email protected].

Send this form and a check payable to Arkansas Genealogical Society to: Arkansas Genealogical Society P.O. Box 26374 Little Rock, AR 72221-6374

Arkansas Genealogical Society A member of the National Genealogical Society and the Federation of Genealogical Societies The Arkansas Genealogical Society began in 1962 and is incorporated as a non-profit organization. The purpose of this society is to promote genealogy, to educate its members in genealogical research, to publish articles pertaining to Arkansas ancestors, and to locate and preserve genealogical, historical, and biographical information and records.

Membership Any person interested in genealogy is encouraged to become a member by payment of dues in advance for one year. Annual dues are $25.00 for individual, $35.00 for family (only one publication per family), $50.00 for residents outside the USA. This includes a year’s subscription to the society’s periodical. Make your check or money order payable to: AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374.

Back Issues Back issues of The Arkansas Family Historian are available on the AGS web site, Non-members may purchase electronic copies for $5.00 each mailed to AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374.

Research Policy The society regrets that we are unable to provide research for members. We do suggest that anyone wanting fee-based research refer to the Association of Professional Genealogists website for a list of researchers at

Book Reviews Authors and publishers may submit books for review in The Arkansas Family Historian. Books for review should be sent to AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374. All materials become the property of AGS to be distributed to repositories as the society deems appropriate or the submitter requests.

Queries Members may submit queries related to Arkansas ancestors to be published in The Arkansas Family Historian. Send queries by e-mail to [email protected] or mail them to AGS Queries, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374. Be sure to include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number.

Submissions Please submit articles, transcripts, indexes, Bible records and other material to be considered for publication. Photographs and materials will not be returned. Sources should be cited as footnotes or endnotes. Materials may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or on disk or paper to AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374. The right to edit all material submitted is reserved by the Editorial Board. The submitter must include name, address, phone number and e-mail address with the material. Proof copies will be sent prior to printing if requested.

Contributions AGS qualifies as a tax-exempt organization as stated in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Any donation of books, funds and other property to the society are deductible contributions by an individual or corporation. Change of Address Please notify AGS with your change of address or a mistake in address as soon as possible. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or AGS, PO Box 26374, Little Rock, AR 72221-6374.

Arkansas Genealogical Society P.O. Box 26374 Little Rock, AR 72221-6374 Address Service Requested

ISSN 0571-0472

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