Oct 26, 2017 - the competition is Chicago's cityscape. Designers are challenged to utilize the vast city architecture, c
The AVANTE GARDE COMPETITON Application SPRING/SUMMERR 2018 1. THE AVANT GARDE OBJECT COMPETITION EXISTS TO: Avant Garde is a competitive initiative brought to you by FashionBar Chicago to be held during CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK (2018 Spring/Summer Collection) scheduled for fall 2017. The theme of the competition is Chicago's cityscape. Designers are challenged to utilize the vast city architecture, culture, diversity, lake front and landmark's that make Chicago a global cosmopolitan city. The 2017 Spring/Summer first laureates will receive a $750.00 Award and a Certification for their creative and original work based on theme. The Judging is based on coherence with the theme, skill level, creativity, artful expressiveness and overall execution: 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION 2017 FOR SPRING/SUMMER 2018: The competition is open to designers from the Greater Chicagoland Area. Participants will not only represent themselves, but also their designer brand.
Candidates must be a current resident of Illinois and can be professionally employed in the design industry at the time of the submission of their project. Candidates must pay a fee of $200.00 to compete in the annual avante garde competition. Candidates must design their own original projects completely by themselves. Candidates must follow the design and specifications outlined in their application for realization of their final project. Registration must be submitted on an individual basis. Online registration, applications, and final projects received after the deadlines will not be accepted. Projects selected in the Avant Garde competition cannot be presented in another competition during the year 2017/2018. Projects selected in the Avant Garde competition cannot be exhibited and published without the written mention of FashionBar Chicago: selected or awarded for the Avant Garde Competition 2017/2018.
4. RULES & REGULATIONS FOR AVANT GARDE OBJECT COMPETITION 2017: 1st STEP Registration Begins June 27th, 2017: Review the following key steps to begin your submitting process. If you have any questions, please email us at:
[email protected]. 2nd STEP September 15th, 2017: Deadline to receive all submission applications. The application materials should be completed as listed below.
CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK, 1410 West Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 2North, Chicago, IL 60640 Email:
[email protected]
1 page for the introduction of the idea/theme/concept 1 page for initial design ideas 1 page for design development 1 page for hair and make-up inspiration submitted to sponsored salon 1 page for manufacturing process 1 page detailing written concept (maximum 100 words) 1 page with image of your select model to represent your brand
Format of each page: A4 (PLEASE COMBINE ALL 6 PAGES INTO SINGLE PDF DIGITAL DOCUMENT). Full name & email to appear on each page. Please email the required PDF documents to
[email protected]. 3rd STEP August 31st, 2017: All designers submitting to compete will be required to attain a Chicago based salon to provide Hair and Make-up to ensure overall design execution is achieved. Your sponsors salon will be required to receive advance Hair and Make-up inspiration to ensure quality is achieved during the competition. September 3rd and 4th, 2017: All candidates will be invited to have their Avant Garde garment to be submitted for evaluation. All garments submitted will be evaluation for construction and design prior to competing. 4th STEP October 04, 2017: Deadline for all selected projects to be received. Late projects will not be accepted under any circumstances. 1. EXCLUSION CLAUSE: Entries will be automatically disqualified from the competition for the following reasons:
If the final project does not follow the design or specifications outlined in the candidate’s original application. If they are received after the deadline. If they may result in any copyright infringement or legal dispute for the jury, organizers, sponsors, or college. If they pressure for preferential treatment by the jury members, the college, the organizers, or sponsors of the competition.
Applications and Final Projects will be judged by experts and wellknown professionals from fashion, design, media, and other fields. In all matters concerning the course of the competition, including the selection of award winners and settling disputes, the decisions of the judges are final. All matters will be decided by majority vote and are not subject to appeal. In case of a tie, the President of the Jury will cast the deciding vote. Candidates will be presented anonymously to the first round Jury by the competition organizers. Jury deliberations will not be made public.
CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK, 1410 West Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 2North, Chicago, IL 60640 Email:
[email protected]
The AVANTE GARDE COMPETITON Application SPRING/SUMMERR 2018 COMPETITIONG SHOW DETAILS: Date: Thursday, October 26th 2017 Venue: TBD Time: 6:00pm to 10:00pm 2. PROTECTION OF WORK: Candidates maintain artistic ownership of their designs and final projects. By the act of participating in the AVANT GARDE object competition, candidates give permission to the organizers and sponsors to contact and promote them and their projects through a wide range of media: press, TV, internet, mailing, advertising, exhibitions, fashion show, etc… for a period of twelve months following the Final. Winning projects cannot be presented in another CHICAGO'S FASHIONWEEK competition for twelve months following the Final. If a winning project is exhibited or published in any media, mention of the CHICAGO'S FASHIONWEEK AVANT GARDE object Competition is required. 3. AMENDMENT SUSPENSION TERMINATION INSURANCE: In the event the AVANT GARDE Competition 2017 is suspended or terminated for any reason, the organizers, as well as the sponsors, will not be held responsible in any way.
CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK and its members, volunteers, guests and instructors, and the colleges will not in any way be responsible for any accident, damage or loss of the final projects or candidates’ belongings during the course of competition, including workshops, masterclass, conference, exhibition, transportation, and all events. It is the responsibility of the participants to insure their submissions. Mailing Address Information: Please type or print clearly. Exhibiting Designer Collection Company Name______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Website _____________________________________________________________________________ Address 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________________________________________ State ___________________________Zip_________________________________________________ Province_________________________ Country_____________________________________________ Phone ____________________________Fax_______________________________________________ Key Personnel:
CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK, 1410 West Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 2North, Chicago, IL 60640 Email:
[email protected]
The AVANTE GARDE COMPETITON Application SPRING/SUMMERR 2018 Management Contact Name_____________________________________________________________ Management Contact Title (CEO/ President/V.P. etc)__________________________________________ Management Contact Phone Number _____________________________________________________ Management Contact E-Mail ____________________________________________________________
Select Collection Show Category Below: Request for show space will be allotted as available. CHICAGOFASHIONWEEK will attempt to honor the AVANTE GARDE garments described in this application, but all decisions regarding show placement are the sole discretion of CHICAGOFASHIONWEEK.
CHICAGO'S FASHION WEEK, 1410 West Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 2North, Chicago, IL 60640 Email:
[email protected]